A Journey into a Strange Mind Vol. 05

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Blood and Steel.
6.1k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/24/2015
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Blood and steel:


Geileis & Bouddica:

The Celtic sisters originate from Erdin, where Ireland would be now; they have a Germanic routes from their mother side and pure Celtic blood from their father's side.

When Bouddica was eight and Geileis eighteen she went to leave for Atsanthia, leaving behind her little sister, brothers, father and mother. When Geileis return she found her father and brothers had been slain in a tribal war and her mother and sister on the verge of being sold into slavery. Her mother had also been a warrior woman and orchestrated a slave revolt and rescued her little daughter by the time Geileis raised a force big enough to save them, but with this force they rode her bring terrible vengeance to those that that wrong them. Their mother passed away recently, leaving the care of Bouddica to Geileis.


From the land of the rising sun, she came. Slender, Flexible, well-toned and without a doubt a dangerous thing with long black hair and a dark suit and mask. Her calm and well-focused mind comes hand in hand with her training in the arts of ninjitsu. She is the only person in the group that can match Azza's skills of scaling and infiltrating buildings. Her choices of weapon are katana as her main tool and Shurkens, Bamboo darts, bow & arrow and all manners of climbing, diversion and espionage equipment.

Nagma (I)

The cold air began to retreat at the sight at of burning buildings and broken doors. Nagma jumped over a wrecked cart as she ran towards an orc and swung.

"Azza on your left"

Gliese engaged with a group of three orcs that had be manhandling a women near the outside of her house, after taking the first orc out another one of them kicked her to her knees and attempted to strike but was blocked by her sword.

"You won't be able to hold up forever, pale bitch."

Nyermina jumped out of nowhere and took out the one standing as Gliese turn her body and defeated the orc behind her.

Nagma and Azza managed to secure the centre of the village, as Gliese and Nyermina took care of the south and south east of the area.

"Where is Boudicca? Where I my sister?"

"Relax, I saw them fighting in the wester most area." Nyermina assured her.


"Her and Mike. Remember?"

"Oh yes, I do - watch out"

Five orcess soldiers ambushed the two women, Nyermina was first to engage in contact with them, she and Gliese handled the green terrors with ease.

Nagma and Azza arrived to them.

"C'mon girls with need to get to the northern parts, they have captives."

In the distance horses galloped.

"The Calvary has arrived."

All four women jumped the convoy with the captives, Nagma took out the leading orcess at the head of the convey while Azza and Nyermina took care of the other orcess and Gliese released the captives.

The horsed men swooped in and secured the rest of the village, not much fighting was done by them, but with their presence this village would be a little bit safer.

One of the horsemen got down from his mount and approached the group.

"Aha! It is like the goddesses of old have returned to grace us with their presence once more."

Azza walked forward.

"Well we have been around for quite a bit and even before that our..."

"Well I care not for a league of harlot, now get back to your men or your whore witch of a mentor."

Azza was visibly holding back her rage.

"Rude." She had more planned to say.

With the village rid of orc scum and protected, the night was done, the night was ours.

In distance came Mike and Boudicca, Mike had an orcess solider slung on his should, with a thump he laid her down.

"My lady would you care to do the honours?" Mike asked as the orcess laughed.

"You really think you have victory? Look around you, look at your distraction as village Lentease in the north falls."

"Lie!" Nagma called out.

"Then end me and ride out to find another village in ruins." A smug expression crawled on the orcess' face as she was finished off.

"Right, girls and boy let us ride out to village Lentease."

Gliese (I)

Dawn broke as they arrived to ash and smoke, the smell of burnt wood filled the air. Men, women and children small in numbers were sitting on rubble or moved around the remains of the village to scavenge what they could.

"Oh why hath thou forsaken us." One old woman cried out as she reached for the skies.

"What has happened here?" Nyermina questioned a broken hearted villager.

"The green devils, they came and pillaged and took a good deal of our men and women."

Nagma paused and drew her sword.

"We are the warrior women under the command of Lady Migistra of the old house of Dominus, as we draw breath we stand by your side to help rebuild and fight!"

All the other warrior women drew the weapons as did Mike.

"Our blades serve you." Not even collective vow caught the interest of the village who just rolled her eyes and walked off.

"I was expecting a more uplifting response." Nagma had a still expression on her face.

"Nagma, have you ever had your village raided? We have, not everything is solved by words." Gliese told Nagma who had look at her as if she had offended her.

"They will come around sooner or later, and then you can rally them to battle!" Boudicca reassured Nagma. Gliese realised how Boudicca had defused an argument, and she smiled.

The gallop of horses once again filled the air, as if it was following the girls. More men came in which bought cheer to the villages as they swarmed them asking for assistance, much to the annoyance of Nagma.

"Nagma! A man had gotten of his horse walking towards Nagma and proceeded to hug her.

"Arthur!" All the warrior women shouted out to Lady M's son.

Nagma looked at Mike and Boudicca.

"These are new addition to our group."

The man introduced himself as he and Mike shook hands by grabbing each other's forearm.

"I am Arthur Dominus, Migistra's son."

He then proceeds to kiss Boudicca's hand.

"I hope you won't be as troublesome as you sister."

"Let us rescue those captives now, to the grim lands, to Green gate, to Battle!" Nagma interrupted

The warrior women and cheered but their cheers of battle were shortly lived.

"At last I do not command these men so I must head off to rally my own. The commander of this force those not want you girls by their side."

"So we just sit?" Nagma became infuriated.

"It seems so, these are kings men if you get on their bad side then that would be the end of you. Unlike orcs, their ruler has dominion over these lands."

As Arhtur mounted his horse and rode of he looked back once more.

"A pleasure to see all you once more."

Nagma smiled and stared into the distance as the king's men forces moved out towards the Black line, then the Grim lands and eventually Green gate.

"Okay everyone let's stick around the village until reinforcement arrives, in the meanwhile try to see if you can help rebuild or anything else." By Nagma's order everyone dispersed into the village.

"Nyermina, see if you can send word to Lady M about all this."

Azza grabbed Nagma's arm.

"You let them ride towards the rescue? While we sit here like precious maidens."

"Azza, we wait for Lady M's orders and for Sentoki and Ashanti. You know we can't attack Green gate head on, we need stealth."

Nagma walked off leaving Azza's temper to build up. She released her anger by kicking over a cart.


"A young maiden and her little brother hid under it."

"Sorry, I did not see you two there"

They jumped up and scurried away.

Boudicca (I)

"Quick, in here." Mike led Boudicca into an abandon house and a bed without its proper dressing. She bend over the bed and lifted her skirt.

"Fuck my ass"

"Shall I go in dry?"

"Oh yeah—err no, fuck my pussy first to get your cock wet."

Mike undid his pants and stuck his hard cock into her pussy and grabbed her by the waist as he penetrated the pussy with force and intensity. Soon every breath she took was paired by moans of ecstasy.

"Oh yes, oh god yes."

Mike took out his cock and began spreading the juices throughout it, and then he inserted it into her pink little virgin asshole. Even the womanly nectar could not make it hurt less, but Boudicca was adamant on being fucked like that.

"Don't go easy on me; I'm not a normal woman."

Her moan were that pain and pleasure, Mike lean over and moved his head closer to Boudicca's and kiss her as she turn her head around. His lips against hers and the warm from his body made her ass grind and dance on his cock. He kept on fingering her pussy until she her mouth was left open on Mike's face.

"ahhhhhhh, hehe"

She came and giggled afterwards as she continued to kiss mike and his well-toned body, but they were not done yet, he lay Bouddica gently on the bed and continued to pump his rod into her asshole. With let feet on his shoulder he took off her boots and began to gently kiss her soles, carefully biting areas on her feet, licking and kissing them after.

The door swung open and emerged Gliese.

"So this is what you two do, while we all were out guarding and rebuilding the village."

She moved towards them as Mike's erect penis fled the newly penetrated asshole. Mike and Boudicca began to look at each other and mumble but no coherent sentence came out. Gliese bend so she was eye level with Mike and then kissed him. She then moved over to the bed and locked Mike in with her legs.

"Sister, may I share in your man?"

"Err, okay. That's sound good. Actually that sounds hot."

"Wonderful, now fuck my arse. I don't want cock anywhere inside my pussy, do you understand?"

"Yes, Yes of course."

Boudicca did her best to lube up the cock with her mouth before Mike stuck it into her sister's more experienced arse. Gliese bit her lips as she was thrusted in a sensual rhythm, her breath became heavier as she that she was working that young man to his very limits. Boudicca began to kiss her man with her forearms around his head and neck in the form of an 'x'

"Bouddie, sit on my face while you eat he face."

"Don't call me that."

Gliese laughed as her little sister's wet vagina smothers her face, she began to lick all the juices on her labia and teased the citreous with her tongue before gently kissing it. Boudicca was going unto her second orgasm. Mike could not take it anymore, he had to cum.

"Arrgg I cumming!"

He pointed his head prompting Boudicca to adjust hers so she could still kiss him, all the while Gliese's asshole was flooded by a surge of hot white cum. As he pulled out Boudicca came of her sister's face and pushed him on the bed, kissing and cuddling. Gliese awkwardly walked to the corner of the room and started to dispel the fluid from her arsehole.

"People lived here, not I'm squiring cum from my arse unto their floor, and the ways of wheels of fate are very strange."

"Sister, do you think they are looking for us?" Boudicca looked concerned as she threw a piece of cloth to her sister.

"The moment we step from that door, we shall be enlightened. Thank you for the cloth, so you don't want to use your Tongue?"

Boudicca's face went blank.

Ashanti (I)

"I wish they would not make me cage such beauty."

Ashanti petted her great lion through the cage holes, she then proceed to stand and at walk up the stairs unto the deck of the merchant ship. The pacifying sea air caressed her hair and face as she took in a deep breath. The memories of old and the ambitions of new played around in her mind, life had been calling her away from the simply path she would have taken if not for her responsibilities, despite all this handled herself quite well through the years.

"May I join in your stare into oblivion?" A young lady probably no less than twenty stood beside her. Light brown skin with blonde and scarlet highlights taking up most of her hair. The face of the young lady was rectangular up to her jaw which was more triangular but without a pointy chin, instead her chin far from pointy. Not much was known about this mystery woman apart from the fact her clothes look quite ritzy, well if you manage to look past the slightly tattered cloak and hood covering the elegant embroidery on her dress and corset. This young lady seems smart and cautious but her presence on this ship still baffled Ashanti.

"Pardon my lack of manners; I seldom spend time on land. My name is Aisha; I am the captain's daughter."

"And so the tale of the Mystery woman come to an end" Ashanti joked. Aisha gave out a loud laugh as she smiled into her eyes.

"So which mystery woman are you?"

"I am the mystery woman leave her home behind to help protect others."

"Quite the job for just one woman, perhaps you need a friend?"

"I have plenty of those, even one I on board. Follow me"

Ashanti lead Aisha down to the cargo hold to the caged Rafa.

"He is yours?"

Ashanti nodded.

"What a majestic beast, what a handsome fellow." Aisha began petting Rafa fearlessly, much to the surprise of Ashanti. Rafa licked her hands and rub his head on her palm.

"What he's name?"

"Rafa. And I think he like you"

Aisha's white smile bought one to Ashanti's faces as she stood up and stared deep into her eyes, planting her with a kiss, and then another one lasting much longer. The two began to revel in their lust as laid down beside the cage, Aisha picked up Ashanti' big black feet and kissed it, after each kiss she moved down her leg until she was finally bought to her loin cloth. Ashanti frequently alternated between green panties and loin cloths, this time she was glad that he went for the more accessible form clothing.

"Ahh yes. Aisha, lick that clit."

The licks eager tongue went up and down Ashanti's pussy and then buried itself deep inside, she made sure that she was able to get everything inch of her womanly hole. Aisha used her fingers to dig in deeper for Ashanti's pleasure. Ashanti moved her feet and rested it on the side of Aisha's head and then used them to pull away her head.

"You don't want any more?"

"No, Now I eat you."

Ashanti replied.

With Aisha on her back Ashanti took off the girl's shoe and teased her feet, they were about the size of her palm laid out flat on her sole. Moving the cloak out of the way and rolling up her dress she saw a nice tanned pussy with very tamed neat public hair. Ashanti bit light on the public hair.

"Ooh ahh, that hurts."

She then proceeded to lick the pussy all around the outset then deeper teasing the walls as she went. With two of her fingers she spread the lips and found a hymen intact, more a minute Ashanti admired it but soon went back to business. Her black fingers crept up Aisha's asshole while grabbing a great deal of the firm large buttocks squishing it while rubbing the asshole. Aisha gasp as her back arch up wards Ashanti was now in full swing, licking and eating the pussy like a lion devouring a piece of meat.

"Oh I'm cumming!" The girl gashed out a flood of cum as her whole body went into ecstasy.

Ashanti grinned as she moved up her body until the two women were face to face. They planted one and other with another kiss which lasted for a good twenty seconds. After a few minutes of cuddling, both women stood up.

"I must go now to eat, will you join me?"

Ashanti shook her head.

"No,I am sorry."

"Okay, I surpose who want a lot just now."

Aisha smiled and walked off. Ashanti went to pet Rafa some more, before walking off.

"Not long now, my friend"

Sentoki (I)

Cloaked in black just like her brothers at arms, she sat on the knees. On a vessel traveling its course through Asthantia toward Gaul. She sat in a circle with a group of fellow warriors trained in the way of ninjisu. The ship they presided within was a merchant's vessel however it had some hired soldiers protecting it. Sentoki's katana was gently lying on both of her palms.

"And so, you shall depart. Understand that the battle against the shadow is that of which it is difficult to win against." The man sitting opposite to her spoke.

"Indeed, I understand and the mission in Gaul to help the brothers Frank in their revolution is that fought with any less peril?"

"Yes, it does not have many perils as yours but it is needed that the Gaul way of life should change."

The circle stood in and emotionless states as the conversion grew. Until the man who seemed the leader stood up.

"Sentoki, our brothers may not feel the warmth of another woman for some time, if ever again. Do this for us, disrobe yourself."

Sentoki stood up and put her blade aside with no hint of emotion on her face and then she striped her self-naked, stepping out of the pile of clothes one foot at a time. A soon as she entered the circle, all the men had gotten their penises out. She took her leaders cock in her mouth and began to suck, on all fours. From behind another cock took her; she felt the leers of her fellow warriors as she was being thrusted.

One of the other men crawled underneath her to fight for the chance at her vagina, the chance was won by him and the loser decided to settle for her rectum instead. Taking three cocks a time, all her words were muffled. The sex had halted for a brief period as she was readjusted to her knees; she had to serve as much cock in the shortest amount of time possible.

The circle closed around her while she sat on one cock that had been pounding her asshole. Sentoki grabbed as much cock as she could and started jerking them, alternating which one she would put in her mouth.

Finally, the leader lets out a small grunt as he ejaculated on Sentoki's face. Now with a slimy cum ridded face Sentoki sucked on, hoping to finish as much men as quickly as she could. One of the men assisted her tongue open as he came inside her mouth and this inspired others to do that same. She swallowed three loads until the man underneath her had shot his cum high into Sentoki's ass.

"Oh god, I feel it climbing my insides" she yelped out.

The man underneath her quickly withdrew and tried to get out of the way, which in turn disrupted that bukkake but this allowed Sentoki to lie down on the floor as more warriors plaster her face with cum after fucking her pussy.

When the last man had finished with her, Sentoki was covered head to toe in the juices of her fellow warriors. She was handed a towel to clean herself up with, she required a few more.

Eager boot steeps were heard coming down from the deck. A skipper came face to face with a group of masked men armed with katana's and a naked women, the poor skipper started mumbling, looking for the right words.

"M-my lords, there has been erm, there has been a pirate ship spotted. The captain wants all fighting men on board to help defend us."

"Doe your captain need a fighting woman as well?" The half nude Sentoki asked with a smirk.

"Erm, yes of course. Er,hurry!" The boy carried on mumbling as he run up the deck.

"Shall we fight?" Sentoki asked the leader.

"If it is not our battle we wait in the shadows, but it is. Wait for my signal."

Ashanti (II)

As she walked on deck, the merchant captain approached her and stroked her skin.

"I saw you met my daughter. I must say, she looks as if she took quite the liking to you."

"Oh yes, Aisha and I are quite the bet friends now."

Ashanti smiled.

"I would like to invite you over to my cabin for dinner; my daughter will not be keeping me company this time."

"Of course, lead the way.

Captain Akeem Aka The Arab Bear led her into his cabin, a beautiful feast table awaiting them. Ashanti sat down before the captain could pull her seat; this made him laugh just a bit. The captain was of Middle Eastern decent with a beard pointing outwards and connecting his side burns with his moustache, but leave his isolated chin free of facial hair. He was a burly man who was quite loud and would give any dull atmosphere an uplifting presence.