Adventures in Nemesisland Ch. 07

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Kim is punished by the Headmistress.
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Part 7 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/13/2017
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The hare led Kim away from the tea party. Kim was told to take off her fetish 'Alice' dress and change into some new clothes. The hare, or the Duchess, as she saw her, helped Kim tie her hair into plaits and get dressed. This time Kim had to put on baggy navy knickers, a grey skirt, a white cotton blouse and a purple and black striped tie with grey socks and clunky black shoes. The hare handed her a navy blue blazer with a badge on its pocket emblazoned with an 'N' in black and purple and interwoven with a design of creeping ivy. Finally she perched a boater with a purple and black strip band onto the top of her head.

Strangely enough, Kim felt very smart. The cotton blouse was clean and freshly ironed and felt nice against her bare bra-less breasts. She had never had a uniform when she was at school though she had dressed up as a school girl in the parlour when clients made the occasional request for her to do so; wearing such a uniform made her feel oddly sexy. She wondered what new adventure Nemesisland would throw up for her.

The hare pointed to a door, "The headmistress is waiting for you. You really don't want to be late."

Kim stepped up to the door. There was a brass plaque on it that read 'Headmistress's Study' and Kim suddenly felt very naughty. She knocked timidly on the door.

"Enter," came a firm voice from inside.

Kim obediently opened the door, stepped in and closed it behind her. She felt like a naughty school girl and instinctively took up a submissive position, just like she used to when she was told off in school, putting her hands behind her back and lowering her head.

She could see enough to take in her surroundings. Before her was the imposing figure of the headmistress. It was the Red Queen again, or the Hatter, or the mysterious Mistress Nemesis or whatever she cared to call herself. The same piercing blue eyes and daunting presence confronted her. She wore black rimmed glasses which, if anything, made her even more forbidding as she peered over them at Kim. She was dressed smartly in a pressed black skirt, crisp white blouse with an academic gown over it and a mortar board perched on her head. Her dark hair was tied up into a bun making her look severe and very much like a school ma'am.

"Come forward girl," she commanded brusquely, "I have received complaints about your behaviour from the Hatter. From what's been related to me I find your character and attitude most reprehensible Miss Kim. I very disappointed with you. You know how poor behaviour has to be punished."

She stood in front of her desk tapping the floor with the toe of her smart leather shoes, her hands in front of her with her fingers pressed together in an admonishing stance.

"I'm very sorry ma'am," said Kim, wondering how best to respond and deciding to defend herself, "I'm sure I didn't mean to upset her, but I don't see how it's my fault."

"Really Miss Kim, you are incorrigible. I don't know how you have the nerve to say that to my face. You must know that the 'Nemesis Academy for Submissive Girls' expects the highest standards, the very highest standards. Yet I've heard reports that you turned up to the Hatter's tea party without your school uniform, indeed without any clothes on at all, that you insulted the Hatter, upset the dormouse with talk of cats and totally disgraced yourself with your antics involving cup cakes. You know that when the Academy let's one of its pupils out for a special treat their behaviour reflects on the whole school and the highest standards of discipline and decorum are expected from our girls. What have you got to say for yourself now girl?"

Kim recognised from the headmistress's demeanour and the lecture she had just delivered that she was in big trouble, but really it was most unfair. The whole tea party had been quite silly and she'd only done what she'd been told to do.

"I assure you ma'am I didn't mean to spoil the Hatter's tea party and I'm sure I didn't intend to upset her or the dormouse. But it's really not fair. It wasn't my fault I'd lost my clothes and, besides, the Hatter told me to sit on the cup cakes!"

"Don't be so insolent girl. You'll pay for answering me back. Even if the Hatter did tell you to do that you weren't meant to get so much pleasure out of it, which you did, didn't you? Don't deny it girl."

"Yes, that's true, sorry ma'am," Kim hung her head in shame; she couldn't deny she enjoyed doing that.

"And haven't you been taught to behave with discretion at all times. And then I'm told that you got a simple question wrong. What have you to say to that?"

"But ma'am, that really isn't fair. I got that question right. Three plus two is five, not seven."

Kim was prepared to concede her behaviour might not have been perfect, that turning up to a tea party naked was not very polite, but she did know she got the simple sum right. The headmistress's eyes flashed with anger.

"Are you answering me back girl? Remember this is an academy for submissive girls. You idiotic girl, has none of your tuition sunk in? Have you been paying any attention in your lessons or have you been dreaming all day. Probably thinking about getting sexual pleasure I expect. You can't fool me girl. I know what goes through young girls minds in the classroom. You must learn to direct those thoughts into submissive behaviour Miss Kim. Have you learnt nothing about Nemesisland yet that you don't know that when a mistress says three plus two is seven, it is seven."

"But..." Kim stuttered.

"No 'buts' Miss Kim, that's fact. I'm most disappointed in your behaviour Miss Kim. You have the potential to be an outstanding pupil but you have let yourself down. You had a special invitation to the Hatter's tea party and you have disgraced the Academy and yourself with your disgusting, insolent and ignorant behaviour. Have you anything to say for yourself?

"No, I'm sorry ma'am," Kim said, but she was still glowering with resentment, especially about the sum, which she knew she'd got right.

"Don't look at me with that glum expression girl. You don't look as though you're sorry and that really won't do, you're only building up a more severe punishment for yourself girl. You know the 'Nemesisland Academy for Submissive Girls' will never accept defiant and insolent behaviour. It has to be punished out of girls."

"Yes, ma'am," admitted Kim, but reluctantly.

"Well there's nothing for it, I'll have to administer some severe corporal punishment on you girl for such unacceptable behaviour."

"But...," muttered Kim.

The headmistress fixed her steely gaze on Kim, "still protesting girl? Haven't you been listening to anything I've said? Your behaviour is a disgrace and I'll take great delight in administering it personally. Now, take off your school blazer and boater and hang them up," ordered the headmistress pointing to the coat hooks on the wall.

Kim trailed obediently to the back of the study. She cast a glance at the blackboard and noticed the lines of neat writing saying, 'I'm a very naughty girl and I deserve to be punished'. Oh dear, thought Kim, how very weird, what have I landed myself into now. She removed her blazer and boater as she had been told but this only made her conscious of her pert nipples pressing against the tight cotton shirt.

Whilst Kim had been doing that the headmistress had retrieved a chair from behind her desk and sat on it waiting for her. Kim stood in front of her assuming a submissive position again with her hands behind her back.

"Pull your knickers down girl," she ordered.

Kim lifted her skirt up and shuffled the navy blue knickers down her thighs until they hung forlornly around her shoes. Kim felt really humiliated now, stood in front of the headmistress, her knickers around her ankles and her cunt and arse bare against the scratchy grey material of the skirt.

"Now bend over my lap girl."

Kim knew she had no choice but comply with the headmistress's command. When she was at school she had always been a bit of a madam answering back the teachers but suddenly she felt powerless to do anything but submit to the headmistress's order even though she knew what was going to happen. She could invoke her right to leave at any time but strangely, she did not want to do that either and even more strangely, she also had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that she wanted to be punished and deserved to be punished.

She bent over the headmistress's lap. She was on tip-toe and then let her arms drop the other side of the chair so they touched the floor letting her plaits dangle freely in the air. It felt oddly warm and comforting. The smell of lavender mingled with chalk dust, the rough material of the academic gown and the proximity of the headmistress's warm crotch pressing against her body as she nestled into a comfortable position made Kim feel quite turned on. Shit, what's happening to me, she thought. Her cunt was really getting quite wet

"This is the first part of your punishment Miss Kim. I'll warn you that this is only a little warm up."

The headmistress pulled back Kim's skirt to expose her voluptuous back-side. She ran her hand gently across the soft flesh before planting a firm stroke on each cheek of her arse with the bare palm of her hand. Kim expelled a short gasp. It was a stingy tingly kind of feeling, painful but not excruciatingly so. There was also another aspect to the sensation that was really quite sensual.

The headmistress administered more strokes with her bare hand, ten on each buttock cheek before pulling her hand away and rubbing Kim's arse, now shiny and glowing with the attention it had received. That's not so bad, thought Kim. In fact it almost felt quite warm and comforting. She closed her eyes and nestled down into the headmistress's lap.

The next strokes were hard. Kim could hear the loud slap as the hard bony surface of the headmistress's hand struck soft flesh. She could feel the spongy skin of her arse wobbling between each stroke and a warm, painful glow spread over her. Once again the hand rubbed gently across her back-side, which was now red and hot.

"The final ones now Miss Kim. Another ten on each bum cheek."

The next ones were harder still as the headmistress put even more effort into the strength of each stroke. It was painful and stung like hell but by now Kim had drifted into a state where she had accepted each slap, even welcomed it. The last two or three were really powerful ones and Kim let out little whimpers of pain.

"Get up girl," ordered the headmistress.

Kim slowly and a little dreamily lifted herself up from the headmistress's lap and stood in front of her. Her face was red and flustered and her plaits dishevelled. Her back-side had a stingy hot red glow. Kim felt very humiliated stood there with her knickers still around her ankles and her hands behind her back and her breasts sticking out.

"Look at you girl. You look a disgrace. You look quite the slut. Do you think you're going to turn on the boys of the joint sixth looking like that? You're nearly bursting out of that shirt Miss Kim, it's far too tight."

"Sorry ma'am"

It was true. Kim could feel her swollen breasts stretching the buttons of the shirt and her engorged nipples pulling at the white cotton material.

"Sorry is no good Miss Kim. You'll simply have to be punished some more for being such a wanton slut, girl. I want you to stand facing my desk and bend over so you're touching your toes, then spread your legs and stick your back-side up in the air for me."

Kim's head hung down between her legs with her yellow plaits nearly touching the floor. The headmistress went to her desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a black plimsoll. Oh dear, thought Kim, this might be more challenging.

The smell of rubber and sweaty girl's feet filled the study. Kim felt the rubber being brushed against her arse and then a loud slap as it struck her round bottom. Kim grunted and moaned as the pain spread over her back-side. There were ten strokes on each buttock cheek and the headmistress was a good way through the next ten whacks with the plimsoll when there was a knock on the door. Perhaps Kim would get some respite from her punishment.

"Hold your position Miss Kim. Enter," the headmistress called out.

The door opened slowly. Kim, with her head bent over was able to peer up at the upside-down figure which had just entered the office framed between her legs. It was a young man. Boy would be a wildly inaccurate description and wouldn't begin to do justice to the young hunk stood in the doorway. He was dressed in a school uniform, a black blazer and trousers, but it was smart and worn with pride and his tie was knotted neatly. God, he's a bit fit, thought Kim to herself.

"You asked to see me Madam," he spoke clearly and confidently but with enough reverence for the headmistress not to get him into trouble.

"Yes, that's right. I want your assistance in administering some punishment to this miscreant here," she said pointing to Kim's skirt, "And what's your name lad?"

"Everard, Madam, Digby Everard."

"Do you hear that Miss Kim? Master Everard is the head of boys for the joint sixth form of the Nemesis Academy for Submissive Girls and the White Knight School for Masters. All our pupils enjoy the joint sixth. It's where all our hard training and tuition is put into practise. With your behaviour Miss Kim, I doubt if you'll ever qualify for the sixth form. Do you know how we select the head boy Miss Kim?"

"No, Madam," Kim spluttered.

She was still ogling the athletic physique of the young man. Even upside-down he looked a hot specimen.

"We test all the boys and select them on the basis of a number of things: the length and girth of their cocks, of course, the speed of their attaining an erection, their ability to maintain their hard-on and their skills at dominating a submissive girl. These are all the attributes we look for in training young masters. Come here boy."

The young man stepped forward so he stood immediately behind Kim. She got an eyeful of his long legs and tight trousers, not to mention the bulge in his crotch.

"Drop your trousers and pants now Master Everard," the headmistress ordered.

"Yes Madam," he replied firmly.

He did it slowly and seductively knowing that Kim's head was still between her legs looking up at him. Kim was starting to get uncomfortable and the muscles in her legs were starting to ache, but there was no way she was going to miss this show. He unbuckled his belt first, slowly lowered the zip on his trousers and gently pulled them over his beautiful rounded hips until they dropped onto the floor. Kim looked on expectantly. She could look up at the huge bulge underneath his boxer shorts. He moved the tails of his white cotton shirt to one side and inserted his thumb and fingers in the band of his boxer shorts and tantalisingly pulled the elastic forward far enough to tempt Kim to crane her neck to get a peek but not far enough for her to see anything. He smiled at her, confident in the knowledge that he was toying with her and that what she was aching to see was his erect cock. Kim was getting wet in anticipation.

Finally, after teasing Kim in this way for a couple of minutes, the band of the boxer shorts was lowered over the curve of his powerful hips and muscular thighs and, released from the tight containment of his shorts, the young man's cock sprang up. Kim gasped. It was every bit as huge and magnificent as the headmistress's build-up had suggested. It was long and thick and hard. It stuck out proudly as the young man stood with his hands on his hips with an arrogant swagger knowing how impressed Kim was with his erect member.

"How long is it, Master Everard?" asked the headmistress

"Nine inches, Madam," he replied with pride.

"Hmm, let me see," she said, picking up a ruler from her desk.

She held it against the enormous object of throbbing flesh.

"Nine and half inches, actually," she said as she read the markings on the ruler.

She pulled the ruler away, raised it up and then brought it crashing down onto the erect member. Kim gasped. That must have hurt, that must have hurt really badly, she thought. But, the young man did not flinch at all. He stood straight and erect with his hands still on his hips with a smug satisfied look on his face.

"Do you see that Miss Kim? He has been trained to maintain his erection even in the face of severe punishment."

She raised the ruler again, this time right over her shoulders and with one mighty swing brought it crashing down on the young man's erect penis. This time there was a slight movement and the boy expelled a small gasp at the force of the stroke. The headmistress fixed him in the eye with an admonishing stare. He turned away from the gaze and looked down at the floor. She took his cock in her hand to inspect it. The object had lost just some of it steely rigidness.

"What's this lad? I don't want to see you flagging boy. I've a task for you to carry out and I don't expect you to disappoint me. I need this to be rock hard," she said gently stroking his member to bring it up to a full tight erection again. "That's better," she added satisfied the cock had been restored to its full potency.

Kim was watching this scene being played out with her head still between her legs. Her back really was aching now and she was relieved when the headmistress told her she could assume a normal standing position. She stood in position with her hands behind her back conscious that the hot young man with the enormous cock was right behind her.

Her attention was drawn by the headmistress clearing a space on her desk in front of Kim. She took two piles of papers, filed them neatly so that the edges of the paper were all lined up and then arranged them carefully on the desk in front of Kim.

"Now, I have a little test of compliance and discipline for you Miss Kim. If you fail it you'll face even more punishment. Do you see those piles of papers?"

Kim gulped, "Yes ma'am," she replied.

"Those are my end of term reports, one pile for the girls that have passed; the other for those girls who need further correction. I think you know which pile you're on, don't you girl?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, which is it?"

"The pile with the girls who need further correction ma'am."

"That's right Miss Kim, you are with the girls who need more punishment. Now lean over the desk. I've arranged my reports so that you should have a tit resting on each pile of papers."

Kim bent over obediently and rested her breasts on the neat piles of reports. The desk was polished and slippery but she was able to rest her tits on the reports without moving them. The paper felt cool and smooth against her breasts.

"Now stretch your arms out so your hands are gripping onto the far corners of my desk."

It was a long stretch but Kim reached out and gripped the desk. She turned her face to one side so that her cheek pressed against the polished wood. The pace of her breathing increased as the torment and anticipation built up in her.

"Good. Now stretch your legs girl."

Kim stretched her legs as far as she thought they could go. The ruler whacked the inside of her thigh with a sharp sting.

"Come on girl, you can do better than that. Wider. I want to be able to see right up your little pussy Miss Kim."

The position was starting to get a bit uncomfortable but Kim tried to shuffle her legs wider apart without disturbing the papers on the desk.

"That's better. Now stick your arse up into the air."

Kim adjusted her position and lifted her arse up into the air. She could not see, of course, but she could imagine the rosy pink flesh sticking up invitingly in the air and the headmistress and the head boy looking down at her.

"Stick it up girl!" the headmistress ordered. "I want to see it sticking right up in the air."