A Mother's Love in 1949 Ch. 05


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After hot kisses with both the other women and a tight three way hug she got on her way. At home she decided not to shower. She stripped and donned a robe over her naked body. She fixed a light supper for Rick and herself and sat on the couch to think.

Edna thought about the juices of other women on her face and body. Would Rick detect them? Would they affect him? He had tasted Carol's juices on her body. He hadn't indicated that he had noticed anything. But who knew, maybe any reaction would be delayed. Or, it could worm its way into his subconscious and be working on his psyche.

She wondered, again, where the mystic feelings and thoughts had come from. She did not usually have such insights. After further thought she realized that her perceptions, of the essences on her son, was a form of just such mystic thought.

She thought about Lucy. About how their tasting of each other's juices had created a bond between them. About the feeling she had that Lucy would be important to her in the future. Did Lucy know that it was her that had taught Rick to eat pussy? If she didn't should she be told? Let time work it out, she thought. Carol was already in her present. She knew without question that she would be in her future too.

What about Cynthia. Where did she fit in? She was teaching Rick much. They were all learning from her through him. She hadn't passed on anal play to Carol yet, as far as she knew Rick hadn't shown Lucy. She probably would pass it on now that she had bonded with Carol and Lucy together.

Cynthia's essences were strong and intense. Edna wondered if she would get to taste them at their source. Cynthia had told her she wanted to have lunch someday. To get to know her better, Cynthia had said. Know her better how? Edna wondered. Perhaps she meant nothing at all. Her words could have been no more than common courtesy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Rick's entrance. She stood to greet him. She kissed him with probing tongue. Cynthia's essences seemed especially strong. Had she been extra horny?

They ate the supper she had prepared. After Rick cleared the table they sat on the couch. She let her robe fall open to display her naked body. He drew her close and began to tell her of his afternoon and evening with Cynthia. He licked her face and body more than usual. He rubbed his face against hers. Edna hoped he was absorbing the tastes and scents of Carol and Lucy.

Rick did have a sense of something special, but he didn't know what. He felt a sense of love when he rubbed his face against the dried woman cum on her face and breasts. He didn't try to analyze it; just let it flow over himself.

He told his mother how Cynthia had acted different. How she had brought up the subject of Lucy. About how she had wanted him to fuck her hard. About how she had sucked his cock while kneeling in front of him.

By this time Rick had a good understanding of his mother's fetish. Her gift of the ability to taste the essences of another woman. To perceive the subtle differences and nuances of their bouquets.

They sixty-nined in bed that night. She sucked his cock as he ate her pussy. Cynthia had left strong and exotic tastes on his dick, as well as his face. She experienced some of Cynthia's feelings. She immersed herself in them letting her mind become part of Cynthia's. She understood; Cynthia was being led. To where, and to what purpose, she could not discern. That was okay. She would know, in time, if she needed to.

Her body responded to her son's licking and sucking with strong orgasms. His own orgasm came and he filled her mouth with warm creamy cum. They kissed to share juices and fell into a restful sleep.


Rick had another date with Lucy the following week. They stayed home that evening and made love. They sucked and ate each other to very satisfying orgasms. They cuddled together and talked. They made love again.

Rick visited Carol too. They too spent an evening making love. She sucked his hard cock as he knelt beside her head and found her g-spot with his fingers. She relished the mouthful of cum he gave her. They shared it with a hot kiss.

Incidentally Both Lucy and Carol knew of Rick's visit to the other.

Edna, as was her wont tasted the essences on his body after every encounter. But, although it was always exciting to her, she didn't sense anything unusual.

Rick worked his last day at the store on a Wednesday. His graduation would be Saturday. He and Edna had bought a new suit for him to wear, along with shirt, tie and shoes.

Edna, of course, beamed with pride as he received his diploma. Also attending, and almost as proud of him as his mother, were Carol, Lucy and Mrs. Gaffney.

Mrs. Gaffney had always made it a point to attend the graduation of any student who worked for her.

Edna had a special gift for Rick. She had just finished her period. She guided his cock into her extra wet pussy without a rubber. It was exciting for both of them. Edna exulted in the heat of his slick cum as it filled her cunt to overflowing.

Rick felt her slick juices directly on his cock for the first time as he immersed his dick in them.

When he had filled her belly with his cum he lifted her to his face. He ate her pussy as she straddled him. He licked and sucked their mingled cums from her hot cunt. She rubbed her pussy over his face, as she came once again, leaving it shiny with their blended juices.

Edna turned and sucked his, now softening, cock and thrilled at the taste of her own cum mixed with her son's. She found it to be exquisite.

They repeated their lovemaking twice more with embellishments such as anal play with the fingers.

They finally fell asleep and almost missed church. They made it, however. Cynthia once again spoke with them. Rick thanked her a second time for her generous gift. Cynthia said, truthfully, that is was the same she gave any student who worked for her.

Rick's life had settled into a bit of a routine. He was getting plenty of sex, most of it the oral kind. Since he loved to eat pussy this was fine with him. Getting off to a blowjob was exciting beyond belief.

Rick took advantage of the few days off he had, before starting farm work, to visit all his ladies at least once. Lucy twice and Edna had him for a whole day three times.

Edna and Rick bought a used car he could drive to work at the farm. He planned to take it to college with him too.

A few weeks after his initiation to farm work the winter wheat harvest started. It was hot dusty work and the hours late. He would come home drenched in sweat and covered with dirt and wheat dust. He would be too tired to do more than take a shower, gobble down a meal and collapse into bed. Sunday was a work day during harvest. Farmers wanted to cut their grain as quickly as possible. If it rained harvesting would be delayed until things had dried out again.

There was no rain that year. Rick worked every day straight for almost three weeks. When the farmer he worked for finished his fields they moved to a neighboring farm to help them. The equipment was smaller in those days and less efficient. There were no air conditioned cabs on the equipment or the trucks Rick drove hauling grain to silos over dusty unpaved roads.

Cynthia saw Edna at church the first Sunday of the harvest. She asked about Rick. Edna explained about the long hours he was working. Actually Cynthia knew about it, Rick had told her he would be tied up for a few weeks. The two women had a nice chat about Rick and what a fine young man he was. Their thoughts of him left both women aroused. Cynthia thought it was a good time to invite Edna to have lunch with her.

"Perhaps," Cynthia told her. "Next Sunday afternoon would be a good time to get together for lunch. If Rick's working again, that is."

"I think it would be an excellent time," Edna responded.

"Why don't we go right after church? Would that be all right?" Cynthia asked.

Edna agreed and the ladies parted.

Cynthia went home and masturbated with her dildo. She found herself missing Rick more than she had thought she would. Her mind turned to thoughts of Edna; fantasies of making love with Rick's mother brought her to several pleasurable orgasms.

Edna went home and called Carol. Carol came over and they made love all afternoon, with a few breaks for coffee and a light dinner. They had not had another threesome since the first one. Edna thought she would like to get together with Lucy and said so to Carol.

"Call her, she'd probably like it too." Carol told her. "She's off Saturday and Sunday and Rick won't be home for her. I won't mind if I'm not included. Rick is important to her, so you are too."

The next weekend the harvest was still in full swing. Friday evening Edna called Lucy and invited her to coffee the next day.

"Even better," Edna told her. "Let's go out for a nice breakfast."

Lucy accepted and thanked her for the invitation.

They met the next morning at a restaurant noted for good breakfasts. They chatted about a wide range of subjects, including Rick.

"I'm happy to see Rick hanging in there on the job," Lucy told his mother. "It shows he's got the will to see things through."

Edna felt a surge of pride in her son at Lucy's words. She knew that Rick had become dejected a time, or two, about his ability to do the work. He had hung on, though. By the end of the second week he was actually taking it better, his endurance was building up.

Edna thanked Lucy for the compliment she paid her son.

Breakfast done Edna invited Lucy to her house. "We can continue our conversation and maybe more."

Lucy followed her home. Edna made coffee and they sat at the table sipping at it.

Edna put her hand over Lucy's. "I think you're a nice young lady. I'm glad you took an interest in my son."

"Thank you, Edna. I think he's very nice."

Lucy hesitated. There was something she had wanted since she had entered the house.

"I wonder - can I see where he sleeps?" she asked.

"Of course, Dear. Come with me." Edna stood and led the way to the bedroom. It was their bedroom now.

Lucy walked to the bed and sat on the side of it. She didn't say anything just ran her hand across the bedspread. It was obvious to Lucy that both Rick and his mother slept in this room. She hadn't known that, but it did not surprise her. Nor, did it upset her. It seemed perfectly rational.

Edna sat beside her. Lucy turned to her and leaned forward to kiss Edna. Edna returned the kiss probing with her tongue. They rolled onto the bed. Kissing and fondling each other. They tore their panties off and threw them off the bed. Their blouses were opened and Edna's small tits were exposed. Lucy fondled them and Edna moaned wih pleasure. Edna's tits were small, but the sensation of someone fondling them was as pleasurable as if they were 'D' cups. Edna reached behind Lucy to open her bra she pushed it up to free the younger woman's breasts.

Edna slid down between Lucy's legs. They spread for her in an invitation. Edna could sense the heat and the lust from Lucy's pussy. She had been able to sense it even in the restaurant.

"Let's do it together," Lucy whispered.

"Next time, Darling." Edna told her. "I want to feel you cum and to taste your essences."

Lucy put a pillow behind her to support her head, she wanted to watch as Edna ate her hot, wet pussy. Edna pushed another pillow under her butt to lift her pussy.

Edna started slowly. She licked at Lucy's swollen labia. She rubbed her face in the wild nest of her pubic hair. She kissed her inner thighs and inhaled the bouquet of her lovely cunt.

Her tongue slid between the labia and licked at the inner lips. She covered the vulva with a wide open mouth and ran her tongue from bottom to top. Her excitement increased as Lucy's aroused pussy produced yet more nectar; more of her essences for Edna to taste,

Edna sucked Lucy's clit and she screamed with passion as an orgasm ripped through her body. She screamed again as Edna's probing fingers filled her vagina. One after another climaxes sent her to heights of carnal joy.

Lucy grasped Edna's hair. Her legs over Edna's shoulders clasped her head. Her heels on Edna's back quivered from orgasmic gratification.

Edna stopped after Lucy had a few strong orgasms. They had all day. She didn't want to wear the other out.

She had tasted Lucy's juices. They were strong, she was aroused. Edna felt a sense of satisfaction that the younger woman would respond to her so strongly. Her own cunt was flowing with lust. She longed for Lucy to make love to her, or for them to love each other. She wanted to taste Lucy as they made love together.

She whispered to Lucy that she was wonderful, that she should rest for a while. That they would love more after she had rested.

Lucy snuggled up to her and Edna held her close. Lucy dozed. Edna stood and took her dress off. Lucy still had hers on. Her skirt bunched at her waist her bodice open, her bra pushed up to allow her breasts freedom.

Edna sucked at Lucy's nipple. Lucy responded by holding her there like a suckling baby. Her sleep was light and she responded to Edna's lips. Her nipples grew firm and longer.

Lucy woke to the enjoyable sensation of her tits being sucked. Her hand under Edna's head drew her close for a deep kiss. A soft kiss. She tasted herself. Her pussy, her breasts. She pushed her tongue into Edna's mouth searching for her taste. Edna responded. Their tongues danced.

Lucy spun around. Her head at Edna's cunt, her cunt at Edna's head. They made love together; mouths and lips, tongues and even teeth to please the other.

Edna pulled Lucy on top. She was exhilarated as Lucy's juices flowed onto her face. She pushed her tongue far up into Lucy's tunnel searching for more of her nectar.

Lucy too was sucking at the juices Edna produced; the musky scent was arousing her. Edna's taste was wonderful to Lucy; as if it was a magical elixir that sent her to the heights of hedonistic bliss.

Edna did detect a change in Lucy's essence as they ate each other. Her taste became stronger, more intense. Edna was stimulated even further. She had been holding back as she tasted her partner in love. She felt an orgasm starting in the nether reaches of her body. It rushed through her; her body quivered with the sensation of pure pleasure.

Lucy had been cumming almost from the start of their mutual lovemaking. She came yet again as she felt the orgasm rip through Edna.

They parted as if by mutual consent. Both were satiated. They rested snuggled together in the afterglow of their passion. They dozed off.

They woke about an hour later. Edna slightly before Lucy. Both were pleasantly relaxed and rested. Their lust was satisfied, for a while at least. They found contentment in their closeness to each other.

Edna lovingly tasted her own juices on Lucy's face. She was delighted to find her cum tasting sweet and strong.

They stretched and got up from their bed. In the kitchen Edna made coffee. They chatted for a while. Edna wanted to aske Lucy about her intentions for her son. She looked for an opportunity.

Lucy gave her an opening. "I really think a lot of Rick, Edna," she said.

"I'm glad you do," Edna replied. "Where do you see yourself going with him?"

"I'm afraid to look too far into the future," Lucy responded. "I have been letting things just happen so far."

"What do you want to happen?" Edna asked.

"It's only fantasies," Lucy told her. "Only hopes."

"It's good to hear you have hopes concerning him," Edna told her. "He's worth it."

"I know," Lucy replied wistfully.

Lucy had questions too.

"Are you one of Rick's lovers?" She asked Edna.

"Yes, Dear, I am. I started him on this road because he was so shy and awkward."

"I'm glad it was you," Lucy told her. They kissed warmly, comfortably.


The next day was her lunch with Cynthia. They met at church, as usual. Cynthia suggested that Edna arrive at her house about noon. Edna arrived at Cynthia's still dressed in her good church clothes. Cynthia too was still in her church dress. But something had told Cynthia to remove her panties. A hunch? An omen? Whatever, she did it.

Cynthia served a nice cobb salad with a choice of homemade dressings; coffee and pastries followed. They chatted amicably for a while, the talk turned to Rick. Then Cynthia threw out her bait.

"You know, I think, that your son and I are having an affair."

"Of course I know, Cynthia, I'm his mother."

"You don't have a problem with it?" Cynthia asked.

"No, I don't. You tasted right."

Cynthia didn't understand the remark about taste. She let it lie and continued.

"I'm glad you don't. Rick is such a nice young man."

"I think so too," Edna replied. "I think he is vastly underrated, But as I said. I'm his mother."

"He's a wonderful lover too, but you know that, don't you?" Cynthia told her. Her tones were soft and gentle. She did not want to hurt Edna.

"Why do you say that?" Edna responded. She was becoming visibly nervous.

"Oh, you hid it well, Edna My Dear, but you left enough clues that I was able to satisfy myself that it is true.

"By the way," she was shading the truth a little. "Rick did not say anything that led me to that conclusion.

"I do not condemn you for loving your son, Edna. On the contrary, I think you did what you thought was necessary for his good. I admire that."

Edna was at a loss for words. "I don't know what to say," she stammered.

"I got an anonymous note that told me Rick would eat my pussy." Cynthia pressed on. "I'm curious about who wrote it. Was it you?"

"No, it wasn't,"

"I didn't think so," Cynthia said. "You would have worded it differently. I don't really have to know. I'm just curious.

"I really think a lot of that young man you know," Cynthia got back on track.

"I know," Edna told her. "I could tell. I could taste it."

This was new ground for Cynthia.

"You could taste it? I'm not sure I understand, Edna."

"When you make love with Rick I can taste the essences you leave on him. Your juices, your cum, if you want to be crude about it. I'm his mother, I can feel other people through the traces they leave on him. You left nothing but good intentions and affection."

The conversation was becoming surreal to Cynthia.

"There are others? I had assumed so. I believe that Lucy is one."

"Yes she is."

"What about her? What do her tastes tell you?"

"That she is in love with him."

"I wonder, Edna, what you want for him? And yourself?"

"Oh Cynthia, I want him to be loved. For myself, I want to love him."

"Those may be contradictory desires, Edna."

"Yes, I know, but I think everything will work out okay."

"Cynthia," Edna cut off further conversation along those lines. She had to get to the point of Cynthia's invitation. "I know what you want. I can sense it.

"It is possible, even likely," Edna continued. "Simply because you love Rick."

"What can you sense?" Cynthia was elated, but curious. Her goal had been to make love with Rick's mother. It had been a few years since she had been with a woman.

"Your scent, your bouquet. It tells me of your desire."

"Let's sit on the couch," Cynthia said softly. "And continue this conversation."

Cynthia stood and held out a hand to Edna. They walked into the living room and sat together on the couch. Their hips were touching.

Edna pulled Cynthia's dress up to her hips. "Let your fragrance free," she said. "It has a delightful taste."

"Thank you, Edna."

"I must taste anyone who loves my Rick. That is only the start."

Cynthia had a vague feeling that she had lost control of the conversation. But then she had never had an immediate goal beyond making love with Edna. Most of her plan was for the future.

"I know, what you want, it's good," she heard Edna whisper.