A Little Camping Trip

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Two groups head for Lake Norton and a few days of camping.
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The following story is a work of fiction, the product of my imagination, and has not relationship to anyone living or dead.

All characters are eighteen years of age or older.

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"That's a ridiculous idea, Rachel. Two young girls going camping, in a tent, no less. Whatever made you think it's a wise plan?"

"Mama, I'm twenty-one years old, and Cindy and I think this will be a challenge. We'll have to put up the tent, cook, and clean up, you know, all those things you do when you're camping." Rachel knew that the "you know" she'd added to her mother was a poke at the woman who would never have considered camping, who thought anything less than a suite at a luxury hotel was "roughing it."

"I think it's silly. Why don't you two stay at a motel and drive to the lake each day? If it were me, I'd stay away from that filthy lake water, as well. I'm sure the motel has a nice clean pool."

"Too expensive, Mom. Camping is a lot cheaper." In addition, she hated to smell of chlorine.

"Rachel, you know your father would give you the money."

Rachel knew her father would do whatever her mother asked ... and probably whatever she asked as well. But she wasn't going to ask, and neither was she going to mention that she and Cindy would be camping with six of their friends, two other females and four males. Her mother would be horrified at that, the males, that is, but that's one of the things that would add fun to the camping, even though she didn't know who the four would be.

"We're really looking forward to this. We've practiced setting up Cindy's tent, and she has most of the things we'll need. Her family used to camp quite a bit every summer." She was careful not to emphasize the "her," not wanting to alienate her mother over something she knew she'd probably be doing again if it was as much fun as they hoped it might be.

"In that lake, I hope you're not going to wear one of those bikini things you seem to favor. Who knows who might be there and see you?"

Rachel knew who might be there to see her -- four guys, and it didn't matter who they were. Plus, her mother hadn't seen her two newest that struggled to contain her large breasts. She was anxious to show them off as they would do an excellent job of showing her off. She'd made sure to shave completely rather than just having the Brazilian Wax with the small triangle of hair that she was sure wouldn't be covered by the tiny bikinis she was taking with her. She'd tried to talk Cindy into joining her in her briefest of brief adventures, only partially successful.

She was a little annoyed with Cindy, who'd refused to tell her who the four guys were, just that she'd know them when she saw them. She'd dated quite a few guys in high school and college and been intimate with a few. She wondered what she'd do if one or two of them were along on the trip. Cindy knew some of that part of her life, but not all. She was sure Cindy had invited one or two that held her interest. Out there away from everything ... and everyone, who knew what might happen?

When everything was packed and sitting on the porch waiting for Cindy, her mother started again.

"Honey, there's still time to Change plans. Let me give you my credit card, and you two can stay somewhere nice."

"Mom, we're going to do this. Cindy's dad is letting her drive his big SUV, so if worst comes to worst, we can put the seats down and sleep in it."

"I hate the sound of 'worst,'" her mother said with a shudder.

Rachel knew it was hopeless, and, thank goodness, Cindy pulled into the driveway and jumped out of the SUV, a broad smile on her face.

"Are you ready?" she squealed, her excitement obvious.

"Goodness, Cindy, you sound like a high school freshman." It wasn't the kindest of compliments, but Cindy was used to Rachel's mother.

"Sorry for laughing, Mrs. Hart. We'll be very careful." She glanced at Rachel.

They quickly loaded Rachel's gear and jumped into the big car.

As they pulled away, Rachel said, "You're so full of bullshit with that 'sorry for laughing.'"

"I know, but I know your mom, too. Whatever, we're on the way."

"How far is it?"

A little over an hour. And did you bring those two new bikinis?"

"You bet" Rachel eyed Cindy suspiciously. "I bet you want to borrow one of them."

"I'm not ruling it out," Cindy said, chuckling. At the lake, with the four guys who'd agreed to join them, maybe showing a lot more of her pale skin might be exciting.

"So, friend, who are we going to be showing off for?"

"You know them all. Landon, Dave, Brian, and Peter."

Rachel's brain ratcheted through images of the four, none of whom were too shabby.

"Nice group, huh, but I don't know Peter that well. He was in a couple of my classes, and we sat beside each other in one. I hoped he'd ask me for a date, but he never did. Maybe if he sees me in one of your bikinis, that might change."

"What about Dave?"

Cindy chuckled. "He likes me, I know. And, I don't know. He's ... We'll just have to see."

"You know," Rachel said, "there will be four tents and eight people."

"Yeah, two per tent, like you and me."

"Or, two per tent, like you and Dave."

"Rach, I'm not planning on sleeping with Dave. Holy shit."

"Sure, okay," Rachel said, turning her attention to the road ahead.

Feigning indignation, Cindy asked, "Well then, which of the other three guys are you going to shack up with?"

"Wow, haven't heard that expression for a while -- I think I heard my uncle use it a couple of times."

"Nice try, but you didn't answer the question."

"I guess I'm not friends enough with any of those guys to ... "Rachel laughed, " ... shack up with them."

Minds now in high gear, they were anxious to get to the lake and whatever surprises it might hold.


"So, where is this place we're going, Wade?" Jerri was stuffing clothing into her bag. It had been years since they'd camped, and she was anxious and excited.

"It's called Lake Norton, and it has all kinds of camping. The tent-camping areas are small ... and mostly full, but there's an area with just five campsites that had one still available. I grabbed it. Plus, it has something you'll love.

Jerri's face lit up in anticipation.

"An outhouse."

Jerri's face transformed into a curled-lip sneer.

"Outhouse? When I camped with my parents, we always had a big building with toilets and showers. This is a big step backward, Wade. There may be a cost for that," she added, chuckling.

"Should I assume that cost involves some of your body parts?"

Jerri shrugged. "Time will tell."

They both continued sorting and packing, although camping clothes seemed fairly simple.

"I wonder who else will be there?" Jerri asked as she gazed at her one-piece bathing suit.

"Are you going to wear that? Where's that two-piece you bought a couple of years ago? I bet most of the campers will be younger."

"You think?"

"They'll all be wearing bikinis."

"You hope," she replied, chuckling.

"Listen, babe, you may be thirty-nine and have three kids, but you look good." Wade lowered his voice. Really good," he added, heading toward her.

"Wade, don't. I need to finish packing." She'd said it but didn't mean it. With the kids at her parent's house, they were alone, something that didn't often happen these days.

Wade wasn't about to stop as he pushed Jerri back onto the bed, scattering the clothing she had been packing. He eyed the thin t-shirt she was wearing and decided it would be worth it, grabbing it at the neck and ripping it in two. He loved the wide-eyed gasp he received from his surprised wife as he broke the two straps of her bra and jerked it to her waist. His mouth was on her left breast, and she squealed when he bit her nipple.

"Get those shorts off, or I'll bite the other one harder," he threatened -- she didn't move. Wade met her eyes, a sinister smile darkening his face. His mouth closed on her right breast, and his jaw muscles tensed.

Jerri flinched but was silent, her eyes meeting his and narrowing as she waited for what would come next.

"We haven't done that for a while," Wade said, his tongue flicking her now very stiff nipple. "Would you like a little reward?

Jerri didn't care what it was as long as Wade was doing it. Before the children, their sex had been very adventurous but, over the years, had changed to a much more hurried and straightforward two or sometimes three nights a week, after the kids were in bed and before weariness overtook them. This camping trip was to be different, a few days to return to a time not that far past, and it was off to a good start.

Wade unfastened her shorts and pulled them off. He grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled until the crotch was nearly hidden between her swollen and puffy labia. As he twisted and tugged, Jerri groaned.

"Just fuck me," she said, a pleading sound to her voice.

"Whoa, I haven't heard that for a few years. But that's for tonight in the tent ... or under the stars," he said, tugging on the panties one more time.

"Under the stars" was all Jerri heard, and she could hardly wait. But that was tonight, and this was now. Her panties were off, and Wade's head was already between her legs, his nose pressed against her cleft.

"Shaved like this, you're double-hot," he said, his breath caressing her pussy. "I need to let my teeth get to work."

"Wade, what are you ...? But it was too late as he was gently nibbling up one labia and down the other. When he sucked her clitoris into his mouth, and she felt his teeth touching it, she tensed, but he knew what he was doing. With his tongue and lips working in unison, Jerri's body was quickly spasming, her loud, rhythmic moans filling the bedroom, something that didn't happen, of course, when the kids were at home. It was just so ... fulfilling to be able to scream each time the electricity raced through her body as she'd done when they were first married.

When she began to recover, she said, "So tonight, under the stars? Promise?" She'd only had sex under the stars once, the first year they were married, and it was as close to non-consensual as it had ever gotten. He'd dragged her into the backyard and held her down while he found two or three of her triggers. The non-consensual had turned to her, begging him to hurry up. Now, she was ready for number two -- maybe.

"With you shaved like that, it has to happen." He remembered the one time sex outdoors had happened, and he was anxious for it to happen again.

"Maybe I should shave more often then or get a complete wax job."

"Just talking about it has me tingling. And I'm willing to pay. "

"But I won't be 'natural' then."

"I'll just have to deal with that."

Her arms were quickly around his neck, her tongue exploring his mouth, the taste of her sex on his lips.

"You have more of those for tonight?"


"And the next night?"

"Can't wait to show you," she responded, squeezing her breasts together and pointing them toward him. "And you owe me a bra and t-shirt."

"I'm not sure why I did that."

"When you ripped that shirt, my temperature shot up a hundred degrees."

"We'll have to try some other new stuff then if it works that well."

Jerri smiled, excited but wondering what new stuff might be coming her way.

"Finish dressing, and let's get going," Wade said, carrying two bags down the stairs and heading for the car.


We've been driving for an hour and twenty minutes. Shouldn't we be there by now?" Rachel sounded nervously excited.

"Here, you look at the paper map and explanation. I hate it when you can't just use GPS."

"Yeah, sometimes life sucks major league, you know."

Cindy snorted. You figure it out then." She'd given the paper to Rachel but had decided they'd soon be lost.

Rachel looked at it, then turned it once and then again.

"Hold it so you can read the printing that's there," Cindy said, snickering.

"So, how do I know where we are on all these scrawled lines?"

"Look at the instructions, the part that ends in, 'if you come to a stop sign, you've gone too far.'"

"Okay, got that."

"Doesn't it say there should be a road where we turn right, and if we get to the stop sign, we've gone too far?"

"If you knew what it said, why'd you give it to me? And we just passed a little road," Rachel said. "I can still see it out the back window."

"Shit. I guess I need to turn around, then."

"Just back up. It's only like one or two houses to that road."


Cindy looked at her friend. "One or two houses?" she asked, chuckling.

Rachel looked a little embarrassed. "I've never been good with feet, and yards, and stuff like that. But you know how far it is from what I said, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," Cindy admitted.

"So, back up, and it will be my turn to be critical.

Cindy knew how to back up; she just didn't do it often. Getting the car out of the garage was simple. The garage was on a hill, and she simply started the motor, put the gear shift lever in -N-, and let the car roll down the hill into the street. This would be different, though, but she was determined to foil Rachel's attempt to belittle her. She shifted to -R-, watched the picture from the backup camera on the dash, and rolled slowly back past the little road. She tried not to look surprised as she smiled at Rachel. "Nada de eso," she said to her friend.

"Blind luck," Rachel sneered. "Want to try again?"

"Don't need to. I got it right the first time." Cindy made a sharp right turn and headed down the roughly paved road.

After about a mile, they passed a sign that noted, "Concord Campsites Ahead - 500 feet."

Sure enough, a short distance later, they pulled into a small parking lot that contained three SUV's.

"We must be the last ones, Cindy said, jumping out of the car and starting toward the path that obviously led to the small campsites."

"You want to grab some stuff?" Rachel yelled, a little disgusted that her friend was leaving everything to her.

"Naw, leave it," Cindy called over her shoulder. "The guys will help us later."

They hadn't gone far before they saw the others and three tents already set up.

"Rach and Cindy, where have you guys been?" Marcy called, running toward them.

"We aren't that late." Cindy laughed, giving Marcy a hug. Rachel was next with the hug.

"Where's your stuff?"

Cindy smiled. "Dave, honey, could you help carry my things?" she asked, batting her eyes at the curly-haired blond with the pale blue eyes.

"Since you're down here already, I assume that help means do it all. And, if I do that, what's in it for me?

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you." As she said that, she wondered what might be in store for Dave if he did wait and see. Maybe seeing her in Rachel's bikini?

"I guess," he said as he walked past Cindy, his right hand giving her a hard slap on the butt. "That'll do for now," he called over his shoulder.

Cindy grimaced but found herself enjoying the smack. "I guess I teased him one too many times," she said with a giggle, rubbing her butt. Landon and Peter followed Dave to the girls' car and were soon back with all of their gear and tent. Rachel and Cindy insisted on setting up the tent themselves, and when they were finished, everyone was amazed, even Dave.

They talked and shared their travel adventures before Rachel asked, "Is there a fifth site here. I only see our four."

"See the outhouse?" Brian asked, pointing.

"Ugh, yes," Rachel answered.

"It's really not that bad," Liz, an auburn-haired, lightly freckled good friend of Cindy's, said.

"And the fifth site is on the hill above it, kind of off to itself."

"I wonder if it's rented?"

"We'll find out soon, I'm sure.

"The lake is great and warmer than you'd think. I vote for a swim."

A brief discussion, and everyone decided that would be a great way to start things off.

The four sites on the lower ground were separated by fifty feet of bushes; the two girls had chosen sites close together, leaving the boys on the other side of the bushes.

"Of course, the guys would want to go swimming. They want to get an idea of what they're going to see for these few days." Marcy was shaking her head.

"Rach, are you going to wear one of those bikinis you brought?"

"We all wear bikinis," Liz added, looking at the other three.

"Not like these," Cindy assured them. "She packs each one in a thimble; they're so small."

"Cindy, they're not that small."

"Put one on and show them."

Rachel eyed the other three. "Let's all change, and we'll see how different mine is."

The two pairs split and went into their tents to change. Undressing was a little awkward, but putting on the bikinis was much simpler.

"Um, do you think I could, you know, borrow whichever one of the new ones you're not wearing?"

Rachel looked at Cindy, her smile growing.

"What caused the change of heart?"

Cindy chuckled. "Simple payback to Dave."

"Ohhh, I think he'll like that. And so will Landon, Brian, and Peter." Rachel added with a laugh.

Each stripped, then put on the bikinis.

"Are we going to glue those two things in place over our nipples? You know we're going to get tossed around, and no way they'll stay where they belong."

Rachel smiled. Cindy was probably right, but maybe there was a way to deal with it.

The four girls emerged at nearly the same time, each eying the other pair.

"My god, you two. Are you naked?" Liz asked, eyes wide.

"They will be once we get in the water with those guys, and they start throwing us around," Marcy added.

"Well, you know," Rachel said thoughtfully. "When we've horsed around with these guys in the water in the past, it was always at a public place. Who knows what they'll be like here?"

That got the others thinking a little.

"You don't think they would, just, well ... holy shit, they might." Liz's eyes were wide.

"You two, with the big tits, need to be worried," Marcy said. "No one will be after these little things of mine." She gestured to her small breasts."

"Yep, Marcy and I will spend the time ignored." Liz was shaking her head.

They heard the guys laughing, then scampering away down the path to the lake.

"I think the coast is clear ... until we get to the lake," Liz suggested. "Let's go."

The walk to the lake was short, and they found four guys splashing, swimming, and otherwise acting like twenty-something males.

"Whoa, Rachel and Cindy, are you two naked?" Peter yelled, both his hands extended toward them."

"Not quite, Dork," Rachel countered, pointing at the two tiny patches that covered her nipples.

"Whatever. Better get in the water; it's really nice."

Four water-spattered but smiling faces waited.

"Can I imagine what's going to happen as soon as we get in?" Cindy looked from one male face to the next.

"Imagine what you want; just get in." The guys were getting impatient..

"They sound a little too anxious," Liz whispered.

"Yeah, out here, these suits won't last thirty seconds. They won't hurt us but just want to get some good viewing," Cindy contributed.

"So, I guess we either put up with it ... or leave?" Marcy said, looking puzzled.

"Or," Rachel said, a devious smile on her face, "we can share in it."


"Wait," Cindy said, suddenly suspicious. Are you suggesting ...?"

"We might as well start that way. That's how we're going to end up."

Lights were turning on for Liz and Marcy.

"You mean ... skinny ... "

"Yup," Rachel answered. Hearing no denials, she turned toward the guys as she heard Dave shouting.

"What's all the discussion? Just get in the water."