A Jedi's Training Ch. 17


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"All right...," Liana said, drawing her robes closed and turning back.

Before she could say anything else, Kira had already walked out the door with just a quick wave over her shoulder. As the door cycled shut, Liana flopped down onto her bed and hugged a pillow tightly to her chest, holding back tears. How could she have been so stupid, she wondered. She had wanted to make a good impression on Kira upon her return, but instead she let herself get caught touching herself yet another time. Burning tears of frustration welled in her eyes, blurring her vision, but she bit down on her lip and refused to let herself cry. She knew she could do better and prove herself... she just had a long way left to go. Taking a few moments to compose herself, Liana continued onward with the cleaning process. She quickly found that the tactile memory she had experienced with the first pair of panties was no accident or coincidence. Each time she touched a piece of clothing, her mind reeled, triggering a memory associated with it. Almost all of them were sexual. Several of them took place in what she recognized as one of the group study rooms at the Academy, and all of them ended with her on the receiving end of at least one massive load of semen from a male student. Eventually, notwithstanding the trembling of her thighs and the dull but constant throbbing of her extremely aroused sex, Liana managed to get her side of the room back into some semblance of order, with all of her clothing piled in the corner of her closet awaiting the next opportunity to do laundry. Feeling the aching need between her legs subsiding some now that she was no longer in constant contact with the clothing she had worn to her various sexual escapades, she took the opportunity to collect up some old papers on her desk that she no longer needed. As she leaned over the shared trash receptacle in the room to throw away the papers, her eyes caught sight of a row of fancy blue bottles lining the end of Kira's desk. She smiled to herself, recalling the rather creative use she had concocted for a similar bottle one fateful rainy night. Looking more closely, however, she noticed that the slender neck of one of the bottles bore light smears of what appeared to be dried liquid. Fully knowing that the water Kira stored in the bottles did not stain or dry in such a way, Liana reached forward, gently touching the bottle's opening with her fingertips.

In an instant her mind was transported back to her first night back from Yavin. She was seated in her chair in the darkness of the room, her legs splayed wide open as the neck of the bottle glided smoothly in and out of her sopping wet pussy. Her entire body was sticky with sweat that caused her thin nightgown to cling to her curves as the cool, smooth glass slipped in and out. She stifled moan after moan, feeling her juices drip all over the glass.

Liana snapped back to reality with a gasp, instinctively pulling her hand away from the glass bottle. As she had already started to realize, her memory had somehow developed a powerful link with physical objects that were closely related to her sexual exploits. Her pussy burned with a renewed desire, spurred onward by her latest journey into the depths of her memory. More curiously, Kira had for some reason kept the bottle that Liana had used to masturbate.

'Why?' she wondered, her fingertips hovering a short distance above the bottle as she contemplated touching it again. 'I don't understand why Kira would keep it if she thought what I did was so horrible...'

Her curiosity piqued, Liana let her fingertips fall on the rim of the glass again. This time, instead of returning to her memory, nothing happened. Almost nothing – she felt a tiny ripple, a tremor, radiating weakly in the Force. Her brow furrowed and her face contorted as she focused on the ripple, seeking it out. At first, it didn't seem that she was making any progress. But suddenly, as if she had broken through some sort of unseen barrier, the room around her changed just slightly. Everything became somewhat wavy and wispy, as if she were in a dream. She was in bed, her back propped against the headboard. Glancing down her body, she realized that she was topless. Her breasts heaved up and down as she breathed raggedly, but they looked slightly different. They appeared and felt smaller, and her areolas were larger, her nipples slightly thicker. She glanced further down, seeing that the only fabric on her body was a plain pair of white panties. A large wet spot had spread around the crotch of the garment, and in one hand she held the blue bottle. Her body seemed to move outside of her conscious control as she rubbed the slit of her pussy up and down with the tip of the bottle, pressing the material of her panties into her wet crevice. She gasped and her hips jerked as the bottle pressed against her clit, sending jolts of electric pleasure through her body. Even as the pleasure escalated throughout, however, she felt an equally escalating sense of shame, humiliation, and guilt. Eventually the shame ruptured into anger, even as the quakings of an orgasm started to emanate from her core. Burning tears of guilt spilled from the corners of her eyes as she felt herself lose control.

"Why?" she cried, moaning, in a voice not her own. "Why does it feel... so... uggggnhh... good!"

She called out to no one in particular as an orgasm rocked her body, her voice a hoarse mixture of pleasure and anguish.

"Fuck, fuck!" she screamed, pressing the bottle into her panties, causing the material to protrude shallowly into her entrance.

Finally the physical pleasure faded away as she sprawled out across the bed, leaving her with only the burning anguish inside. She felt herself racked with guilt at what she had just done, a sense of utter shame and a feeling that she had somehow demeaned herself as a person by enjoying the orgasm. Still confused, she felt herself lifting off the bed, swinging her shaky legs over the edge to stand. As she did, she caught sight of her face in a nearby mirror.

"Kira?" Liana said in shock, as her mind careened, exhausted, out of the memory she had focused so hard to reach.

She staggered back, worn down from the mental exertion necessary to connect with a memory not her own. She let herself flop back onto her bed, looking up at the ceiling as she pondered what she had just experienced. For whatever reason, Kira had kept the same bottle Liana had used, and apparently used it on herself as well. What Liana could not understand was why Kira had so adamantly opposed doing anything relating to masturbation when Liana first turned to her for help relieving her lust. She supposed that was why she had experienced so many forceful feelings of guilt and shame when she was exposed to Kira's memory, but it still made no sense. She decided not to press Kira about it, though, especially given the intensity of the emotions she had experienced. She figured if her roommate wanted to talk about it, she would.

The first few days back in her old room were somewhat awkward for Liana, especially when Kira was around. It was apparent that Kira was not at all at ease with Liana's disappearance and return, even though she tried to hide her discomfort. Liana, too, was uncomfortable, but mostly because of the memory she had witnessed and the questions it raised. Most of the time the two girls worked in silence at their respective desks, only speaking and interacting with each other when it was absolutely necessary. Toward the end of the first week, however, the distance between the two roommates started to close slightly.

Liana was practicing a few meditation positions in the open space next to her bed, while Kira was working through a history assignment at her desk. The usual silence pervaded the room, at least until Liana lost her balance and tumbled to the floor with a dull thud and a cry. When she recovered, she looked up and saw Kira watching her with a slightly bemused look on her face.

"What's so funny?" the blonde asked, rubbing her knee as she lifted herself back to her feet.

"You're holding that position wrong," Kira stated, returning to her work.

"I am?"

"Yeah, it's why you keep losing your balance," Kira replied, pushing her chair back and walking over. "Here, let me show you."

Kira stood next to Liana and let her body fall into position, closing her eyes as she lifted her right leg from the floor, leaning forward and stretching her arms out in front of her, exhaling deeply.

"You have to keep your upper body aligned," Kira said, speaking slowly so as not to disrupt her own balance and concentration. "You were twisting a little to the side... it makes balancing a lot harder."

Liana copied Kira's motions, leaning forward and keeping her body parallel to the floor. She felt gravity tugging at her breasts, pulling them downward as they swayed slightly beneath her. She adjusted quickly as she felt herself falling forward, lessening how far forward she was leaning.

"It does help, doesn't it?" she said, as Kira straightened up from her position to watch her. "My breasts make me top-heavy though..."

"You're telling me," Kira said, pulling her hair back. "You're not that much bigger than I am. A lot of the smaller girls picked it up pretty easily. Plus, all the guys were ogling me in class. I had to stop wearing low-cut athletic tops because of them."

"They were just being boys," Liana said light-heartedly. "You and I are both from Alderaan, I'm sure you remember... Alderaanian boys have been curious since they realized that women have breasts at all."

"Yeah, but it's rude," Kira said coldly, "and I don't appreciate it. I wish they'd just keep their eyes to themselves sometimes."

Liana stopped for a moment, taken aback by Kira's sudden shift of attitude. Before she could come up with something to say, Kira walked back to her chair and sat down.

"I should get back to this project. I hope that helped you, though."

"It did," Liana replied, resuming her meditation. "Thanks."

"Sure. If you need help with other things, don't be afraid to ask me."

Liana's relationship with Kira started to improve slowly afterward, as Kira helped her catch up with some of her missed schoolwork and brought her up to speed with what she had missed. The topic of Liana's disappearance rarely came up, and when it did, Kira didn't pry into the details. Liana was thankful for it, but at the same time she wondered what exactly Kira knew.

One weekend morning, Liana awoke to the quiet sounds of bare feet shuffling on the carpet. She peeked over the covers of her bed and saw Kira, her back turned to Liana's side of the room, practicing a series of hand-to-hand combat techniques. She appeared to be dressed only in a black bra and panties, which flowed with the movements of her body as she worked through kicks, blocks, and punches.

"What're you working on?" Liana asked quietly, when Kira came to a halt.

"Oh, you're up, did I wake you?" Kira asked with surprise as she turned around. "I didn't mean to. I figured I could get in some practice pretty quietly."

"No, it's fine, "Liana replied, slipping out of bed. "Actually, do you mind if I join you? I need to work on my forms before next week's classes."

The two girls stood face to face for a moment, both dressed in only their underwear, each sizing up the other.

"Yeah, sure," Kira said, after pulling her eyes away from Liana's body. "I... I should probably put something more on."

"No, if that's how you're comfortable working out," Liana told her. "There're no boys to ogle you here. As long as you don't mind me working out in my underwear too."

"Yeah, I suppose it's all right," Kira said, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Let's get started."

The two girls practiced their combat forms in unison for awhile, until they both agreed that they had enough practice with forms and wanted to try light sparring. It was immediately apparent that the two had been trained by different instructors, as Kira's style of attack was fast and light, with quick, short attacks, while Liana's style was a mixture of what she had learned from Star and Cora, mostly a reactive defensive approach that tried to use Kira's motions against her. Because Kira's attacks were quick and almost immediately followed by a retreat, though, Liana found little opportunity to employ the various grappling techniques Cora had taught her. Kira, too, found much of her style frustrated by Liana's vigilant defense of her body's vital areas. The two girls sparred their way to a standstill, both covered in a sheen of sweat from bouncing and springing about, but neither having a decided advantage over the other. They circled each other in silence, each assessing the weaknesses of the other's style. Eventually Kira made the first move, reaching in with a punch that was slightly heavier than her normal attacks. Liana ducked out of the way and saw her opening, grasping Kira's extended arm. At the same time, she stepped forward, using her foot to knock the brunette's legs out from under her. Because of the limited space, Kira flopped back onto her bed instead of onto the floor, and Liana surged forward, pinning her roommate to the bed.

"I win," Liana panted, as she pressed herself down onto Kira. "You're pinned."

"Yeah," Kira groaned, adjusting her breathing to accommodate Liana's weight on top of her. "Yeah, I am."

The two held the position for a few moments, and then Liana rolled off of Kira and onto her back beside her roommate. Both girls lay panting on the bed, catching their breaths.

"That was good," Liana said, staring up at the ceiling. "I needed a good session."

"You're a pretty good fighter," Kira observed, rolling onto her side and propping herself up on one elbow, looking at Liana. "Your technique is really different than mine."

"I noticed, you'll have to teach me some of that someday. If it's not too much trouble, that is. You've already taught me a whole lot since I've been back."

"It wouldn't be any trouble at all," Kira told her. "It's good practice for me anyway."

"Thanks, Kira," Liana said, rolling onto her side as well to face Kira. "I'd be really behind if it weren't for you."

"You're welcome, really." Kira paused for a few moments, looking down at the sheets. "I'm... I'm sorry I was so hard on you before... you know."

"Don't be," Liana told her. "It's not your fault. I was acting like a total whore."

"But you asked me to help you, and I blew you off but really I didn't mean..." Kira trailed off, trying to gather her thoughts.

"What is it?"

Kira looked up at Liana, waiting for her to finish her sentence. Instead of finishing though, Kira suddenly lunged forward, pressing her lips against Liana's. As Kira devoured her mouth unexpectedly, Liana felt a ripple, not unlike the one she had felt when she touched the blue bottle on Kira's desk. Kira's breathing flared raggedly as she kissed her roommate desperately, hungrily before pulling back abruptly. A look of horror crept over Kira's face as she realized what she had just done, and before Liana could say or do anything she had bolted out of the room. After taking a moment to acknowledge what had just happened, including the ripple in the Force she had experienced, Liana got up and walked out into the hallway, hoping to find Kira there. There was no sign of the brunette, and there were no other open doors in the hall. Gambling that Kira would not have run out into the main areas of the Academy without more clothing, Liana walked to the shared bathroom and looked in, seeing one of the shower stalls occupied.

"Kira?" she called out softly, as she walked over to the stall, hoping that Kira had not activated the sound shielding for the sonic shower unit. "Kira, is that you?"

"Leave me alone, Liana," Kira's voice sobbed from the other side.

Liana leaned up against the door of the shower stall, pressing her cheek gently against the cool surface of the barrier.

"Kira, it's okay," she said softly, amidst the sound of sniffles from within the shower. "We can talk about it."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"That's not true," Liana soothed, feeling a shiver run across her mostly bare body. "C'mon Kira, it's chilly in here. You're not dressed, and neither am I."

"Then go back to the room," Kira cried. "Leave me alone."

"I'm not leaving without my roommate," Liana told her. "And my friend. Now, please, open the door Kira."

"I'm a disgrace," Kira insisted weakly. "To the Jedi, to everyone. You don't want to be friends with a disgrace."

Liana sighed, turning around and sliding to the floor with her back resting against the stall door. She had hoped to get Kira out and back into their room rather quickly, but it seemed thing would take a bit longer than she had wanted.

"You're not a disgrace, Kira," the blonde girl said reassuringly. "If you want to talk about a disgrace, I'm the one who's a disgrace."

Kira laughed incredulously from the other side of the door.

"No, it's true," Liana continued. "Do you know what I was doing all that time I was gone?"

"Well... I'd heard...," Kira started slowly, then stopped.

"What did you hear?" Liana pressed.

"Some of the girls were whispering about how you'd run off to become a prostitute in the lower levels."

"Not quite," Liana chuckled, "but close. I didn't get paid for it, that's for sure."

"Does that mean..."

"Yeah, I slept with basically every life form on two legs that had a cock," Liana said. "And some that didn't have one."

"Why?" Kira asked, still sniffling softly.

"Because I couldn't control myself," Liana confessed. "I had sex one time and it unleashed something inside of me... I was constantly wet and horny and every time I fucked someone it just got worse. I've had so many men come on me and inside of me..."

"Didn't it bother you?"

"Not at the time, I was so sex-crazed..." Liana let her fingers drift down between her legs for a moment, gently touching the soft fabric of her panties as she remembered. "I wanted it so bad that every man felt good... every hot rod I took inside of me was like... letting me have just a little nibble of food when I was starving. It was so good, but I always wanted more. I was basically the biggest slut a girl could possibly be."

"Why did you come back?" Kira wanted to know. "Weren't you scared?"

"I was scared to death," Liana said quickly. "I was so afraid that everyone would judge me, or worse... I was afraid that the boys here I had slept with would want more from me, or expect me to always want them if they ever wanted more."

"I don't think I could've done it," Kira said.

"For awhile I didn't think I could either," Liana told her. "I was afraid to face you, afraid that you would hate me. But... you didn't. You helped me, and you were good to me even though I had made such a mess of my own life. So that's why I'm not going to turn away from you. Whatever just happened there, between us, it can't be nearly as bad as what I've done. If I could get a second chance, then you deserve one for sure."

"Come on Kira, let's go," she coaxed, when she got no response from Kira.

After a few more moments of silence, Liana heard the locking mechanism for the stall door cycle and the door slowly opened. Kira walked forth timidly, her eyes red and puffy and her cheeks wet with tears.

"Hey you," Liana said softly.

She reached for her roommate's hand, but Kira jerked away, pulling her arms close to herself and avoiding any contact with the blonde.

"Okay, I don't have to hold your hand," Liana said, moving out of the way as Kira stepped out of the shower. "But let's go back to the room and talk about this okay?"

Nodding silently, Kira slowly walked ahead, with Liana following closely behind. The two girls slipped back into their room without drawing too much attention from the few other students in the hallway, most of whom were probably too busy shaking the sleep from their minds to pay much heed to what was going on anyway. Once inside Liana sat on the edge of her bed with a heavy sigh of relief, but Kira remained by the door with her head lowered and her eyes glued to the floor.