About a Cat


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Rob wasn't sure what was running through her mind, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Melissa. She looked gorgeous sitting there in that plain bathrobe, and he couldn't stop picturing her naked in his arms. It was all he could do not to get a raging hard-on under the table. He was careful to listen to every word coming out of Brittany's mouth, however.

Melissa and Brittany were both impressed at how up-to-date Rob was on the kids' shows from Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon. Not only did he clearly watch those with his daughter, but he had been paying attention and seemed to really enjoy doing some of the voices of the characters. Twice, Melissa had to cover her mouth, laughing out loud around a bite of food. This guy was good, she thought. His impersonations were almost perfect.

After breakfast, Rob gallantly offered to clean the dishes while the girls put on their swimsuits. Melissa was not happy with the way hers made her look, and fussed over it for a while. It was a light blue one-piece suit with spaghetti straps over the shoulders. The suit had a liner inside the cups, with under wires built in to support her breasts. She felt it was a little too snug around her belly and crotch, and wished again that she had bought the one with the little built-in skirt that covered that area. She finally sighed in resignation and walked out to the living room.

Rob and Brittany were waiting on the couch, both petting Bernard as he purred in Brittany's lap. The look Rob gave her made her shiver and feel sexy all over again. Brittany merely looked relieved she was finally ready to go. The little girl gave her cat a fierce squeeze and got up, practically bouncing in her eagerness to get going.

Melissa locked the front door to the house, then turned and looked at Rob. He was holding out his keys, and it took her several seconds to realize that he was once again offering to let her drive.

"That's okay," she demurred with a soft smile, "but thanks."

Rob shrugged and then helped Brittany into the truck, securing her seatbelt for her before sliding in and buckling his own seatbelt. Melissa was struck again at how natural all of it seemed.

They got to Rob's apartment complex and he gave Brittany the 'dime tour' of his place. Sunshine seemed delighted to greet them all, but wasn't as happy with Brittany's clinging hug as Bernard was. Rob changed quickly into his swim trunks and then took them on a tour of the three closest pools.

"There is another pool, but it's just for little kids," he confided to Brittany. "It's only two feet deep, and—" he looked around before whispering dramatically, "those little kids all pee in the pool. I would not go in there."

Brittany wrinkled up her nose and said, "Eww!"

"Yeah," Rob nodded, "Exactly."

In the end, they chose the pool that was closest to Rob's apartment anyway. Brittany had inflated floatation devices on her arms and another around her chest. She loved the water, but hadn't really learned to swim. Rob had taught his own daughter how to swim, and he was soon teaching Brittany as well. Melissa watched them together and smiled.

She was sitting on the side of the pool with her feet and calves in the warm water, relaxing. It took her a while to realize that a trio of younger women behind her and a young man were talking about her. Well, more precisely they were talking about Rob and seemed jealous of her.

"I guess that's all you needed to do to get him into bed, just adopt a daughter," one of the girls quipped.

Melissa reddened at that. She was contemplating saying something, but then saw Rob looking at her and softly shaking his head. He had heard it too. He held out his hand, and she slipped into the water and swam over. Brittany was delightedly doggy-paddling across the shallow end of the pool, and didn't see Rob giving her mom a deep, scorching kiss just a few feet away.

They had been careful to apply sun block, but after two hours in the water it was definitely time to take a break and grab some lunch. Rob led them back up to his apartment, and Brittany claimed the shower first. As soon as the water started in the shower, Melissa was naked on Rob's bed with his hard cock filling her eager pussy.

There was a frantic urgency this time. They both wanted more than the time would allow. Melissa shuddered through a pair of quick, gasping orgasms before they heard the water being turned off. Rob forced himself to stop pounding her, and withdrew his hard dick from her wet clutches with a tortured groan. He quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and then kissed Melissa's breasts before wrapping her in another towel.

His erection tented out the front of the towel outrageously. Melissa did her best not to laugh as he carefully sidestepped around Brittany, keeping his back to her the entire time, to rinse off in the shower. He was quick about it, and the cold water helped reduce the swelling noticeably by the time he emerged to fix lunch. Melissa likewise showered off the chlorine water of the pool quickly.

They had tuna fish sandwiches with juice and chips. Clearly, Brittany had been allowed to pick out what they ate. It was her favorite. Sunshine was eager to finish off the rest of the can of tuna that didn't make it into the sandwiches. They sat in the living room and watched cartoons while their food settled. Rob still had only the loveseat for living room furniture, giving Melissa an excuse to sit in his lap while Brittany sat next to them.

Melissa tried not to torture him by wiggling her shapely bottom in his crotch too much. Even so, she felt a thrill at how hard he was beneath her. Rob stoically sat and held her lightly while Brittany over-explained an episode of Spongebob Squarepants that they had all seen before. After an hour of that delicious torture, Rob suggested they go back to the pool. Brittany once again led the way, first to get her swimsuit back on and first into the water.

Rob did his best to hide his aroused state, but Melissa was not the only one who could see it. Fortunately, Brittany didn't seem to notice or care that Rob got a hard-on looking at her mom's shapely backside. This time, with Rob guiding her through the process, she was able to learn some rudimentary swimming and floating techniques. By the time the sun was setting, she was getting around the pool without floatation devices for the first time.

Brittany wasn't the only young child in the pool. Rob knew several of the other kids whose families lived in the complex, and he had helped some of them learn to swim as well. Brittany quickly made friends, and they all splashed and played together. Melissa marveled at the way Rob gently managed the kids, finding time to talk to her and introduce her to some of the other parents before diving back into entertaining, teaching, and occasionally refereeing for the kids as they played.

Melissa was shaken from her admiration of him when one of the other kid's moms asked, "So, how long have you and Rob been dating?"

Melissa looked at the inquiring face. She had only been introduced to Samantha an hour earlier. Samantha's husband, Jack, was in the pool playing with their daughter and talking with Rob. Melissa realized that they couldn't have known each other that long, but the two men laughed together naturally. Samantha was waiting for an answer.

"Samantha, that is a tough one for me to answer," Melissa finally responded. She smiled wistfully, "We actually haven't had time for a proper date."

Melissa was spared having to give any more information. Dianne, another of the moms and Samantha's friend, had been sipping mixed drinks most of the afternoon. She joined the conversation, whispering way too loudly, "I'll bet he's just amazing in the sack, isn't he?"

Melissa colored brightly as Samantha gasped out, "Dianne!" It felt like half the people at the pool had turned when they heard that. Melissa's blushing face and the way she bit her lip answered the question without her having to say a word. She was embarrassed, though.

Mercifully, it was time for all the kids and their parents to call it a day. The kids, most of whom looked exhausted, still whined and begged for more time in the pool. It was never enough time for them. Within ten minutes everyone was drying off and leaving. The younger adults were arriving to claim the pool at the same time the families made their exit.

Melissa was stunned when she realized that these barely-twenty girls all had eyes for Rob as well. Some of the young men, too, it seemed. Rob smiled politely as he led Brittany and Melissa back up to his apartment. It was at that moment that Brittany was most impressed with Rob. She saw the younger women in their tiny swimsuits, and saw the way that they looked at him. Unlike her dad, Rob did not give them a second glance.

Sunshine looked at the crazy people coming into her apartment. She had watched them out the window, not quite believing they were voluntarily getting into water, when they could be up here giving her lustrous fur the worship that it deserved. She purred between Rob and Melissa on the loveseat as they came to their senses and stroked her furry ears and back.

"I would love to cook you an incredible dinner, but those kids wore me out," Rob laughed softly. "I could order us pizza, if you don't mind that."

As she so often did, Melissa pictured the delighted look on her daughter's face before she gave her own opinion any weight. "That sounds great," she replied with a smile.

Rob had only ordered pizza a couple of times, but the place had his credit card on file and a pair of fresh pizzas arrived at the door before he even finished his shower. Melissa felt a little awkward as she signed for the pizzas, unsure how much of a tip she should put on Rob's credit card. She settled on fifteen percent, and the delivery guy seemed delighted at that. Melissa wondered if she had over-tipped.

Rob emerged from the bathroom and smiled at them as he made a show of sniffing the air. Brittany was already digging into "her" pizza—extra cheese with pineapple and ham. Melissa handed Rob the receipt, which he looked at briefly before smiling at her and setting it on the counter.

"Would you like a beer?" he asked.

"Sure," she said. It had been a long while since she had enjoyed a beer with pizza. She noted that he opted for a soda instead. Brittany loved having the pizza, the Pepsi, and the fluffy cat in her lap. She was the queen of the apartment, the center of all that attention. Sunshine felt exactly the same way.

Brittany was sound asleep less than an hour later when they pulled into the driveway of the house.

Rob carried the little girl inside, following Melissa to Brittany's bedroom. He set Brittany gently on her bed, and then retreated to let Melissa change her daughter into pajamas. He fed and petted Bernard, and then put on a fresh pot of coffee. He put the rest of Brittany's pizza into the refrigerator. Rob then let himself quietly out the back door to have a cigarette on the back porch.

He was physically worn out, but he felt really good as he relaxed there. This whole weekend had been amazing for him. He felt like he was waking up after a really long bad dream into the comfort of a life that he loved. He heard the sliding glass of the patio door opening behind him and turned to smile at Melissa. Bernard slipped past them both; on his way to explore what the night had to offer him.

Rob finished his cigarette and looked around. There wasn't a place for him to dispose of the butt.

"I normally keep empty coffee cans on my porch to dispose of these," he said, holding the dead cigarette out in explanation.

Melissa nodded, went back inside, and returned with an empty coffee can for him. They both understood at that moment what it meant. It was the equivalent of her offering him a drawer for a change of clothes, or buying him a toothbrush to keep at her place. As he thanked her and put the cigarette butt into the can, he was really telling her he would continue to be a part of her life.

Back inside, they had a cup of coffee and relaxed. Rob chuckled softly as he sipped and stretched his legs on the comfortable couch.

"I'm a little worried I might fall asleep right here," he said as he smiled at Melissa. "Today was amazing for me. Thank you so much for that."

She shook her head in response. "Thank you," she replied. "Not to sound melodramatic, but this weekend with you has changed my life, Rob. I felt like everything was falling apart, and there was nothing I could do about it. Now..." she looked into his eyes and shook her head softly, "Everything feels like it's going to be great."

Rob looked a little wistful. "I'm not sure I can promise you 'great' tonight. Those kids wore me out." He took another sip of coffee before a thought made him change the course of that conversation.

"Oh, what time does Brittany have to be at school in the morning?" he said after swallowing. "For that matter, what time do you need to be at work?" He smiled sheepishly before continuing, "...and where is that, exactly?"

It only served to illustrate how little they knew each other. Melissa answered, "We get up at six in the morning, but Brittany doesn't need to be at school until seven-thirty. I usually walk her to school. I need to be at work by nine. I am the office manager at a doctor's office." She told him where it was and he was stunned.

"My office building shares the same parking lot," he breathed out.

He fished a business card out of his wallet and handed it to her.

"Wait, are you kidding me?" she asked as she read it, "Your name is really Robert E. Howard? Like, the guy who wrote Conan the Barbarian?"

It wasn't like his name was William Shakespeare or Stephen King; most people who took his business card had no idea that he was named after an author. The fact that she got the reference was mind-boggling. He showed her his fresh Florida driver's license as evidence before he spoke.

"It's so weird that you even know that. I have two younger brothers and two sisters, and somehow my parents didn't name any of them anything that would draw attention." He pulled out an old, slightly wrinkled family photo from his wallet. He pointed to the faces as he rattled off the names: "Paula and George—my parents; Sara, James, me, George Jr., and Kelly."

They had sat down at the couch just after seven in the evening. Over the next three hours, they drained two pots of coffee and actually got to know each other. It seemed a little ass-backward to both of them, considering how intimate they had already been physically.

The two of them went outside again so that Rob could have a cigarette, and Bernard returned to rub up against them before they let him inside.

"I used to smoke," Melissa admitted quietly, "I quit when I was pregnant with Brittany. I really don't want to start up again, so I don't think it's a good idea for me to stay out here with you while you are smoking."

"I understand," Rob said.

He watched her, looking so damned desirable through that flannel nightgown, as she retreated into the house. His cell phone rang, then, piercing through his comfort with an evil chill when he saw his ex-wife's number. He reluctantly answered it.

Abigail was on the line, in tears. It tore his heart out to hear her like this. He listened in shocked disbelief.

"Momma put pennies in the aquarium! She killed all the fish," Abigail sobbed.

It was a salt-water aquarium. She knew better than that. She had done it on purpose.

Rob tried his best to comfort his daughter, seething as he stubbed out his cigarette. He made his way back into the house, talking softly to his little girl on the phone. Melissa could only watch him helplessly. Then she heard a screeching woman's voice take over the other end of the phone call. The offensive barrage of that voice set her teeth on edge.

The woman blamed Rob for the incident with the aquarium, of course. The fish would still be alive if he hadn't snuck out on them. Nothing was ever her fault, and nothing he did had ever been good enough. He should not have given up so easily on their marriage. He should have tried harder.

Rob clenched his fist and his jaw, striving for control as he took that stream of verbal abuse and tried to offer reasonable responses to completely unreasonable demands coming through the phone. Several times, he covered his mouthpiece and apologized to Melissa. He offered to leave, twice, but she shook her head emphatically.

By the time that horror show finally ended, a half hour later, Melissa had a whole new level of respect for this man. How long had he put up with that hell for the sake of his daughter? The exhaustion on his face after that call made her heart ache for him.

She guided him to her room, gently undressing him and ignoring his quiet protests. She pushed him gently into the bed, and turned out the lights before joining him naked beneath the sheets. She snuggled up against him and held him tightly as it was his turn to sob in her embrace. Poor Abigail, she thought.

They fell into a fitful sleep in each others' arms. Melissa awoke in the darkness to the welcome sensation of Rob's arms wrapped around her, his chest against her back. She could also feel his throbbing erection poking into her bottom. She smiled softly to herself as she listened to his deep breathing. Despite his obvious arousal, he was still sound asleep.

Melissa kept the air conditioning set in the mid-seventies, mostly to keep the humidity down to an acceptable level. The warmth of their bodies pressed together as they were had put a slight sheen of sweat between them. She lifted her head and craned her neck to look over his shoulder at the glowing digital numbers of the clock. It wasn't quite five in the morning yet.

That little bit of movement caused the thick, aroused head of Rob's cock to slide up into the cleft of her cheeks, until it was pressed against her throbbing backdoor. Melissa's breath caught as it sent a naughty shock through her body. She had only allowed her ex to use that part of her, and he had not been gentle about it. That handful of times, it had not been pleasant for her at all.

She wasn't seriously considering taking Rob's much larger member into her ass, and certainly not without copious lubricant. Somehow, though, that sweat-coated cock head was already halfway inside her tight little ring. Her eyes opened and she gasped at the sensation. She needed to put a stop to this immediately, before it started to hurt.

She simply lacked the will to act. It had never felt as amazing as this; she had never had her bottom gently and slowly stretched open like it was. Without the benefit of lubrication, her nerve endings were on fire as she was opened up, just not in the painful way she had expected. She bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud.

The bulbous head had entirely penetrated her, and it felt incredible. Rob moaned out in his sleep and his hips pressed forward, slowly forcing the thickest part of his shaft inside her. That did hurt, but only a little. It was overwhelmingly outweighed by the intensely sensual sensation of fullness spreading out from that sensitive little hole.

She did gasp out loud, then. She was coming, and it was amazing!

Better still, her clutching rectal muscles soon had him coming, and that was mind-bendingly good. She was so sensitive back there that she could feel every contraction of his shaft, every hot spurt of his cum as it left him. Her body shuddered through the entirety of his climax. When he was spent, his softening shaft slowly withdrew from her dilated little sphincter. She clenched her muscles to hold his molten offering inside her.

Melissa could scarcely believe that had happened. Rob didn't even know it had; he was still sleeping soundly with a satisfied smile on his mouth. She lay in the bed, savoring the tingles that having that load of cum inside her ass inspired. She felt like she had a naughty secret, and it was an amazing turn-on.