A Mother's Touch


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She was actually blushing though. "Well, it does help with the pain a little," she informed me by way of excuse, when the pills start wearing off, and before I can have another one."

Obviously I knew she masturbated. "Isn't that something you can do by yourself without anyone else's help?" I then asked.

Once again she smiled, "Well of course I can, and do...but it feels a lot better when someone else does it for you, doesn't it mother? And because it was and has been Kristen, it's not like its anything serious between us. It's just been a little pleasurable fun. I still like boy's mother, so if you're wondering if I'm turning gay or something..."

I didn't answer her first question as it was rhetorical in a way anyway, "No, I'm not saying that you are, and like I already told you, I was once your age myself," having every intention of going on, until she interrupted me once again.

"So did the two of you just play with each other? Or did you also go down on one another too?"

I turned my attention back towards the TV by way of buying some time while I thought about my answer, which was just about the worse thing I could have done. By now, the two girls were in bed together, once again kissing, but both clearly naked as Amber lay on top of Cindy grinding herself against her, with a look of pure pleasure showing on each one of their faces.

"That looks hot too," Sharon said lustily, hearing the edge of excitement clearly showing through in her voice. "I wonder what that feels like?" she now added further shocking and surprising me, but I also felt the surge of excitement at the memory of my own past experience coursing through me at that moment as well.

"It is," I heard myself saying, surprised that I did, and seeing the look of curious wonder on my daughter's face as she forced me in looking at her.

"Did you go down on her too?" she then asked, and as she did, I saw her hand disappear beneath the lightweight blanket that still covered her lap.

Certainly she wouldn't actually touch herself, not now...not like this in front of me would she?" I sat there asking myself. But it was too obvious that she was, too obvious for me to ignore without commenting on it.

"Sharon, are you doing what I think you are?" I said purposely looking down as though that might embarrass her back into some sense of rationality.

"Yes," she said blatantly, "I think the pills starting to wear off for one thing, so it's helping with that too, but to be perfectly honest mother, I'm also a little horny here, imagining you...with another woman."

"Another girl," I corrected as though that made any difference, though her hand continued to purposely move back and forth beneath the covering. "And anyway...it's too soon for another pill," I heard myself saying, completely ignoring the obvious now though my eyes seemed glued to the blanket in her lap, not to mention the brief additional glimpse of Sharon's nearly revealed breasts with her nipples about as hard as they could possibly get.

"So does it?"

"Does it what?" I asked back more confused now than ever, not to mention a little disoriented in a way as we had somehow seemed to accept what was taking place here, allowing it to continue without my further acknowledgement of the fact, and with Sharon boldly continuing to masturbate herself with me watching her and not saying anything!

"Doesn't it feel a whole lot better when someone else does it for you as opposed to doing it yourself?"

"Well yes, I guess so...sure, of course, but..."

Sharon pulled the blanket away from herself, she had managed to pull her panties down just enough to reveal the freshly shaved smoothness of her mound, but it was the puffy swollen pink lips of her young pussy I now found myself looking at.

"Mom?" she said simply.

I looked her straight in the eye, disbelief showing on my face that she had just asked me to do something without coming out and actually saying it.

"You must be joking!" I said trying to sound indignant, yet I didn't stand up, walk away or do anything else either.

"Please?" she almost wined sounding more like a little girl, the little girl she once was more so than the young mature woman she had grown into.

"I can't do something like that, you're my own daughter!" I said stating the obvious.

"It will help me to relax, help me get through until it's time for the next pain pill," she argued, though her argument was flimsy at best, though giving me a reason to discuss that rather than arguing about the other.

"A couple of strong dosage aspirins can see you through until then," I suggested, but I could hear the sudden change in my own tone of voice, my lips felt dry, and my head was actually spinning. And my eyes were once again drawn to my daughters lap as she actually spread her pussy lips apart, even more fully revealing her hard knotted clit, which she now sat fingering directly.

"It won't take long," she said lustily. "A nice hard cum will help me relax, help me to sleep for a while again, until later when I can take one. I promise...no one ever needs to know you did this for me," she said then. "You've already touched me anyway, when you shaved me. I felt your hand brush my clit a couple of times then," she continued weakening my resolve. "So it's not like you already haven't, so...please mother? Please?"

I knew I'd be struggling with this later, later when I had a chance to sit down and think about it, but the "tingly" I was now feeling myself was overruling my morality and better judgment.

"Ok, but two things."

"What?" she asked sounding suddenly delighted.

"One, you can't EVER tell anyone I did this, they would never understand why I did, or would for one, and that means Kristen too!" I added as a further concerned warning.

"Don't worry...I won't mother, and besides, I don't think I'll be seeing Kristen again anytime soon anyway. The last time she was here was to tell me she probably wouldn't be coming back, and that we certainly wouldn't be doing anything more together either. She's found someone that she's decided to commit herself too, so for that reason alone...we won't be. Anyway, what's the second?"

"I'll only do it beneath the blanket where I can't really see what I'm doing," I now told her, though even as I did, it sounded just as silly hearing it as to have said it. Sharon smiled at that, but agreed.

"Ok," she said grabbing the blanket again, though not before yanking down her panties all the way to the tops of her casts. But help me take these off first before you do that...ok?"

I did, catching another brief glimpse of Sharon's wet glistening split, which seemed even moister, far more wet than it had earlier, and with good reason. Once again she pulled the blanket up fully over herself, and then I sat beside her, allowing my hand to slip beneath the covering and down into her lap.

I was also grateful to discover that the show we'd been watching was over. Perhaps that would at least make things easier for me, but then Sharon seemed intent on making that even more difficult.

"It may take a little longer unless there's something really naughty going on for me to think about," she informed me.

"What do you mean? Want?" I then asked.

"Well, either tell me all about you and your girlfriend and what the two of you did to one another while you're doing me...or turn on one of those other movies, the kind that you and dad enjoy watching together."

With my hand and fingers already worming themselves around inside my own daughter's cunt, I'd already committed myself to helping her get off, but as bizarre as it might have been to anyone else, I knew without a doubt there was no way I could tell her about my own personal experience, and not end up licking my daughters cunt after doing so. I quickly flipped to the adult channel and selected the first erotic movie that I came to.

Boy...was that a mistake.


As the movie began it opened up with a large breasted woman lying in the middle of her bed, she was playing with herself while using a vibrator, which of course reminded me of what I'd been doing earlier. Moments later a second woman walks in on her, surprising her. The gal in bed at first seems embarrassed at being caught, but then the second woman, an obvious friend starts asking her about the toy, how it feels...and then as expected of course, she strips down and soon joins her.

"How does that feel anyway?" Sharon now asked me. "I've never used one of those either. Do you use it when you and dad fool around? Or mostly when you're alone?"

"God Sharon, what's gotten into you?" I asked, though I continued to sit there beside her, finger-fucking her cunt even as I said that.

"Just curious," she said simply, softly. "Just wondered if dad got jealous of you using one, or if he's more open minded than all that."

"Sometimes we do yes," I found myself admitting to her, once again trying to get back into more of the "sex-chat" type of discussions we had freely shared with one another, forgetting for the moment at least, that I was in fact masturbating my own daughters pussy while we did. "Though mostly I use it when I'm alone," I then added hoping that would settle the question.

"Can I try it sometime?" she now asked. I tore my eyes away from the movie, it was far worse now than the other as the two women on screen finger-fucked one another while licking each other's cunts pleasurably.

"I'll get you one," I told her, "then you can see for yourself."

"But how do I know which one to get? Or even if I should get one and try it if I've never had one before?"

"Maybe I'll let you try mine sometime," I then said, hoping that would settle it for the moment anyway. Which to some extent it did, though now...I sat listening to my daughter's sudden escalated breathing, added to the increased panting on the TV as the two women still locked in a mutual "69" strove to get one another off.

"Oh yeah, right there mom...right there. That's it...just like that, keep doing what you're doing...I'm almost...there!"

I felt the additional wetness, the lubrication as it suddenly coated my fingers. Finding her hard little knot, I teased it with the tip of my finger just the way I enjoyed doing myself whenever I came. Hearing Sharon's deep-throated moan of pure delight sent a series of jolts quivering up and down my own spine as well, even the tingly beginnings of a self non-touching orgasm seemed to linger on the surface briefly as I fought desperately to control them. Looking down at her now however, eyes closed, her face contorted into one of pure orgasmic bliss, Sharon also openly fondled her breasts, pulling each one of her nipples as hard as she could, just as I did...just exactly the same way I did whenever I came like this. Which I suddenly began doing.


Shortly after we had both climaxed, though I certainly hadn't told her that I did of course, Sharon once again fell asleep. I wandered upstairs to my bathroom much in a daze, and sat down inside the tub with the shower running as hot as I could stand it. As I sat there, I promised myself that never again would I allow something like that to happen between us. It had been too tempting, too obscenely tempting and too decadently wicked to ever allow myself to indulge in again. I was determined to tell her so that very evening, but Robert came home a bit earlier than usual, so I had to put it off as much as I had wanted to do otherwise.

The rest of the evening passed uneventful thankfully, with all being normal once again, and with Sharon even complaining less than normally, even when it finally came time that she could indeed take another pain pill again.

"I should be ok until morning," she told me, though the look in her eye said something else. Even the kiss goodnight that she gave me, lingered perhaps a millisecond longer than normal as well, though that could have been my own overactive imagination.

Robert stood in the doorway of our daughter's bedroom having carried her back up, waiting for me as we said goodnight.

"She seems to be in much better spirits today for some reason," he stated as we closed the door to her bedroom and then headed back down the hallway towards our own room. "I think you're being home with her as helped out a lot," he then added. "Nothing like a mother's touch I always say."

I nearly fell tripping over myself on the carpet, thankful that Robert had his arm around me at the time or I might have actually done so.

He then grinned as we entered our bedroom. It was early yet, even for us. "Well, what's say you and I have a bit of fun?" he suggested wantonly. "I've been horny all day!"

"Yeah, me too," I said. "Me too."


It was Friday, one more day before the weekend when Robert would be home. Then he would spend most of the day with Sharon as she lay on the couch. And that meant, if nothing else, that she would at least dress a bit more demurely in front of her father. As for myself, it meant that Sharon and I would eventually get around to having a chat, one in which I firmly intended us to have with a promise given, and one being received, that we wouldn't again allow to happen what had already happened.

The moment she had woke though, it was obvious she was in a bit more pain than usual. I then had to question the logic of her not taking a pain pill prior to going to bed. Though she had obviously slept through the night comfortably enough, she was now in some discomfort as she lay on the couch shortly after her father had carried her downstairs.

"Worse today?" he had asked concernedly just before heading out the door to work.

"She'll be ok, soon as the medication kicks in," I assured him, and then kissed him, perhaps a bit more passionately as he stepped out the door, but it had been a rather wild evening in bed together the night before. Robert left with a nice smile on his face, leaving me with one too. It had been at Robert's suggestion that we incorporate a couple of toys, which we'd done. Though it had been the vision of using one on Sharon that had filled my warped mind as I came, the image of that once again filling my head, erasing the smile.

Sharon dozed for a bit as the medication once again kicked in. I puttered about until an hour or so later I heard the TV come on. Heading out into the living room to check on her and see if she was hungry enough for breakfast, I was flabbergasted to see what it was she'd decided to watch.

"Don't you think it's a little early in the morning to be watching something like that?" I asked coming in to the living room.

Sharon had selected another of the really dirty movies from one of the adult channels. The first thing that had greeted my eyes was the sight of one woman sitting on a rather large sized cock, and another woman sitting on his face. As they did, they also faced one another, kissing and fondling each other's breasts. Sharon completely evaded my question to her however, asking me one instead.

"You and daddy ever consider doing something like that?" she asked.

Now it was my turn to avoid her question, though we honestly had. "You want anything to eat?" I said instead though my eyes were on the TV now instead of her, watching the two women fondling one another's breasts, reminding me briefly how Sharon and I had been doing that the day before.

She giggled, and I knew when she did she was feeling the effects of the pain medication. I also noticed as I stood there that she had chosen to wear one of her father's sleeveless underwear tank tops and a simple thong that barely covered her nearly exposed mound. I saw that her nipples were already hard, pressing firmly against the tight form-fitting shirt outlining each one of her breasts as though it had been molded to them.

"Yeah...you!" she said teasingly, and then giggled again.

"Sharon!" I exclaimed, feeling my face redden. I feigned shock at her comment, trying very hard to show disgust as she lay looking up at me, but my body was saying something else as I felt a brief quick tingle between my legs. Her statement had already painted a very vivid, very vulgar picture inside my head of her doing just that.

"Ooh look mother, look what they're doing now!" she said redirecting my gaze.

I was more than willing to look anywhere rather than at her at the moment, especially when I saw her hand slipping down beneath the small little piece of material covering her mound. On the TV, the male actor with the large sized dick was now kneeling between the legs of one of the women, the other woman was holding his prick, teasing the opening of the other woman, simultaneously licking them both as she did so.

"God that's hot...I wonder what that would feel like?" she stated. I stood there wondering the same thing myself briefly, then again collected myself and turned back towards her. Obviously, trying to have any sort of discussion with her at the moment was useless, at least until she had come down from her mixed euphoria, a combination of the pills effect in addition to the sexual arousal she was also experiencing.

"I'm going to pour myself a coffee," I then said turning to leave. "You want anything?"

Once again, she just looked at me and grinned, though at least this time she didn't say anything. Exasperated, I finally turned and left heading back into the kitchen area. After pouring myself a cup, I stood there with my hands flat down on the kitchen counter. I was angry, more with myself than with Sharon for allowing things to get so out of hand. The tingling sensation I now felt between my legs further enhanced my frustration as well as my resolve to deal with this as soon as I felt Sharon was in a more rational state of mind to do so. But until then, I could either stay in the kitchen until then or rejoin her and wait it out. Against my better judgment, I decided to return to the living room. I knew in doing so where things would end up of course, I wasn't so naive as to think things wouldn't. As she had already begun doing, which was of course obvious, it was my hope that after having an orgasm, she would calm down enough to collect herself. The excitement and arousal likewise dulling the effects of the pill she had taken. Perhaps then she would be more willing to sit down and discuss what had been happening between us and accept the fact that it simply couldn't continue on the way it had been.

Returning then, I wasn't surprised to find that she had removed her tee shirt, her breasts once again fully exposed as she cupped them, occasionally fingering and playing with her nipples. I had known of course that Sharon was very sexual in nature, we both were. But her lack of morals and inhibitions at the moment surpassed being that, making it more difficult for me as I sat down across from her in my favorite chair.

"Would you like for me to make some room for you," she asked sweetly. "You could come over here, sit by me while we watch the movie together," she suggested.

"Ah, no thanks. I think it would be better if I stayed here," I told her, turning my attention to the TV rather than staring at her as she continued pleasuring herself so openly in front of me.


"Yes?" I said answering without looking at her, feeling the heat in my own face, not to mention the frustration at feeling it also between my legs. The visual of the ongoing threesome on screen not helping things any either. But I was determined to sit there and at least act like none of this was getting to me, even though it was.

"Can I try that vibrator out now?" she asked. Now I did turn towards her, prepared to tell her no, prepared to demand that we turn off the TV, sit and have a rational discussion about all this and end it before it got even more out of hand than it already was. When I did however, I saw that Sharon had managed to reposition herself, even with the casts on her legs, she'd managed to bend them at the knee as much as possible, now sitting with her legs spread. She had pulled the small patch of material off to one side and was openly displaying her wet glistening cunt as she sat fingering it.