A Tangled Web


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"Well, yes I guess so. We work together and..."

"And you've got no problem fucking his wife until she screams for more," Margo said with a smirk.

"Well yes, but you're so...do you have any idea how desirable you are?"

"I guess not. Perhaps you can show me. Tell me what you want to do to me."

"Oh, my Margo. I want to put myself inside you," Hector said, his hand sliding down across her belly, massaging her swollen, pink pussy. "I want to fill you up, with all of my being."

"God Hector," Margo moaned, "you've got a way with words."

Her lips met his with another moan, deep and vibrating.

"Oh, my Margo," Hector said in a breathy whisper. "Fuck me baby. Fuck my cock."

He pulled her onto him and she guided his hard shaft into her well fucked pussy.

"Oh God!" Margo moaned.

Soon Hector was up to speed, his hips turbocharged by the bed springs. The slippery friction of his speeding cock burned in the best of ways, searing heat that lit the fuse once again. Some sort of magic, that's the only way Margo could explain it. Some sort of magic.


"Hi Matt," Margo said, unable to hide a smirk.

She'd waited by the gas pump until the store was empty before she went in.

"Hi Margo."

The simple fact that he'd remembered her name thrilled her, and he didn't call her Mrs.

"How many women hit on you," Margo said with a smile. "Sorry, that's a weird thing to ask I guess."

"You mean Mrs. Williams a minute ago? No not her. A few though."

"And how many succeed?"

"That's a weird thing to ask I guess too, right?" Matt said, hopeful he wouldn't have to answer.

"I guess," Margo smiled.

She was startled when the door opened, ringing the sleigh bells hanging from it. It was a girl Matt's age, dressed in hippy clothes, or the modern equivalent of them anyway.

"Hi Triss," Matt said. Margo moved amongst the shelves, pretending to shop.

"Hi Matt. We doin' the fest tonight?"

"Yeah, absolutely," Matt said. "Margo, this is my friend Triss."

"Oh...hi," Margo said. Being called out was awkward to say the least. She didn't know quite what to say as she showed herself from behind the snack food aisle.

"Oh hi!" Triss said cheerfully. "I've seen you around town. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're sort of a role model for some of us girls."

"What?" Margo said, looking a bit stunned.

"Yeah, I don't know, it's stupid I guess," Triss said. "Sorry if it's weird."

"No, I mean, I'm not sure what you mean," Margo said.

"It's just your...well this is just gonna sound weird, but...it's your body. Is that a horrible thing to say?" Triss asked, suddenly looking like a very young girl who was unsure of herself.

"My body?" Margo said, not quite grasping the compliment.

"You're hot, and they hope they look so good when they get older," Matt said with a smirk.

"Oh," Margo said with a mix of confusion and pride.

"Sorry," Triss said.

"No, I mean, I'm just... I haven't had a compliment like that before," Margo said, slightly stunned. "Thank you."

"So do you like music Margo?" Matt said. "We're gonna party at a festival later. Wanna come?"

"Oh, we'd love it!" Triss said. "My friends would think it was so cool if you came."

"A festival?" Margo asked.

"Some great bands. Tube Riff, Martin's Friends, Raxl, Shell Sun Sky," Matt said. "Who else Triss?"

"Jimmy's new metal band. Whatta they call themselves? Hemo Rage?"

"Yeah, that's a stupid name," Matt said. "They're tryin' to hard."

"They're good though. You'll come Margo?" Triss asked hopefully.

"Why not," Margo said. "I'm not gonna be a die hard like you young folks though. I'll just come for a little while. Where is this thing?"

"Out near Elden's Mills," Matt said. "Meet us here at five when I get off."

"Okay," Margo said. "See you guys later."

"Hey, you want a candy bar or somethin'?" Matt asked as she was heading out the door.

"No, I don't really eat them," Margo said.

"I didn't think so," Matt said with a smirk.

Out in her car Margo realized she didn't get her gas, but she didn't want to go back in and look stupid, so she went up the road to the Sunoco. As she pumped she wondered why she'd been so eager to follow along with kids young enough to be her...well, she didn't really want to think about that. She figured they'd understand when she didn't show up at five.


Margo's eyes were closed. Her arms were out like wings and her legs were carrying her in a wide circle around a pile of clothes on the ground, her shoes, jeans and shirt a part of the assemblage. She was one of four girls in their bras and panties dancing like drunken zombies to a folk-rock band. Their bodies, three young and firm, and one more than twice as old but somehow better looking, were almost floating to the lilting, psychedelic melody.

Molly was the drug of the day. Ecstasy is what the old timers call it. That's the name Margo would have recognized, even though she had never tried it when she was younger. One of Triss's girlfriends showed up with a handful of it, after she had disappeared into the crowd for a while. A colorful little pill, easy to swallow, taken much too quick, before thought or reason had entered Margo's head. Shots of medicinal tasting cheap vodka had seen to that, and washed it down.

Margo hadn't been high on anything but alcohol since college. That time it was marijuana. 'Reefer' was what they called it at the time. Now it was 'weed', which Matt and his friends had too. Margo puffed on it every time it was passed to her.

The girls she was dancing with were laughing, and Margo was laughing too. Matt's hand reached out to her and she took it, looking at him with love in her eyes. She moved toward him in what seemed like slow motion, her mouth opening way before their lips met, like she wanted to consume him. The kiss was dreamy, to say the least. She'd never felt such a loving kiss in all her life. A hit of Molly does that to a person. Everything is love. Big love.

Matt's hands caressed her, her skin warm in the evening air. The sound of acoustic guitars and a violin surrounded them like a warm blanket, the music seeming to protect them from the view of the dancing crowd.

Matt's hands slid down to Margo's ass, the thin, slippery satin of her panties lubricating his movements. She hadn't worn her best lingerie, but it was nice, sexier than the younger girls, whose bras looked more like bikini tops. Margo's was lacy. Womanly. The boys were dancing shirtless, in their long shorts.

The blanketing protection of the music comforted Margo as Matt's hands massaged her ass. Triss and a friend of hers watched, mesmerized by the sexiness of Margo's yoga body and the long, sensuous kiss. Matt's hands slipped inside the silky panties, his fingers tickling Margo's little asshole. Her tongue went even deeper in his mouth, starting a fucking motion that matched Matt's fingers. Triss's friend tapped another girl with her elbow, and she stopped to watch too.

Without thinking, Margo's hands were on Matt's shorts, unfastening them as the red hot kiss progressed. Her hand slipped in under his boxers as his long shorts fell down his legs to his ankles. His long cock was plenty hard, and Margo massaged it under the stretchy fabric. It flipped upward and appeared in the night air, the purplish tip and a few inches on view. Triss was scored for an assist when she stepped forward and pulled the dark gray boxers down to Matt's ankles. Margo moaned loud enough to be heard above the music.

Matt closed his eyes as she dropped slowly down his body, her wet mouth leaving a trail of saliva down his chest and muscular abs, and then she took Matt's long length into her open mouth.

"Fuck," Triss said quietly. The others couldn't quite believe their eyes.

A small crowd of onlookers was gathering around the scene, but Margo was oblivious. The hallucinogenic happiness of the Molly and the weed and the vodka had overtaken her completely. The only thing she knew was a big beautiful cock was in her mouth, and she was going to suck it, and make it cum.

Triss was plenty high too, and she couldn't resist joining in. Margo was squatting in a super sexy, yoga-like way, and Triss couldn't help but slide her hand under the beautiful protruding ass, her fingers slipping along the shiny white panties to the wet spot covering Margo's pussy. She stopped for a moment, eliciting a 'please don't stop' moan from Margo's cock filled mouth, just long enough to flick open the clasp on Margo's lacy bra. Triss's friend helped remove it, Margo's arms instinctively assisting.

So there she was, a forty year old woman, a pretty hot one at that, topless, in her little satin panties, giving an eighteen year old boy with nothing on but a puddle of shorts around his ankles a steaming hot blow job, surrounded by a wide eyed crowd at a music festival.

Triss decided the satin was in the way, so she went in, her hand plunging down the back of the little panties to her target, her fingers slipping easily into Margo's wetness, three slender fingers in all. Another deep moan vibrated out of Margo's chest and into Matt's cock. The blowjob was already intense, Margo going at it like a porn star, but that vibration took Matt over the edge.

"Clothes on people!" a deep male voice said, loudly and authoritatively.

It was too late. Matt came with a fury. The voice had surprised Margo and snapped her into some facsimile of reality. She turned her head to look at the man just as gobs of cum blasted forth from Matt. He plastered the side of her face and her hair, and that surprised her too. She looked back as another spurt shot out, and her twisted, foggy mind drew her mouth to the spewing shaft once again, sucking it in deep.

"Break it up people! We don't want to arrest you. Clothes on!"

Matt's eyes opened and his brain came into focus.

"Margo!" he said. "You need to stop!" He pulled away from her and pulled up his shorts. "Sorry sir. We'll be okay. Get up Margo."

She stood up, a little wobbly, her beautiful tits glowing milky white in the diffuse light from the stage.

"Are you okay Ma'am," the security officer asked.

"I'm fine!" Margo said happily. "Are you okay?"

"Yes Ma'am. I need you to put some clothes on now."

Triss and her friend helped a smiling Margo with her bra as cum dripped off the side of her face onto her shoulder.

"Are you sure you're all right Ma'am?" the officer said. "I'd be happy to take you to the medical tent so you can get cleaned up."

"I'm clean," Margo said happily. "I'm so clean."

The officer walked away shaking his head. Margo and the girls started their circle dance in their underwear, arms out and smiling.


Margo woke at Christie's house the next morning. It was a Sunday. Rob had gone to church, leaving Christie to revive her tired, hungover friend.

"Oh my God," Margo groaned. "I don't feel good."

"I know honey," Christie said. "Here, drink some water. The girls that dropped you off said it was important. You took some...Molly they called it. I've heard of it but I don't really know what it is. You were flying high when you got here last night. Rob let you in."

"Did I sleep here?"

"Yup. Don't worry, I called Derek and made up an excuse. I told him you went out with us girls and you had too much wine. So I'm curious...why were you out doing drugs with eighteen-year-old girls?"

"Matt," Margo said embarrassedly.

"Oh! Now it all makes more sense," Christie said. "Jesus girl, you like divin' right in, don't ya."

"Oh my God," Margo said quietly as she remembered. "I think I gave him a blow job in the middle of a music festival."

"Well that would explain this crusty stuff in your hair," Christie said as she fingered it. "Yup, looks like cum to me."

"People were watching. A security guard stopped us, told us to get dressed," Margo said as the whole thing flooded back to her.

"Holy shit, you guys were naked?"

"I think so. Oh man, my head hurts."

"Is that all that happened? I mean you didn't let the whole place gang-bang you or anything, did you?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Was it the thing out in Elden's Mills? I wouldn't worry about it too much. They're just kids, and they're all so high and drunk they probably won't even remember. Let's get you revived before Rob gets home. Shower?"

Margo nodded. Christie helped her get undressed.

"I hope you weren't wearing your favorite shirt and shoes, because they didn't make it home with you. Jeez, you'd think one of those girls could have at least wiped the cum off of you," Christie said when she saw it crusted on Margo's neck and shoulder. "He's got a lot in him doesn't he? I'm always amazed. I'll bet that was one hell of a blow job. I'm kinda sorry I missed it."

"It was a well attended show. Maybe the reviews will be in the morning papers," Margo dead-panned, her voice low and dry.

"Oh my God," Christie chuckled. "You're too much Margo. You gonna be all right in there? You want me to help you?" she asked as Margo stepped into the shower.

"I'm fine. God that feels good!" she said as the hot water cascaded over her.

"Did you pray for us?" Christie asked Rob when he got home from Church.

"I would have, but I'm afraid we're all too far gone," Rob said with a smile. "Derek was there. He thought maybe you guys would be there, but I told him the 'wine' took you both down."

"Thanks honey," Christie said. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. Can you fix Margo something to eat? Something light, okay? She's out on the patio."

Rob went out and sat with her. She was barefoot, in her jeans and one of Christie's shirts.

"So Margo, fun night? Who were those girls? I woulda liked to have known them twenty years ago."

"Is that a crack about my age?" Margo said, her voice still a bit gravelly.

"Oh, no, sorry," Rob said. "I didn't mean that at all. They were just cute, that's all. You fit right in. Cuter than any of 'em actually. So who was the lucky guy?"

"Lucky guy?"

"That's alright. Your secret's safe with me. I'm good at keeping secrets Margo. If you ever want to blow off...steam, someday, your secret'd be safe. Even up the score, you know? It might be really fun." Rob said.

The look on his face was different than any Margo had seen on him before. Not lecherous or lusty, but not innocent either. It was kind, gentle, and sexy as hell. Margo's brain was as fuzzy as it had ever been, but even through the fog she knew that "even up the score" could only mean one thing - Rob knew about Christie and Derek. And now, after stumbling through his door late at night, high as a kite, with hard nipples poking out her thin little bra and dried-up cum spattered on her face and hair, he knew Margo had a wild side too.


It was odd, almost surreal, how Margo's home life with Derek hadn't changed. Not a word was spoken about their extra curricular activities, and the mood was happy and relaxed, as it had been back before the 'why doesn't he love me' phase. Movie nights in front of the TV, beautifully cooked dinners from Margo's kitchen, even romantic ones now and then, with candlelight and wine. The laughter, the relaxed joking around, the nice hugs and small kisses that had long ago replaced their sex life, it was all still there, as if nothing had changed in their lives.

Of course nothing had changed much for Derek. His side of the marriage had already been open, surreptitiously of course, for quite some time, but now that Margo was free and open too, well, he relaxed into the situation as his guilt melted away.

Margo's friendships were interesting too. Christie had overtaken Joan as Margo's 'best friend', Joan's penchant for gossip taking her out of the running as the tangled web of relationships grew. Margo and Joan still got together now and then though, and one day at lunch Joan spilled the beans on her own newly complicated life.

"Remember when we were talking about Christie and Matt, and the whole friends with benefits thing?" Joan asked. "I sort of found one...a friend."

"Really Joanie?"

"Yeah. I can't tell you who it is though."

"Don't tell me it's Derek," Margo said, unable to suppress a little smirk.

"No! I wouldn't do that! And why would you smile when you said that?"

"Oh. It's complicated," Margo said, still not able to get her smirking under control.

"Do you suspect something? Because I've had a feeling about...something. I never wanted to say anything because I don't know anything for sure. What's going on with you?" Joan asked, her suspicions in high gear.

"What are your suspicions?"

"I don't wanna say," Joan said. "They involve...friends, and I don't, I mean it's not my place to..."

"Joanie, I'll be honest with you. I hope this doesn't hurt your feelings, but you're not known as someone who can keep secrets, so I feel like I can't tell you about certain things."

"Margo!" Joan said, sounding surprised and deflated. "Do you really feel that way about me? I mean I guess I do like to gossip, but with close friends I would never...I want you to trust me. I know I can trust you. I need you to trust me. You're the only person I feel that way about," Joan said, sounding sad, disappointed, even a bit lost. Her eyes welled with tears.

"Oh, Joanie, I'm sorry. Of course I trust you. I love you. We've been friends forever. But damn it girl, you tell people things you shouldn't sometimes, and there are some things that shouldn't be spread around."

"Oh, I know that! If I didn't know it before I sure do now," Joan said. "I'm going to confide in you. You probably think I'm just going to tell you stuff I shouldn't, but this is different. This is you and me, and only you and me. I need to talk to you. I need your advice. Okay? A super secret, cross-your-heart kinda thing?"

"Sure Joanie. Lord knows I've got plenty of secrets. I know how important they are."

"Yeah, well the Lord knows about mine too I'm afraid," Joan said, wiping the moisture from her eyes. "You know I've been working with Reverend Blake, on the chapel history project, for the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, right?"

"Yes," Margo said slowly, already getting a twinge of were Joanie's story was going.

"We've been working evenings a lot, pouring though old boxes and trunks in the church basement. There's way too many, and they're too heavy to lug them all upstairs, so we've been down there, with some old lamps, and we rolled out a rug so we can spread out documents and pictures. We brought down that lightweight sofa too, the one from the back of the Sunday school room. Just trying to make it comfortable, you know? We're putting lots of hours in down there.

"Well, we started back when the weather was cool and it was fine down there, just a little warm, but not bad, you know? But now, with this warm weather, it's just so very warm down there. There's a big boiler that they use for hot water, and some other machinery. We've been wearing thinner clothing, but it's just so warm. It's funny how you get used to somebody, and get comfortable with them, isn't it? As we got used to each other I started wearing some of my yoga clothes, you know the ones, those long black shorts, and the gray t-shirt thing? It was good 'cause I didn't mind them getting dirty. It was just so sweaty though, I was constantly tugging at the shirt, trying to get some cool air in. Donald, I mean, well you know, Reverend Blake, he was in his shirt sleeves of course, but as time went on more buttons were left undone. He's got so much chest hair. I never would have guessed, would you?"

Margo sat quietly, nearly mesmerized by Joanie's unfolding story. She shook her head at Joanie's little question, and sipped her iced tea.

"Well a couple days later, I don't know what got into me but I wore my linen skirt, the one I wear to clean the house. It used to be for good, but it shrunk a little and got a little worn, so now I only wear it for chores and stuff like that. It's real cool though, 'cause it's short and it flares out a lot I guess. That's why I wore it. It's just so warm down there under the church. Did you know there's a dirt floor down there, and the foundation is big stones?