Abandoned with the Enemy Ch. 01

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Soldier gets stranded on an island after battle with aliens.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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*A human soldier on a secret mission at a disputed planet gets into a skirmish with a Silth carrier which had the same goal. The quick but devastating battle had left him stranded alone on an island in the middle of nowhere. At least, he thought he was alone.

*First part of a romance/science fiction/horror story which might later join others into another story I have in mind.

*Literotica rules apply.


I groaned as I pulled myself away from the sloshing sea onto the white sand. If I still didn't want to drown I'd have to get away from the water. If the tide came in while I was unconscious it would kill me.

When I saw grass through my blurry vision I decided I'd gone far enough and let myself float into darkness despite my fear of dying.


'Goddammit!' I groaned as I swatted at insects buzzing around my ears.

I grumbled while I blinked against the bright light, then tried to sit up after a while. My wet clothes added to my irritation and I pulled them off, choosing the bother of taking them off against keeping them on.

After a few struggles I tossed the last piece aside and laid back naked on the warm sand. I cared less about being covered with that than the wet cloth clinging to me.

I recalled the main events that led me up to here; born into a poor family which sold me into the military because they wouldn't be able to feed and raise me otherwise, the subsequent training which showed I had a tenacity for keeping alive, and the assignment to one of the most abused secret sections of the military after almost killing a senior officer who came close to raping a girl at a bar.


We were supposed to set up a hidden base at the latest M class planet that was found. Its inclusion in one of the territories had been a fight between the feline Silth and humans for years, each claiming they found it first and that the simple civilizations living on it were part of their combined worlds. The universal council had been trying to establish a peaceful settlement between our species but with the continual tensions and skirmishes between us it was almost impossible. So far there was only the official promise to not colonise the planet and come into contact with the species on it while the dispute continued.

'As if.' I said to myself and tossed a nearby rock away from me.

The encounter with the Silth carrier was devastating. With both ships running stealth close to the sea surface, we were in stone throwing distance when we found each other. The panic reaction was to unleash our full arsenals upon one another. The few fighter pods from both sides who managed to launch, including mine, had just about obliterated each other when the carriers burned down and sank into the ocean.

With no home to return to and most of my equipment damaged I headed off to the nearest island available on the local map. The pod broke down before I was able to reach it and I used up all my stamina to reach it by swimming.

I stood up, shaking on my legs. I would have to hold out long enough for help to arrive. If that ever came.

That was the risk of a classified unit. Nobody would acknowledge you, nobody would save you, nobody would praise you. Only the pay and the thrill were worth it.

I reviewed my surroundings, white beach, tropical climate, mostly blue sky, vacation paradise for most people.

I hated it. I saw unknown predators and diseases, difficulty in finding a decent shelter, food.

'DAMMIT!' I shouted again.

I took another look at my clothing. The only useful thing that came with it was the knife. No matter how advanced technology became, the one thing that stayed part of basic equipment was the knife. I didn't care about my clothing, but I was aware enough to not take chances and buried all of it in the sand.

After that I faced the jungle in front of me. Just me and my knife. I wasn't ready, but I had to survive.


I was lucky in the way luck favoured tropical zones on earth, there was food available. I sampled anything resembling food and soon enough found out what was edible and what had to be avoided. A shelter I could make from branches and big leaves. Within several days I had created a basic means of survival.

I took my time, waiting at the nearby source of fresh water to observe what kind of wildlife came there. I could, but didn't particularly like to survive on plants and small fish alone. A species of rodent reminding me of rats and mice was abundant and wasn't a bad source of protein. A larger species looking a little more like deer and a species like pigs lived around here as well. Too bad I'd need something like a bow for those. I also encountered a medium sized predator with brown, grey and black streaked fur, something that had a canine head, the body of a feline and a short, bushy tail. It had acted aggressively, but a growl and a stomp from my foot had sent it away.

It had been nine days since I found myself washed up on the beach. In the meantime I had secured myself a small shelter and sources of nutrition. A semblance of daily routine had establish itself by gathering food, fishing and exploring the area. I needed to get into contact with military command, but that was of secondary concern. I still needed to survive as if I'd be the last of the human race.

Gradually I began to expand my exploration of the area and knowledge of the routine of wildlife around here. I had salvaged my clothes from the beach, putting them aside and only using my pants while hunting. It made running a little less awkward. Digging into the memories left from survival training I found the right materials to make a bow and arrows. I even thought about looking into salvaging steel from my pod, see if I could melt it and create more effective arrow tips and maybe a blade or two.

I couldn't get a clear view from the edge of the beach, but it looked like the island was the tip of a short underwater mountain ridge, maybe even volcanic in origin although I saw no direct evidence from the hilltops I was able to see. I expected it would take me several days to walk across the island, not counting the extra time it would take to get through the jungle. At least that would mean there'd be enough wildlife to survive without having an impact on the place. Can't live if I ate all the food here.

Seeing it would be a long time before military control knew the ship went missing, and even more time before they'd have any idea where to look, I decided I'd go explore the island in a while and accept it as my new home because the chance of getting rescued would be minimal.


A jungle, or any kind of area involving lots of trees, was never quiet and it took some time before I was able to get used to the noises from the nocturnal animals and get some decent sleep. This time though I woke up when something screamed and yowled nearby.

I grabbed my knife and stoked up the dying fire to make a torch. If this was a new kind of predator prowling at night I'd like to know it first before it could attack me thinking I'd be a sleeping meal for it.

I heard several more yelps and growls and suspected it was one of those mixed predators which I named cags. Yeah, I'm no biologist. I carefully followed the sound of scuffling behind some bushes to find one in a death grip with a poisonous lizard. The cag twisted its muzzle and the lizard went limp, letting go of the cag's leg. The cag limped with its bleeding leg toward a small shaking heap of fur. It let out a peep and I understood the mother cag had protected her young. I saw her lick it and it crawled closer to her. She didn't call for others so it looked like this was her only young.

The bushes rustled as I moved out of them and she growled at me. Her head swayed a little from the poison's effect.

'Shh..' I said softly, putting down my bow and torch beside me. 'I'm not here to harm you.'

I sat on my knees until her growls faded, then crawled slowly closer. The little one whined softly, giving its mother licks and nudged her with its nose, but she would no longer be able to respond to her child. I crawled closer and it looked at me, panic in its yellow eyes, then pawed at its mother.

'I'm sorry, little one.' I whispered as I sat in front of them. 'She can no longer care for you.'

It whined for a while, licking its mother's face again, then laid down on the ground against her, glancing at me. I didn't know if it was going to be a stupid idea, but thinking I'd have to let nature take its course and abandon the pup, or kitten, or whatever the right name was didn't sit well with me.

I held out my hand. 'I can't teach you anything of your kind, but I can make you my pet.' I said. 'How about that?'

It cocked its head and blinked at me.

'Staying here doesn't look like a good idea to me.'

It sniffed in my direction, then crawled a bit forward on its belly.

'I don't think you'd taste good, so no worry about me eating you.'

It crawled up to the tip of my fingers and sniffed them.

'I'm a new smell, but at least I'm not a deadly predator.' I said smiling gently, then thought about that. 'Well, not in the sense that you'd find here otherwise.'

It moved a step closer and I could stroke its muzzle with one finger until it seemed convinced I wasn't something bad to it, then it moved close enough for me to scratch its head and behind its ears.

'See? Nothing to worry about.' I whispered.

After a while of scratching I leaned forward and started digging. Luckily the ground was soft here and it didn't take too long to make it deep enough to bury the little one's mother. I lowered the body gently down, then picked up the little one and held it so it could lick its mother's muzzle one last time in farewell. It whined while I covered the grave and picked it up to take it with me to my shelter.

'Your new home.' I said, putting it down before closing the entrance.

It sniffed and looked around, then back at me.

'I guess I'll also have to name you.' I said, then looked closer to see it was a she. 'Rover or Boris won't do, I see.' After trying a few names I chose Wendy.

'One of my fallen comrades had a little sister named Wendy and used to tell me about her all the time. He was the one who took care of her since they lost their parents in her teens. He sounded more like her father to me than a brother.'

I chuckled at the memory and picked up Wendy to stroke her fluffy fur and distract me from the sudden sadness. She yipped at me and made me laugh.

A couple of leaves made up her bed in a hollow in the ground next to my head. 'Sleep now, and we'll start a new chapter in our lives tomorrow.'

She yawned and closed her eyes just before I drifted off to sleep.


Having to take care of Wendy meant my plans to explore the island further had to be postponed for a while. Luckily she grew up fast and I was able to teach her how to hunt with me. When we found prey she would sneak up around them and chase them my way where I could shoot it with my bow or skewer it on the short spear I had made.

First time we stood triumphantly over our dead deer.., thing, I felt like a Neanderthal hunter. To think I flew a fighter pod and handled sub machine guns not too long ago. I kind of miss the compact power tool for killing.

Eventually it became time to go and I packed the few things I'd need in a backpack I had made from the hides of our kills.

'Ready, girl?' I asked Wendy.

She looked up at me and barked. Cags don't bark as low as dogs, but at a higher pitch which fits more with the feline side of her species.

'All right then.' I said and headed for the nearest hilltop and the hopefully first good look at the whole island.


As I expected, the jungle slowed down our progress and it took us two days to reach the hill top. The sun was halfway down the horizon and it became time to find a place to camp for the night. I spotted a clear patch in the tree cover and headed that way.

What I saw surprised me. There was a stone floor here. Overgrown partially, but in good shape without grass or anything growing through cracks. I bend down and felt the surface. Smooth, but not so much like it had been made with a precision machine. The material looked like it was made by processing the ground found around here. From a distance it wouldn't look like there was a separate flat surface here.

'I think we'll stay here for the night, girl.' I said to Wendy and unpacked the backpack to make a fire.

Wendy assumed her role of guardian and inspected the floor area. After getting a fire going I started roasting the three rodents we bagged during the day and gathered big leaves to serve as bed and plates for our meal.

During the meal I wondered if I'd find more proof of an ancient civilisation on this island. Maybe I'd get lucky and find weapons or other items I could use.

It was almost dark when we had finished eating and I propped up my backpack to serve as a pillow and Wendy crawled up to me. I wrapped my arm around her and she gave me a soft lick on my mouth, making me chuckle and give her a goodnight kiss back. Between the warm climate and her warm and soft body I needed no blanket to sleep comfortable at night.

'Good night, sweet Wendy.' I whispered and listened to the sounds around us for a while before sleep took over.


The next morning I checked the area around the floor but found no more evidence of whoever build it. I did get a better view of the island and saw it had a slight bend to it and there were three main tops to the ridge formed by the hills. With any luck I'd find more at one or both of the other tops.

The trek to the middle took two more days which were pretty uneventful, apart from encountering Wendy's kind twice. The first time I wondered what she would do when four cags threatened to attack us, and was pleasantly surprised to see her take my side and chase them away with more voracity than I could have imagined from her size. The second time I noticed she did make sure I was behind her before she snarled and lashed out at a group of three cags. She could be brave, but I did have to be close.

'Good girl.' I said each time, scratching her behind her ears and down her back, which made her body and tail shiver.


I was pondering about setting camp for the night or try to reach the top when I heard Wendy bark a warning. I walked up to her and saw she had found a crevice hidden between the trees and bushes, deep and wide enough to not come back up once you fall down there.

'Careful, girl.' I said, peering into it, then step back before the urge to jump in started.

'It would be safer to set up camp.' I told her and she agreed with a bark.

I spotted a small clearing in the tree cover and headed that way. I just stepped into the clearing when the Silth appeared. I heard the double tap from a gun while I ducked sideways. The first bullet missed me. The second hit my shoulder.

I avoided hitting my shoulder when I fell and only had a split second to react to one of them jumping me. Twisting my body, I caught it with my feet and send it flying. A crack told me it had landed very badly on something. The second one came at me the moment I got on my feet and slashed me with its claws as I weaved and hit it aside. It recovered quickly and went for me again. Before it reached me Wendy jumped at it with a snarl. It stumbled, I grabbed it and swung it hard into a clump of trees. It rotated with a yelp of pain, then saw it go down the edge of the crevice.

'OKAA!' I heard the first Silth yell and dive at the second's arm, who had grabbed onto a bush. Just as the first one grabbed the second's wrist, the bush uprooted and the second dangled into the crevice.

'OKAA!' the first one yelled again and it had sent another chill down my spine, just like the first time I heard her yell that word.

I had learned enough of their language to know the second one was the first's mother. The first one tried desperately to pull up its mother, but I saw the pain in its face and the way it squirmed. It must have broken a rib or two when I kicked her away. It wouldn't be able to save her on her own.

'DAMMIT!' I shouted in my frustration and moved to the Silth. I laid down, reaching my good arm out to the mother. 'Grab on to me!'

Her blue eyes met mine in stunned surprise.

'I said grab on to me!'

She looked at her child who was in pain, then let go with one hand to grab my wrist. Pain shot through my wound as I pulled with all my strength.

My heart was still beating fast and I panted while I sat back against a tree and Wendy licked my face in concern. I let out a weak chuckle and stroked her head.

'I'm all right, girl.' I whispered, happy to see how much she cared. 'I'm all right.'

The mother Silth spoke to its child, then looked back at me. I was in too much pain to wonder if they still wanted to kill me. She moved towards me and I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to finish the job. I would still fight, but I didn't show I was ready.

She sat down on her knees before me and she reminded me of a black panther I had seen in a video. The Silth had smaller muzzles and noses though, more like a house cat, as were their ears, only those were bigger in proportion. And their tails were like normal felines at the base, then grew thick and fluffy with a short point at the end. She wore the standard military green sleeveless jacket and cargo pants and her black fur was dusty from our fight.

'Why you save me?' she asked.

I knew their kind would have learned our language, just as we did for the advantage in war, but I was still surprised to actually hear one speak. She did have a slight lisp, which I suspected they'd all have when speaking. It would make communication easier, but I wouldn't reveal my knowledge of their language just yet.

'Guilty conscience.' I grimaced.

She looked puzzled at me.

'It's not something I'd like to talk about.'

She pondered for a moment, then nodded. She leaned forward but Wendy growled and she sat back.

'Your wound..'

'I'll live.' I said, not quite ready to have her touch me and gestured at her child. 'Go check on..?'

She glanced at her child. 'Naylee.' she said. 'My daughter.'

'It looks like she has broken ribs. Make sure she doesn't have a punctured lung.'

She nodded at me. 'I'm Tashee.' she said and went back to her daughter.

I sighed and watched a discussion between the two while Tashee checked Naylee. Naylee was angry, but Tashee scolded her and she kept quiet. Tashee pulled a small box out of one of her pockets and made her swallow a pill with some water. Then she came back to me.

'Do you have bandage kit?'

'Not really.' I said, then looked around for my backpack. 'Wendy, fetch?' I said, pointing at it and she dragged it back to me.

Tashee looked with interest at her. 'You trained it?'

'Another story for another time.' I said and pulled out the rolls of cloth I had cut from my shirt.

I checked my wound and was glad to see the bullet had went right through. I draped one of the rolls over my shoulder, then winced as I tried to grab the other side.

'Let me.' Tashee said, reaching out for me.

Wendy growled again and Tashee sat back.

I knew I didn't have much of a choice. 'It's okay girl, sit.' I said to Wendy with a scratch on her head and she sat down.

Tashee reached out carefully to me and bandaged my shoulder for me while Wendy kept an eye on her.

'Thanks..' I said as Tashee sat back.

She shook her head. 'You save my life. I owe you.'

'Just try not to kill me, okay? That's the only thing I ask for.' I said and pushed myself up from the tree. 'It's getting late and I need to set up camp.'

She looked up at the sky and nodded. 'Need to make camp too. Is it okay to join you?' she asked, looking up at me. 'I will help you change bandage later.'