Aablar the Neanderthal Ch. 07

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Elizabetha makes love to Sophia; Aablar takes Althea.
4.1k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 11/12/2001
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It is the middle of the last Ice Age, about 50,000 years ago. The Neanderthals roam the Earth, but co-exist with a recently arrived tribe of technologically advanced aliens known as the Amazon. The Amazon hunt Neanderthal men for their wild semen. Aablar has captured an Amazon dominess and her acolyte. He is now the object of a massive hunt led by the ruthless Elizabetha Warren, known to the Neanderthals as Lady Death.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. At Elizabetha's orders, the 'Andromeda' cruised as low as Captain Carol Oates dared take her in this mountainous terrain. At fifteen thousand feet, she was barely a few hundred feet above the highest known peaks in this area. All her bio-scanners were on full power and a mounted squad was in the ready room to investigate each time they registered a promising hit. Sophia took command of the ready squad for the first two-hour watch. She had led the squad on two fruitless forays. The first turned out to be a small grouping of young adults of the Bear Clan who were quickly rounded up and questioned. They knew nothing of Aablar and had no prime quality males. Sophia turned them loose to breed. The second group picked up by the scanners moved very quickly and scattered by the time the dominesses hit the ground. They rode hard and caught their prey that turned out to be two wild highland sheep. In frustration Sophia blew their heads off with her blaster. She did however, have the squad transport the carcasses back the ship's kitchen for butchering.

After stabling her horse, Sophia clattered to the for'ard cabins and paused by the command stateroom. There was a light panel on the door in runic Greca script spelling out 'Colonel Elizabetha Warren'. She hesitated. Sophia considered herself confident and self-assured, but like almost all who worked with Elizabetha, she found the steely Colonel intimidating. She steadied her nerves and knocked.

'Enter,' she heard Elizabetha's deceptively melodious voice.

She entered and bowed. Elizabetha was lounging on a leather club chair by one of the clear stateroom portholes surveying the thick cloud beneath them. She wore her formal uniform, a purple and green bustier and matching short skirt, high gloss black ankle boots, a titanium choker marked with the single crown indicating her rank and her titanium wrist bracers that dominesses were seldom without. Her pale blonde mane hung loose over her shoulders.

She eyed Sophia up and down, taking in her sweat-stained uniform, the dusty thigh boots with jingling spurs and the plumed helmet. She did not miss the flash marks on the blaster barrel indicating recent use. She rose and said, formally, 'Welcome and greetings, Quinta Lady Sophia.' She advanced with extended arms and they met at the center of the room and rubbed nipples. Sophia was built more like the typical dominess with small breasts and button-like nipples and she always marveled that a dominess of Elizabetha's prowess could manage such full breasts. And maintain their firmness with no hint of sag!

Sophia's strong female smell went to Elizabetha's head like a drug and she held her slightly longer and tighter than formality decreed. She released her and stepped back, returning to her club chair by the porthole. She signaled Sophia to join her and indicated the club chair facing her own. Sophia seated herself, unfastened her helmet and shook her short hair loose. She was a dark blonde with darker streaks.

'I was just preparing to go to the wardroom for luncheon. But I'd like to hear your report first.'

'Unfortunately, there is nothing to report. Just a small herd of highland sheep. We will dine on wild mutton tonight.'

Elizabetha said nothing. Sophia waited respectfully and then asked, 'May I retire to my cabin, Colonel? I'd like to have a quick shower before luncheon.'

Elizabetha seemed far away and did not respond immediately. Sophia was about to repeat her question when Elizabetha asked, 'What's it like making love to the old girl?'

'What!?' Sophia was taken aback.

'You know, the Queen. Surely she asks her maidservants to service her?'

'Really, I am not at liberty to discuss this.'

Elizabetha laughed. 'Such a fine blue-blooded aristocrat! Spoken like a gentlewoman! I am sorry if my crude red-blooded remarks offend.'

They faced each other, Elizabetha's pale gray eyes cool and challenging, Sophia's gray-blue eyes hot with suppressed anger.

'I have nothing to be ashamed of,' Sophia said hotly.

Elizabetha's cool colorless eyes continued to bore into her. 'Come here,' she said sharply. Sophia stood and approached her, leaving her helmet on the chair.

'Get down on your knees.' Sophia's anger churned in her stomach, but she obeyed rigidly, controlling her temper.

Elizabetha's powerful hands went into her hair and massaged her scalp, firmly, but not roughly. She turned her aide's angry face up to her and to Sophia's consternation, kissed her on the lips. She kissed with authority and passion, her tongue aggressive in soliciting a response. Sophia found her anger replaced by confusion and as she opened her mouth, found Elizabetha's aggressive tongue snaking around hers to arouse and control.

Elizabetha's hands unbuckled her blaster strap and it slipped to the thick carpet with a soft thud. Her holster-belt followed. Sophia felt Elizabetha's active hands on her breasts, kneading and caressing them. Her nipples that had puckered when they first rubbed, now hardened into long pencil-like points. They quickly unclothed each other and found themselves rolling on the floor. Sophia indulged her fantasies now, kneading Elizabetha's full breasts and finding them supple and pliant with hard and meaty nipples. She found and caressed Elizabetha's highly developed chest muscles that held her magnificent tits high and firm. Their lips traced patterns on each other's bodies and they playfully bit at and sucked each other's nipples.

Sophia was only slightly shorter than Elizabetha and they fell into a comfortable 69 position with Elizabetha on top. They worked each other into a frenzy of mewing and moaning. Finally Elizabetha returned to her club chair, spread her legs and let Sophia service her clitoris with a will. Her moans turned to groans and she began to buck with both her hands holding Sophia's head to her crotch. Then her climax was upon her and she began to scream, calling to Hera and Athena as dominesses were wont to do. Her contractions were spasmodic and wild. Sophia felt her own excitement rise.

When Elizabetha was finally calm, she drew Sophia up on to the wide chair beside her. With nimble fingers, she quickly worked her clit and brought her to a fever pitch of excitement, and then to a climactic release. Sophia squirmed and moaned and came. Elizabetha's lips found hers and she kissed her through her orgasm, prolonging it as her tongue induced more excitement.

They lay on the club chair together, naked save for boots and wrist bracers. Sophia giggled suddenly.

'You're going to need another shower before luncheon, Elizabetha,' she said.

'When I smelled you in my arms, the peasant in me wanted to strip you then and there,' said Elizabetha without a hint of guile. 'We'll have a shower together. We're late and will have the wardroom to ourselves for luncheon.'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2. Meanwhile, the Queen called an emergency meeting of the Council of Peeresses. The Council chamber was hushed, the High Scholaress' maidservants were in the outer reception room. A squad of elite dominesses was dispersed around the Chamber at a discreet distance out of earshot.

The details of the kidnap were explained with Rhea Candaris attending on a comm. channel from the 'Helena'. There was horror all round. Dominesses had been killed on raids before, but attacked and kidnapped by a savage male! Both by breeding and conditioning, male domination was the deepest fear in the Amazon psyche. The findings of the mounted search squads were received with increasing dread. Who could have imagined more prominent victims? The daughter of Princess Fiona fucked in the ass by a savage! Who knew what was in store for the youngest and (some said) dearest daughter of the House of Spalding? Both Fiona and Charlotte sat immobile and received the commiserations of the three other Council members formally and without any displays of their inner emotions.

'I move that we confirm Colonel Elizabetha Warren as search commander,' said Princess Justine Bator, Peeress of the Queen's Regiment. All around the table nodded assent. There were some surprised glances, but Charlotte knew that Elizabetha was firmly back in Fiona's good graces. The details of Elizabetha's work as interim search commander were discussed and her idea of forming an ambush at the Claw Peak was endorsed.

'I would like to place a commendation to Colonel Elizabetha in the official record.' said Fiona.

'Hear, hear,' said Princess Justine.

This too was passed without opposition.

'Before I adjourn the meeting and offer you some refreshment, I would like to make an announcement to the Council,' said the Queen. 'I have decided to retire, with immediate effect. I will, as required by law, supervise the election of my successor. I will allow the minimum period before the election -- 48 hours after the public announcement. I would like your permission to make the announcement this afternoon. I plan to abdicate immediately after the declaration of results.'

There was shocked silence around the table. All in the Chamber had expected the Queen to abdicate fairly soon, but no one had imagined it would be now, in the midst of this crisis.

'You will stay to supervise the coronation of the new Queen, will you not?' asked Henrietta Bucca-Senora, High Scholaress of the Temple of Aphrodite.

'No,' the Queen responded, tiredly. 'The Council can take care of that. You all have my best wishes and blessings.'

'But why the rush, your Highness?' asked Charlotte, voicing the thoughts of all the Peeresses.

'I am tired, Charlotte,' Vanessa returned. 'And I am growing old -- I see it in the eyes of all around me. It is time for someone else to shoulder the burden of presiding over the Amazons. This incident with Lady Katnissa and Lady Althea is the final straw. I don't want to preside over our policies any more. A younger woman with fresher ideas must be Queen.'

'Then there is nothing for it,' said Calliope Philosthela, High Scholaress of the Temple of Eos. 'I move that we accept the Queen's retirement and support her wish to announce immediately.'

They all nodded. Each calculated the impact of the decision on her own position. Charlotte and Fiona were thinking about their manifestoes. Charlotte wondered how she could pacify the dominesses and Fiona wondered how she could get enough support from the scholaresses who outnumbered the dominesses four to one. Heliodora wondered whether she should support Charlotte's bid for the throne, with the promise of becoming the mistress of the Temple of Artemis. Or should she try for the throne herself? Calliope wondered if she should work with Charlotte to try and leapfrog Heliodora to become Abbess of the highest Temple. Their maidservants served fine clove wine in the outer reception room and they maintained exquisite decorum in their talk. But they were all wrapped in their own thoughts and plots.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3. Elizabetha and Sophia, both freshly showered and wearing their formal uniforms, entered the wardroom for a late lunch. Contrary to Elizabetha's expectations, several of the ship's off-duty officers lounged around over hot mugs of coffee. The buzz of conversation died down as the tall dominesses entered. Among the off-duty officers was Carol Oates, the ship's captain. Carol was a dark brunette whose silky hair now hung loose over her shoulders. She brushed it back as she arose and formally rubbed nipples with Elizabetha.

Technically, aircraft crew-women were dominesses, but practically they formed a very distinct cadre with their own traditions and rules. Nominally two aircraft were assigned to the Queen's Regiment, while the other two were assigned to the Susanna Regiment. Carol wore the purple and green leotard of the Queen's Regiment. Each aircraft had a crew of roughly a battalion and aircraft captains were nominally equal in rank to the cavalry battalion Colonels. In practice, however, cavalry Colonels always took precedence. As Colonel in an elite unit of the Queen's Regiment, Elizabetha was the most senior cavalry Colonel. Carol recognized her as a superior officer and deferred to her respectfully.

'What can I do for you, Colonel Elizabetha?'

'Lady Sophia and I were hoping to have a late lunch, Captain Carol. I hope that will be possible?'

'Of course.' Carol snapped her fingers and a couple of stewardesses quickly laid a fresh table and ushered the dominesses to it.

Carol joined them in their repast, sipping her coffee as they ate. Afterwards, they took their own mugs of coffee and joined the aircraft crew in a lounge area. Several of the crew got up to dance. In the midst of this merry-making, Carol tapped Elizabetha on the shoulder and whispered in her ear --

'Colonel, I've just heard from the bridge. The north face of the Claw Peak is on the starboard bow and the bio scanners have picked up a strong multiple signature. I suggest that the three of us proceed to the bridge at once.'

All the mirth faded out of Elizabetha's eyes.

'No, Lady Sophia and I will join the team in the ready room immediately. Have a briefing for us there in ten minutes.'

Carol nodded. Elizabetha signaled to Sophia and the two tall dominesses hurried out of the wardroom, leaving behind a buzz of excitement.

Both Elizabetha and Sophia were in the ready room in under the promised ten minutes, in their combat uniforms, fully armed. Almost immediately, Carol's face appeared on the view screen.

'The bio-signatures are strong, but the atmospheric distortion here makes them very fuzzy. They appear to be mammalian but we have no accuracy on their size or precise location. They are human size or larger.'

'We will proceed to the surface at once,' said Elizabetha decisively. 'Please prepare an air-boat for immediate launch.'

Carol looked pained. 'I am sorry, Colonel, but that is impossible. The weather outside has become drastically worse. We are now in a major storm system. The outside wind-speed is over eighty miles per hour and below us it is snowing heavily. Big as she is, we are having considerable difficulty holding our aircraft steady and on even keel. A smaller craft would not survive more than a few minutes out there.'

Elizabetha felt the deck sway gently beneath her feet. She looked out of the porthole of the ready room -- the skies were steel gray and the clouds below them had thickened considerably. She cursed inwardly.

Outwardly calm, she said, 'We must get to the surface now. If we cannot pilot an small aircraft, we will have to use power-chutes.'

Carol looked worried. 'Colonel, this is also highly dangerous. A controlled descent with a power-chute in this weather would require enormous skill and a great deal of luck. You want to make a landing about twelve thousand feet up on Claw peak in near zero visibility. Our comm. channels are highly distorted this area due to the large heavy metal deposits in this mountain. We will have virtually no audio contact with your team. I would strongly advise against it.'

Elizabetha nodded. 'Noted, Captain Carol. Thank you for your concern.' She turned to the squad in the ready room, relieved that it was a squad of Palace Guardians, the best dominess battalion. 'How many here have experience with power-chutes?' she asked. Four of the ten put their hands up. Elizabetha glanced over at Sophia, who nodded affirmatively. 'This is a mission of extreme danger,' Elizabetha continued. 'Participation is completely voluntary. Declining to participate carries absolutely no stigma.' The four hands remained up and Sophia inclined her head slightly in assent.

'Then we six will launch. Captain, please have power-chutes prepped and ready on the launch deck. We are proceeding there at once.'

Carol was persistent. 'Colonel, we must have your plan and time schedule for recovery.'

Elizabetha paused and smiled. 'Of course, you are right, Captain Carol. I assume you will keep a rough track of us with your bio-scanners. If the weather does not clear, we will make a laser signal indicating our readiness for recovery. We will reach altitude using the power-chutes. Please have grappling hooks and a recovery team on the launch deck. We will use our tendril ropes if necessary. We hope to complete the rescue within a maximum of twenty-four hours. In the event you have no contact from us within forty-eight hours, you are free to seek further instructions from Princess Selene.'

Carol bowed in the video screen. She knew that everything in their exchange was on the video log. She would review it and made detailed plans later.

A squad of aircraft crew met the six dominesses on the launch deck with power-chutes. They checked them thoroughly before helping each of them fasten the shoulder and waist straps. When they were done, the aircraft squad Seignora bowed and said: 'Colonel Elizabetha, all packs are secure. Please lash yourselves to the bulkhead D-rings before we open the jump-door.'

The troopers lashed their tendril ropes to metal D-rings by the jump-door, while the aircraft crew did the same at the rear bulkhead. The aircraft crewmember was at the door control panel. When Elizabetha nodded to her, she pushed the lever and the jump-door slid open noiselessly. Immediately they were assaulted by the howling of the gale. The temperature in the launch chamber dropped to the outside temperature of about forty degrees below freezing. They all felt a gentle tug towards the door caused by the slight decompression.

Elizabetha was first in line. The light above the jump-door glowed red. She could not hear the jump-count that the aircraft crewmemebr was chanting, so she immediately clicked her helmet visor in place to protect her face. As soon as the light turned to green, she loosed her tendril rope and launched herself into the storm.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4. 'The precise vernal equinox will fall within the hour,' he said, pointing to a small stalagmite. 'My seed must also emerge at that time.'

Aablar now shed his loin- cloth and with his manhood swinging loose, ascended the throne. He sat there with legs spread and beckoned to Leia. He had trained her well and she immediately knew what he wanted. She advanced and dropped to her knees between his widespread legs on the top step of the throne. She began to fellate his semi-tumescent prick with her long fingers, causing him to stiffen quickly. Katnissa had seen Aablar's manhood in dim light and under the part cover of bearskins as he fucked Leia and Althea. But both she and Althea watched in amazement as Aablar's rampant manhood grew and grew.

Finally Leia stopped and glanced over her shoulder, proudly displaying Aablar's nine-inch erection. Then she returned to attentions to Aablar. She began to lick his shaft thoroughly, from the base at his balls to the tip. She let the tip of her tongue gently spear the eye of his cock, drawing out drops and then a continuous dribble of pre-ejaculate. Leia's expert attentions were novel to both Katnissa and Althea, familiar as they were with oral sex between women. They both felt their mouths go dry and their cunts go moist as they watched. 'What's next? What's next?' a voice seemed to be saying in Katnissa's head.

Leia's rosy lips parted and she kissed Aablar's penis head, first once and then again and again, each time opening her lips further and engulfing a little more. Finally, with a shrill sigh that echoed in the cavern, she held his shaft steady with her hand and swallowed his dick head and began to suck it. Aablar now began to grunt and his hands sank into her blonde tresses, working her head so that each time she dived, she took more of his enormous erection into her mouth.