A Suburban Rendezvous

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A secret meeting in the dead of night.
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With all the skill of someone who had done this many times before, I slipped out through the window of my home and melted into the darkness of the night.

I went in absolute silence, unseen by anyone, and without leaving even the slightest trace behind to reveal that I had fled, a veritable ninja slipping from shadow to shadow without anyone being the wiser. Behind me, I left behind parents who were absolutely sure I was in my bed and fast asleep right now and completely unaware of the fact that I was leading a top secret nocturnal life.

I looked around quickly to make sure that nobody was out walking on the sidewalk or passing by on the street at this ungodly hour, then dashed across to the chainlink fence and barely made it rattle as I went over, dropping into my next door neighbor's backyard with nothing but a soft thud.

Sure that my dark blue jeans and black hoodie would help me blend into the darkness I was lurking in, I hesitated a long moment to make sure that I still had not been noticed, looking to the house to make sure there was no one at a window. Only when I was absolutely certain that the coast was clear did I dart forward, avoiding any and every pool of light as I carefully made my way across to the opposite fence.

Going over this second fence with very little noise, I landed in yet another backyard and found myself set upon by a large dog named Hector. Fortunately, this pooch and I were old friends and I had invaded his territory like this plenty of times before, so he just trotted over with a great big, sloppy smile and a furiously wagging tail to greet me with a lick across the face.

I took the time to stroke and pet him, speaking to him in a soft voice that I hoped could only be heard by keen dog ears. When I decided it was time to move on - which was always too soon so far as Hector was concerned - I made my way across this yard just as stealthily as I had the previous one, but with a large and furry shadow right on my heels.

Hector was hoping that I would stop and play with him some more and so he stuck by me, prodding me with his wet nose whenever I had to pause for a moment. I knew this was the most dangerous time for me as it would be very easy for this dog to give my presence away, but so far I had always been lucky enough to pass through here unobserved. Hector's tail drooped in disappointment though when he realized I wasn't going to linger with him any longer and meant to go over the next chainlink fence.


I jumped in surprise at the sudden noise right next to me, shooting a worried look at the big animal. If he kept barking like that he was sure to draw the notice of his owners and probably the neighbors as well, but Hector was heedless of the danger he was putting me in. Determined to make the case that I should stay and play with him some more, Hector just kept right on barking, getting louder and more insistent by the moment.

Raising my finger to my lips, I shushed him frantically. The barking paused for a moment as he regarded me like the idiot I was, cocking his head to one side and twitching his ears. Hector turned suddenly and galloped back to the porch of the house, returning just a moment later with a rubber ball that he dropped at my feet.

Evidently, Hector was in the mood for a game of fetch tonight.

I was thinking of heaving the ball across the yard to distract him from me for the brief moment it would have taken me to get over this fence, but apparently Hector thought I was taking too long to make up my mind.


"Hey, you stupid dog!" came a bellow from inside the house. "Shut up out there!"




Realizing that I only had a few precious moments before Hector's owners came out to see what was going on out here, I lost no more time and took a headlong dive over the fence into the next yard. Hector's tail drooped in disappointment to see me go, but he knew I would be back later when I made the journey back home and so he just plopped down into the grass right there to wait for me.

The next yard contained a small vegetable garden and so I normally had to be extra careful here to keep from leaving a tell-tale footprint in the often soft, wet earth or crushing one of the small plants, but tonight I had to disappear quickly and so I dashed straight through and hurled myself behind a tree.

I was just in time.

No sooner had I secreted myself than the patio light in the yard I'd just abandoned switched on and the back door of the house swung open. I didn't look around the girth of the tree trunk to watch, but could clearly hear the footsteps of Hector's owner as the old man came out on his back porch to see what was going on.

"What's the matter with you, you crazy dog?" he complained. "It's the middle of the night! Shut up, why don't you?!"

The only answer I heard him get from Hector was a disgruntled snort.

I heard the man go back inside and close the door, the light winking off, but still I did not move. The way I had it figured, it was just possible that the man was still at the window and watching to make sure that nothing else happened to set off his dog. The rest did me some good anyway as it gave me a chance to catch my breath and slow my racing heart after the close call I'd just had.

When I finally rose to start moving again, I made my way across to the next chainlink fence and went over it with only a whisper, very glad to once more be able to wrap myself in the cloak of silence.

With that, I had reached my destination. I had finally reached the yard I had been heading for. Making a mental note to take a moment to make sure I hadn't destroyed that garden when I started for home, I turned my attention to my next hurdle - getting into the little potting shed that now stood right in front of me.

This was not such a difficult chore really as I had my own copy of the key to the padlock on the door, but it was no cake walk, either. The first problem was that the door faced the back of the house and so I could easily be seen if someone happened to look out a window at just the wrong time. The second problem was that I would have to remove the padlock to get in and I certainly couldn't replace it from inside the shed, so it was very possible that someone would notice that it was missing.

Still, experience had taught me that it was quite possible to get into that shed without being noticed and so far I had been lucky in that no one had ever noticed when that lock seemed to disappear.

I paused a moment as I crouched in the shadows, studying the back of the house and watching for any hint that anyone might be near one of the windows. Most of the windows were dark and so it wasn't easy to tell, but most also had their curtains drawn and I saw no sign of movement in the rest, so I was reasonably confident that it was safe.

Just as I started to move though, I had to stop suddenly and retreat back into the gloom.

A light abruptly appeared in the kitchen window and Matthew Kendrick came into view. I knew that particular window to be right over the sink and it looked to me that he was rinsing off some glasses or dishes or something to put them into the dishwasher. Grumbling softly to myself in irritation, I could only sit tight and wait until he was done.

It did not take long for him to finish whatever he was doing though and very soon he moved away from the window and the light winked out again. I waited a few more moments to make sure he really was done and not coming back, then reached into the pocket of my jacket for the key to the padlock and started moving forward once more.

The fact that the potting shed had been painted a rich, deep brown certainly helped to protect my invisibility as I crouched in front of it's door and went to work on that padlock, but nonetheless I did not waste any time.

The lock yielded to me and I was inside the shed in an instant, closing the door again behind me.

In the near absolute darkness of the shed's interior, I set the padlock aside and positioned myself at a point where I could be out of sight but still see out the little building's one window. Seeing no movement from the house, I was assured that I had gotten here unseen once again and so I started to strip down to my birthday suit.

A light came on in one of the windows of the house and I hesitated a moment to see what was going on. That window, I knew, belonged to my best friend Gennifer's bedroom, but with the curtains closed it was impossible to see what she might be doing. It was a school night and after her bed time just as it was mine and so she was supposed to be sound asleep right now, but clearly she was not. I couldn't begin to guess what Gennifer might be up to, but could be pretty confident that she wouldn't be coming outside, so I went ahead and finished getting undressed.

I had just finished stripping and gotten my clothes stashed out of the way underneath a table when the kitchen light came back on. The back door opened immediately afterward and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Cathy Kendrick step out into the night.

This was who I had come to meet.

I had been having an affair with my best friend's mother for almost two solid years now, though it was not the kind of wild and torrid relationship that might have been expected. The need to keep what we were doing secret meant that we were seldom able to jump into a bed and indulge ourselves in the kind of steamy sexual romp that makes a good dirty story. Most often, we were reduced to having sordid little trysts like the one we were looking to have tonight.

When I'd gotten home from school this afternoon, I had checked our family's computer and found a very particular e-mail in my inbox. As far as anyone was concerned, the message had been sent by one of my friends and had any of my family happened to be reading it over my shoulder they would have seen that it was only about what a good time we'd had together in school that day and how cute this or that boy was.

The content of the e-mail was irrelevant, though. Instead, what mattered was that I had received an e-mail from that particular sender.

According to the arrangements I had made with Mrs. Kendrick a long time ago, whenever I got such an e-mail it was a signal from her. It meant that she wanted to see me and thought she could get away from her family for at least a few minutes. It meant that I should be right here in this potting shed and waiting for her right now so that we could have an all too brief interlude before having to return to our normal lives. It meant that she had only a few minutes to spend with me or her husband would begin to wonder what she was doing out here and so I had to be naked and ready for whatever she had in mind.

It was no guarantee that we would get to be together, however. It was understood by us both that circumstances might change at the last minute and because of the need to keep our affair a closely guarded secret meant that we normally could not get in touch to warn that we would not be able to keep the appointment.

There certainly had been instances when she had not showed and I had been left to sit out here all alone and naked in the dark for an hour or two until I finally gave up waiting and went back home.

On the other hand, I had never yet failed to come when she asked for me.

It would be so much easier for us to communicate if only I could get my parents to break down and buy me a cell phone!

From my hiding place, I watched my lover stand on her back porch for a moment, trying not to be too obvious as she looked around to see if anyone else was out and about at this time of night. She could see that the padlock had vanished and so she knew I was in here and the smile I saw light up her face was enough to set my heart to racing.

As she started moving towards the shed, it was obvious to me that she was trying hard to restrain herself from an unseemly rush. To make it seem like she was just looking to take care of some forgotten chore, she forced herself to maintain a slow and steady pace. It was clear to me nevertheless that she was just as anxious to see me as I was to see her and I could feel my whole body reacting.

Like a Pavlovian dog, I responded to the stimulus of this woman by instantly flushing hotly, my nipples hardening and my cunt lubricating, despite my nudity and the chill in the air.

I needed to get away from that window and position myself so that I would not be visible from the house when she opened the shed's door. Experience had taught me the very best place to be and so I ducked away from the window and was about to move when I heard a voice that sent a chill down my spine.

It was her husband!

"Oh, come on, Cathy! It's late! Why don't you just leave it? Surely it can wait until tomorrow!"

This could be big trouble, as I well knew. Whatever trials I would have to endure if Cathy and I were ever found out would be nothing compared to the scandal she would have to endure. The very best she could hope for in all probability was that her husband would divorce her and her daughter would never speak to her again.

I went back to the window and peeked out again to see where her husband was now and if it looked like he was coming out to join her at the potting shed. If he was, there was no innocent explanation I could give for being out here in the middle of the night without a stitch on.

I saw that he had come just one step out into the night and was standing in front of the door with his hands on his hips. It looked to me like he had taken even that one step unwillingly and had no intention to come out to the shed and so I allowed myself a small smile of relief. So long as he didn't notice that the padlock was gone, I was probably safe from discovery.

"It'll only take me a few minutes, Matthew. Just go on back and watch your ball game before you miss the next home run."

He scowled. "They don't have home runs in football, Cathy."


He looked like he still intended to give her an argument and this was something else I had to worry about. If he was determined to talk her out of spending a little time in her potting shed tonight, she would not be able to give him too much of an argument really or he would begin to wonder what was going on out here that was so important. It would be heartbreaking for me to come so close to my beloved Cathy only to lose her because her husband put up too much of a fuss.

It was he who gave in first though and retreated back into the house, letting the door swing shut again behind him.

Letting go of the breath I had been holding nervously, I darted away from the window again to assume my position. I still needed to be out of sight from the house after all as it was at least possible that my lover's husband might linger for a moment at a window.

From everything Cathy had told me about her spouse, it seemed much more likely to me that he would go straight back in to his ball game, but after surviving so many challenges this night it would be foolish to risk losing everything now by being careless.

The shed's door swung open and Cathy stepped inside, hastily closing the door behind her. A tug on a chain lit the bare light bulb mounted on the ceiling, the sudden flare of light blinding me briefly after I'd spent so much time in the dark. I hated this with a passion - because it cost me a moment or two of my limited time with my lover, because having the shed lit up meant someone might see something suspicious through the window, and because it cost me my night vision for the trip back home. It was necessary though as it would have been hard for her to explain to her husband why she was taking care of her supposed chores out here in the dark.

As always, Cathy chose to wait until I could see again, leaning back against the closed door and smiling broadly at the nineteen year old girl kneeling in a corner. She always knew when I was able to see, too, since I would finally stop frowning and blinking and would smile back.

"Oh, Mandy. My sweet, sweet, baby."

She opened her arms wide and I immediately took her up on the invitation, launching myself against her bodily and throwing my arms around her. Cathy returned the favor by enfolding me in her arms, her mouth crushing itself against mine for the kind of long, passionate kiss that only lovers who have been separated for far too long can share.

I buried my face in her neck then, my entire body reveling in the fact that I was finally holding onto the love of my life again. If only we could have stayed like that forever. If only we could see each other more often that once or twice a month.

"I love you, Cathy," I husked into her hair.

"I love you, too, Mandy," she moaned back, holding onto me for all that she was worth. "I love you, too."

It was with some regret that I finally stirred from our embrace, but I knew that time was short and there were other delights to sample.

Offering up one more deep, wet kiss, I pushed myself free of her arms wordlessly and sank to my knees in front of her. With fingers made clumsy by my burning passion and the all consuming need to hurry, I made my assault on the front of her slacks and started tugging them down even before I'd finished getting her unzipped. She said nothing, waiting patiently while I worked to get her pants off, smiling softly and stroking my hair with both hands.

As soon as her pants started to fall, I was abruptly surrounded by the pungent and stimulating aroma of a very aroused cunt. I inhaled this perfume deeply as I hauled those pants down to the floor, getting a natural high even as my wide eyes soaked up the size of the wet spot on her frilly pink panties. She stepped out of her pants immediately after they hit the floor, but Cathy did not move from her position at the door.

I needed that twat and I needed it now. She barely had time to open her legs up a little for me before I had used the fingers of one hand to pull aside the crotch of her underwear and shoved my head in between her thighs. As my tongue pushed it's way through her steamy, liquid depths, gathering up her very essence for my consumption, a hoarse and profound moan of ecstatic pleasure was pulled from her very soul.

As my tongue plowed through her, lashing at the big knob of her clitoris, I let my free hand come up slowly between her legs. I knew this woman even better than I knew myself and so I was able to time it perfectly for the most powerful effect when I sent a single bold finger probing right up into her bottom.

Grunting and gasping like a wild and wanton animal, she shoved my face into her swampy pussy firmly as she endured a lengthy, shuddering and what had to be a very satisfying climax.

Only after the last echoes of her orgasm had slowly faded away did she allow me to pull my face out of that most intimate of places. I must admit that my face was wet, splattered with her spray, but I wore it with great pride and didn't even think about trying to wipe it off. Breathing hard, she ran her eyes over me, measuring me as a predator does it's prey.

Slowly, awkwardly, I lifted myself back to my feet, watching her uncertainly as I waited in breathless anticipation to see what she wanted to do with me.

Shoving herself off that door suddenly and lurching towards me, she grabbed me, kissed me fiercely, and then spun me around to bend me over one of the work tables. The pots that were stacked there rattled as they were inadvertently shoved aside and threatened to tumble to the floor, but neither of us noticed them.

The sight of me bent to her will was naturally an appealing one to her and she could not resist taking advantage of this opportunity to give each of my bare cheeks a stinging slap. I gasped as she spanked me, biting my bottom lip to keep from letting out a loud squeal that would have attracted unwanted attention.