A Summer Without End


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They drove into town and up to the restaurant Evelyn had made reservations. It wasn't a fancy place, but it was the nicest place the town had. Good food at a decent price.

They walked in and Reid saw Evelyn's and the girl's faces light up when they saw a group of people waiting for their table. He saw an older couple with greying hair, two couples who were roughly his age, and three young men who were giving the triplets wide delighted smiles.

Evelyn went straight up to the older couple and exchanged hugs and cheek presses. She turned and looked back at Reid who was holding himself back slightly. She reached out and drew him closer.

"Who's this young man?" the older man asked Evelyn with a happy smile.

"You don't recognize him? It's Reid Haven. George and Melinda's son!" she said with a happy grin.

Reid watched the smiles drop away to be replaced with looks of shock and surprise.

Evelyn turned to him. "This is Lawrence and Margaret Talbot. They live three houses south of you on the beach. They bought theirs shortly before your parent's bought yours."

Lawrence stepped closer. "We've been neighbors for so long but I'm having trouble remembering you. I was sorry to hear about your parents-"

"Oh my god! I see it now. Skinny Reid the Reed!" a beefy man in a loud patterned casual shirt blurted with a wide grin on his face. "He was so tall and skinny as a kid!"

The woman with big frizzy red hair spoke next. "I remember now too! Always running off and hiding when we came by to play! Damn! You got... big!"

"Hi Dane, Stephanie," Reid said quietly. He remembered the Talbot kids. Their 'coming to play' consisted of them teasing and bullying him as he wouldn't fight back. Running was his only recourse. He vowed he wasn't going to run any longer.

"Ay! What's with the googly eyes and drooling over the big guy!" the man next to Stephanie barked and she rolled her eyes.

"Jerry, relax, he's a childhood friend!" She looked at her husband's pot belly and soft body and frowned. "Come to think of it, get jealous and try harder to look like him!"

"Ay! That's mean!"

The pretty blonde in a classy cream blouse and pale green capris standing next to Dane's fashion disaster stepped forward with a smile and shook Reid's hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Reid. I'm Lana, Dane's wife. The two blond boys there are my sons, Marcus and Taylor." The young men in question turned to Reid when they heard their names and came forward to shake his hand. He had to admit they were good looking boys, obviously taking after their mother and not their fireplug of a father. Well behaved as well. Again, her doing and not his most likely.

"The other one's mine. Arthur! Come say hello to Reid the Reed."

"Reid Haven, Stephanie. It's Reid Haven. It's time to put away childish things."

Stephanie's eyes widened as she'd obviously heard the steel behind the words. "Right. Sorry!" she said in surprise.

Dane scowled at how his sister had been put in her place but Reid just turned a stern eye in his direction and the man folded.

Reid smiled to the young man with the wavy auburn hair approaching him. He shook his hand and got a smile. Arthur was a quiet one but with Stephanie as a mother that wasn't surprising. Reid noted he was a good looking kid too but he couldn't see Jerry at all in his looks... or Stephanie for that matter.

Introductions complete, Arthur hurried back to be with Erin who smiled at Reid. He nodded to her. He liked the boy.

The only one who he hadn't heard speak yet was Margaret Talbot, Lawrence's wife. She was holding back and giving him a critical look with a pinched expression. Then she spoke.

"Your father was all alone with your crippled mother. For years. Did everything on his own. Could have used the help of a big man such as yourself."

Reid stared at the woman. Feeling her cold careless words try to dig in.

"Margaret! Don't judge Reid without knowing the facts! George blamed him for the accident but in no way was it his fault! George shunned Reid. Drove him away," Evelyn exclaimed.

Reid stepped back from the group. His nerves were buzzing badly and he felt like he might do or say something stupid if he stayed. He took another step back.

"Running away again?" Dane asked with a cruel smile on his lips.

Reid was right against the surprised man, pinning him up against the wall of the restaurant's waiting area with just his chest, face to face, hands relaxed at his side. "Never again, Dane," he growled slowly in a cold voice as he looked deeply into the man's eyes. He felt him shaking.

"Reid! Let him go!" Evelyn exclaimed and he immediately stepped back. Dane dropped to his feet and sagged as he looked up in shock and fear.

Taking a deep breath to steel his nerves, Reid turned to Lawrence and Margaret. "Your children were never my friends. They were cruel, vicious, and took enjoyment from tormenting and torturing a very awkward and shy child. That said, my apologies for disturbing your evening. Please enjoy your meal."

He turned abruptly and walked out of the restaurant. His unspent adrenaline was beginning to give him the shakes.

"Reid! Wait!"

He stopped and looked back towards the entrance. Evelyn was rushing out to join him on the sidewalk. She pulled him into a hug and his arms automatically wrapped around her.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know-" she began but he interrupted her and held her out so he could look into her eyes.

"How could you have known? I didn't tell anyone. Besides, they were right. I ran away. When they were evil little bullies, I ran. When my father didn't want me, I ran. But I'm done running. I'm staying right here."

She looked up into his eyes and he could tell she saw the pain he was still carrying after all these years.


Evelyn turned to see her daughters standing in the doorway with worried looks on their faces.

"I want you to go back in there. Ease their minds. I'm fine. I'm going to grab a take-out sub and a cab home. Please enjoy your dinner with your daughters and the fine young men they're making googly eyes at," he insisted.



She looked like she was going to protest.

"Is everything ok?" Elizabeth called.

"Please," he said again.

"I'm coming to check on you when we get home!" she insisted and he smiled.

"Tomorrow morning, please. I'm going right to sleep when I get home. It was a wonderful day but I'm exhausted."

She gave him a questioning look but he waved and headed for the neighboring sub sandwich joint. He didn't want her to see how much he was shaking.

Chapter 5

Reid sat back and smiled. He'd finished the story. It wasn't going to win him a Pulitzer but he'd enjoyed writing it.

When he got home he was still shaking from reaction so he couldn't go to sleep. Instead he pulled out the tablet and keyboard and let his mind slip into the other world of his story.

When he finished typing the last words, he wiped at his eyes as tears ran freely from them. Partially because of the emotional upheaval the story caused in him. The rest was due to being exhausted. He'd typed all night. The sun was just beginning to lighten the sky.

He saved his story, made a backup locally and emailed a copy to his offsite storage account.

He felt a great sense of satisfaction at having accomplished his goal of completing his story.

He rested his eyes for a moment and jolted when he heard a loud knock on the door. The sun was higher in the sky now. He glanced at the clock and saw it was 9:30AM. Heaving himself to his feet he shambled over to the door and opened it when the knocking repeated.

Worried eyes looked up at him.

"Are you ok? You look terrible!" Evelyn gasped.

He snorted and gestured for her to follow him in. He walked back to his chair and sank into it, his eyes struggling to close.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I wrote all night long. I just got to sleep at... 4:30, 5AM?" he said quietly.

"You said you'd be asleep when we got home!" she complained.

He cracked his eye open and pushed himself to his feet. He walked to the sofa and tugged on her hand to join him. He sat and she sat next to him. "I was too jittery when I got home-"

"I knew it!" she gasped and he held up his hand to calm her.

"I wrote. It calmed me. I finished the story," he admitted with a smile.

She gave him a conflicted expression.

"I thought you might be a little happier for me," he pouted.

She snorted. "I am happy for you! I'm also worried about you after your blow out last night."

He took a deep breath. "I didn't hurt him. I'm proud of myself for showing that much restraint. He and his sister never showed any towards me."

Evelyn shook her head. "Dane was screaming about pressing charges but his parents and his wife shut his hysterics down. They also went after Stephanie for her part in tormenting you as a child. She was a much harder nut to crack as she refused to accept what she'd done was wrong. It was a night for confessions, apologies, and enlightenment."

He gave her a sad look. "I really spoiled everyone's evening."

"The truth is the truth and it's never too late to hear it. The Talbots were very grateful to hear what their children had done. Not happy but grateful none-the-less. Margaret is also a little distraught over how she treated you."

He nodded and his eyes closed again.

"Hey! Don't go to sleep yet!" Evelyn complained.

He aimed a bleary eye at her. "How about the kids? Did I ruin their night?"

She shook her head. "The young men had an eye opening lesson about their parent's but I think they already knew about these character flaws and just adapted to them. They really are nice kids." He was still pointing his sleepy eye at her so she continued. "The girls were very worried about you and my assurances fell on deaf ears. They wanted to come over with me this morning to confirm you were ok but I managed to get them to wait. Barely."

His eyes were closing again as he smiled about their sweet concern for him.



"Never mind. Go to sleep," she said softly.

He immediately stretched out on the couch, and the adjoining ottoman, resting his head on Evelyn's lap. He felt her running her fingers through his hair then he was gone.


Later she woke him up as she said he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. He grumbled that her logic was questionable. They ate sandwiches she made in his kitchen then they decided to go for a walk on the beach. It wasn't as warm today as it was yesterday so they dressed in layers.

Evelyn's daughters all rushed outside when they walked down to his yard. They all wanted hugs from him then the group set off down the beach.

They hadn't gotten far when they noticed someone waving at them. Reid realized they were standing before the Talbot's beach home. The young men ran over to speak with the young ladies and the six of them ran off to continue building a bonfire together for the evening's beach party. He sighed and Evelyn gave him her assurance that the Talbots were just looking for an opportunity to apologize.

Reid walked with Evelyn across the beach towards the people gathered on the huge deck of the Talbot's place. He saw everyone was there. As they got closer he saw Dane and Stephanie had sour looks on their faces. He glanced at Evelyn and she'd seen it too and was scowling in frustration. To Reid, it didn't seem like these two were genuinely sorry for anything.

Margaret stood up and met them as they climbed up onto the deck.

"Reid, I am so sorry for what I said to you out of my ignorance yesterday. I formed an opinion based entirely on my assumptions and I did you a terrible disservice. Can you forgive me?"

He saw the honesty of her emotions and that she truly was sorry for what she'd said so he nodded. Immediately, he could see the relief on her face and he gave her a smile. She came forward and he hugged her. Lawrence was smiling at him and he gave him one in return.

If anything, this display of honesty just made the sour expressions on Margaret's kids worsen.

Reid released Margaret and she walked over to her husband. It was Lawrence's turn to speak.

"On behalf of my wife and me, we'd like to apologize for raising two children who thought it was morally acceptable to torment a child who was suffering from feelings of awkwardness and severe shyness. That is our failing. The fact that to this day they don't see what they did was a weakness of character is a disappointment we will take to our graves. Rest assured. Steps will be taken so they, at the very least, will know their actions had consequences."

"What?" Dane suddenly sat up and took notice of what was being said.

"Was that supposed to be a threat?" Stephanie said belligerently.

The parents just sighed and shook their heads. They turned their faces to Lana who was staring at her husband with her own look of disgust. "Our apologies to you as well."

The group looked to Jerry but he was snoring like a bandsaw. No apologies needed there.

Lawrence turned back to Reid. "You are welcome to join our party tonight. We're going to have food, music, dancing, and a bonfire if the kids can build it properly."

Lana stepped forward with a hopeful expression. "Please say you'll come!"

Reid looked to Evelyn and she nodded to him showing she wanted him to as well. He glanced at Dane and Stephanie who were avoiding his eyes. He sighed then turned back to Lawrence. "Ok. That would be nice. Thank you."

"We're going to finish our walk on the beach. We'll see you later, ok?" Evelyn said, leading Reid back to the sand. They made their way back to the water's edge and headed south once more.

"I hope it doesn't become too uncomfortable for everyone, my being at the party. Dane and Stephanie aren't going to be happy," Reid said quietly.

"Maybe it's their turn to have their feelings neglected," Evelyn said fiercely and he looked at her in surprise. She glanced over at him then put her arm through his. "Sorry. My instinctive need to protect is flaring."

"Appreciated," he said with a smile, enjoying the feeling of her touching him, her fingers resting on his arm.

They walked along in silence, each enjoying the other's company. He was surprised by how far they'd gone before they headed back.

She looked up at him nervously and he caught it. "What?" he asked.

"There are going to be two other families at the party tonight. I forgot to ask if their kids treated you poorly as well."

He shook his head. "Only the Talbot kids got a chance to torment me. From that point, I just hid and kept to myself. I'd see the other kids playing together out on the beach so I'd go inland and play in the forest or hide in the dunes and watch."

She looked up at him with sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, it happened a long time ago. Please don't be sad now!" he begged.

"It's just so unfair!" she said.

He nodded and put his arm around her shoulders to hug her to his side. Her arm went around his back to hug him too.

"Yes, it was but I'm grown up now. I should be able to take care of myself. Don't get me wrong though. I really appreciate your support," he said.

It was too uncomfortable to walk while hugging due to their height difference so they returned to just walking arm in arm. Neither seemed to want to lose the physical contact.

By the time they got back, the neighbors had begun gathering.

Evelyn introduced him to the owners of the other beach properties and their families, who were the other children Reid had watched playing on the beach. Each expressed their dismay at having not known his situation. Each confessed to hearing the Talbot kids tell them to avoid him at all costs. When Evelyn explained what happened and they heard Dane and Stephanie refused to apologize, the party became very uncomfortable for the pair.

The guilty siblings finally had enough of feeling like pariahs so they said their good nights and headed inside.

The mood drastically improved from that point and Reid truly began to feel at ease with his neighbors for the first time.

They ate delicious barbecue ribs and chicken cooked by Lawrence and Margaret and danced under the stars on the patio. While not very comfortable dancing, Reid did what he could to make Evelyn happy. She absolutely glowed.

There were some excited whoops from the beach and they saw the bonfire had been lit. People began migrating from the deck to take seats in a wide circle around the fire.

Reid saw they were going to be short seats so he turned to Evelyn.

"Could you wait here just a moment?"

She nodded curiously at him. He nodded and rushed away, heading back to his house. He let himself inside and opened the patio door. He manhandled the old love seat outside then locked up his house once more.

Hoisting the bulky furniture above his head he carefully climbed down the stairs, down the path to the beach and across the beach to the bonfire.

He heard cheers as he approached.

"Now that's enjoying a bonfire in comfort!" Lawrence called out and the cheers increased.

Arms aching from the heavy load above his head Reid smiled at Evelyn who was clapping delightedly. He eased it down and dropped it on the sand.

Lana was standing next to Evelyn. "Marcus! Taylor! Help Reid get the love seat into position."

The two young men ran over with grins on their faces which quickly faded as they tried to lift the surprisingly heavy piece of furniture. Grunting, they finally managed to get it off the sand and moved next to the other chairs. They looked at Reid with new respect as they headed back to Emily and Elizabeth.

Reid plunked himself down on it and found he was too close to the fire so he lifted the couch and moved it back a foot. He sat down and it still felt like he was too close.

Evelyn grabbed a blanket from the back of the love seat and draped it over his legs to shield him from the heat. Then she curled up on the love seat next to him.

Reid smiled at the beauty sitting next to him as she took his hand in hers.

On the chair to his right Lana reached over to touch his hand to get his attention. He jumped a little and she grinned.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to startle you! I just wanted to ask you what you do, work wise."

He gave her an embarrassed smile. "I used to be a programmer. Now I... maybe I'll be a writer."

Evelyn squeezed his hand and he saw she was beaming a broad smile at him.

"A writer? What kind of books?" Lana asked curiously.

"Well, I've only completed one so far-"

"You finished it?" Elizabeth gasped from the far side of Lana.

"He did!" Evelyn said with a big smile.

Elizabeth pouted. "You haven't read it yet have you?"

Evelyn shook her head. "I'm waiting for Reid to have an opportunity to read it to us."

Lana was looking between the two women with burning curiosity in her eyes. "What did you write?!?" she blurted.

Reid was surprised by her excitement. "It's a romance."

Lana's eyes went wide and she looked to Elizabeth. "Is it good?"

The young woman bit her lip and her eyes went dreamy. "Oh yes! So good!"

Lana's head whipped around to aim back at Reid. "I want to read it too!"

Several of the others listening in added their voices requesting access as well.

Reid chuckled in surprise and smiled at Evelyn. "Maybe you should be my agent."

She popped up onto her knees beside him and rested her palms on his chest as she looked him in the eyes. "I would love to be your agent!"

"Done!" he said with a grin.

Suddenly Evelyn's lips were on his and his hands landed gently on her back. He'd never felt anything better in his life than this kiss. Her mouth was so soft and tender and he couldn't get enough. His hand went up into her hair as the kiss slowed and became more sensual. When the tip of her tongue traced his lower lip he moaned.