Advancing His Career Ch. 01

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Unsuspecting Kelly helps her husband and herself.
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Being married to a driven and successful man has it's perks. There's the money, the travel, the lovely homes, the money, all the grown up toys, the money, the freedom to work (or not), and oh, did I mention the money?

I am grateful for all of those things but there are also drawbacks to life with a driven and successful man. The long hours he puts in at the office, all the travel he does, the women who throw themselves at him seeming to think he's available (did I mention the money?), the inflated ego and the sense of entitlement he feels because of -- wait for it -- THE MONEY!

Of course I really shouldn't complain. The money tends to make up for most of the bad parts and for this small town girl born and raised without a dime to her name, it changed most everything for the better.

I was born and raised just a few miles outside a small town in rural Iowa. My daddy was a farmer and mother ran the household. We never had much in the way of extras but at the end of every day we were tucked into bed by parents who loved us, fed us and put clean, albeit usually second hand clothing on our backs. Knowing the alternative and experience of many other kids, I now know that my siblings and I had everything we really needed.

I learned that lesson quickly as I interned in a number of inner city social service venues during my junior year of college. Studying Social Work really expanded my view of the world and of course I wanted to make a difference. All of that changed abruptly when I met Ty.

One Tuesday morning in April, 1985, I stumbled through the door at the Catholic Charities pre-natal clinic carrying too much in my arms. The neighborhood was intimidating for a young woman of 21 to walk through just before sunrise so using all the common sense I could muster I foolishly grabbed the huge stack of folders on the worn passenger seat beside me and ran for the entrance. Pushing the door in with my hip I remember falling forward, papers flying everywhere while a strong hand grasped my arm firmly and held me upright. My face beginning to turn red, I looked up and into the eyes of a god.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a smile.

"Yea, just my pride is injured," I answered with my trademark lopsided grin.

He bent over and began retrieving the mess of papers so I quickly joined him. We set it all down on the nearest table in silence before I noticed the Doctor standing just a few feet away.

"Now that's a great way to start the day, Kelly," Dr. Nystrom said in his usual steely tone. Even on a good day he didn't much care for interns (or people in general) so it looked as though this day was shaping up to be a particularly difficult one.

Then my hero saved the day.

"Oh, I don't know about that. This just gives us something to do while we get acquainted." The stranger said with a million dollar smile and a wink.

Blushing, I smiled back at him as Dr. Nystrom rolled his eyes and headed for his makeshift office.

That was the beginning of a long, beautiful friendship. Well, not always friendship but it began that way. Our courtship was quite long - almost 18 months - and very deliberate for both of us. We intentionally set limits and celebrated our wedding night with our very first lovemaking.

Not that we were both virgins. Plenty of women had tried to land Ty with sex and I wasn't exactly as pure as the new snow either but together we made a commitment to make our wedding night our first.

Fast forward 10 years.

Life was comfortable. Ty was and is still a golden boy. With his blond curls and intense blue eyes, he looked more like a surfer than an attorney. Driven and successful at 28 when I met him, he just continued to develop and hone his skills. Watching him work the room, whether in a business setting or at a party was something to behold. Charming doesn't do it justice. There was something just magical about him. Still is.

Traveling, of course, was part of the job. In the mid nineties Ty was on the fast track to greatness. He was quickly moving up the ladder at a huge Chicago law firm while I was diapering babies, carpooling and hosting dinner parties on a regular basis. Our children came quickly after our wedding night and before we knew it we were parents to 3 girls and 2 boys. Ty's success as a lawyer meant that I could stay home with our children and we both were happy with that arrangement. I raised the kids and took care of the house while he worked. Some may think that's old fashioned but it worked for us.

Then came the night when things changed.

While checking on the roast in the oven, I heard the familiar chatter of excited children as the front door opened. Making my way to the front foyer I smiled at the scene. As usual the little boys descended on their daddy, pulling him into the study with hopes of a wrestling match. He gave them each a kiss but dashed their hopes of rough housing as he came over to me and circled my waist with his arm, pulling me into him.

"Sorry boys, I need to talk to mommy," he said.

The boys dejectedly began to leave the room when Ty stopped them with a comment. "I'll be up in the play room in 5 minutes so you better be ready."

The twin three year old boys whooped and hollered as they ran up the stairs.

Quickly Ty explained why he was home so early. There was a visiting Judge from Boston in town unexpectedly and a reception was set up for the evening at the firm's downtown penthouse. Ty's eyes danced as he held my hips in his hands and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Honey, I know it's last minute but I really need you to go tonight. Today was amazing and if I make a good impression on him tonight my career will skyrocket. Now, can you figure something out for the kids and wear something subtle but sexy."

Then he was off to wrestle with the boys, spend a few minutes with his daughters and jump in the shower before he effortlessly made himself look perfect. I was always amazed at his ability to juggle being a dad, star lawyer and the most desirable man in any room. Then I grabbed my phone to arrange for a sitter while checking on the kid's dinner. Mission accomplished, I started up the stairs and to the master bedroom.

A quick shower, careful makeup session, and much fussing with my hair produced a fairly attractive image in the mirror. In my closet I tried on a few dresses before settling on a deep purple one that showed off my assets but still left a lot to the imagination. I had just finished slipping on my heels when Ty came in, sweaty and disheveled.

"Those boys are getting strong! I think I'm going to have to..." His voice trailed off as he saw me perched on the edge of the bed. He whistled as he moved over to me and gently kissed my forehead. "You are stunning. I'm going to have to keep an eye on you tonight." At my expression he continued, "No really Kell. You may not see it but you are so beautiful and so damn sexy. Now I really need to take a shower." He said with a grin.

Standing in front of the large mirror, I examined myself, wishing I could see me as he did. I saw an average woman, curvy with about 10 extra pounds, ok maybe 15. Medium brown hair with red highlights, green eyes, a tad over 5'4", shapely legs, rounded hips and the normal soft tummy of an average mom of 5. My arms looked good in the ¾ sleeve of the dress and the new bra I had just bought seemed to do the old lift and shape job pretty well. Just a hint of cleavage peeked out but somehow Senior Partner Milt Anderson would manage to get a good view before the night was out. THAT, I was certain of. With a sigh of resignation but with a smile remembering Ty's excitement, I descended the steps to greet the babysitter.

Just under 30 minutes later we raced through the streets in the sleek red Corvette. Ty loved to drive his new toy and didn't have much patience for the 'Sunday' drivers around us. He chatted easily about the day and how things could change for him and for us if this Judge continued to be so impressed with him. Ty felt deeply that this chance meeting and the party could be a real turning point in his career. The air of anticipation he created was palpable as I quietly listened and hoped to make a great impression. Nothing pleased me more than helping my husband. Again, old fashioned but very true.

We pulled up to the high rise condos and left the car with the valet. An attendant turned a key in the elevator and we were quickly let out on the private floor. I had been to this penthouse condo a few other times but never grew tired of the magnificent furnishings and view.

The entryway off the elevator was larger than our great room, breakfast nook and kitchen combined. Pillars holding artwork were positioned around the room. I once was given the rundown of all the objects so I knew there were millions of dollars in art in just the entryway alone. A butler met us and took our coats and then an assistant led us into the main room.

The four men in the room all stood as we entered. I recognized three of them as high level partners in the law firm. Milt Anderson immediately came over and gave me a slightly too long hug.

"You look beautiful tonight Kelly. Of course you always do but ..." Milt's voice trailed off as his eyes landed on my bust line. Some things never change.

"Thank you Milt. It's so nice of you to invite me. Where is your lovely bride?" I answered while moving away casually.

"Oh, she's in Virginia visiting her sister." Milt answered. "This was such an impromptu party that I'm afraid none of the other wives could make it."

Startled, I looked over at Ty. He looked sheepish as he reached to take my hand. "Well, Kelly has enough womanly charm to keep us all happy tonight. Don't you honey?" He said with a squeeze and a wink.

I reached for a glass of sherry the butler was offering from a tray. "I guess I'll have to do my best."

Little did either of us know just how true those words would be as the night progressed.

During introductions I met the Judge from Boston. The Honorable Randall Storm appeared to be in his early to mid fifties with dark hair graying at the temples. Smile lines on his face spoke to a little too much sun worshiping but there was a definite rugged quality about him that caught my attention. He reminded me a little of Tom Selleck. His four thousand dollar (my practiced guess) suit showed off his toned body perfectly. I imagined him with a young trophy wife and suddenly felt pretty frumpy at the ripe old age of 33.

Over dinner the Judge entertained all of us with stories of his cases over the years. He was charming; the first man I had ever met who could possibly be more charismatic than Ty. I was fascinated by his stories and enjoyed the casual way he spoke. The high powered men in the room also seemed taken with the Judge and for once weren't engaged in the power struggle usually so prevalent when they got together. The atmosphere set very much so by the Judge was casual and comfortable. He even drew out the stodgiest partner and had him laughing in spite of himself.

After a delicious dinner we moved to the study. Heavy curtains covered the floor to ceiling windows and kept the room as dark and masculine as a traditional men's lounge. After dinner drinks were served and I noticed that several of the men, including my husband, were beginning to show the effects of the alcohol. I was a bit surprised by how much Ty was drinking but chalked it up to nerves since he was feeling so much pressure with the Judges' presence.

I squeezed his hand in passing and whispered, "Honey, relax. Things are going well and I can tell he's impressed with you. If you continue to drink so much I'll have to drive your new baby home. You know you won't want that!"

I expected a laugh at my teasing but instead he glanced apprehensively at me and moved away. It was uncharacteristic behavior that should have given me a hint at what was to come.

One of the partners suggested that they move to the outdoor area on the roof for cigars and brandy. My husband glanced over at me for my approval so I smiled and said, "You'll excuse me if I don't go out there with you. I'll be fine here and you all enjoy your cigars."

Of course that was the expected response from a wife although usually there would be other wives to keep me company. No matter though. I was perfectly fine looking over some of the art books that lay on the library table. The men got up and started leaving the room when the Judge stopped them with a comment.

"Actually, I think I'll keep Kelly company. I'm not much of a smoker and I'm sure that you men have plenty to talk about without me getting in your way." He smiled in my direction, "Is that alright with you, Kelly?"

The other men paused and waited for my answer. My husband was looking unusually uncomfortable and didn't say a word. Feeling pressured but not alarmed in any way, I responded, "That's fine with me. Go enjoy your cigars and we'll be fine in here."

Curiously, my husband looked torn but headed with the partners to the wide staircase that would take them to the highest level of the building. I had been out on the beautiful patio before with its' amazing views of the city and shoreline. They would drink and smoke while talking business for hours. I planned on giving them about an hour before I interrupted but now with the Judge keeping me company I wasn't sure about my plan.

The Judge and I settled on the couch in the study. Skillfully he began asking me about my family and life. In the presence of such a distinguished and successful man I felt a little nervous admitting that I spent the past decade raising children instead of building a career but he seemed genuinely interested in my story and very supportive of my choices.

"My wife raised our two boys while I built my career too. There are advantages to that but I know I missed out too. We were married 36 years when she died after a short battle with cancer two years ago. Since her death I rarely see my sons and their families. She was the one that kept the family together. I suspect you are the glue in your family too." the Judge said with incredible honesty.

I was startled by his frankness and touched by the tear that formed in his eye as he shared about his wife and family.

My maternal instinct kicked in as I patted his knee in sympathy. "I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's death. I'm sure it's not too late to build a closer relationship with your sons especially with grandchildren in the picture. They must want their children to have a good relationship with grandpa."

He winced at the 'G' word. "I still haven't adjusted to thinking of myself as a grandpa. My wife died before the first baby was born. She would have loved every moment of being a grandma." His eyes welled with tears as he jumped up from the couch.

Obviously embarrassed, the Judge moved over to the heavily covered windows and he searched for a way to open the curtains. I quickly joined him saying, "Oh, the view from this room is incredible. Let me help you."

I knew just where the mechanism was located to open the drapes and as promised, the view was stunning. The thousands of lights from the buildings filled the lower part of the floor length windows. The darkness of Lake Michigan loomed in the distance and the night sky was filled with stars. As always that view made me gasp in awe.

Distracted by the view, I didn't notice that the Judge had moved away from the windows. Then I heard him say, "The view is even better from here."

Turning quickly, I faced him across the room. "What do you mean?"

"From back here I can see the skyline but I can also see you." He said with a sly smile. "Kelly," he continued, "do you know why you're here tonight?"

Slowly I shook my head.

"I'll tell you but I want you to listen to the whole thing. Please."

I nodded but already had a inkling about what he would say.

"Since my wife died I've been targeted by many women wanting to become the next Mrs. Judge. I never know if a woman is actually interested in me or in just my money and the power. It makes it hard to meet women so I'm usually alone. I miss the touch of a lover and the warmth of a beautiful woman. I guess that's something that is apparent to other men because it came up as a topic today with your husband as I sat talking to him in his office this afternoon. I'm genuinely impressed with him as a lawyer and as a man. He's got rare talent and the drive to be successful. I asked him about the family pictures on his desk. He spoke of each child and of you with such love and devotion, I was jealous. For some reason I shared with him about my struggles for intimacy since my wife's passing but truthfully it's been a struggle since long before that. It was quite the conversation." He said with an embarrassed grin.

Not knowing what to say, I waited for him to continue.

"I need to be upfront with you. I didn't know what would happen tonight but I'll level with you. I'm lonely and very alone. I have incredible power in my career, I'm successful and driven but I'm terribly lonely. And now being here alone with you I can't help but hope..." His voice trailed off.

Compassion and anger surged through my mind. I felt sorry for the man as he shared, admitting his weakness. Anger at my husband also threatened to take over my mind but somehow I managed to squash that for the time being. Truthfully, part of me wanted to allow whatever to happen just to spite him. Once, years before I had been put in this same position but it was clear to me that this time it could be a much more pleasant experience.

My mind quickly made up, I turned toward the massive wall of windows and in a low voice said, "So, what do you like about the view, Judge?"

After about 10 seconds he responded, "Well, what's not to like? And please call me Randall."

I felt rather than heard him move toward me across the plush carpeting.

Then from a short distance I heard him gasp as I moved my hands to my right side seeking the zipper that that ran under my arm. The material shifted and I could hear him breathing as I pulled the dress up until the hem line was just under my ass. From his vantage point I knew he could see the tops of my thigh highs and the satiny edge of my panties.

"So what other view would you enjoy, Randall?" I asked him glancing over my shoulder. His hand rested on his crotch but his eyes were glued to my ass. My normally well hidden slutty nature was taking over and I wasn't going to fight it.

"Anything you want to show me," he whispered in anticipation.

I pulled the hem of the dress a bit higher until my panties were completely visible. I had dressed carefully that night, thinking I would surprise my husband on the way home by asking him to find a secluded spot where we could play and fuck on the hood of the convertible. I was sure to pack a quilt in the trunk of the car. However, he would not be enjoying the ride home in that way that night. Scheming to put me in the position of advancing his career without consulting me meant little to no sex for a while. We had a long conversation ahead of us and he had plenty of 'splaining to do.

In the meantime, my little striptease for Randall was beginning to work it's magic as I felt my nipples harden and my panties begin to dampen.

I began to gently sway my hips as I peeled the silky material off my arms. I heard a sharp intake of breath as he watched the dress move up my back and then over my head. I was in no hurry. I knew Ty would keep the other men busy until he heard from me that it was safe to come down. I was sure he was feeling anxious but I rather enjoyed that thought. Let him suffer a bit while I have some fun. That'll teach him to do this again, was my evil thought.

Then I stood before the wall of windows in my lacy bra and panties. My thigh highs drooped a bit from the swaying but I don't think Randall noticed. His eyes were glued to my body, moving in time to a silent song. I moved closer to the windows and placed my bare arms against the glass.