A Summer Sunday in Savannah


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This was only their second night together; Mike was neither ignorant nor lacking in finesse. He was an accomplished lover ...tender and passionate...suitably equipped and physically quite fit. He generally enjoyed fucking and showed no signs of "performing" or attempting to prove his prowess. He was delightfully playful; sex was fun for him and free from anxiety. He had been aggressive when they had arrived at his home earlier in the evening...pursuing her...manhandling her in that special way that made her feel desired...needed. It was as if he could not keep his hands off her...out of her...strong, confident hands...giving her the sense that for Mike only Vanessa and no other woman could satisfy him. She had found it exhilarating, exciting and wonderfully decadent. He had quite simply "taken her" as no other man ever had...and she hoped ever would.

Yet when the roles were reversed, he reveled in her bawdy seductiveness...urging her on softly as she became more adventurous. He had grinned like a child with a new toy when she had squatted over him and slowly descended, encasing his stiff cock in her tight cavern. She had leaned forward, nibbling his ear...telling him what she was going to do to him...telling him what a fat cock he had...telling him that she was going to fuck him until he couldn't fuck anymore...and then fuck him again...and again...and again. She had cum quicker and more intensely than she had ever remembered. She had literally collapsed on top of him, her strong young thighs exhausted from the delightful marathon fuck. As if reading her mind he had gently made love to her face, her neck, her breasts, then rolled her over gently and very slowly moved his mouth down her taut belly and to her utter astonishment softly begun to lick and caress her pussy as if enjoying some exotic delicacy. And she had cum again...and then again one more time...long...just beneath the surface...agonizing and in the end completely fulfilling.

Mike had been correct; they really knew so little about each other. There was no question in Vanessa's mind that physically, sexually they were perfect together. She couldn't imagine it being any better, yet this night had been even more amazing than the previous one. She certainly had a sense of who his was from his amazing literary gift and the respect he showed for his characters. Was there a dark side? Was there some vestige of an unsatisfactory childhood or his experiences in combat that would surface at some inopportune time down the road? His parents...what were they like? Mike could get a sense of who Vanessa would become having met her mother and grandmother. Her gut said no; her heart said 'please no'...she had been there before. People can 'put on an act' for quite some time...fooling even those who love them the most. Love? Both of them had avoided those three words although other terms of endearment were slipping into their discourse.

She sensed that they each were a bit afraid of those three words...afraid it would change things. Or maybe it was just the impossibility of two people with a couple of nights together accepting the outrageous principle that they might be in love. She was sure both of them had considered the possibilities...they had discussed their visions of the future...together. Both were, she mused, simply too practical and grounded to accept love as a reality this early in the game.

As Mike drifted off to sleep in the arms of the only women he hoped would ever share his bed for the rest of his life he had similar thoughts. He was a lot farther down the love road than Vanessa was. While he shared her concerns that they needed to know each other a lot better on a day to day basis, he was convinced that he indeed loved this amazing creature sleeping peacefully in his arms.

The Colonel and his lady were gracious hosts who genuine enjoyed making new friends and sharing their home. The Colonel's wife, Angie, was a consummate chef who had gone to great lengths to reproduce an authentic 'low country' spread. Mike had been a little nervous after noting the Colonel and Virginia in an animated dialogue. Mike had briefed his boss on the players; it was his job to do so but the Colonel was also his friend and deserved ample warning of the potential perils of 'hurricane Virginia'. Cornelia finally wrested Virginia away from their host; Virginia moved toward Mike.

"Our host—your Colonel---is a delightfully charming man! I have to admit that I'm sure I've never spoken to a career military man at any length; he's not remotely what I expected."

"I asked him not to wear his ivory handles revolvers or his saber for the evening and refrain from screaming, 'Let slip the dogs of war' more than once."

"You chide but I deserve it. Is he typical of other senior Army officers?"

"There's nothing typical about the Colonel; he is certainly, 'best demonstrated practice' in my book. His boss, the Commanding General---two stars, a Major General---is fascinating in his own right. Well on his way to a successful career as a cabaret singer he enlisted during one of our bigger wars never expecting to still be in uniform over thirty years later. He was almost completely self educated until he made Lieutenant Colonel and was given the opportunity to acquire his first---first of three—degree. He's a man of impeccable virtue, the father of seven wonderful children and a man who wakes up every morning worrying about how the privates, specialists and young sergeants are fairing."

"There have to be some bad eggs."

"Without question---just as there are in all walks of life. I've met a handful; more times than not they get their comeuppance. Some slip through to the higher ranks."

"Like the current commander in charge of this dreadful war?"

"I actually have some first hand experience with the gentleman in question; we were involved in a critical part of the campaign and he was a frequent visitor. I have no doubt he will ultimately be blamed for everything that is wrong with this war....unfairly. He's not remotely glib and has to be a publicist's nightmare. He's a dreadful public speaker. He comes across as taciturn and flinty. He doesn't smile. He also is doing the best he can within the limits of what the civilian leadership will allow him to do. He has had his letter of resignation---not just from his command but from the armed forces---on his desk since the day before he took command of this affair. Each day he tries to decide if his expertise---and he has a brilliant military mind---will continue to reduce the loss of life or if principle says he should resign in protest. It's the old duty, honor and country thing. He believes that the probability that someone who might replace him would be as competent as he is is doubtful. It's tearing him apart inside. He's an easy target for the press and pundits in view of the style issues. Someday, after this war is over he'll write a book. It will be respectful but it will be completely the truth; he doesn't know any other way. He's a soldier's soldier, happiest sitting on the ground chatting with a bunch of other young soldiers. He is exceptionally well read, an accomplished musician and a man of unwavering integrity. He can be a hard man to like but an impossible man not to respect---once you get to know him."

"I confess to assumptions about the Army that are based on what I read..."

"Some of the war movies and television shows that always come along at times like these don't help; they're such crap! Virginia, at every demographic strata the American military is better educated and far more sane than the rest of the population. Sure, the occasional sociopath slips in, but all too often what is condemned by the media as a 'war crime' is nothing more than a bright, exceptionally well-trained, scared-out-of-his-mind young nineteen year old making a split second decision---based on training and experience---while others are trying to kill him and those in his charge. When soldiers screw up---violate the strict code of warfare which we adhere to---they are investigated meticulously and if found to have done something wrong, punished. No system is perfect but ours is as good as anyone's in the world. And now you have me proselytizing!"

To his surprise, Virginia hugged him. "Thank you for your service Mike; thank you for your sacrifice and welcome home."

Virginia moved on to chat with the Colonel's wife and Vanessa joined him, slipping her arms through his.

"What was that all about?" She asked.

"You wouldn't believe it in a million years, hon."

"Well not that I wouldn't prefer to stay right here with you but I'm dying to chat with your boss and it appears that one of my family members is about to give me that opportunity." With those words, Vanessa walked over to talk to their host.

"Vanessa! I'm so delighted to meet you! Thank you for coming to our home."

They conversation began innocuously as the two shared their respective histories. It ultimately turned to Mike. Vanessa attempted to nibble around the edges; the Colonel chose the more direct route---as was his style.

"Vanessa, Mike is like a son to me...to both of us. I confess that I probably know him better than I know my own son who is not that much older than Mike. He is rock steady, demonstrates unwavering integrity, consistently exceeds the high standards he sets for himself, always performs 'above and beyond the call of duty', is a consummate leader who always puts his men first and is simply the finest young officer---and man---I have ever had the privilege of serving with. He is brilliant, decisive and caring. That's the official description; I've written those words on more occasions than I can count when it comes to Captain Mike Carson. He is also, if I'm any judge of affairs of the heart, head over heels in love with you even if he hasn't yet said the words....and I'm positive you are the first woman who has ever had the effect on him. Don't break his heart, young lady! He's all about heart and he's has a bigger one than most mortals are blessed with. If your relationship together is going where I hope it is he will love, cherish and protect you for the rest of his life. There's no dark side; there's no hidden agenda. That young man would gladly risk a hail of bullets—his life—for you...as he did for me and a bunch of others. He thinks you're the one...are you?"

"I hope so...think so."

"Chat with my wife; she's gotten to know Mike pretty well since we came home. She can give you the woman's perspective."

Mike at that very moment was having a heart to heart with the Colonel's wife.

"Mike, from the look in your eyes when you gaze at her I'm sensing this is pretty serious?"

"Perceptive as always, Angie! Yeah, I'm smitten. We have no history...a few days together but..."

"Well, let's see. Thirty-five years ago a dashing young Army officer in his pinks and tans strolled into a flower shop I was working in while I was still in college. I knew; he knew. My parents were not pleased. They got over it. Neither of us had regretted a single minute of our life together over the last thirty-five years. Love is love...too often dissected and overanalyzed by those who can't seem to grasp---or find it. Tell her...tell her soon! Don't let her get away. She's coming this way; mind if this old match maker stirs the fire a bit?"

Mike and Vanessa again met and parted but not before he kissed her softly on the forehead. She smiled; if he had ever had any question it was in that instant that he knew beyond any doubt.

After a brief interlude of chit chat, the Colonel's wife took charge of the conversation.

"Vanessa? Have you told him? It's written all over your face...it's so obvious when the two of you are together. They don't come any better than that young man; he loves you like he's never loved anyone before. He's scared, and fear is not an emotion that Mike Carson has much experience with. Those words are on the tip of his tongue...addling his brain. You're not some simpering Savannah debutante! Based purely on genetics it would be impossible for you to be one of them. Tell him...for God's sake...tell him he is the one! There will always be bumps in the road...that's what love and relationships are built on---grow strong and unbreakable on. Don't dawdle! He's alone now...go to him...meet him halfway then take the initiative that your strength, character and breeding says you must!"

Vanessa put her glass down and turned wordlessly looking for Mike; he was across the room. He saw her turn and moved toward her, putting his drink down as he crossed the room. She went to him; they met almost directly in the center of the room. Unbeknownst to either of them not an eye in the room had missed it. Conversations trailed off as all eyes turned toward the young couple. There arms were around each other...they kissed...softly...tenderly...but in its import it was THE kiss of their young lives. Each whispered the three words so that only the other could hear...then again...louder...then again, such that all were let in on the not-so-well-kept secret. And then they just held on to each other for dear life...weeping and laughing softly in each others arms, no longer afraid...no longer unsure...both convinced beyond any doubt that there was no storm in their future that could not be weathered...together...in love.

The applause and cheers, started by the Colonel it would seem, brought them back to reality. Mike and Vanessa glanced around the room; all the other guests were smiling...even Virginia who was dabbing her eyes with her cocktail napkin. The rest of the evening turned into a celebration and was a most memorable affair for all in attendance.

Later in the night as Vanessa and Mike again joined blissfully in bed neither could keep from telling the other many times over. It made their third night together even more sublime. The Colonel had 'ordered' Mike to take the following day off. Lounging together in the warm Savannah morning over coffee on the old porch swing, unable to lose the other's touch even for a second, the two lovers grinned like kids on Christmas morning.

Mike never left Savannah; Vanessa joined him in a matter of weeks, initially negotiating a non-resident arrangement with her employer. They were married at the post chapel in a full military wedding a few weeks before Mike left active duty. The house ultimately became cramped as their family grew by three; they sold it to another young officer, bought some land on the edge of the salt marshes and built their dream house.

Mike's first novel hit the stores before Christmas and took the literary world by storm; it shot to the top of the best seller lists overnight and stayed there for a record number of weeks. It was later adapted to a screen play and became a successful and award winning film. Mike ultimately completed his other two full length works of fiction ably assisted by his personal editor who retired from the literary world to work with her one and only very special author.

He wrote many more over his life time; none quite reached the level which his first one had enjoyed but his fans anxiously awaited each of them and purchased them in sufficient number that he never had to take that job in a 'corporation we've all heard of'. His writing ensured that the two of them had the uncommon luxury of raising their three children together on the edge of the salt marshes surrounded by Live Oak and Spanish moss on the outskirts of a unique small city on the Georgia coast named Savannah.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I loved it but the main character seemed a little too perfect.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Sometimes something is so good that to enumerate the many good things seems to be more abot te critic, that the amazing story.

My summary: Thanks Dinsmore!!!

The Hoary Cleric

bigbob2406bigbob240611 months ago

Beautiful !!Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Outstanding! 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️s

G5902G5902over 1 year ago

At least my third reading of this wonderful story!!! Thank you for sharing such an incredibly well written story!!!

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