Adventures in Nemesisland Ch.19

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The Red Queen's Fetish Ball.
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Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/13/2017
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Kim was overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions. Part of her was still confused. The bizarre nature of her story would be entirely unbelievable if she had not gone through this strange rite of passage which made her trust the Red Queen so implicitly. Exotic temples, kidnapping, strange rituals and ceremonies, Knights Templar chapels, aborted pregnancies, adventures and escapes; had all that really happened to her? And with all knowledge of it wiped from her memory? Can you imagine it, she reflected, the looks she'll get in the pub when she tells people, "Come on show me some respect here, after all you're talking to a woodland goddess you know, the ninth daughter of a ninth daughter..." No, I think I'll have trouble getting people to buy into that one.

Balanced against the maelstrom of confusion and amazement was another emotion, and that was one of a sense of belonging and it was this one that took the upper-hand. Suddenly, and perhaps for the first time in her life, she felt she had a sense of place. She had never got on with what she now realised must were her adoptive parents, never felt part of home or fitted in at school, had friends but drifted from one group to another. Finally, she took up a job that encouraged treating people in a detached way, as objects to make money out of. She was still reeling from the full significance of the revelations of Goddess Nemesis. But, there was no question that in her heart she believed them. Deep inside her the final denouement of her story had touched her profoundly. She felt something inside her, something powerful and magical. She didn't understand it fully or how she could begin to build up her new life with this knowledge about herself but she was deeply affected by the experience.

She pulled her hands up to her face and wiped away the tears that streamed down her cheeks. She couldn't explain why she was crying. She wasn't upset as such, quite the opposite; she felt elated about belonging to the world she had been brought into.

"Are you OK Kim?"

It was the Duchess's gentle voice as a kind hand reached out to touch her bare shoulder. Kim was still kneeling next to the Red Queen's throne

"Yes, really I'm fine. A bit emotional and mixed up but no, I'm good. It's just such a lot to take in. You know, am I really that person...the descendent of a forest goddess? And what does it all mean?"

"It's all new to me too. I'm only her maid. I don't know all her plans. I knew you were something special to her. I knew she was desperate to have you enter her world and to do so of your own free will, but I had no idea why. You'll have a special place in her heart and in Nemesisland. She'll help you, I'm sure of that. And she is awesome and powerful. She communes with goddess spirits, I know she does."

Kim laughed, "Yeah, I can believe that."

"Come on Kim; let's get you ready for the ball. It's in your honour you know. It's to welcome you into her world."

"Oh yeah, I'm rather looking forward to it."

The Duchess led Kim into her mistress's changing room. There was no rush; the guests would not be arriving for a while. Goddess Nemesis had an important piece of business to attend to, though the Duchess didn't know what it was, so for the first time since her adventures in Nemesisland started Kim had some genuine time to relax and chill out and also to take stock of everything that had happened to her. She showered and had the nicest, hottest, sweetest mug of tea she had ever tasted. All her sensations were alive from the physical and mental exertions of her journey through Nemesisland.

Once again, the Red Queen's stipulations as to Kim's dress were precise and it was left to the Duchess to carry them out exactly.

"Madam wants you to go to the ball dressed as a bird of paradise," explained the Duchess.

"Oh well, that sounds interesting," said Kim.

Kim was offered a feathered mask, its brightly coloured plumage in vibrant colours of red, gold and turquoise stretched high above her head. Apart from the mask Kim was entirely naked, except for a pair of impossibly high-heeled ankle boots coated with feathers matching the same shades as her headdress. Having her soft flesh so exposed and knowing that she would be in full view of all the guests should have made her feel vulnerable but strangely she did not. As soon as she had pulled the mask over her face she felt a strange sensation wash over. She felt exotically dangerous. Her alert eyes would peer through the brightly coloured layers of feather across her face watching and judging everything. The elaborate headdress towering over her made her feel tall and imposing. The naked curves of her body did not feel exposed or vulnerable but alluring and powerful like she was a magnificent totem figure to be revered and worshipped. It was as if the mask had quixotic and magical powers. Awesome, Kim thought.

Mistress Nemesis returned more imperious than ever, dressed again as the Red Queen. In addition to the red pvc dress decorated with black hearts she also wore a sweeping black pvc cloak over her shoulders and in the place of the tiara was a full golden crown perched on the top of her ebony hair. In one hand she grasped her red and black leather whip and in the other a golden sceptre. She was at her most imposing and fearsome but reserved for Kim a conspirational glint in her eye.

"I had an important piece of business to attend to," she said enigmatically, turning to the Duchess to add, "I trust the preparations for the ball are completed Duchess?"

"Yes, your majesty," the Duchess replied nervously, "and the guests have arrived and are waiting your entrance."

The Red Queen turned to look at Kim, "You look splendid, simply beautiful. When you are released all eyes will turn to you and you'll light up the ball with your radiant beauty and newly discovered goddess spirit I'm sure."

"Released?" queried Kim.

The Red Queen smiled, Kim had come to accept the unusual in her mistress's world.

"Oh but of course Kim," she laughed, "you have to be put in a cage and admired first before I can bring you out to play with my guests, You needn't worry Kim. I promise you it won't be an onerous ordeal. I think you'll find it quite entertaining to watch proceedings and I'll need your assistance, Kim, to dispense punishments because there will be some retribution I need to administer."

She cast a sidelong glance at the Duchess, "yes you may well look on in trepidation. But for you Kim, my newly acquired slave girl and fellow goddess spirit, the ball is what you want to make of it. You can take what entertainment and pleasure from it in any way you desire. You are, after all, the guest of honour."

Kim glowed with a sense of satisfaction and belonging at the Red Queen's words.

"Come; let us make our grand entrance."

The Red Queen threaded her arm through Kim's and they both paraded out of her dressing room. In the lobby before the Red Queen's private chamber there were two curious figures, one male and one female, both dressed in suits of the tightest and shiniest red latex. They immediately stood to attention when the Red Queen appeared. They shuffled anxiously. The tight rubber covered them completely, including their heads, with just holes for their eyes, nostrils and mouths. The rubber clung to every contour of their bodies. Kim could see the pert nipples of the girl standing proud and the voluptuous roundness of her hips and tight little buttocks stretching against the restraining rubber. The line of the man's cock and balls was clearly visible behind the latex. The girl had three black hearts and a figure three emblazoned across her chest and back whilst the male had five black hearts and the number five. Fetish playing cards smiled Kim to herself.

The Red Queen bent down and put her finger into a tiny drop of thick liquid on the tiled floor. Her eyes flashed with anger and Kim recognised the temper she had encountered herself through her journey. Her voice lashed out at her servants in a menacing tone.

"What, pray tell me, is the meaning of this?"

"Your majesty. It's red paint."

"Yes, I can see that you fool, but what is it doing on my floor."

The withering stare and malevolent tone of the Red Queen's voice elicited looks of fear and alarm from the two fetish cards.

Finally, the man stuttered nervously, "We're very sorry you majesty...but...we mistakenly ordered white roses instead of red ones and, well, we thought we could paint them red before the ball started."

"You idiots. You thought you could fool me with such an obvious deception. I saw immediately," said the Red Queen indignantly pointing a scarlet fingernail at the vase of painted roses on the sideboard as a drop of red paint dripped from a petal.

"Sorry your majesty."

"Yes, we're very sorry you majesty," echoed the man.

"Sorry is not good enough. You know this is a special occasion. What will my guests think when I have such useless slaves that they can't even order the right colour roses? You'll be punished for this."

"Off with their heads, I say," smiled Kim mischievously.

"Hmm, I don't think I need to go so far with such lowly servants. How do you think you'll ever become fully-fledged characters in Nemesisland if you can't carry out such a simple task?""

The two fetish playing cards hung their heads in shame. She took the girl's nipples between the tips of her fingers, squeezed tightly and twisted.

"Ooo, please your majesty," she squealed.

"And furthermore, you can't take your punishment."

She turned to the male figure and did the same. He squirmed uncomfortably with the sudden shot of pain in his nipples.

"The ball is about to start, so I haven't time to deal with you properly but rest assured you will get your just punishment for your incompetence."

"Yes your majesty," they said in unison.

"Right, let's carry on Duchess. I'm not going to let this little interlude spoil my pleasure. You can announce my arrival now."

The Duchess opened the shuttered doors to the Queen of Hearts' private domain where all her guests were assembled and announced, "Her Majesty, The Red Queen, mistress and ruler of Nemesisland."

Kim heard a burst of applause from inside the chamber. The Red Queen was smiling and acknowledging the approbation. Kim followed behind her.

"Today is a special day. Today is the day I welcome my special novice and acolyte back into my world. Kim is very special to me. She answers only to me in Nemesisland, and all of you will do whatever she asks of you. But for now, I'm going to put my little bird of paradise in a cage so you can all admire her."

The Red Queen gestured for Kim to climb into a large perspex box by her side. It was hardly a cage in the conventional sense. Kim suddenly felt very exposed and on show. But all the guests applauded and looked at her admiringly as the Duchess closed the clear plastic door behind her and padlocked it.

"Let the ball begin," the Red Queen proclaimed. "The whole of Nemesisland is at your disposal for you amusement and pleasure, or pain, whichever is your particular predilection."

Kim looked out at her surroundings from behind the transparent plastic wall. The Red Queen's private domain had been decorated with wall hangings of red velvet decorated with giant black hearts. Candles in cast iron candelabra's cast an atmospheric red glow over the room. The red fetish playing cards were acting as waiters carrying trays of bright red drinks, clearly some exotic cocktail especially concocted for the occasion. Other fetish cards carried black trays with nibbles on; bright little baby tomatoes, sliced red peppers, red chilli dip, paprika dusted corn chips and slices of fiery hot raw chillies. Another set of trays had fruits on; strawberries, raspberries, cherries and pomegranates. Everything had clearly been executed to The Red Queen's exacting standards and looked perfect. Kim gazed on admiringly at how the red and black theme had been executed throughout the room.

Kim turned her attention to the guests. They clearly had permission not to dress in the red and black and for that reason they seemed to stand out all the more against the background. Kim recognized some of the characters she had already encountered in Nemesisland. The white rabbit was there; it seemed an age since her first introduction to him. Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the two curious figures who had rescued her were there; on this occasion not dressed for battle but as Kim remembered in the classic story book images as tubby little men in white breeches, winged collars, little black ties and red and white caps balanced precariously on their round heads. The walrus and the carpenter were present as well as the two slaves from the tea party. Nano, the black cat was there as well though the Red Queen had still not turned him back into a man yet. There were also other guests, both male and female, who Kim didn't recognize; some dressed as characters she knew from the Alice stories and others in an assortment of multi-coloured fetish wear. For some inexplicable reason Kim's attention was drawn to a pair of tight muscular buttocks that belonged to a hooded figure. They seemed strangely familiar somehow though Kim couldn't recall how.

Dominating proceedings was the Red Queen herself. Soon after the guests had partaken of their welcoming drink and had something to eat the Red Queen was soon orchestrating proceedings, ordering the Duchess or the black cat to put guests into various forms of bondage for her. There was one guest spread-eagled secured to links in the floor and ceiling, another hog-tied onto the floor. Other guests dispersed into the dungeon and the other rooms of Nemesisland. They helped themselves to the array of floggers, paddles and whips hanging from hooks on the wall. The party developed into a mixture of a bdsm fetish club extravaganza and orgy under the watchful eye of the smiling Red Queen.

Kim was starting to feel a bit left out when the Duchess approached the plastic cage, unlocked the padlock and released her into the throng of party guests. Kim climbed out of the cage, a little unsteady at first as she teetered on the heels of her feather covered boots and still a bit stiff from crouching in the box for a little while. She tottered towards The Red Queen who greeted her with a hug.

"Welcome, my dear. I'm glad you've joined the proceedings. All of my guests are at your disposal for whatever pleasures you wish to take for yourself or pain you desire to administer. You must have no qualms about what you do. In my eyes they all deserve to be punished, don't they Duchess!"

"Oh yes, certainly Madam," she replied warily.

"There's one more ceremony to perform," she announced.

There was a drum roll and one of the fetish playing cards, the ten of hearts, led with a snare drum around his neck followed by another fetish card, the nine of hearts, who carried a huge silver platter with a massive plum cake on it. Either side of the cake were two figures. Kim smiled; it was two of the Red Queens slaves transformed, one into a unicorn with a long conical horn sticking out of his forehead, the other an elderly lion wearing a pair of tortoise shell glasses. The unicorn was dressed in ceremonial dress in a tunic and breeches in the bright colours of a picture card and a wide white ruff around his neck. The guests, or at least those who weren't in some form of bondage, all gathered around.

The Red Queen made a proclamation, "Today is a very special day. Today is the day I've been re-united with my own appointed slave girl and acolyte, Kim. It's a very auspicious day and I'd like you all to join with me in sharing some of my special plum and champagne cake."

The Duchess handed her a huge silver knife.

"If you would do the honours please Kim," she said gesturing to her to cut some slices.

Kim started to cut the cake but no sooner had she cut a slice as they joined themselves up again. How queer thought Kim.

"It's a Nemesisland cake," whispered the Red Queen, "you have to hand it around first and cut it afterwards."

"Oh," said Kim. "Well of course, I suppose I should have realised that."

So she did just that and took the silver platter around and the cake divided itself into pieces before her very eyes as she offered it to the guests.

"How curious," Kim commented as she took a large bite out of her own piece. She liked fruit cake.

"Is it nice?" asked the Red Queen.

"Delicious," replied Kim, "it's ever so moist and it has quite a distinctive tang to it."

"Can you guess the special ingredient?" The Red Queen smiled.

"Hmm, no, is it lemon peel?"

"You're being very naïve my girl," the Red Queen scolded lightly, "'s the champagne," she added nodding knowingly.

Kim's eyes widened and then she laughed out loud as the she realised the meaning of the Red Queen's words. Oh well, it tastes nice enough she thought as she took another bite. She was quite amused at the idea of what all the guests at the party had just unwittingly scoffed down.

Having finished her cake Kim was eager to join in the throng of the party. But where to start? She began by whipping the slave with his writs secured to the ceiling and his ankles to the floor. She teased him by playing with his cock and making him hard and then hitting it with a flogger. She played with the girl who was hog-tied on the floor. She teased her by rubbing her shoulders and reaching under her to gently touch the tops of her breast squashed against the floor. She let the feathers of her headdress brush against her bare back and arse. She ran he fingers along her cunt and teased her throbbing little clit before putting her fingers up her cunt. That made her purr, thought Kim. All of this was great fun but it was also turning Kim on and she wanted to concentrate on something she could really get her teeth into. She had a thought. She'd always loved unicorns; they were magical and mystical creatures which had always appealed to her imagination. The idea of being fucked by, or better still fucking, a unicorn was quite an attractive one...and the Red Queen had said she could do anything, command anyone at the party.

She strode purposefully towards the unicorn who was talking with the lion.

"Come with me. I have a use for you," Kim commanded. "In fact you can both come."

They looked at one another nervously but followed Kim obediently. They knew that to disobey her instructions would bring the wrath of the Red Queen down on them and they didn't want that and, besides, the tone of Kim's order was such they were never going to dispute the young mistress's order. Kim led the way to the dungeon, the lion and unicorn following in tow.

Excellent, thought Kim, the rack was still free. Kim commanded the unicorn to remove his breeches and large unflattering white knickers underneath and ordered him onto the rack.

"You're a monster, young mistress. A fabulous monster," the unicorn cried out.

"Why yes of course I am, now shut up and do as I say. Remember, the joker Kim trumps every card except the Red Queen, so you'd better do as I say."

"Yes, of course mistress," he replied.

"Besides, it might not be all horrible for you."

Kim set to work with the ropes, pulling them through the hooks at the side of the rack and tightening them across the unicorn's body until he was secured to the rack. She leant over the unicorn's head and stroked the tuft of hair on his head and stroked his ears. She ran her hand sensuously up the twisted and gnarled horn that stuck out from his forehead.

"I've always been fascinated by unicorns," she said. "I used to dream how one would come into my bedroom at night and seduce me. And now look, what a lucky girl I am, my dream's come true, except now I've got the chance to seduce a unicorn."

As she spoke her sparkling green eyes looked out at him through the exotic feathered mask and a hand strayed down to his exposed crotch. She brushed her fingers against his erection. His cock was already taught and hard from the gentle touch of Kim's naked body against his as he was being tied onto the rack. It was also hard at the mere thought of what Kim might do to him. Kim ran her fingers up and down his shaft, occasionally digging her nails into the flesh. She didn't want to go too far in administering the pain as she wanted to make sure the unicorn retained his erection. Her cunt juices were flowing now and she wanted it inside her. She wanted to take her pleasure.