A Week in Boise Ch. 07

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The Rev's Labor Day Orgy.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/23/2019
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I awoke early on Labor Day and went for a run. When I returned I found Jared and Julia in the kitchen having coffee. They were nude.

"Well hello," I said. "I can see I'm a bit overdressed, but I thought the festivities didn't start until your 'Labor Day Service' starts."

"That's true," Julia responded. "We were just checking out our wardrobes for tonight."

"Yes, we wouldn't want to be overdressed," Jared said. "And it helps us get 'in the mood,' so to speak, if we walk around naked all day."

"I see zero risk of your being overdressed," I responded as I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down. Even though I had just run four or five miles, I could feel my dick stirring beneath my running shorts as I looked at Julia's big breasts. "And based on my last few days here you two seem to be always in the mood."

Jared laughed, "Oh have we shocked you Michael? I would never have thought we could shock or embarrass you after some of the parties you and I went to in college. I think you've spent too much time staring at a computer screen."

"Probably," I laughed in response. "But no, I have not been shocked, embarrassed, or offended by my last few days here. Perhaps a bit surprised, but not in a bad way."

"Good," Julia said. "So, are you coming to our party tonight?"

"I think so, but tell me about it. What am I getting into?"

"Well," Jared responded, "it's a select group of friends, perhaps forty tonight, all of whom live in the Boise area. They come from all walks of life from grocery clerks to lawyers and doctors. There are even a couple of politicians. Some are members of our church and some are graduates of our marriage counseling program. They all know each other."

"But," Julia said picking up the explanation, "they all have one thing in common."

"They love," Jared said, jumping back in, "having sex in a large group."

"So they're swingers?" I asked.

"Most are, but some aren't," Julia responded.

"Yes," Jared continued. "Most are there to have sex with people they aren't married to, and then there's a one or two couples who want to fuck their spouses, and only their spouses, while they know others are watching, and a few just come to watch, and maybe masturbate, while they watch."

"It's a very diverse group," Julia said. "but I wouldn't call any of them prudish."

"No it sounds like they are anything but that," I said.

"So are you going to join us?" she asked. "I promise you'll have fun. You're a newbie so there will be a lot of women who will want to 'try you out'."

I laughed. My had my life changed over the last few days, but that was the reason I had left Palo Alto. I needed a change. "Sure, why not," I said.

They explained the details of where and when and provided me with the bar coded invitation needed to get in. They also explained that they would be gone all afternoon making sure the caterers that had been hired had things set up properly before they were sent away. Once the party started no one was allowed in but members of the group and a few of their guests. The caterers would come back the next day and do the cleanup.

I spent the rest of the morning and afternoon continuing to play with the new software idea I had begun developing, but like most of the last few days, my ability to focus on code was impaired by my libido. Nonetheless, I fussed with it until it was time to leave for the event.

My car's computer got me to the address Jared had given me. It was in a suburb to the west of Boise called Eagle. There was a remote controlled gate and an ID system that you had to clear before you could get on the property. It was quite clever. There was a bar code on each invitation and a reader on the gate that would open the gate only if the bar code was correct. Each bar code was unique and checked off against a master list of invitations issued when it was scanned. That prevented a single invitation from being copied and used more than once. They didn't want uninvited guests. The house was at the top of a long uphill drive with ample parking space. It was a huge house, built by someone with money to burn. Jared had told me that one of the group's members owned the place and made it available. A gentleman at the door checked me off against a list of invitees and then let me in, telling me that the group was gathering in the living room to the left.

I didn't know quite what to expect as I walked toward the living room. Was I about to walk into a room full of naked people writhing on the floor? As it turned out it was a room full of fully clothed people, approximately the same number of men and women, standing around in small groups chatting amiably, cocktail in hand. Pretty much like any other cocktail party I had ever been invited to. Finding myself in a cocktail party where I knew virtually no one, I did what I always do in that circumstance—I went looking for a bar.

The barkeep looked at me for a moment and then asked, "New member?"

"Not sure," I responded. "I'm a friend of Jared Christensen and I have been staying with him and his wife Julia for a few days."

"Oh, yes. We've heard of you. I understand you drove Julia nuts all week."

"Word does get around," I said. "Can I get a drink?"

"Sure, what'll it be?"

"Scotch straight up."

"Nervous?" he asked as he poured my drink.

"Yes," I said as I took a sip of the scotch. "I'm a bit of an introvert so large groups like this aren't my favorite thing."

"You'll do fine," he said. "Once the first woman comes up to you and starts sucking your cock, without being asked, you'll forget all about being nervous."

I laughed. "I suppose so."

"Do you work these parties regularly?" I noticed he didn't have a tip jar out.

"Working isn't quite the right word. You won't see anyone here tonight that isn't part of the club. Instead of bringing outsiders in, we take turns doing chores like this. The guy checking people in at the door is an off-duty cop, but he is also a member. He will lock the door once everyone on the list has shown up. Once the party gets going you won't see me back here anymore. Most people only want one drink. Too many impairs performance you know."

I took my drink and nursed it carefully as I wandered about the room chit-chatting with people. Everyone seemed to know I was the new guy. Some of the women were quite enthused. They were a touchy-feely lot.

After about half an hour Jared stood up on a chair at one end of the room. "Good evening everyone. So nice to see you all again. As those of you who are members of my congregation know, the key to my preaching are the simple words, 'Love thy neighbor and thyself, and have no fear, God will look after you.' Well tonight we are here to focus on 'love thy neighbor'," He paused and smiled, "Or perhaps thy neighbor's spouse. So I want to see a lot of love here tonight."

The crowd cheered in response.

After they calmed down, he continued, "First a couple of introductions. To my right, my new friends, Andrew and Sandra. Andrew and Sandra have been taking my marriage counseling class and are excited to be here with all of you, so please try to make them at home." Sandra smiled and waved, but looked more than a little nervous. Andrew looked even more intimidated, barely pulling his head up long enough to waive in response to their introduction. I hope this goes well for them, I thought.

"And somewhere tonight is my old college roommate Michael. Michael, where are you? Hold your hand up. I know I saw you mingling earlier."

I waived and then Jared said, "Ladies, I want you to know Michael taught me every sexy, nasty, deviant thing I know. Before I met him, I was an innocent virgin." He paused and then said, "And look at me now." There were cheers and hoots from the crowd. When they settled down Jared continued. "It's all thanks to Michael, so take good care of him ladies." There were women all over the room who were looking at me like a fresh piece of meat on a plate. Oh my, this was going to be quite an evening.

"Now ladies and gentleman, let me bring up a man you all know, carnally and otherwise, our good friend Mayor Bill."

Jared stepped down and the Mayor stepped up. He was the same fellow who had been acting as barkeep earlier "it's great to be with you again. I have to tell you being with this group is way better than chairing a city council meeting. There I get yelled at and booed. Here I get laid."

The crowd roared in response. He beamed. Like all politicians, he loved adulation.

"All right, all right. It's time to get this evening started." He looked to one side and interrupted himself, "Wait not yet Carol," he said, looking at a woman on the other side of the room. "It's not time to take your clothes off yet. Sometimes my sister gets a little carried away folks, but she's not the only one. Remember folks this isn't going to be a 'rip off the clothes and stick it in' group, is it? That would be crude. And we are not barbarians. We are Epicureans. And Epicureans savor and enjoy their pleasures. There is no need to rush from partner to partner to partner tonight. Just let your tastes wander and enjoy where they lead you. The evening should be about quality, not volume. So now I want each of you to turn to the man or woman nearest you and shake hands. You can introduce yourself if you like, but names don't really matter much here, do they?"

"No Carol," he said loudly to his sister. "That's not his hand. No one keeps a hand behind a zipper." The crowd roared in laughter.

I felt a light tap on the shoulder and I turned to find myself looking down at a stranger. Definitely female. Just not one I knew. Oh well, that's what this is about isn't it. We shook hands and I said, "I'm Michael."

"I know," she responded. She smiled and said "Every woman in this room knows you're Michael and we knew it before your introduction. Julia told us, . . . well let's just say she said you were definitely worth knowing, especially at an event like this."

"Oh. I see. And you are?"

"Oh like the man said. Names don't really matter here. Call me Aphrodite

if you like. It's not my name, but it will do for tonight."

She was short, maybe 5-3, with closely cropped blonde hair. Perhaps forty years old I thought. Attractive blue eyes, smallish breasts that appeared unconstrained by a bra beneath the sweater she wore, and hips, well I couldn't really see them as I looked down at her, but I noticed that her skirt hung loosely on her hips and stopped well short of her knees.

Mayor Bill spoke up again, "Now that you've been properly introduced here is what I want you to do. I want each of you to kiss your new friend. Now don't get carried away. I want this to be a chaste kiss. Keep those tongues under control. This should be like a kiss on a first date in high school, standing on the front porch, when you both know Dad is on the other side of the door with a 12 gauge shotgun. And hands . . . well you are going to have to touch each other, but remember this is a chaste kiss, and Dad's just a few feet away with that 12 gauge. No groping."

Aphrodite put her arms around my neck and pulled my head down while she stood on her toes. It was a chaste kiss. No tongue, the hands didn't grope. There was none of the conduct we both knew we wanted. But still it was the most incredibly erotic kiss. I can't say why or how but I could feel my cock coming instantly erect as she pressed her lips against mine and did whatever it was she was doing to cause me to need to gasp for air. Wow!

Mayor Bill rang a bell which was the signal to stop. Aphrodite let her arms slip from my neck and dropped from her toes back to her normal height, but I left my arms wrapped around her coming together at the small of her back and she laid her face against my chest.

"Andrew and Elaine." I heard Mayor Bill call out. "We're still in high school and Dad's still got the shotgun. Unclench."

We laughed and pushed back. "So, not Aphrodite?" I said.

She smiled. "No, it's Elaine. Bill is my cousin, and he just can't resist outing me."

Having made a token effort to restore a semblance of order (there were plenty of other couples still in clench mode), Bill launched into his next set of instructions. "Now it's time for another kiss. This one, not so chaste. You're no longer on the front porch and Dad's no longer standing guard with the shotgun. Now you're in college and you've slipped out the back door of a party for a moment of privacy. Yeah, I know, privacy is an odd concept for this group, but work with me people. So now you're in a dark alley. Add a little more juice to that kiss."

She wrapped her arms around my neck again and I looked down at her. "Well is it Elaine or Aphrodite this time?" I asked.

She looked at me and thought for a moment before she said, "Let's go with Aphrodite. After all she is the goddess of love."


Then we kissed, and it was far from chaste. We stood in the midst of the crowd, our bodies mashed together and grinding and our tongues dancing a dance of lust. My god this woman can kiss I thought. I let my hands slide down from her back until I had cupped her nicely shaped cheeks. They were small but firm.

She pulled back from the kiss and whispered in my ear, "Under the skirt, please." Then she began kissing and nibbling at my throat, while I, never being one to quibble with a lady's instructions, dropped my hands to her thighs and then slid them up under the skirt until I was cupping her butt cheeks, discovering to my pleasure that she was naked beneath the skirt. I pulled her tight against me and rubbed my erection against her pubic bone.

"God that feels huge," she whispered.

"Want to inspect it more closely," I asked

"Umm. Yes," she purred in response.

"Shall we go someplace more private?" I asked her.

"Not for me," she responded. "I like public. That's why I come to these parties." I had let her down to feet again and she was using both hands to rub my erect cock through my trousers.

I looked to my right and saw a couple casually disrobing each other. It was being done with care, so that each revelation could be savored. He licked his lips with each button on her blouse he slowly released, and I could see him suck in air in a gasp when he released her front fastening bra and watched her tits tumble out as the bra cups fell away.

Aphrodite was busily releasing my belt and the fasteners on my pants. "I really like to do it in public. Just like my cousin Bill," she said. She nodded towards Bill and I looked to see him standing with his pants in a pool around his feet and a woman kneeling before him sucking on his cock. Soon I was in the same position as Bill, with Elaina, or Aphrodite, or whatever her name was, kneeling before me, stroking my cock with both of her small hands as she looked at it in wonder. "My but you have a beautiful cock. Julia was telling the truth," she said.

Then she inhaled my cock and my only response was a groan. My god, this woman can suck cock. Fortunately I had had so much sex in the preceding five days that I was not at risk of blowing my load in a rush, so I let her enjoy herself—well, we were both enjoying ourselves.

I leaned forward just a bit and began fondling her tits through her sweater. That got her attention and she briefly backed away from her cock sucking—just long enough to pull her sweater over her head and throw it over her shoulder. She had the most delightful tits. They rode low on her chest and were just barely a hand full, but the nipples were still mounted high on each tit and stuck out a goodly distance. Very sexy to look at and fun to play with. I cupped and massaged her breasts and then rubbed her nipples between a thumb and a forefinger. Each time I did that she gasped, but it sounded more like a "mumph" since her mouth was full of cock.

After a while she changed her position and began to use my raging hard on to stroke her nipples. It felt delicious, and it was so decadent, doing that in the middle of a room full of people. I wondered, however, if there was anyone paying any attention to us. The couple that had been disrobing were now lying naked on the carpeted floor in a 69 position, oblivious to anyone other than each other. There was, however, one couple sitting on a couch against the far wall that remained fully clothed and was carefully watching the libidinous conduct displayed before them while they stroked each others' erogenous zones through a layer of clothing. Jared had said there were a few people who just came to watch. I wandered how long those two would allow the clothing to impair their pleasure.

I noticed two other things—first the crowd was thinning out. People were drifting off in pairs or larger groups to who knows where. It was a big house. I also noticed that there were a lot of garments scattered about the room. Apparently, Aphrodite and I weren't the only ones finding our clothing restrictive.

After about five minutes of alternating between cock sucking and titty play, she looked up at me and said, "You know my knees are getting sore. I know some other things we can do. But we have to get rid of these clothes first."


We stood there stripping down in the middle of the large room which was now down to ten or fifteen people engaged ln various forms of carnal knowledge in groups ranging from single masturbators to groups of three or more, some of whom were a nearly undecipherable tangle of arms and legs. There were piles of carelessly discarded clothing scattered throughout the room.

Once we were naked she led me over to a couch where she stood, her knees and thighs against the back of the couch, her butt pressing against my groin and said, "Please kind sir, would you fuck me now. My pussy so wants some cock."

I held her hips as she bent over the couch. "Spread your feet a little wider. You're a long legged wench and I don't do a good job when I have to stand on my toes."

"We can't have that," she said as she spread her legs.

"Perfect," I said as I rubbed my cock forward and back between her outer pussy lips.

"Oh fuck, Andrew. Don't tease me. Stick it in. I'm so horny I need cock." The formal voice of the Aphrodite was gone. Just a woman who wanted to fuck—now.

I pushed my prick up against her pussy. It didn't want to go at first but after a little effort on her part and mine it popped in with the most satisfying sensation. Then I maintained steady pressure as it slid slowly, ever deeper, into her cunt until my balls were up against her sex.

"Oh fuck, she said. "That's so good. My fucking god you're big."

"It's what you wanted isn't it?" I said as I began stroking in and out of her.

I had had so much sex over the last few days that I didn't feel any urgency to cum. Just the way you need to be when you come to an orgy, I was thinking. We fucked with a nice steady pace, neither in a hurry, and looked out at the couples remaining in the room.

"See that guy over there. The one with the bald head."

"You mean the one fucking the redhead from behind while she is sucking off some other guy?"

"Yes. That blonde over there on the other couch—the one with your friend Julie eating her pussy. That's his wife."

"They aren't paying much attention to each other," I said.

"That's what these parties are about," she said. "Variety. We all go back to fucking our spouses afterwards for another three months until the next party. It helps prevent adultery."

"God your cock feels good," she said, loosing track of the conversation.

I laughed at the absurdity of her statement about adultery. "How can fucking someone other than your spouse prevent adultery? It is adultery."

"Huh? . . . Oh, Yeah," she said, coming back to the conversation. "Well you know what I mean. We don't need to run around when we do this every third month. It saves a lot of work trying to hook up all the time. "