A Story For The Guys And Wives

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Their sex life is in the toilet. She takes action.
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Readers, Just a short story regarding a sexually frustrated couple.


My name is Kaycee Clark. I'm standing here in front of my mirror admiring my 46 year old body. Not bad for an old broad, I thought, so why has my husband not touched me sexually in almost 8 years? I used to think I was reasonably attractive. I still turned some heads when I was decked out. A little Botox around the eyes and a little hair color, I could pass for late 30's probably.

Jack and I have been married for 12 years. The first marriage for both of us. I was thirty-four years old and my Jack was thirty-nine. Our sex life was good for the first few years and then it just died. Even after eight years with no sexual intimacy, I love him and still try to arouse his sex drive. I keep my fingers and toes immaculate with sexy colors. I love wearing toe rings and ankle bracelets. I dress in the latest fashions and shoes but I have to say, my self esteem has taken some pretty severe hits over these past 8 years when my efforts to seduce him have been rebuffed every time.

I've bought lingerie that I thought would give a dead man a boner. I've worn thigh high seamed stockings, crotchless panties, going bra less with my nipples standing proud and erect. My tits have stood the test of time so far. I don't wear panties when we go out in an attempt to flash and tease him into action. I have tried blow jobs while he's driving, never gets hard enough to do anything. Everything I've tried has been a failure. He just tells me his little libido is non existent. He doesn't know why. I know he loves me but I believe because of his impotence, his self esteem is low.

So... tonight. I have some news and a surprise for him.

I got off work at 4:30. Jack, that's my husband, Jack Clark, 51 years old and as loving a man as a woman could hope to have except sexually. He will be home around 6 pm. That is plenty of time for me to do what I have to in order to keep my sanity and jolt him out of his funk.

I showered, found my sexiest panty and bra set, put on nude, tan, lace top stockings with a garter belt with my four inch strappy stiletto sandals. They have a thin strap over my red polished toes and around my ankle. They completed my attire. I had just put the last touches on my make up and grabbed my purse when Jack walked in.

He looked at me and said, "WOW, Kaycee you look stunning. Where are we going?"

I said, "WE aren't going anywhere, Jack. I've got a date."

I extended my stocking clad foot toward him with my red toe nails and toe ring glistening in the light. My lacy stocking tops were showing my bare thigh above.

I said, "Whaddaya think, Jack? Give you any ideas, My Love. I feel sexy and alive. I recently decided it was time for me to satisfy my needs as a woman. This is my second date with this gentleman. I was with him last Thursday night...ALL night, while you were out of town. He fucked me till I couldn't stand up. I lost count of the number of orgasms he gave me."

"I had one in the bar while he fingered me and sucked my nipples in the booth. He pulled his fingers out of my pussy and licked my milky cum off of them right there in the booth. He was so sexy. When I came home Friday, I had two loads of his semen inside me. You never knew. Do you know how long it's been since I've felt a man cum inside me, Jack? I walked around the rest of the day knowing I had his thick, sticky spunk in my pussy."

"Unfortunately, I still have sporadic periods so I guess it's possible that he could have impregnated me. Would that turn you on, Jack? The thought of another man's sperm swimming around in my womb, my belly swelling with another man's baby? Could happen, you know? I'm still fertile and I need some sexual relief, Jack. Since you're not up to the task, you have forced me to find it elsewhere."

The whole time I was talking, Jack stood there with his mouth open. I could tell he was angry... very angry.

He said, "So you've been cheating on me?"

I said, "Jack, you haven't touched me sexually in 8 years, I'm your wife, for God's Sake. All I hear is I have no libido. I can't get aroused any more. Well, Jack, My Love...and I say that because it's true. You are My Love. I DO have a libido and I DO get aroused and men think I'm attractive. I don't see how you can call it cheating when there's no sex in our marriage to begin with. If I'm cheating, it's because you have neglected me for so long. I crave the sex we used to have. I'm just having what I should be getting from you. Can you understand that on any level?"

"You see, Jack when you're out of town, I've been testing the water. I've found that I'm a pretty good catch and a damn fine lay if what I'm told is true. I have two great guys that I've been vying for my attention for a month. Yes, I've been intimate with both of them. They have fucked me bareback during my safe time and they have filled me to the brim with their semen every time. I love that feeling. It could have been your spunk oozing into my panties, Jack but you know as well as I do, you're not available and I don't intend to continue to go without sex. I know what you're thinking. No, I'm not in love with them."

"But before they earn my pussy, they take me to dinner and dancing. They court me and woo me. They kiss me so intensely that I think their tongue is half way down my throat. That's what I want, Jack. I'd rather it be you, my husband making love to the wife you pledged your love too, but we both know that has not happened. You have left me no alternative but to find sexual satisfaction with another man."

"I'm leaving for my date now. You have anything to say before I go?"

Jack thought for a moment, then said, "I obviously cant force you not to go or satisfy you so I will see a lawyer tomorrow and get the divorce started. We took vows, for better or worse. You are cheating on me no matter what label you put on your behavior. I won't live like that, Kaycee. You could be pregnant right now or come home tonight with his baby in your womb. Kaycee, I won't raise another man's child. Are you going to continue trying to satisfy your sexual desires outside our marriage?"

"Jack, I'm going to do what's best for me now. I went through some of a woman's most sexual years without an orgasm that didn't come from a vibrator. I craved your touch. It never came. You have all but killed my self worth as a virile, sexy woman, not to mention wife. You have consistently rebuffed all of my efforts to arouse you but you do have some options."

"As I said, I love you but here are your options. 1. Divorce me, and I still get to fuck my friends while you pay for it. 2. We stay together in a sexless marriage, I still get to fuck my friends while you pay for it. 3. You go to the doctor and find out why a 51 year old man has no sex drive and maybe...just maybe, I come back home to you."

"I still love you, but I refuse to live in a no sex marriage. I used to love making love to you. Now, I have a date, I fully intend to be home late most likely with a pussy full of cum and exhausted. Feel free to sleep in the other room if me coming to bed with my well used pussy bothers you. I am going to have a sex life even if it does not include you."

I walked out to my car and drove away. My mind was wandering. Have I go too far?

Chapter 2

"Well, I didn't see that coming," Jack thought. I was thinking this happened to all men my age. Our ability to get and maintain erections diminishes as we get older. I figured Kaycee would understand and our sex life would be over. I'm so hurt right now. I guess the "through sickness and health and forsaking all others" part of our vows didn't take with Kaycee.

She's cheating on me with multiple men. I can't stand for that. She still has a commitment to me even though our sex life has gone down hill. Damn, she was gorgeous tonight.

I had to see for myself. I got dressed and drove around looking for her. I checked the dance halls and restaurants. I drove around for an hour before I spotted her car at a upscale restaurant on the other side of town. I decided to go get my wife. As I walked in the restaurant, I saw her in animated conversation with a well dressed man at a table in the back. They were laughing and talking.

As I walked up to their table, I said, "Hello Kaycee, who's your friend?"

Kaycee looked up at me surprised and said, "Jack! What a surprise. This is Bill Snow, a good friend of mine. I would ask you to join us but we have other plans after dinner. Have you thought about the options we discussed?"

I looked at Snow and said, "You are NOT fucking my wife tonight!"

"Kaycee, your date is over, let's go home."

Kaycee said, " That's not your decision, Jack. Bill is my date and I will determine when it's over. Now, you're causing a scene. Please leave. You're embarrassing me."

Jack said, "Ok, Kaycee, you've made your choice. I have choices too."

Jack walked out, obviously hurt by my words.

"I'm sorry, Bill. That was my husband who is obviously upset with me. He's not taking the thought of me dating others well. He doesn't know you're my therapist and knows all about our issues."

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had emasculated my husband in front of a man I should not have been with outside his office even though he's my therapist. I may have unintentionally done some serious damage.

Bill and I talked until ten o'clock trying to decide how to smooth things over with Jack. He dropped me off at my car and I drove home but didn't see Jack's truck in the driveway.

I walked into the house and it felt strange. Jack should be here. Instead, I found a note, his wedding ring and his cell phone on the kitchen table. My worst fears had been confirmed. I went too far. The note said,

My Dearest Kaycee,

I have loved you from the moment I saw you. I think you loved me too at least for a little while. I apologize for not being the man you needed me to be, failing you sexually and in other ways, I'm sure. I know my impotency drove you into another man's arms and bed. I understand that now. Your response to my impotence is way over the top. I know it's my own doing. I want nothing in the divorce but my truck, clothes and a few things that are very dear to me. When I saw your date tonight, I knew I couldn't compete with him or your other man either. I always knew you are much too classy for me. I knew you were out of my league.

I called my boss and quit. As you read this I'm on the road to a new life somewhere in another state maybe another country. I took just enough money to get me by until I find a job. You make much more money than I do, so the apartment rent should be doable for you. I will not be looking for another mate as you seem to be doing. I'm a sexual loser anyway. It was a good run for us for the first four years, wasn't it, Babe. I guess my impotence for the last 8 was too much for you. You found replacements easily enough. Of course you did, at 46, you are still a beautiful woman.

If you're pregnant from your sexual revenge sex, I hope it goes well. Guess, I'll go now. Good bye, Sweetheart.

All my love,


I broke down and fell to the floor sobbing. I really had gone too far in my attempt to get him to get help with his impotence. Seeing me with Bill sent him over the edge. What do I do now? Can't call him, he didn't take his cell phone. Jack, please come back...I'm so sorry. He doesn't know the truth.

What I told him was total bullshit. I've not had sex with any other man. Just dinner, dancing and home with a couple of work friends. I was hoping by making him believe I was actively having sex with others would force him to go get help for his sexual issues. It was a stupid, desperate scheme. Looks like it backfired on me.

It was time for me to take a long look at myself and the reasons I married Jack. I loved our sex life in the beginning because I loved him...all of him. His gradual inability to perform sexually over the years has not affected my love for him. Instead of trying to humiliate him into having sex, I should have been helping him get help. My attempts to shame him into having a sexual relationship with me again, has only hurt him and possibly destroyed our marriage.

I'm sure there's a medical reason for his impotence. I have read that nearly all men have some erection difficulties at some point in their life. Boy, have I fucked up, now I don't even know how to find him.

Two weeks later he had me served with divorce papers. I can't believe it. He's really divorcing me. For the next 6 months, I explored every way I could think of to locate him. No one knew where he went. I finally got out of the apartment and bought a small 1700 square foot house. I was moving my stuff in and packing Jack's stuff up for storage. It didn't look like he was coming back and I had no one to blame but myself although my intentions were good. I spent my life searching for him.

I did nothing but go to work, come home, and search for my husband. I threw the divorce papers in a desk drawer and forgot about them. I had one of the girls from work staying with me for a month while her place was remodeled but other than her, there was no one in my life. Jack Is my life. I let my need for sex guide our marriage. I should have helped him in the right way instead of trying to shame him into doing something.

Chapter 3

I decided to drop my anchor in Fort Worth, Texas. I applied and was hired at Lockheed in Fort Worth over 1000 miles from Charleston. A medical physical was required with blood work, etc... I got my results back. The doctor said my Testosterone level was very low at 114. Apparently Checking Testosterone levels in men has recently become the norm with blood work. I had just turned 52 years old. The doctor told me a man's normal level should be between 400 and 1200 at my age.

I discussed the past eight years of my married life with him. He apologized for not being informed by a physician sooner that there was help for this condition. I had to admit to him that I had not sought medical help for my condition. I thought it was just the natural progression in the male life.

The doctor told me that Low-T as he called it is a relatively new diagnosis in men. He prescribed an injectable Testosterone and showed me how to give myself Intramuscular injections in my thighs. He said there were other methods to boost my T levels but he felt this was the most effective. I had blood work drawn every three months until my levels were where they should be at around 550 to 650. My doctor and I worked until we found the right dosage and injection frequency to keep my level in the desired range.

I noticed I began to have much more energy and muscle tone. My libido was also back. He also prescribed Tadalafil to boost my erections. I purposely...okay, I would have watched it anyway, a hardcore porn movie to see if it had the desired affect. It did, the Kid is baaaaaaccccckkk! I had a nail driving boner and lost my load in my Tightey Whiteys. God, that felt good.

It had been 14 months since I left Charleston and my broken marriage. I had an attorney send divorce papers to Kaycee with only his address six months after I left but never heard anything back. I've had several ladies let me know that they were interested in dating and/or a relationship. I couldn't in good conscience enter into a romance with another woman without knowing if I was still married. I wasn't going to look for sex if I was still married. I guess you could say I was taking the moral high ground over Kaycee since she was fucking around on me. I knew I still loved her even though she bailed on me. I used my memories of our sex life back when we couldn't get enough of each other to get myself off at night. Now, neither of us would have to go without.

I decided I needed to make a trip back home to find out my marital status. I made the trip back to Charleston in two days. I drove up to our old apartment and knocked on the door. A man in his 50's came to the door in shorts and a T-shirt. I asked for Kaycee and he told me that there was no one by that name there but he thinks the tenant before him was named Kaycee. He said that he thought Kaycee and her friend had bought a house in town. He said, "her friend" so she must be with my replacement.

I called her office and the secretary told me that Kaycee had taken the afternoon off for an appointment but gave me her new address. I found the address and started to enter the drive when Kaycee and a man walked out the front door. My heart broke all over again. But, I need to know if we're divorced so I sucked it up and approached the couple. Her back was to me so she didn't see me.

I said, "Hi, Kaycee. I'm sorry to intrude while you have company."

Kaycee turned around and almost fainted. Me and her guy caught her not letting her go to the ground.

She said, "Oh My God, Jack. I've looked everywhere for you." She fell into my arms.

I said, "Your secretary said you had an appointment so I don't want to intrude on your friend here. I just wanted to know about our marital status and I'll leave. I never heard anything back from the divorce papers I sent. Did you sign them?"

"Jack, I didn't sign them. Jack, I have not now or ever been with another man. I haven't been on a date since you left. We are still married. I would not sign them until I had at least a chance to explain the error of my ways. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time."

I said, "Yeah, you were helping ME by screwing your friends, coming home, telling me about your messy pussy and rubbing my face in it. It helped. I left you to your friends and the baby that you thought could be growing in your belly. No reason for me to hang around."

I looked at her guy and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your afternoon delight. I'll be going."

He said, "Wait a minute, Mr. Clark. You have it all wrong. I'm just her realtor and a happily married man. Kaycee has just bought this house and just got moved in a few months ago. I just came by to check to see if she is happy with her purchase and our service."

Kaycee said, "That's true, Jack. If you want the honest truth, I was never unfaithful to you. That was all bullshit. Total fabrication out of my fantasy mind. It was a very lame effort on my part to urge you to see a doctor for your issue. I never meant for you to leave me."

She pulled a necklace out from around her neck with my wedding ring on it. "Jack, I haven't taken it off since you left. As you can see, I'm still wearing mine."

"But I caught you with Bill, remember?"

"Jack, Bill was my therapist. He was trying to help me to help you. We blew it. You got all the wrong ideas from seeing us there and rightly so. By the time I got home that night, you were gone and my plan had backfired. I had lost you through my stupidity and no way to contact you."

"I found out a week later that Bill, who I really thought was trying to help us at the time, devised this scheme to drive a bigger wedge between us so he could get in my panties. He did not succeed. I'm so, so, sorry, Jack."

As the realtor left, Kaycee said, "Please come in the house and talk to me."

"I don't know, Kaycee. It's been fifteen months. We've been on our own for a long time. I'm not sure I know you."

Kaycee said, "Look me in the eye, Jack. Believe me and trust me when I say in our years together, the only man to squirt his semen in me, is you. Only YOU. Do you understand and it's been a long time since I felt yours inside me. No other man has touched me sexually since we've been married and that includes the last 15 months. I'm so sorry, Baby. Please come home. Please come inside and let me try to make this right."

She took my hand and walked me into her new home. It was cosy. Pictures of me and us were everywhere. Even my old recliner was in its place. Maybe she is remorseful for her cruel effort to get me to be sexual with her again.