Adult Situations Ch. 13-14


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I thought for a moment, but no one came to mind. I knew what Crystal's dilemma was. When she was starting Crystal Blue Photography over a year earlier, she'd posted that she did 'glamor, erotic, and other adult, intimate, and personal photography'.

Since her start, those words had led her to develop a specialty for filming erotica that starred her customer, of course. What was unique for Crystal was that most of that work came from word of mouth. One job seemed to generate three to five serious leads. Her business just in that area consisted to three or four jobs a month. Of course, she also did portraits, family sittings, and weddings, and had started doing brochure photography of products for advertisement. We'd often get a catalog, junk mail, or some other type of brochure and she'd recognize her work.

Several of her early clients gave permission to show their sexy videos privately to other potential CBP clients. Of course, Crystal offered an incentive to let her do that. Thus, Molly and Allison were becoming 'private porn stars' just like me. We'd done several videos together as Crystal filmed, and occasionally joined in.

From my point of view, I loved her specialty. Reason? I was involved as an incidental 'actor' in most of the films. That meant that I had some wonderful sexual encounters with some very nice and sexy women.

For the other 'private porn star' videos that her customers wanted, Crystal expanded her stable of willing studs to include Darlene's boyfriend Greg, and Deborah's husband Mitch. Of course, Ross did a few, as well. I was doing about two-thirds of the 'private' work, and those three men picked up the other third.

Occasionally, there'd been a request for another woman to be in the mix with a customer. Most of those resulted in female-female videos, and Trish got asked by her sister to be the 'other woman' or Crystal would take on that onerous task and I'd be the main photographer.

There were a couple of photography sessions where a male customer of Crystal's wanted an erotic video with a female. Trish did one of those, and Deborah the other. Neither woman complained since the men were handsome but older than their usual fare. The women each also liked the extra 'pin money' they earned having wild and abandoned sex with the men.

After thinking about Crystal's need for a video editor, I suggested she post the job on one of the local job sites and see what happened. Four days later, she had eight applicants for the job. Crystal was almost too busy to review the applicants, so I volunteered to help her.

Of the applicants, there were five women and three men. I went through their experience listings, and eliminated half of them as not having relevant video-editing experience. Those four wanted Crystal to pay to have them learn the package -- something called Final Cut Pro, and Crystal also wanted skill in Apple's iMovie software app.

I arranged one-hour interviews with the three women and one man still in the running for the job. The interviews would be held at Crystal's small storefront office on Main Street downtown. Again, I said I'd help, but she had to be the lead interviewer and she also had to be sure she felt some chemistry with the person since they'd have to interact many times a week. I was merely helping out my fiancée.

At my recommendation, Crystal planned to be up front about the salacious nature of the material that needing editing. She had permission to use the album from 'Molly at Play' to show, and had a segment queued up on her laptop from when Allison and I got together.

The first interview was with Carol Grainger. After five minutes of preliminaries, Crystal said, "Early on, so we don't waste each other's time, I want you to know that part of the job will involve working with sexual material a good percentage of the time. You'll be processing both still photos and videos for our customers to create finished product for them."

Carol looked slightly shocked. She mumbled, "Sexual ... material?" I knew her tentative comment didn't make it sound like she was winner.

Carol looked at the album and never got to see any of the video. She agreed that this kind of work was most likely beyond her, and so Crystal ended the interview with thanks for coming.

Aaron Baker didn't react quite so dramatically as Carol did, but that interview also ended quickly. Crystal also didn't think that he'd be discreet about keeping his work confidential.

Sarah Fenton interviewed well, made it through the revelation about the work and viewed the album and the video, and then asked some thoughtful questions about whether any of the work had been made public by the customers? Crystal didn't know for sure. Sarah wanted to think about the work and whether she could do the sexual stuff on a steady basis.

Roselle Costanos also didn't make it to the video. She closed the album after seeing about twelve pages, said that she'd have to go to confession every day with lustful thoughts, and that would be too much. She ended the interview before Crystal could.

At the end of the day, Crystal and I both shrugged. She said, "Back to the drawing boards. Let's keep the job posting up for another week or so and see what happens."

Carol Grainger, the timid and somewhat shocked young woman from the previous morning called the next morning. She wanted to come back and talk more about the job. "I've thought about it, and I think ... I think that I'm more interested than I was yesterday. I was taken aback from the sexual nature of the work; I wasn't expecting that. In thinking about it further, I think I could be good at it unless you've already hired someone."

Crystal said she'd meet her in an hour at her studio. I had to do my own work so wasn't part of the follow-up interview. I did get a text from Crystal about noon:'Just hired Carol Grainger on a temporary basis. More later, but I think she'll work out all right. She's already started.'

Crystal had a portrait sitting that afternoon. To give Carol some feeling for the work, she had her assisting, which really meant that she watched Crystal at work. The client was a young woman who'd just passed the bar exam and was about to work for a law firm downtown doing estate planning and trust work. The sitting produced a stiff, formal, and regal set of photos for the woman to choose from for her professional debut.

In the meanwhile, Crystal had given Carol the videos from Saturday's sex session. The client, a married woman named Emma, wanted to give her husband a reminder that she was 'hot' and sexy, and desirable as a sex object. I'd been the on-scene gigolo that supposedly seduced the woman in a bar setting, and then fucked the stuffing out of her, back at her home. Her husband was away on business, but upon his return would be the recipient of an album entitled 'Emma at Play' and a corresponding DVD.

Carol's remit was to take about twelve hours of video across multiple cameras, and reduce it down to a private, sexy, pornographic video of Emma misbehaving badly and sexually. For her first job, Crystal had given her a week to complete the assignment -- thirty-five hours, or so.

Three days later, after checking on her progress, Crystal invited Carol to be her 'helper' at a photoshoot we were doing with a woman named Jackie about twenty miles away. She'd been a referral for 'private porn' from another woman we did a shoot with three months earlier.

Jackie was a live wire: fifty, stacked, gym rat, botoxed, competitive golfer, and tennis buff, and obsessed with sex. According to her, she was neglected by her husband, who, she said, told her to get a boyfriend because he was too busy with his business. She wanted to rekindle his attention, so had planned this video and album to get his attention. She wanted him jealous and spending more time at home doting on her.

In this little skit, I was to be the pool boy. I'd come to clean the pool and she'd seduce me. We'd go through many of the ideas on Crystal's suggestive list, and then I'd go back to finish the pool as Jackie laid in the middle of her bed in the wet spot panting over our hot fuck.

Crystal set up the various cameras on fixed tripods or hidden on the set, and then got her own favorite camera ready to take stills and videos. We started outside as I came around the side of the house with the pool skimmer and a pail full of chemicals and other things I should be using. I'd borrowed the gear from Ross's pool equipment. I was wearing swim trunks and grotty sneakers and looking very beach bum.

Crystal got some pictures of Jackie wearing some lingerie and looking out the window at me and even rubbing her crotch as she perved on me. At one point, I look up and see her watching me and rubbing her sex. She gestures to me, and we follow a logical sequence from there that leads to the energetic sex.

Jackie invited me inside and Crystal picked up the filming. Carol stood out of the camera's sightline and watched. Jackie and I started to make out on the living room sofa. I peeled off some of her lingerie set, and she started to fellate me. She gave good blowjobs. Was there a bad blowjob?

I watched as Carol detached one of the fixed cameras from its tripod. She moved around us with the camera, taking some shots that I'd never seen Crystal consider. Her camera was only inches from Jackie's tits as I sucked on the nipples and raised them to peak erections.

In another unique shot, she was looking up my body from the floor as Jackie blew me and her breasts quivered. Crystal nodded favorably at her and gave her a signal that she liked what she was doing.

When I started to eat Jackie, Carol again did a unique shot right from beside Jackie's ear looking down her sexy body as I gnawed away at her pussy.

Later, Carol got close-ups of my tongue on Jackie's clit, my fingers sawing into our client's pussy, and still later, the exceptionally slow penetration of my engorged cock through the swollen labia and into Jackie's slippery vagina. She kept filming from only inches away for over a minute. We repeated the shot so Crystal could also get her more distant shots.

Carol carefully moved, usually so she wasn't in Crystal's way for her videoing. Crystal gestured for her to take some shots when she saw what Carol was thinking. Their moves were silent but synchronized.

Both cameras eventually captured my cock withdrawing from Jackie's battered pussy. A large dollop of my cum immediately appeared, and both Crystal and Carol filmed the appearance. Carol, however, got her camera about two inches from the overflow of jizz and then filmed it oozing out and then down over her anus and then dripping onto the floor. The puddle on the floor also got filmed.

Jackie and I got videoed having a shower together and kissing some more. She was filmed masturbating on the bed as I dressed. I then was filmed going back outside to the pool and collecting my pool cleaning gear and leaving. End of filming session.

Crystal was full of praise for Carol's efforts as soon as we were alone in her car returning to the office. Carol was almost embarrassed, not at the content of the work but for at the compliments.

She finally said, "I've watched top-rated pornography on several websites since I got the job last week. I made notes about what made every video top rated. Of course, I also had to watch the low-rated vids to see what they had or didn't have, too. I just got lots of ideas." She blushed again, this time more deeply and obviously about the content of the subject.

Crystal admitted, "And, you made me see that I've been missing some crucial shots to really spice up and improve the videos. I should have done what you did. Keep doing that. Great ideas."

After some discussion, Crystal just about insisted that Carol come with her to another filming on Wednesday afternoon when Mitch was going to be the lead man in the video. I was scheduled for the following Saturday.

When Crystal went into her studio office about ten a.m. on Monday morning, she found Carol diligently working away. Further, she learned that Carol had spent Saturday evening and all-day and evening Sunday editing the video with Jackie. She'd just about finished her first draft. She begged for Crystal to allow her to finish and promised that right after lunch, she'd have something to show.

Crystal went off and worked on one of the albums and videos from a week prior. She lost track of the time, at least until Carol stood in the doorway to Crystal's open office and said that she was finished. Crystal telephoned me and I came down to her office to see the draft finished product.

Crystal and I sat at the conference table. Carol called up the video on the large high-definition television set in the studio; this gave the video a larger-than-life appearance. She started the video playing, and there were some special effects announcing the title 'Jackie at Play' and then the filming credit for Crystal Blue Photography. Crystal had never done titling like that before. She loved it and applauded Carol's work.

She'd done a masterful job of weaving together the start of the video as Jackie got interested in the pool boy -- me. Crystal sat forward on her chair and watched intently, analyzing the content, style, scene choice, videography, as well as the acting.

Finally, there was the arousing ending where my cum oozed out of Jackie's vagina and dripped to the floor. The pan of a camera to the puddle seemed to encapsulate the eroticism of the whole video. Our showers and my departure from the house and pool were the perfect denouement needed to close out the video. Everything faded to black at the end as I disappeared around the side of the house.

Carol nervously sat and watched Crystal and my reaction to everything. Except for an exclamation every now and then, neither of us had said anything except praise about the video for an hour.

Crystal went over and hugged Carol. "THAT was the most stupendous job of video editing that I've ever seen. You took all the crap that I filmed and made it into a piece of erotic art that is a great piece of erotic art, and I include all of my own work in that statement. You are a gem."

Carol sobbed slightly, "You liked it?" She was choked up.

"I LOVED IT. You did outstanding work. I can't thank you enough. Jackie is going to love it, and her husband will come unglued at watching her spend so long having that fabulous fuck with Dave. You did GREAT grasshopper."

Carol got control of her emotions. "I've never done anything like that before. I wanted to do the best job that ..."

"You did! You did!" Crystal chanted.

I stood off to the side and added in my own favorable comments. I was very impressed by what Carol had done.

Carol blushed. "I just put together all the things that I'd want to watch if I were seeing that video for the first time. I've never done pornography before ... well, except to watch some of it. I'm still learning."

At Wednesday's video recording of Maitlin Westlake, Carol found herself given one of the best cameras in Crystal's arsenal of photography equipment. She mastered the basics quickly, and then they started the filming with Mitch and Maitlin as the subjects of interest.

Crystal raved about Carol that evening when I saw her at dinner and I got to hear some of the details about the recording session.

Carol seemed more confident when I saw her again at noon on Saturday. We were going to be doing a video with a woman named Sandy Rexnall. Sandy was voluptuous. Sandy was also significantly overweight, but knew how to dress to cover her vice of overeating or drinking.

While this video was ostensibly for her husband, she'd heard from two of her friends, both previous customers of Crystal Blue Photography, about how much fun the video sessions were and how great the mementoes were of the afternoon. Fundamentally, it boiled down to, Sandy wanted to get laid in a significant way and have some souvenirs to show for it.

Carol politely pointed out to Sandy about how she should keep on part of her dress around her waist. This was smart because it would hide some of the less than attractive folds of her excess belly skin. She also talked about how to hold her arm under her breasts while she was being fucked to control the unsavory oscillations.

Carol explained, "You have beautiful DD breasts, but they'll be all over the map and uncontrollable unless you rein them in in some way. She demonstrated on her own C cups, but we all knew the effect would be significantly exaggerated for well-endowed Sandy. I rather enjoyed seeing Carol's bare breasts for two minutes before she covered up again.

The filming went according to plan. I again saw Carol get some unique angles on the sex that Sandy and I were having together. She was a fun fuck, and we resonated well together.

When we finished about three hours later, Crystal promised some results within a few weeks. Sandy praised my performance as her lover, and asked that if we ever had any sex parties or something like that, that she'd like to attend. She wasn't sure about her husband, but she told us again that she was perpetually horny and could never get enough sex.

On the way back to Crystal's studio, Crystal told Carol that she was NOT to start working on the video until the normal work week. "I don't want you to burn out on this new job. Get rested up and everything. Have some fun. Even get laid, but please keep this job under control. I'm the owner and have an excuse for letting this consume my life. You don't."

Carol laughed and promised that she'd enjoy the rest of the weekend. She also commented that the likelihood of getting laid was slim to none, with none being the clear winner. I thought that was ashamed because she was pretty and so nice and personable.

That night, Ross, Trish, Crystal, and I hosted one of our sex parties. The other people at the party were Darlene and Greg, Mitch and Deborah, Allison and William, and Crystal's parents, who'd again driven down for the event, Beth and Brian. Molly also showed up alone; she was teasing her cuckold husband by going out to a party alone -- a party where she was sure that she'd get fucked royally.

Crystal often showed one of CBP's videos at the event. In this case, she showed Carol's just edited video from a week earlier. She also praised her new employee's editing and creative skills. The video was hot, and helped set the stage for the rest of the activities that night.

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Marklynda2Marklynda28 months ago

And"work" and the party just keep getting better! Sounds like Carol will soon be an inductee into the party scene. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Where’s the tension conflict and drama? All these chapters boy and father meet sisters fuck fall in love meet new women couples etc fuck kinda fall in love but love for Crystal is strongest. Everyone can have sex for hours or days and each time is best ever.

Husbands whose wives surprise them with blue video that proves the are unfaithful and husband is cuck accept it and more fucking.

Hey try Crystal falls deeply in love with another hunk videos it and MC is a cuck unsure of future with Crystal.

So much female bi-sex. How about some man on man love. Father - son bi-sex anyone just to be fair. Maybe a new player drugs father and son and they are videotaped doing the nasty.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 2 years ago

I wonder how they know that all of these husbands will be okay with their wives fucking another man on these videos?

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