A Student In Lodgings Ch. 02

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Our lucky student is led further.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/07/2008
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This story is a continuation of "A student in lodgings" which I urge you to read first. It is a work of fiction, any similarities with people and places is purely coincidental. The text remains the intellectual property of the author and may not be published elsewhere without specific permission from the author.

The narrative contains scenes of explicit sexual activities. If this kind of story is illegal where you are reading this, perhaps you should navigate to another site. Similarly, if you don't like such stories, I wonder why you are surfing a site which contains such material.

I love receiving feedback and don't forget to vote.

End of preamble; let's get on with the story ...


I woke up next morning feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day. It was a Saturday and I knew I had no business so the prospect of a lazy day seemed good to me. The sound of birds singing in the garden was complemented by the sun shining on the curtains fluttering in the light breeze. It was one of those days which make one glad to be alive.

For a few minutes I lay on the bed reflecting on the amazing happenings of yesterday, how Wendy had seduced me on the back lawn, how she had introduced me to excitingly different sex, how unconcerned – even encouraging – her husband, Mike, had been when he arrived home as I was fucking his wife. It all seemed a little unreal but I looked forward to another day like yesterday.

With pleasant thoughts of yesterday swirling through my mind, I stretched lazily and noticed that my prick was already showing signs of life. Normally I would attend to it before rising but I ignored it this morning in the hope that it would get more attention from Wendy. Oooh, the mental pictures of what might be made it stand up even more. Time for my shower, I thought, noticing by the bedside clock that I had slept later than usual.

Dressed in just my boxers I made my way to the bathroom and this time I didn't worry about the lack of a lock on the door. I did the necessary then got under the shower, luxuriating in the warm cascade as I soaped and rinsed myself. As I was towelling myself dry, Wendy walked in dressed in just her panties, which she removed and sat on the toilet, entirely unconcerned about my presence and wishing me a cheery "Good Morning, Jon. Give me a kiss."

"Good morning Wendy," I replied, stepping over to give her a peck but she put her hand around my neck and held me in a sexy tongue-swapping kiss which encouraged my prick to show some signs of life especially as her other hand closed around it.

She released me from her clutches and I made my way back to my bedroom where I dressed in shorts and tee shirt. With the aroma of bacon permeating up the stairs I descended to the kitchen and was surprised to see a maid, in full uniform, standing at the stove busying herself with cooking breakfast. She looked over her shoulder as I entered the kitchen and asked me if she could get me a coffee or anything. At my request, she set a mug of coffee on the table in front of me and returned to her pans on the stove.

I sat there sipping at the drink and watching her. I didn't know my hosts had any servants so from where had she come? She was fairly tall and slim with shoulder-length light brown hair. Her black uniform was tight over her smallish breasts but flared out at the waist and fell to just above her knees. The black was complemented by a crisp white apron and cap. Her shapely legs were encased in black stockings or tights and she wore 'sensible' black shoes. She looked to be maybe in her mid-30s and attractive.

After yesterday's fun with Wendy I had been looking forward to more of the same, especially as Mike had seemed happy enough when he had arrived home early to see his wife naked and having sex with me in the garden but I wondered if the attendance of the maid would put a damper on any such activities. In a way, I found myself resenting her presence.

After a few minutes Wendy appeared, wearing tight and skimpy white shorts and halter bikini top which strained to hold her bosom. Her nipples poked through the thin material and were surrounded by the darker shadow of her aureoles. "Get me a coffee please, Sandy," she asked the maid who quickly obeyed.

After taking a few sips, Wendy turned to me and asked, "Do you have any plans for today, Jon?"

"Nothing much," I responded, "just maybe get some sun and swim a little."

"Sounds like an excellent plan," there was a twinkle in her eye, "I might just do that myself. Have a lazy day. Well, maybe not too lazy!" She reached over and stroked my groin, making no attempt at hiding it from Sandy who kept glancing over at us. Nervously I indicated with my eyes that the maid was watching her groping me and was now approaching the table with two plates of bacon and eggs which she set before us, apparently unconcerned about what she had certainly seen. Wendy's hand left me and went round Sandy's waist. "Don't worry about Sandy," she said. Turning to the maid, she told her to give me a kiss.

"Yes Mistress Wendy," she replied in a low, husky voice, dipping a little courtesy before bending over and kissing me briefly but sexily. I was a little nervous about this but I opened my mouth to accept the tongue, which was pushing at my lips. After a few seconds, she broke away and told Wendy, "He kisses nicely, Mistress."

"Down, girl!" Wendy gave her an admonishing look and slapped her rump quite firmly although there was an enigmatic smile on her lips.

"Yes, Mistress." Sandy bobbed her knees again and retreated, a little petulantly I thought, to the stove where she began tidying her work surface noisily until Wendy told her to refill our coffee cups and stop sulking. She did the former but a little sullenly which Wendy seemed to ignore.

When Sandy had retreated again I said to Wendy, "I didn't know you had a maid."

"Oh, Sandy is only with us at weekends, unless I throw a party or something during the week. She's good but sometimes gets a bit ... oh, I don't know, a bit forward. Just ignore her unless you need something."

"Where's Mike and Dad?" I asked.

"Dad went out early this morning. He loves fishing and has found a spot by the canal he can get to in his wheelchair. He'll be gone all day. Mike will join us later. It's a bit early for sitting out in the sun: I think I'll do some weeding for an hour. Anything you'd like to do? I can find you some more weeding."

"I think I'll check out my emails and do a bit of surfing," I told her, not relishing the thought of rooting out the weeds. "Anyway, I'd be scared of pulling up the wrong things."

"That sounds like an excuse to get out of work," Wendy retorted, but her smile said she didn't mind. "Go on then, get on your computer."

We went our separate ways, she to her garden shed and I to my room. I booted up the computer and saw there was an email from my sister. It was just a chatty message to which I replied in the same vein, telling her how I had settled in here at The Old Parsonage. I told her how I had worked clearing a load of nettles in the morning yesterday, then spent the rest of the day sunbathing and swimming. Obviously I never mentioned my other activities with Wendy, just told her I was enjoying my stay. I messed around on the net for a while then switched the machine off and decided the sun was now up enough for sunbathing.

Wendy called out to me when I entered the garden, saying she'd be with me in a few minutes and would I ask Sandy to get the towels out and a drink ready. I waved to acknowledge her request and went to look for Sandy. I found her in Wendy's bedroom, making the bed and passed on Wendy's instructions. With another little courtesy, she answered "Yes Master."

"Call me Jon," I told her. Sandy's servility made me feel a little nervous and out of place.

"Yes, Master Jon," was how she responded. I gave up and returned to the garden. I was just about to settle into one of the loungers when Sandy appeared with an armful of large towels and a big pitcher of fruit drink frosting with condensation. She laid out two of the towels side by side on the lawn and poured out a couple of glasses of the cold drink, which she placed near the towels.

Wendy appeared out of the shed and walked over, reaching behind to loosen her bikini top as she did so. She tossed the garment to Sandy who placed it neatly on the nearby table. She sat on one of the towels and proceeded to remove her shorts and panties and lay face down on the towel. Sandy retrieved the discarded clothes and placed those on the table too then disappeared in the direction of the house to return a couple of minutes later with a bottle of sun lotion. Kneeling next to her mistress she poured some liquid from the bottle and smoothed it all over Wendy's body. When that task was completed she asked her mistress to turn over so she could do the rest. Sandy did not neglect Wendy's private places and neither woman seemed at all put out by the intimate touches, Wendy occasionally stopping her to take a drink of juice.

Meanwhile I took off my tee shirt and sat on the other towel, drinking the cool refreshing juice and watching Sandy work. As soon as she was finished Wendy told her to do me and told me to get rid of my shorts. On seeing my reluctance, Wendy laughed. "Don't be shy, Sandy's seen it all!"

"Not mine," I retorted but Sandy, with a quick word of apology, started pulling my shorts off. I surrendered to the unavoidable and quickly turned face down to hide the erection starting to grow. Sandy's touch as she smoothed the lotion over my back and down my legs was soft and sensitive. She didn't neglect my bum, even sliding her hands down the crack and between my legs although she didn't linger there any longer than necessary. I could have quite happily stayed in that position but before long she had finished and asked me to turn over. Problems! Her touch had had its inevitable consequences and I was painfully erect.

"Mistress!" she said, causing Wendy to look up. She knew what had happened but, ignoring my discomfort, she told me to turn over in a sharp order. Seeing I was still hesitant she reached over and I felt the crack of her hand against my buttocks as she slapped me hard.

"Turn over, Jon," she ordered, "or do I have to tell Sandy to give you a spanking?" They wouldn't dare, I thought. I'm not some naughty child. Nevertheless, Wendy's own smack gave me the incentive to move.

They both just ignored my rampant tool when I did reluctantly turn over and Sandy rubbed on the cool lotion starting on my face and working all the way down to my feet. She never touched my erection although not out of any shyness because my testicles were certainly not missed out and her hands had been everywhere else.

When she finished, Sandy said, "Mistress, may I?"

I propped myself to a half-sitting position resting on my elbows wondering what she was talking about. Sandy was looking alternatively at my erection and her mistress with a pleading look in her eyes. Wendy looked across at us both and with a grin said, "OK, go ahead."

The maid took hold of my prick and bent her head towards it. She actually licked her lips before kissing my tool then sinking her warm, soft mouth around it. The combination of being in the presence of a naked woman and the past half hour of Sandy's hands passing all over my body and the skill in cock sucking that she obviously had, it didn't take me long before I was groaning and writhing as I grabbed her head and pushed it all the way down. The tightness of her throat as the head of my prick passed the barrier just sent me over the top and my seed was spurting down her throat. She eased back a little, taking the rest of my cream in her mouth, sucking at my prick like she was trying to suck my testicles up through it.

When she had milked me dry she moved up, her face to mine and gave me a kiss. I opened my mouth to her probing tongue and then felt something liquid dribbling in. Oh jeez, it was my sperm she was pushing onto my tongue with hers. Startled and disgusted I tried to jerk away but by now she had her hands around my head and held me in place as she continued to share the sticky mess. I had little choice but to swallow it. The taste wasn't as bad as the thought of what it was. Slightly salty but not unpleasant. In fact, as Sandy withdrew her mouth I found myself licking up the excess from my lips.

"I told you he'd like it, Mistress," she said almost triumphantly in that husky voice. I sensed the taste lingering in my mouth and had to agree, it was nice. What was happening to me? Yesterday I had peed all over Wendy and she had done the same to me, making me drink her piss, now I had just been given a professional blow job by a strange woman and tasted my own sperm from her mouth. And enjoyed everything! I wondered what further surprises Wendy had in store for me but I knew I would be happy to go wherever she led in the three years I was going to be staying with her and Mike.

"I think you can get on with your work, Sandy," instructed Wendy. "There's some cold chicken in the fridge; would you make us a plate of salad for lunch. Mike will be here by then so make three plates."

Sandy got to her feet, gave a courtesy. "Yes, Mistress Wendy," and made her way back to the house.

"Let's catch some more of this sun," said Wendy and lay back on her towel, her breasts flattened somewhat on her chest but still looking lovely, tipped as they were by those big chewable nipples. I lay back and relaxed in the sun with more erotic thoughts and images drifting through my mind.

I was woken from a luxurious semi dream state as a shadow passed over my eyes. I opened the, squinting at the brightness and saw Mike standing over me. He was wearing loose, thin cotton shorts and no underwear. His tool was dangling in plain sight from where I was looking. I averted my eyes until he moved and put out another towel next to his wife. "As you're both naked, I might as well get rid of these," he said, pulling off his shorts.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay or anything but I had only seen two pricks in my life. My own and a friend from back when we had both just passed puberty, we used to masturbate together while watching sexy movies or porn magazines. But I was curious to look at another nude man and see his tool.

"Before you settle down, Mike, get us another drink. Water would be fine for me. You OK with that, Jon?" This last addressed to me.

"Yes, sure," I replied. "Whatever." Mike grabbed the now-empty pitcher, ran into the house and reappeared at a trot a few minutes later carrying a carafe of water with ice tinkling in it. He looked almost comical as he ran across the lawn with his tool jiggling and bouncing every which way.

We all had a long drink, at Wendy's urging. She had that twinkle back in her eye and I thought I knew what she was planning. She had Mike pour us all another glass then return to the house for a refill. He came back carrying three jugs all full to the brim. "Last one to finish," she announced, "Gets a spanking from the other two." Picking up her own jug she proceeded to gulp it down in big swallows. Not wanting to be last, I grabbed my own jug and started pouring it down my throat as fast as I could, trying to keep my eye on the progress of the other two. Wendy had a head start so she drained hers just before I slurped the last of mine. I'm glad that Mike had been a bit slow on the uptake because he almost pipped me at the post. Wendy adjudged that Mike was last by just a fraction So he was to get the spanking.

Wendy made him lie face down and when he had done so she knelt on one side of his body and indicated I was to do the same so I knelt opposite her. "Now smack him," she told me. I brought my hand firmly on his buttocks. "Oh, don't tickle him, smack him properly!" She demonstrated by swatting him really hard. "Your turn ..." So I hit him harder. "That's better, now we alternate," she instructed, bringing her own hand down hard. I smacked him again then again as Wendy gave me the rhythm.

Time after time we smacked him in turn until we had both given him about twenty slaps each. "Well done, Jon," Wendy told me as Mike turned over again and I was amazed to see a throbbing erection. He really had enjoyed it. These two are really kinky, I thought. Come to think of it, I was hard myself when I looked down, and Wendy's nipples were crinkled up tight. Stranger and stranger.

We were still kneeling over him and it didn't surprise me when she took hold of his erection gently. She bent further down and took it in her mouth. She broke off briefly and told me, "Come down here and give me a kiss, Jon." I too bent down, spreading my legs out behind me and turned my face up to give her the kiss she had demanded. I don't know about you but this was the first time I had kissed a woman with another man's glistening tool oozing precum just a couple of inches away.

The kiss was sexy and lingering before she brought Mike's circumcised prick closer then she turned aside and licked up his prick, catching the clear liquid on the tip of her tongue. Holding her tongue out she kissed me, thrusting her tongue onto mine, making sure I shared her prize. She returned to Mike, taking all of him in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down for a few strokes then stopped, put her arm round my neck and pulled me into another kiss. After a few seconds of this her hand left the back of my neck and took hold of the prick between us. She brought it to where our mouths were locked in a kiss and I felt this warm flesh pressing between us. Wendy turned her head a couple of degrees and allowed the prick to slip inside, rubbing against my mouth as it went in. With Mike still in her mouth she turned back to kiss me and I felt Mike's hand pressing my head towards her. And towards him!

I managed to kiss the corner of her mouth but most of my lips and tongue were touching man flesh. It almost seemed natural as she eased the tool from her mouth and into mine. I couldn't believe I was sucking another man's tool. And it felt nice and tasted nice too. After too short a time he pulled out and Wendy kissed me again. "We'll share it," she said, panting a little before taking over where I had been a few seconds before. I envied her. Crazy isn't it, my first prick and I wanted more of it. I wanted to see if I could bring him off.

Fortunately Wendy hadn't lied about sharing. She came back up, kissed me then offered the prick to my mouth. I licked it greedily, teasing a drop of precum out of the tip with my hands and licked it off. It was kind of sweet, kind of salt but not a strong taste. I took the tip of it between my lips and slowly dropped my head down until it was touching my throat. I've read in magazines, seen videos of it on the net and even had it done to me by Sandy this morning. I wondered if I could take Mike all the way. I pushed a bit harder and as it pushed just inside, I suddenly gagged out of sheer reflex. I pulled away coughing.

"It's not easy the first time, Jon," sympathised Wendy. "The gagging reflex is just that, a reflex but you can control it. Just be determined that you won't gag. You will a little at first anyway but fight it in your mind. Now try again." She put her hands on my head and guided it over Mike's tool. I took it in willingly, running my tongue over the bulging veins but Wendy pressed my head deeper and the flesh went in deeper until it was once more at my throat entrance. She continued to push down as Mike pushed up from underneath. Again came that awful gagging.

"Fight it, Jon." I was almost heaving but they kept me there until I did find some kind of control then I pulled back against their pressure and took a gasping breath. When I caught up with my breathing again, I took a deep breath and went back to work. Now Wendy's hands were pushing me down faster. Mike rose to meet me and I found my teeth grating into his pubic hair. I started to gag again but managed to suppress it then slowly I pulled back and went in again, now and then pulling right back for another gasping breath. Mike grabbed me by the back of my head and just started fucking me in a frenzy. All too soon I felt it twitching and a pulse ran up my tongue. His first spurt went into my throat but I took the rest in my mouth, savouring the taste and stringy texture of it.