A Shepherd Afield Pt. 02


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The man, Style, grinned and headed away to speak with the Hispanic woman. She looked up in surprise as Style delivered the message then looked over to their table afterwards. She nodded without smiling then shied away from La'Shia's intense stare.

Ben could see there was an undercurrent of tension, maybe even hostility, between the mocha skinned woman across the table and the petite tattooed woman. He really didn't want to get involved in the drama. That seemed to be something else those hungry for fame craved. Some used this drama in their art.

The waiters arrived and saved him from having to deal with it.

The meal was excellent and conversation returned to simpler, less volatile topics. Travel, family, home life, art, and musical tastes. Rochelle was quick to describe how her son was a fan of Dream's music and her daughter was a big fan of La'Shia.

Ben saw that Rochelle and Thomas were clicking and he felt better.

They were still talking at 11:30PM and enjoying some ice cream as the dinner ran out of steam. Most of the 'crew' had already retired for the night, all of them leaving with one of the ladies with the exception of Night who left early and alone. He also noted that the 'extra' ladies with the exception of Boca had left. The woman had spent most of the night speaking with no one but with her face buried in a worn paperback. The other women seemed to be shunning her. He recalled La'Shia's reaction to her.

Dream and his fiancé finally announced they were going up to their room so everyone stood and said their good nights. Rochelle and Thomas wandered off to the bar to continue their conversation. Ben noticed 'Boca' was still alone at her table still reading. He looked at Trish. They wandered over to speak with her.

"Hello," Ben said.

Lovely brown eyes looked up at him over her book. When she folded the page corner down and closed it Ben noticed it was Vladimir Nabokov's 'Lolita'.

"Hello," she responded with a surprisingly gravelly voice and he recognized a distinct Spanish accent.

"I'm Ben Shepherd and this is Trish Campbell."

"Rain Palomo." She held out her hand so Ben shook it and Trish did as well.

"La'Shia said your name was Boca," Ben said curiously.

Rain looked at the table surface, sighed and nodded. "Yes. That's the name they gave me."

"Why would they give you a name? Are you a member of the band?" he asked.

Rain looked up at him with a tired expression.

"I'm sorry if I've said something wrong. I just noticed you arrived with Dream's group but you seem to be separate from it somehow."

She grimaced and nodded. "I guess I work... freelance for the label. His manager... hired me to come along. I'm not exactly... popular with the other women." She stood. Ben saw her 'dress' was just a long sleeveless t-shirt with a belt. "I should be going. It was nice meeting you."

They all left the restaurant and walked back to the lobby. Rain stopped to speak with the reception clerk while Trish spoke with the concierge to find out about where and when they'd join the ATV group in the morning. The clerk went into the back room and returned with a dusty green army duffle bag which had been mended multiple times. He passed it over the counter to the woman.

Ben overheard Rain asking if a room key had been left for her and the clerk said no. Rain's shoulders slumped.

"Are there any available rooms?" he asked and Rain looked at him in surprise.

"I'm afraid not sir. The rooms of the north building are being renovated during the slow season so our available rooms are restricted to the south building and we're booked solid."

Trish looked at Ben with a grin. She knew Ben was in rescue mode. "The couch in our room folds out as a bed," she suggested.

Rain looked at Trish next. "You don't have to-"

"Are you planning on sleeping on the beach?" Ben asked. "You can crash on our fold out until we can make alternate arrangements."

Rain was looking at him with a nervous frown.

"No strings attached." Trish offered. "Ben just does this kind of thing."

Looking out into the darkness of the forest outside Rain saw she really didn't have much choice. Ben was a really big guy and his scars were a little scary but his eyes...

"Ok, sure. Thanks!" Rain said watching his reaction. Her creep radar didn't go off at all so she felt a little better.

Ben led the way up the stairs to their hallway. He saw Susan trying desperately to get Ted up the last flight of stairs. He moved forward quickly when he saw the older man suddenly begin to wobble on the stairs. It was all Susan could do to keep them both from falling. Ben gently braced them both then took Ted from Susan's arms and she smiled gratefully in relief.

He was about to ask if the man needed medical help when he smelled the alcohol on him. The old bastard was shit faced. Ben frowned.

"Go on ahead and get your door open and I'll bring him inside," he said to the woman. With a nod she climbed the last flight and moved down the hall to her room as Ben lifted the drunk man in his arms. Rain looked on in astonishment as she and Trish followed them up the stairs.

"He really does do this stuff all the time!" Rain said quietly to Trish.

"Yup," she replied with a grin.

"He have some kind of hero complex?" she whispered and Trish stopped her in the hall to look at her seriously.

"We think it may be something like that but Ben doesn't like to be called a hero. For him he does good things because they need to be done and he can do them. We've learned not to make a fuss or praise him too much as that just upsets him." Trish explained.

"Upsets him? Is he dangerous? To women?" Rain said in a worried tone.

Trish snorted and Rain's eyes widened. "Sorry. No, Ben would walk through a burning building before he'd hurt a woman. If someone else hurts a woman though, he'd better hope Ben doesn't catch him. Ben can be violent but only in response to violence."

"Still, that sounds like something he should be speaking to someone about!" Rain pushed.

Trish nodded. "He has been and will be again once we return from our trip." She paused to look at Rain. "If you're wondering if you're safe with Ben I can honestly say there is no safer place to be."

Ben carried Ted through the doorway and set him down carefully on the bed. The older man tried to punch Ben ineffectually once he was on the mattress but Ben just leaned away and the flailing limbs missed.

"Fucking bgg mther..." Ted mumbled then promptly fell asleep.

Susan stood next to Ben and looked down in disgust at her husband.

"Does he normally drink this much?" Ben asked.

"No. He lost the golf tournament against his partner. They play every year and this year, the first time ever, Ted lost. He spent the rest of the day in the bar. That's why he was so nasty when he first met you in the hall. Truthfully though, Ted's a fucking asshole."

Ben looked at her in surprise.

"What? Can't a lady swear from time to time?" Susan asked with a grin.

"I'm not judging, it just seems odd to hear those words coming from such an elegant and classy woman," Ben admitted.

"We all have our secret sides though, don't we," Susan teased. She looked up at Ben. "Thank you again." She stepped forward and pulled him into a tight full body hug. Her hands were a little lower than he was comfortable with and she squeaked oddly when he wrapped her in his arms and put his hands on her but she released him after a time with a happy sigh.

Ben stepped back out into the hall and saw Trish and Rain waiting for him. "Didn't you bring your key?"

Trish looked at her tight dress and smirked. "I didn't have room for it."

He let them into the room and when the door closed Trish looked back at him with a grin. "So, did she try to thank you with a blow job?"

"What?!? No!" Ben exclaimed as his face burned.

Trish turned to Rain. "That nice lady peeped on Ben and I when we had hot sex on the balcony. She 'played along' and scored the best orgasm she'd ever had."

"TRISH!" Ben cried out in shock, his face getting hotter by the second.

"It's ok Ben. Susan and I had a good talk when you went inside. She's a lovely woman and today she learned she's a voyeur! Her husband's lost all interest in her and she's found a new way to get a little happiness! I think that's wonderful!"

Rain was smiling at Trish and watching Ben's flustered expression.

"I'm... I'm happy for her. Well, I'm going to get ready for bed," he said as he pulled some boxers from his luggage. With his new room guest he couldn't sleep in the buff as he'd become accustomed to. He made his way into the bathroom and got ready for bed. He'd wear the finger brace as he slept as it protected him from hurting it in his sleep.

When he came back out Trish was unfolding the sofa bed and Rain was helping her. That was fine except that both were only wearing their panties.


Rain looked up. "Sorry, I can't wear anything more than this when I sleep. It feels too constrictive."

"I have no problem with it." Trish said as she continued to set up the bed, her heavy tits swaying under her body as she leaned over the sofa bed.

Rain's body was all lean muscle and she was almost as petite as Tina and Tina's breasts were larger.

Tattoos. So many tattoos. They didn't end at her arms but were on her chest, stomach, back and legs. Unlike Lucy's Japanese theme, Rain's art contained a number of different styles. Multiple artists with different skill levels had worked on these.

Ben realized he was staring at her chest and Rain was staring back at his.

"So many scars!" she breathed. "What happened?"

Ben grunted and climbed into the bed. He didn't want to talk about it.

"A knife wielding drunken lunatic attacked Ben at home. We almost lost him but he's a survivor.

He flipped on his side facing away from the ladies and Rain gasped. "What happened to his back?"

"A shotgun wielding drunken lunatic attacked Ben in France."

"He is a survivor!" Rain exclaimed.

"Could we not talk about this, please?" Ben pleaded.

"Sorry Ben," Trish said contritely.

"Sleep well, Rain," Ben called out.

"Are you an early riser?" Trish asked her quietly.

"Yes, I usually go for a run," Rain admitted.

Trish grinned. This was going to work out better than she thought.

Chapter 10

Ben walked along the beach feeling the wet sand squish between his toes and the gentle waves dance over his feet. He felt at peace. In the far distance he could just make out Trish and Rain jogging along the shore.

He had company as well. When they got to the beach they found Susan standing at the edge of the water. She'd accepted his invitation to walk with him as the other two ladies jogged away. She was wearing a white two piece bikini with a gauzy wrap around her hips. Aside from her full breasts, round ass, and a slight belly her body was fairly toned. Best of all, she was comfortable with her body and her self-confidence was refreshing.

He'd worn a pair of board shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. They carried their sandals as they walked in the water.

"You seem to have a new companion this morning," Susan noted.

Ben glanced at her and saw the slightest of smiles on her lips. "Uh, yes. We met her at dinner last night. She discovered she didn't have a room so we let her use our sofa bed."

Susan looked at Ben in surprise. "You just met her last night and you gave her a place to sleep in your room?"

He looked back. "Yes. Why is that surprising?"

"She's a stranger!"

"So are you!"

Susan smiled gently. "Yes, of course you're right. Somehow though, it doesn't feel like that for me."

Ben blushed and looked out at the waves.

"I'm sorry if I upset you by watching yesterday. The fact that you were outside on the balcony and being so loud gave me the wrong impression. It seemed like you two were comfortable with being seen," Susan said.

"The grounds were so empty in the rainstorm it felt like we were the only ones around. Then Trish got me going and I couldn't think of anything else," he said with a shrug.

Susan smiled. "She has a lot of energy."

Ben grinned fondly. "Yes, she's a live wire."

"Did she tell you about our conversation?" she asked.

He nodded, unsure how to respond. He was still a little unnerved to hear someone so... wholesome looking speaking about her sexual needs.

"I've never been a risk taker, dynamic like Trish. I lived a very comfortable and dull life with the wrong man. Too many years lost to that cold fish. When I get home I'm filing for divorce." Susan said firmly.

Ben looked at her and saw she was excited by the prospect. "Good for you!"

She smiled up at Ben. "I have you and Trish to thank for my new decisiveness. What I experienced yesterday woke something in me. I learned things about myself. I like the new me."

He smiled at her. "That's a very positive attitude!"

They smiled at each other and walked in silence along the beach, soaking in the wind, waves and the beauty of the early morning sunrise. They reached a natural turn around and began to head back.

"Would you care to join us for breakfast this morning?" Ben asked.

"It would be lovely to have company for breakfast! Thank you! Ted's in miserable pain from his hangover so he won't leave the room until after lunch," Susan explained.

Ben nodded and they continued on their way.

As they approached the grounds they heard the thump of fast moving feet and breathless giggling and looked back to see Trish and Rain sprinting towards them, racing to be first. Trish's legs were so much longer than Rain's but the smaller woman ran like the wind. They both reached Ben at the same time and the three of them went down in the sand in a big giggling, panting pile.

Ben felt the two women lying across his body which began to react. "Ok, that's enough. Let me up!" he gasped. In the scramble to get to their feet, areas of his body were touched and squeezed but he couldn't tell by whom. Susan watched with a delighted grin on her face.

He shook the sand from his trunks and shirt as he scowled at the grinning faces of the panting ladies. "So, you enjoyed your run?"

"Yes! It was amazing!" Trish gasped.

"Very much!" Rain said.

"Rain's a psychologist!" Trish gushed. Rain smiled at the woman.

"But... you're so young!" Ben said in confusion.

Trish laughed. "I said the same thing. How old do you think she is?"

Ben looked at her again. "...Twenty... one?"

Rain grinned. "Twenty eight."

Ben blinked in surprise. "I never would have guessed that."

Rain's smile dimmed. "Yes, well, that's one of the reasons I'm here instead of working in a clinic or a hospital."

"Nobody believes you are old enough to have the credentials?" Susan asked and Rain nodded.

"This is Susan..." Ben looked at her as he realized he didn't know her last name.


"Susan, this is Rain Palomo," Ben finished.

The two women shook hands.

"Everyone ready for breakfast?" he asked and got smiles all around.

They made their way back to their rooms. Trish sent Ben into the shower first.

He was shampooing his hair when he felt Trish's tits press against his back. "Trish, I'll be finished in a moment. We don't have time for this."

He was unable to see with the shampoo in his eyes but he felt her hands slide down his stomach and cup his balls.

"Geezus Ben! Your balls are so heavy! Are they full of cum for me?" she breathed in his ear as she pressed her body against his back. His cock began to thicken and she purred as she felt it grow.

"Trish! Fuck, we don't have time!" Ben said quietly, conscious of their guest in the next room, and tried to guide his hair under the shower so he could rinse the soap away and clear his eyes. He hadn't seen Trish redirect the showerhead downwards away from him.

Her hand took a grip of his cock at the base and the other slid up towards the head.

"Gah! Oh fuck! Trish! Geezus!" he moaned from the amazing stroking of his cock as her tits rubbed his back, the stiff nipples pulling against the roughness of his scars.

Ben's mind was flooding with the bliss of her hands on his cock until it reached maximum hardness. He couldn't think straight. When she took him all the way in her mouth, forcing his thick hard flesh down into her tight throat Ben's mind whited out. He groaned and his body shook with the intensity of the sensation. Again and again his cock was forced down the tight passage. He could feel his balls tighten in anticipation.

"FUCK! OH FUCK! TRISH! WAIT! Wait... wait... what?"

Trish's tits were still pressed against his back... so how...

Ben reached up and roughly wiped the soap from his eyes and blinked blearily down at the chestnut hair bobbing over his cock, swallowing it deep one final time. It was too much and his balls said now!

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Ben's body tensed and he pulled back from the petite brunette but she had a double handed grip on his throbbing cock just as streams of cum shot out to splash against her tongue and across her face.

Rain milked him aggressively, her soft lips caressing the sensitive head, and his muscles jumped and shook as Trish hugged him tight against her body, kissing his broad shoulders.

As his orgasm subsided he reached up for the showerhead and redirected it at his hair. He rinsed the shampoo away and wiped his face to clear his eyes.

He looked down and saw Rain smiling uncertainly up at him. "Trish," he growled.

"Rain just wanted to thank you for taking her in last night. We got to talking as we ran and we both thought it would be so hot to share the shower with you. She told me about her talented mouth. That's why they call her Boca, by the way. It means mouth in Spanish."

"A simple thank you would have sufficed," he grumbled and twitched as the woman sensually kissed his semi-rigid cock. "Stop!"

Rain stood up and pressed her small body against his chest, her warm brown eyes looking up at him with a desperate need in them. His cock was trapped between them and throbbed as it thickened once more. Rain's thick eyelashes fluttered as she felt that. "Please," she pleaded softly. She gently bit her lip.

Ben was trapped between his discomfort at being naked before yet another stranger, his need to give her what she needed, and his own lust.

Trish stepped back as he bent his knees and cupped his hands under Rain's muscular ass cheeks. He lifted her light body and her legs automatically wrapped around his hips.

He slid two fingers over her pussy lips and found her to be very wet. She gasped and her mouth was on his, her tongue exploring deep. He tangled her tongue with his and sucked on it and she clung to him even tighter, grinding against his cock.

He lifted her higher and he felt Trish's hand on his cock as she knelt beside them, guiding him into Rain's wet pussy. He lowered her down slowly and felt the head force its way inside. Rain pulled back from the kiss and her mouth dropped open.

"Ohhhh Ben! Oh god! You're... Fuck! You're big!"

He raised and lowered her in small increments, slowly easing his cock into her incredibly tight pussy. He started to doubt he'd get more than a few inches inside. Finally he stopped with just the head and two inches of his shaft inside.

"OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhGod..." Rain wailed as her entire body trembled atop his cock. "So full!"

Trish saw she'd only taken a small amount of it so she stood and leaned close to Rain's ear. "Angel, you've only got the tip."

Rain's eyes flew open and she turned to look at Trish in dismay. "Qué? N-no! Es imposible! He's so deep!" Her trembling got worse.

"Shhh, it's ok. We don't have to go any further," Ben said calmly and kissed her cheek.

"I- I don't understand. I can feel you filling me completely!" Rain gasped.

"How big are the cocks of Dream's crew? Have you had difficulty taking any of them deep?" Trish asked and Ben's face began to burn as he stared incredulously at Trish's curious expression.