Alanah, Queen of Hearts Ch. 03

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The Bunnygirl needs a big fat carrot.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/20/2022
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Tim wasn't the kind of person who would lie to the women he wanted to fuck. It was why he was honest when he said he lived closeby. It was only a short fifteen minute walk from where he and Lola had their chance encounter. In those fifteen minutes, the eighteen year old girl had opened up to him. It was the homeland they shared, it brought them a mutual trust. But to Tim, there was a naivety to Lola. It was all too easy for him to prey on her, to take him back to his place. It was nothing dissimilar to the times he had done it before, to older women. It was likely that the angel he was walking with knew he wanted her; and, by all accounts, she wanted him. As she spoke without a filter about her unfaithful boyfriend, he pictured the scenario where someone whom she didn't like wanted to take her home. Would she even believe the lies a horny man would make to see what her legs and ass looked like without her denim skirt?

"So, you're sounding like you want to ditch this guy?" Time said, as he flicked the lights of his rickety apartment on. Comparing where he was living to where he lived five years ago was night and day. Gone was the fresh air, the huge rooms, the wall sized window that overlooked the city. Now he lived in a green walled, dingy studio, with an admittedly decent living space, with a double bed pushed beside the only window. It was open, and breathed the curtains in and out of the opening as the wind gushed through, creating a cold place. Lola rubbed her arms and surveyed the place. It too was different to her place. Her campus dorm was like a prison compared to Tim's home. A confinement where nothing which was said, or moaned, went unheard. It embarrassed her to know that people on the other side of her wall knew what sounds she made when she moaned. It was why Jack had told her she was boring, she had became all but mute when she fucked.

"I started thinking about it when he said he wanted us to be open. I was convinced to leave when he got pissy when he leanred I went on a date with his guy from the chess club."

"Chess club?" Tim asked, fishing through the cupboards for two mugs. "Coffee?"

"Yeah, I like men who think." She slipped onto the sofa, tugging her skirt down to cover the embarrassing view of her thighs compressing together. "Do...You have anything stronger?"

"Stronger?" Tim raised a brow. "You're not old enough to drink."

Sassily, Lola crossed her arms and pouted. Immediately he saw Alanah in her stead, but he blinked, and Lola and her pretty bright brownish blonde hair returned. "I work in a bar."

"Good point."

"Besides. If the police come, you can say I'm twenty six." She winked, and giggled as Tim pulled two cheap cans from the fridge. He sat beside her, passing one of the cold cans to her. She took it, wrapping her hand around it and rubbed it against her neck and well-defined collarbones. "It gets too hot working in that place. I'm so sweaty." She rolled it around her skin, and sighed as the cold worked into her muscles. Tim watched, tracing the droplet of condensation trickle down her front and vanish between the cavern of her cleavage.

"Yeah I got a bit hot in there too." He shuffled closer to her, and she twisted her body to him, pulling her black tank top up to expose the dip of her abs and bellybutton. She was breathing heavily, eyes enamoured with every part of him. She had stripped her jacket off at the door, so he saw the gooseflesh pimple on her arms. He held back a smile when he saw her flick her gaze from his eyes to his lips, to a sly blink and you'll miss it glance at his lap. She tensed up when he stroked her shoulders, draping his arm over her and delicately running his fingers over her forearm on her left side.

"You know, thinking about Jack, he just makes my blood boil."


"Yeah. I get so pissed off I just want to scream."

"I bet you're cute when you're pissed off."

"Pray you don't get on my bad side, stranger. I can be a real bitch when I'm mad."

"Now you sound like my ex."

"Do I?" Tim nodded, he was oddly calm, yet excited that she carefully leant over to push her big tits on his chest. They stared at each other, inches from their lips connecting. "Was she pretty? You're ex?"

"Alanah? Oh yeah."

"...Prettier than me?"

"You're a lot younger than her."

"Is that a yes?"

"In some ways."

"Fuck, you're totally a lawyer."

"I'm an honest guy, what can I say?"

Lola leaned in, pressing her hand on his chest which burned like a fire on his shirt. He backed away, smiling. She huffed quietly, sucking hard on her bottom lip.

"So, your boyfriend, he was making you pissed?" He cracked his beer open and drank in heavy gulps. Lola watched, squeezing her can with both hands which rested on her thighs. She had started to feel tender, delicate, and crushingly horny for the man who held her like he owned her. She quietly hiked her legs up on his lap, and dragged herself over to mount him, side saddled, on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hooking one leg over the other without a care if her skirt rode far too high up her chicken drumstick legs. Her breasts were now firmly on him, spilling over the low neckline of her top. Tim, grinning, put his can on the floor and braced her on the dip of her back, hand stroking her bare legs in long, caring strokes that made her breath quiver.

"He makes me want to do something stupid and irresponsible."

"I can think of a few stupid and irresponsible things we can do, Lola."

"That's not my name, stranger."

"No, but doesn't that make it so much more irresponsible."

"I want you."

"The bunny wants a carrot?"

She kissed him lightly, and the taste of her strawberry balm lingered on his lips. "I want it so fucking bad."

Tim acted quickly, grasping her and pushing her to lay on the sofa. He heard her yelp, and her pretty eyes were wide with excitement. He held her wrists above her head, and pressed his lips on hers. She accepted him, writhing underneath him as she held back her moans. Tim felt the heavy air that pushed out of her nose, and was glad to feel her arch her body up to feel his body more. She teased his tongue with her own, licking it to pull it into her mouth. She was a good kisser, and the taste on her lips was divine.

They made no effort to say anything to one another, Tim led, and she followed; when he nibbled on her bottom lip she licked his lips, when he took heavy gulps of breaths between their hungry makeout, she too heaved her chest in and out like she was a diver in deep ocean. So when he pulled up to tear his shirt from his body she hooked her arms over the bottom of her tank top and rolled it up her body, letting her breasts free to stand perky and large. She reached to run her hands through his chest hair, to admire the body of her senior. For Tim, Lola's hands were sensitive to him, every fingertip stroking his skin felt like a fire had left a scolding mark on him; her barely legal youth was like a brand; this man has fucked a teenager only a few months legal, and she's in a relationship. On a normal day he would think it shameful, but her body was too good to pass up. He groped her, and she threw her head back and purred. "All the girls with big tits feel sensitive."

She could only hum in agreement, the sound of her throat quivering as he firmly fondled her. Lola dragged her hands down his body to his belt, pulling at it to loosen his black slacks. She did it to tease, as she looked up with hazy, lust driven eyes. Tim, being far more direct, pulled at the button on her skirt, and zipped the fly down. She blushed, following his silent order to take it off. His eyes glowed, and the noticeable throb down his left leg pushed against his trousers as the leopard print thong came into his view. She shimmied the tight denim skirt up her long legs; having to extend them up and brace the balls of her feet against his chest. She tossed them to the floor, and moved up the sofa as Tim knelt between her legs. He ran his hands up from her knees, feeling how soft she was, she bit her lip, tossing her pretty hair back so she could see him explore her.

Her crotch was damp, the wet patch getting larger with every sodden throb of her pussy. He liked the choice of design, just slutty enough to tell him that sex was something she always had on the mind. She rolled her head back and ran her fingers over herself, revealing in his glorious touch. It was easy for him, every pleasure point in her legs, inner thigh and, of course, the feel of her underwear against her pussy. He touched them all, leaning forward to suck along her neckline, marking her with red love bites. She didn't want him to stop, whilst one hand groped for his crotch her other slithered into the back of his head, feebly trying to push him to where she needed the next mark to be left on her.

It was when Tim smelt her sweet musk of perfume and shampoo, mixed with the pheromones of desire to mate, when Lola's body stiffened. It was sudden, and not from how his thumb delicately stroked her damp spot. He looked into her eyes, wide, glazed over like a doll's. She was conscious, as the hazel gemstones darted around him, too fast for him to even notice where she was focusing on before she moved to the next part of him.

He felt her hand squeeze his bulge, and it made sense. He grinned, combing her hair behind her ear as he had seen her do before. "Take it out."

Audibly, Lola gulped, and went to undress him. She had delicately removed the buckle from his belt, and pressed the zipper between her finger and thumb before peeling it down its path. Tim pulled his trousers down, showing the immense bulge in his underwear. Lola could only smile as she rolled the briefs down his hips and let his cock bounce free and stroke against her abdomen.


Jack had been five inches, give or take. It was hard to measure a morning wood when he would writhe and throb when he slept. But Jessica had to know, back then, if her boyfriend at the time really was eight inches as he said he was when she first flirted with him. One morning, after a long night together, she woke up earlier than him, armed with measuring tape she had packed in her purse specifically to see if he was lying to her. He said eight inches, she thought to herself as she pulled the yellow tape up and up until the head throbbed against the marker of five inches. She called it the first lie which showed her that he wasn't to be trusted.

If this stranger had told her he was over double the size of her soon to be ex boyfriend, disgusted and cheated were the first things she would feel. But now, as it pulsated against her pale white skin, she felt in awe. She was scared to touch it, seeing it point directly up at her, the veins giving it that extra texture. He was uncut, with the hood peeled naturally back over the girth of his head. This man was mature, older, willing to mate with her, despite her age which would make many shake their head in shame. And his dick was magnificent. Her pussy throbbed for him more, the touch of his rough skin against her smoothness felt all the more exhilarating. He was gentle in how he groped her tits, and how he stroked his fingers over her forearm. This stranger would break her if he wanted, but he was gentle, oh so tender with her. It was bittersweet, as she felt herself reaching to match his light touches of her body, over his long, solid shaft which bounced when she traced his veins from the base to his foreskin. On the one hand she felt admiration for him, he was happy to go slow for her, holy fuck she needed that. But, the longer she took in his inches, the hunger settled in. She needed him to give her a good, hard fucking. Show her what a mature, older man can do to a young woman like herself.

She tore herself away from staring at his cock, batting her eyes sweetly, it came so naturally. "I need you inside me."


"Do you want me to put-"

"N-no!" Lola blushed, sucking hard on her bottom lip at the quickness of her response to him. "I said I wanted to be irresponsible. I think getting it raw from such a fucking stud is plenty irresponsible."

"You're a lot less innocent than you look."

She giggled, which caused a throb and a bead of hot pre to drizzle onto her tummy. It made her giggle again, which repeated the process. She was too cute for him. "I think you made me want to be bad...You already got me questioning if I really can fuck good."

"I'll go slow." Lola protested, shaking her head as she stroked him with both her hands.

"I want you at your best." She lied, it was obvious from how it was the only time she had spent in his apartment looking away from him. But, he took her consent. And pulled her thong to one side and rubbed the pronounced underbelly of his cock against her soaking wet pussy.

His underbelly parted her lips when he thrusted it slowly forwards and backwards, he smiled when she mewed, in a trance to his sudden overwhelming dominance. He had seen women react in all sorts of ways. There were some which cowered, only willing to take him as a thanks for his finger and head game, others outright refused. Tim knew Lola was a keeper from how she quivered, and never let his cock leave her line of sight for more than a few seconds. She didn't know it, being eighteen meant even she was yet to familiarise herself with what she craved and what she could live without. One thing was for sure, her body was bursting at the seams with signs that this bunny girl loved her carrots as big as possible.

The anticipation was killing her, eagerness had become more prominent, her soaked lips drooling even more, soaking the sofa under them. Her scent was strong in Tim's nose, her soft breaths carrying her sweet sexual chirps into his ears. He wanted to touch her, to feel her, taste what her pussy was like, whether her nectar would be strong in flavour; and he wondered if she had ever felt a man's tongue between her legs. That was for another time though, the teen was desperate, afterall.

It happened quickly, Tim pulled his hips back, and plunged himself inside of her, burying four inches into her. Lola screamed in pleasure, her arms shooting up to hold onto his shoulders. Her muscles tensed, thighs clenching as her legs went rigid with her converse shoes feeling her toes curl.

Her pussy was incredible. Unwavering in its intense grip and tightness, she felt like a fleshlight, fit for his pleasure. He began to thrust into her, grunting and panting. Her tits looked all too inviting, shifting as he moved her body with every thrust. He groped one, squeezing and kneading, adoring the texture of her skin. She sucked on her lip harder, desperate to not make any sound, but it was hard to hide how badly she needed to moan.

Tim had not felt this way for fucking a girl for a long, long time. She had an aura to her, one that ushered him to desires to get more impassioned, and, more importantly, more dominant in his fucking. Something about innocent girls with big tits and a nice hourglass figure, brought out the primal instinct to breed and use, to show everyone else in the pack that this woman had been fucked into being his, and no one else could have her. He got faster, diving seven inches into her, in and out, a heavy glossy glisten of her wetness on the length at which he could push into her. His hyperawareness with each of his five senses grew when he felt his stomach lurch with pleasure. He could smell her; her sex, the delightful perfume she sprayed before her work shift, her provocative shampoo flavour which radiated from her hair. Her fringe fell before her pleasure stricken face, to which he roughly pulled it back to see her face as a perfect mix of lust, pain, and undeniable addiction to him. He felt every loose strand of her hair as he pushed it back behind her ear, and every pour on her creamy white figure sank into his fingertips with each squeeze and grope of her beasts.

Hearing the soaked SHLOP's of her pussy with every thrust, Tim felt her about to blow. He repositioned, looming over her, getting leverage. Lola gasped, and braced herself on him harder as he fucked her harder. Immediately she tossed her head back and rolled it back over the armrest of the sofa. She let out a guttural moan, one which made her sweet voice crack. He felt her cum over his cock, with a surge of warmth embracing his cock as he thrusted faster. Her cream leaked from her lips, and, once her orgasm had subsided in causing her body pleasure which she never thought she would feel, Tim pulled out. He let his member rest on her abs, pulsating like a bomb ready to explode. He didn't admit to her that her youthful, soft body had almost made him cum first.

Hazy eyed, Lola limply reached up and kissed Tim, kissed him harder than she ever did her now ex-boyfriend. She had become less tentative, resolute that this man had shown her how good sex can be. And, as she broke the kiss and stared up into his eyes, she knew he was not close to wanting it to end.

Like a king, taking his new woman to his chambers on their wedding, Tim stood, with a powerful pull over her waist, and with a little help from her, he lifted her, taking her to the far side of the room to his bed. She fell, bouncing on the soft mattress. Patiently waiting where he wanted her. Tim mounted the bed beside her, and she watched his every move robotically. He kissed her, grasped her shoulders and lightly pushed her down. She went down without a moment's hesitation, letting him turn her to the side and pull her leg up and over his shoulder. He saw her lips part and a small smile crane after he pushed into her again. This time she was easier, but her tightness was still making itself present. He fucked her, without the filter to go slow and be tender to the young lady. She had wanted him at his best, and from the look of it, she had a small hint of regret as she now let her moans out in droves. She buried her face into his blue bedsheets, only for Tim to grasp a fistfull of her hair at the scalp and softly pull her up for him to see how good he was making her feel.

Lola clawed at her sheets, desperate to cum again, all over him, and as the orgasmic waves washed through her again she rolled her eyes back in a cute flutter and instinctively began to push her body back into him with his dominating thrusts. He grunted like an animal, feeling his balls tighten against him. Did this young woman care where he came? Would she hate him if he shot his immense load into her womb? Was this girl even on birth control?

Nothing mattered. He stopped immediately, and came inside of her. Like an instinctive reaction, she recoiled, and let her ribcage and tummy muscle imprint on her skin. His hot load kept coming, in droves she felt his thick seed fill her womb, and leak out from her pussy. He had shot so much even he was surprised, the hot load festering in her, his body became tender, sensitive, every twitch too pleasurable to properly process. He pulled out, now at his soft six inches, and sat back.

Lola mounted him as he rested his back on the headboard, long legs pressing against his hips, bare tits compressing against his chest, so soft and perky, it felt like they were going to burst like balloons from how they pushed up against him. She arched her back forward, wanting to melt into him. She kissed him, combing his hair and stroking his chest. He gave his attention to her peachy ass, whilst dominating their makeout. They went until their lips were dry, and their spit had depleted down each other's throats. "I want to fuck some more." Lola had purred as Tim stroked her hair. "But-" He already knew the answer, he mouthed it as she said. "It's so big I think I need a rest." He grinned, and she moaned when she felt him throb against her stomach. "You're still...?" She gasped.

"With a body like yours, and a face like that? I can fuck all night if I wanted."