A Willingness to Submit...

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I decide that I will do anything to be with her.
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I'm 47 years old and recently divorced and now I find myself in the strangest predicament. You see, I met a young woman. She's 23 and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Why she's pays the least attention to me I'll never know.

We met about a month ago and we've gone out 4 or 5 times since then. When I'm with her I always feel that I'm in the presence of some rare and beautiful animal and that if I make the slightest wrong move she'll disappear forever. Basically, I'm totally smitten!

We've spent a lot of time talking and it's pretty clear that she isn't looking for a traditional relationship. She let me know right away that she wants someone that will allow her to be in control and let her call all the shots. As I said, I'm smitten. So I've basically been putty in her hands.

I've been waiting for our first chance to begin some kind of physical relationship, but I haven't wanted to push it. Then, just last night, she let me know that she is willing to take our relationship to the next level. She wants to go to bed with me, but she wants me to prove my willingness to take direction from her as well as to be sure that I'm healthy and willing enough to be the kind of partner she wants. So, she had asked me to go for an exam at her doctor's office so she can get a full report on me. That's where I'm heading now.

I told her that I had an exam recently, but she said that her office is a bit different and that she is close friends with the staff and they know exactly the kind of exam that she would like me to have. That sounded a little ominous and that's why my heart might be beating so fast as I approach the office.

It's late in the day, 8PM, although the sky is still a purple glow which only seems to add to my trepidation. I tried looking up this doctor, but there was really nothing on the internet. The office is on the third floor of a Manhattan brownstone. I walk up to find the number on the door, but no sign announcing a medical office. I knock.

Soon the door is answered by a young woman in what looks like a very expensive business suit. She just opens the door and looks at me. She says nothing. I am at a loss. I stammer something about being here for an appointment and she opens the door further and waves me in. Still she says nothing.

As I enter I see that she is rather tall. Taller than my five foot ten frame and she seems very fit. Her jet black hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail that trails down her back to her waist. As she turns to look at me her sharp green eyes seem to look right through me.

"Wait here" is all she says and then she turns and walks down a long hallway.

I'm in a sort of waiting room. Like something you might enter for almost any business, but there are no chairs or seats, just a cleared off desk with no one sitting at it. I stand there wondering what I've gotten myself into. I wait ten minutes. Then I wait some more. The room and the rest of the apartment is silent, which continues to add to my feeling of unease.

Then I hear someone approaching, the sharp click of heels against the hard tile floor. It's the woman who answered the door. She walks up to me and stops in front of me and once again just looks at me in silence. I look back not knowing what to do or say.

"Follow me." She commands and turns to walk back down the hall.

I follow and we pass several doors before coming to one at the end of the hall. She knocks and then opens the door without waiting for a reply. She holds the door open and once again waves me in.

What I walk into is beyond my understanding. It's a large room. Windows covered in rich looking curtains, obscuring any light from the outside that might remain in the sky. The room is empty except for a table with four chairs behind it facing into the center of the room. Seated in three of those chairs are three women of various ages, all well dressed and all looking at me as I enter. There is an older woman, perhaps a few years older than myself. The other two are younger, one perhaps younger that the woman I'm dating.

The woman who led me down the hall walks past me and sits in the empty chair. All four women look at me in silence.

"I'm not sure if I'm in the right place. I thought I was coming here for a physical exam."

This I stammered out with a dry throat and a lot of hesitation. They continue to look at me until the older one speaks up.

"Take off your clothes."

I don't think I hear her right.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

She gives me a hard look.

"You are here at the request of one of our friends. She has asked us to evaluate your suitability as a candidate for a partnership with her. If you are serious about this woman you will do everything we ask you to do without hesitation and follow all of our commands. If you are not serious or cannot follow our orders then you should leave right now."

I'm shocked. I can't imagine what's going to happen and I'm not sure I want to find out, but my infatuation for the woman I'm dating is so great that I feel I have to try. Nothing further is said. It's up to me. I slowly begin to unbutton my shirt.

When I have removed everything except my underwear I stop and look up at the women. They just look back at me and wait.

My heart is pounding and I feel dizzy. This is so bizarre a situation that I have no way of knowing how to proceed. I feel embarrassed and humiliated, but there is also a strange sense of euphoria that is overwhelming me. I slide off my underwear.

I want to cover myself with my hands, but somehow I know that I shouldn't so I stand there naked in front of them and they just look at me.

Then the youngest woman stands up and walks toward me. I notice that she is dressed in a kind of Goth sort of theme. With dark clothing and black lipstick and nail polish, although she is a very pale blond and her face looks like an innocent angel.

She walks up to me and stands directly in front of me.

"Put your hands on top of your head and leave them there." She says this with the sweetest voice, yet it is without doubt a command.

I comply. She looks me over closely and walks around me looking at every part of me. It is the strangest feeling standing there completely exposed to this amazing looking young woman as she inspects me with such clinical indifference. She comes around in front of me again and kneels down.

"This is your penis?" She looks up at me questioningly.

I don't know what to say.

"I asked you if this is your penis?" She repeats.

"Yes." Seems to be all I can say.

"Are you proud of it?" she asks as she looks at me with her face inches from my penis.

"I don't know." I stammer.

"You don't know if you are proud of your penis or not?"

"I never thought about it." I reply.

"I can see why. There isn't much here to think about is there?"

I blush and look up away from her only to look into the faces of the other three women.

"I asked you a question." She demands.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"I said there isn't much here to think about is there?"

"I guess there isn't." I reply as I blushed crimson.

"I don't think that you should depend on such poor equipment to please a woman." She says as she stands up.

"I hope you have other means of bringing pleasure to someone." She says this as she looks into my eyes from a few inches away.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

Once again I'm shocked at everything that is happening and most surprised that I'm still standing here and doing everything I'm told, but I stick out my tongue. She reaches over and takes my tongue between her fingers and roughly pulls it.

"Do you know how to use this? " She asks still holding my tongue, making it impossible to answer.

"We'll find out. Let's hope you do because what you have between your legs isn't enough to please anyone." As she says this she lets go and walks back over to her seat.

I stand there in shock as the four women look at me. Then the woman who led me in to the room stands up. She takes something out of a drawer in the table and walks over to me. She holds the object up in front of my face.

"This is a chastity device that our friend has purchased for you. If you wish to continue seeing her you are to wear it at all times. Do you wish to continue seeing her?'

I look at the device and I look at the woman standing in front of me.

"I do." I say.

She bends down and roughly grabs my penis and testicles. I wince and she tells me to hold still. She pushes my testicles through the device and stuffs my penis into the containment area. Then with a click she locks it. She stands up.

"These are the only keys. One will be given to our friend and the other will remain here."

I'm again shocked and ask.

"Why would you keep one key here?"

"Because," she tells me, "if you belong to our friend then you belong to us as well. Any questions?

I'm so nervous and ashamed and although I have so many questions I can't form the words. She turns and walks back to her seat.

Then the older woman speaks up.

"If you wish to belong to our friend and us you must be able to take punishment when punishment is deserved. You now need to show us that you can do that. Come here."

I walk up closer to the table with my hands still on my head and my manhood trapped inside my new enclosure. All the women stand up. The older woman speaks again.

"Lay down on this table. Face down and put your arms out ahead of you."

I do what I'm told and stretch out on the table. The youngest one comes over to me and pulls up my head by my hair and before I can say anything she stuffs a ball gag into my mouth and ties it behind me. She then moves to the head of the table and takes hold of my arms and pulls, stretching me out as one of the other women take my feet and pulls in the other direction.

I'm filled with a dread at what is to come. I'm humiliated and embarrassed and I keep asking myself why I'm allowing this. Am I so infatuated with this woman that I'm letting myself be debased like this just so that I can see her? As I lay here I know there's something else, something far stronger than a mere infatuation. Because I feel it right now coursing through me, this thrill of submission and the rush of adrenaline that goes with it. I'm experiencing something that I didn't know about myself before this moment. I'm a masochist. Does the woman that I am dating see this in me? Did she know that I would allow this? I don't know, but I do know that the rush I'm feeling is overwhelming. That is when the first fall of the cane strikes me.

The raven haired woman who had led me in and locked me in chastity stands over me and strikes me again and the pain flashes through me like fire. I try to pull away. I jump and writhe, all to no avail. The strikes rain down on me from the back of my knees across my bottom to the small of my back. Each strike stops my breath. Each strike sears into my soul so that I think that I might die a hundred times over. When I feel I will surely faint it stops. I can barely breathe. My back and legs are on fire and I'm still held in place by the women. Then they let me go and I roll onto my side.

"You aren't finished yet," says the older woman. "Get up!"

I try to stand and nearly fall, but manage to raise myself into something like an upright position. I'm breathing heavily and I'm in pain. The room seems to spin. I look at the four women who stand in front of me. They simply look on unconcerned.

Then the last of the four women, the other younger one, the one who has yet to speak, walks behind the table and brings a chair around in front and places it facing the table.

The other three women take their seats at the table. This last woman comes over and looks into my eyes. She is the most amazing looking of the four. Her eyes are ice blue and her perfect face is framed by shockingly blond hair. Like the others she looks at me with complete lack of emotion, as if I am there only to be used and have no meaning otherwise. The look sends a shiver through me.

"Bend over the chair." She orders.

I want to run. I know I can't take any more caning or whipping, but something inside of me makes me follow her command and I am now bent over the chair looking at the three other women.

The woman behind me walks over to the table and to my surprise unbuttons her skirt and takes it off. She is left in her silk blouse and a pair of white lace panties. Despite the pain and the confinement of my manhood I feel a fullness begin.

She opens a drawer and takes something out and then walks behind me again. I don't know what she is doing, the others seem to be watching her. Then she walks around in front of me and I see what she had been doing. She's wearing a large strap-on dildo and I know she was going to use it on me. Again I almost stand up, but I know if I do that all that has come before this would have been for nothing, so I hang my head and wait.

She reaches down and lifts my chin.

"Look straight ahead." She orders. Then she walks around behind me.

Just then the youngest woman stands up and walks over in front of the chair and squats down in front of me and takes my hands. She looks into my eyes and I can tell that even more than holding me in place she wants to be able to see my face up close.

What comes next is far worse than I thought it would be. Without the least preparation and with only the smallest amount of lubrication that was on the dildo she thrusts into me with such force that I think she will split me in two. Even with the ball gag in my mouth I let out a blood curdling scream, a woman's scream. I'm looking into the eyes of this beautiful woman squatting it front of me and her expression never changes. I see no mercy in her eyes as her fellow torturer thrusts into me over and over again until the pain overwhelms me and the room turns white and I'm no longer there.

When my vision clears I'm alone lying on the floor. The gag is gone, but the chastity device is still in place. I try to push myself up into a sitting position, but everything rips with pain. Just then the door opens and I look up to see the woman I have been dating walk into the room.

She looks amazingly beautiful and I suddenly feel that I might actually belong to her and that if I do then all of this pain is worth it. I'm lying on my back looking up at her even though it hurts to do so. She looks down at me and smiles.

"I understand you've been a good boy."

Then she lifts her skirt and she is naked underneath. She smiles again and kneels down and puts her womanhood over my mouth and I lick and lick and lick.

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justins961justins961over 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for your comments DJ. There are certainly people who like it both ways, probably most people, but for those who are interested in submission and being humiliated, I think there is little interest in swapping roles. I have met a lot of S&M folks over the years and most of those that I've met who are subs can't imagine or be comfortable with being dominant.

Most of my stories that focus on male humiliation and submission tend to be geared toward those who thirst for just that and wouldn't be happy changing roles. I think there are plenty of revenge stories and male dominant ones on here so I tend to make mine more 'pure'.

Perhaps it's time for me to branch out a little into some other fetishes.

Djmac1031Djmac1031over 2 years ago

As I said in a comment on another story, these humiliation stories usually don't do much for me. At least not as sexual stimulus lol. But it's interesting to read them, from a storytelling aspect. I'm curious, is there ever any give and take in these situations? This ends with him getting to perform oral on his dream girl, I'm curious if she treats him kindly after putting him through such torture or continues to mistreat him. As someone not all that familiar with this genre, I wonder if the focus is ALWAYS humiliation or if the man ever gets any reprive.

5 stars, I'll continue to check out your stories as I can.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
so humiliating!

another amaizing story ! great work!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
5 stars

Excellent writing as per your usual standard. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great start! 5 from me!

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