A Hero's Welcome Ch. 03


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A thought occurred to me, and I asked him something I had meant to ask him several times, but had kept being sidetracked by his hands and lips and hard muscular body.

"Charlie," I began, "just when did you first know that it was me you wanted, really wanted, I mean, not just wanted to ogle or touch me up?"

He looked far away for a second, and then grinned broadly. "Since I was fourteen, more or less, does that answer your question?"

"No, Charlie, tell me more, what was it that set this off, please."

He started to talk, holding me close, and rubbing his hands gently over my back and thighs as he did so.

"When you first came and saw me at Wellington, you were sixteen, very pretty, long hair, those lovely bits of yours all nicely there, and nearly all my year were like 'Phwoaarr, she's a sort, Charlie, you lucky fucker!' and that started me thinking, and I knew they were right; you were a sort, prime hottie, and after that I kept getting questions like "So Charlie, you fucked your sister yet, and if you're not going to, can I?" And I knew then that I wanted you. Every time you came down to see me, whether or not Lorna was with you, all I could think of was what you'd look like naked, and getting my hands in your knickers or round your tits, sucking your arse, or licking your pussy, and how much I wanted to fuck you, and when you left I'd wank myself raw for a week after, end up with balls like a bag of walnuts and my knob feeling like it was deep-fried. You were on my mind constantly, and not just the sex stuff; I wanted to see you smile, kiss me properly, you know, all romantic and...." he trailed off, looking embarrassed, but I nipped his lip to encourage him to go on, continue with his story.

"Really, from then, I knew you were the only girl for me; I think that's when I fell in love with you, and I've never changed how I feel, nor would I want to. After dad died, I knew that you'd need me one day, and I thought that perhaps we might have a chance, that you might consider me, even when you were so mad at me. I had all these weird dreams about coming home one day and you'd just run up and kiss me like a proper girlfriend, and then it would all dissolve into, you know....sex dream stuff, and I'd wake up and it wasn't real, and you weren't there. I'd just about decided to bunk off, come home and try it on with you when Lorna showed up and...uh, showed me the secret garden, if you know what I mean!

"The rest is history, you know how it goes from here, although I will say, if you hadn't come across, I don't know if I could have made work it with Lorna, much as I love her. She's beautiful, brilliant, sexy as all hell, a complete freak in bed, she's almost you, but she's not you, and I wouldn't have done that to her. I couldn't have tried to make it work with her because she'd have always known she was my second choice, and she's too fine a person to treat like that. If there were no you, Lorna would be the standard by which I would measure a girl, I know I would have made a serious beeline for her, but now I can't see her for you, and I wouldn't ever step over to her and away from you. Luckily she knows that. She loves you as much as I do, and she wouldn't stand for that anyway. Lorna's a man-eater, not a man-stealer. She's the only other person on this entire planet I trust. You and I will probably play a lot with Lorna and Gerry, but I would never play away with her, and she wouldn't dream of asking, nor tolerate it if I did – not that I would; I've got my dream girl. Does that answer your question?" he finished with a grin.

I looked at him in awe. I had forgotten, with all the relentless fucking and athletic shagging over the last couple of days, that behind the horny soldier persona was an articulate, ferociously intelligent young man, now, sadly, old beyond his years, and I loved him for being so frank and forthcoming. We'd agreed no secrets, and he knew I had none from him, and his opening his heart like this gave me a whole new perspective on him, yet another aspect of him to love.

Now he wrapped his arms around me and rolled onto his back, rolling me onto his chest, kissing me, nipping the end of my nose, making me giggle. I looked up, and Lorna was standing in the doorway, naked, and I wondered how much she'd heard of what Charlie had said about her. She gave me that Lorna grin, that only she can do, cheeky, sexy, wicked and sly all in one, and walked into the bedroom to sit on the bed. Charlie looked up, grinned at her, and patted the bed next to him, and Lorna slid up next to him, draped her arm around my neck, kissed me deeply, seriously, making little thrills run around inside me.

Eventually, Lorna let go, smiled and tipped my lip with her forefinger. "God, you're hot, I want to suck your pussy again, now!" she giggled, "pity we have things to do. Breakfast first, then I have something to do this evening, so preparations to make, things to buy, and places to be!" She gave me a meaningful look, and I knew she was reminding me about what whatever this mysterious scheme was. "Charlie, darling, do me a favour; my case is outside, take it downstairs for me, Gerry's out cold; I worked him hard last night!" with a wicked grin.

As soon as Charlie had gone, Lorna hissed "Quick Lu, Charlie's Orders, I need them so I have all the facts right tonight. I'll drop them back tomorrow or day after. NOW, Lu, he'll be back in a minute!"I rummaged through Charlie's bag, and found the buff envelope with the MoD crest on it, handed it to Lorna, and was back in bed by the time Charlie came back.

"I looked in on Gerry, he's almost comatose, barely breathing, you've humped him almost to oblivion, Lor!" he grinned, "I remember the feeling so well!" with a happy, nostalgic smile on his face, dirty little bugger!

He bounded back onto the bed, between Lorna and I, put his arms around both of us, and kissed us both on the cheek. "There, that's a good morning kiss for the only women in my life, long may they reign supreme! Now, Lor, if you'll excuse us, I have something I'd like to put to Lucy, and it may involve a certain amount of to-ing and fro-ing, so if you'll excuse us...? "

Lorna looked haughtily at him. "Charles Manville, I have seen you do things to me with your body that would make a Chinese acrobat gasp in envy, and have had you stick things in me from all angles in the most unlikely places, save perhaps upside down in a chandelier. If you want privacy to hump Lucy, ask for it, but I'm still not going anywhere, I came in for breakfast, one way or another I'm getting some, are we clear, young man?"

He smiled. "On your head be it, and anywhere else it lands. I just feel sorry for Gerry that's all!

"Why?" asked Lorna, grinning.

Charlie grinned back. "Today, he's a healthy, strapping 22-year old. This time next year he'll be 97 and nearly dead, and you'll be searching for your next victim!"

"You say the sweetest things, soldier-boy!" smiled Lorna, smiling and crooking a finger at me.

I was curious to see what Lorna was going to do, and I didn't have long to wait. She pulled me into her, kissing me while her hands squeezed and probed my arse, pulling my buttocks apart to expose my hole, sliding her finger in and slipping the other hand down between us to tip and tease my pussy. I lay back, Lorna over me as she kissed me and frigged my pussy, sitting up and reversing her position so she was able to lick and kiss my slit. She threw her leg over me, straddling me and shuffling back, leaning down to go back down on me, presenting her pussy to me. I grabbed her hips and pulled her fanny into me, sliding my tongue up and down her slippery pussy, lapping her juices as she lapped mine, slipping my tongue-tip into her anus as she lapped at my own rosebud, watching her anus jump and start when I blew on it, and poking my tongue into her pussy, parting her lips to lick inside her, reaming her out as she reamed me. Lorna found my clitoris and licked it gently, making me shiver, and I returned the favour, making her own pussy wink and flutter at me. I licked and tongued and kissed for all I as worth, returning everything Lorna did to me, feeling myself flushing as my orgasm approached, Lorna sensing it and slowing down , teasing me without tormenting me.

I licked and lubricated her arse again, catching Charlie's eye and indicating her with my eyes. He grinned, and shuffled over my face, his cock arching out as he moved into place, and then slowly slid it into her arsehole, making Lorna groan into my pussy, the vibration nearly tipping me over the edge. Charlie's big balls were right over my face, and I was fascinated watching him pump into Lorna as I ate her and she ate me right back, timing my tongue thrusts with the pumping of his cock. We stayed like this for a while, all of us enjoying our own sensations, my muff getting the same treatment I was giving Lorna's, and Charlie beating his cock in and out, pistoning into her. At last, I couldn't hold back any longer, and my orgasm blew into me, making me groan out loud as I came, burying my face in Lorna, and then lifting up to suck one of Charlie's balls into my mouth, squeezing it gently with my tongue, making him groan out load, and I watched, fascinated, as his cock pulsed and pulsed again, ejaculating into Lorna's arse, setting her orgasm off, making her groan into my pussy, triggering my climax anew.

Lorna collapsed on me, head resting on my thighs as I slumped back, Charlie still emptying himself, to finally stop, head down, blowing and gasping, preparing to withdraw. I slid forward a little; I wanted to see this! He slid out of her, his cock still rigid, and a great wad of spunk spurted out of her arse to drip onto my neck and chest, running down between my breasts and pooling on my midriff.

I looked up , and there was Gerry, grinning broadly as he handed me a towel, watching as I mopped off, and then wiping the last of the runoff from Lorna, before kissing her. He was sporting an impressive erection, and Lorna was, for the moment, hors de combat, so I slid off the bed, taking him by the hand, leading him back to the other bedroom, Charlie winking at me as I left. I knew what I'd promised Charlie, but I felt this was a special occasion, so felt no guilt, and a certain amount of anticipation at the thought of what I could do with this handsome boy.

As we walked in the door, two hands slipped around me to cup and squeeze by tits, my nipples tingling as they popped out again, Gerry rolling them between his fingers, weighing and holding my breasts, and pulling me into him to rest his cock between my buttocks, kissing and nibbling my neck and shoulder. One hand slipped down to gently tease and rub my pussy, a finger slipping in and making me gasp, rubbing and tickling my clitoris. My pussy was still engorged from Lorna's working on me, and Gerry could feel my juices still seeping out of me, smell my arousal, hear my moans and gasps as he worked on me. I wanted to feel that truncheon of a cock of his, and reached behind me to grab it and pump, making him gasp and dig his finger further into my pussy. I moved towards the bed, Gerry right behind me, and lay down, pulling him to me to lie next to me, kissing and nibbling my lips, fondling and squeezing my breasts, my arse, slipping a finger into my anus, pushing me over onto my back and rising over me to slide his cock between my breasts, me pushing them together as he slid back and forth, sawing his cock in my cleavage, then moving closer, to let me suck on his lovely thick cock. It was thicker than Charlie's although not as long, and I could barely get it into my mouth, licking and sucking the hot purple head as he knelt above me, eyes closed as I fellated him.

Eventually he'd had enough, and moved down, to kiss me as he moved between my thighs, pulling me to him as I positioned him, then pushing forward slowly, me controlling his penetration as I adjusted to his girth. He slowly slid into my pussy, me gasping and blowing as I felt this fat cock slide deeper into me, then he began pumping, long slow strokes, making my head whirl with the sensations billowing out of my pussy as this beautiful blonde boy jammed his thick cock into me!

I was in a world of my own, a world of sensation as I pumped back at him, meeting his strokes, speeding up as my orgasm approached, he pumping faster, building the approaching climax even higher. When I came, it was like a thunderclap going off inside me, and I screamed with the release, shuddering on the end of his lovely cock, clamping down on him and making him groan as he came inside me, flooding me with his spunk, jet after jet, hot and sensational as it poured into me.

Gerry slumped down next to me, pulling me to him as he rolled over, kissing me as he fondled and squeezed me, head dipping down to suck and gently bite my nipples, sending new tremors chasing through me. He pulled me close one last time, kissed me soundly, murmuring "Thank you, Lucy!", grinning and pinching my bum before falling back, chest rising and falling rapidly with his exertion. At last I recovered enough to look up, to see Charlie and Lorna grinning at us, and Lorna came to sit on my side of the bed, leaning down to kiss me and lick my tongue, and twinkle at me. "I told you he was fucking good!"

Now I needed a shower, and breakfast, in that order, so, giving Gerry one last kiss to thank him, I slid off the bed on wobbly legs and wandered into my bathroom, Lorna on my heels with towels, looking at the boys to see if they felt like joining us. They did, so we had one big gang-shower, then got dressed and headed off to make some breakfast. I held Lorna back, letting the boys go first, and reminded her. "Lor, Charlie must never find out about this, OK? You know how he is, if he thought something dishonourable or underhanded went on, he's liable to turn himself in, so carefully, yes?"

Lorna looked at me like I was simple. "Of course, Lu, the whole plan is designed to make him indispensible here, forever. He's done two years solid combat patrols, no breaks, no proper leave, always on alert status, one patrol after another, no respite, just constant danger. They've worked miracles while being under-manned, under-equipped, over-extended, and I think he's done enough for Queen and Country, more than he should have had to. You and I both know he'd never leave the army of his own accord, so I devised this nasty little scheme to get him stationed here or Gibraltar, or even the Falklands, anywhere but there, in a training post or some other non-combatant role, away from the nastiness and the death, away from that stupid, wasteful fucking war. I wish to God I could get all the boys like him who are out there sent somewhere they won't die for taking the Queen's Shilling, but I can only do this for him, so don't worry, I'll be careful!"

I looked at her in surprise, unaware she'd felt like that, but satisfied she knew what she was doing. While the boys chatted about boy stuff (cars, girls, beer, tits, the usual) Lorna and I did a fry-up, and we all sat down to stoke up after the energy drain we'd put ourselves through When we'd finished, Charlie and I did the washing up while Lor and Gerry got their stuff together. While I was busy putting plates away, Charlie grabbed me and kissed me, slipping a hand up my skirt to rub my pussy. "Do you know how hot you look when you're getting fucked!" he grinned at me, and I looked sharply at him, but saw only approval there. "Charlie, I know what I promised," I began, but he shut me up with a kiss. "It's OK, really, it was the least you could do for them, and besides, Gerry confessed he'd like to get his hands on your tits at some point, and as I'd just shagged his girl, it was only fair he shagged mine! Besides, I think we're going to be doing a fair amount of this going forward, so I think jealousy would be a little inappropriate, don't you!? If you go off behind my back though, well....!"

I hugged him, grinding against him a little, just to feel his cock stir. "I love you, Charlie, did you know that?"

"You'd better, Lu-Lu, if you're going to start making babies with me!" he grinned back, pulling me in for another kiss, hands sliding up my skirt to slip inside my panties.

"Hello, you two, are you putting on another show? Because Gerry and I have to be away soon, so get on with it, or give it a rest!" laughed Lorna, standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Charlie, It's been wonderful seeing you again, love you so much, and I will definitely see you soon; Gerry tells me you two are going in search of the perfect pint next week, so if not before, I'll see you then! Lu, all being well, I'll let you know tonight, or first thing in the morning!"

We saw them off, hugs all round, Charlie and Gerry slapping palms and waving each other off, and returned indoors to sit and take stock.

"Well, Lu, this has been a fucking marvellous leave so far, and it's only been three days; I definitely think I need to pace myself!" laughed Charlie, pulling me onto his lap for a quick kiss and grope, and collapsing back into the couch with a contented sigh, rubbing my hair as he absently nuzzled my boobs and felt my thighs, while I sat on him, perfectly happy and content, although still slightly apprehensive about Lorna's scheme. Well, Id know tomorrow for definite, so the time to worry was not now, all I wanted to do was make my man happy, and the rest would take care of itself.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
what a slut

she loves him, but fucks gerry, I am sorry but I love first , but hate this

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I was enjoying the story very much until Charlie's sister broke her promise and had sex with Gerry. I'm sure that Charlie is ok with it because he loves her so much but it ruined the story for me. So now those swapping become a regular thing for them?. I couldn't even finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I completely agree with the author's feelings about this chapter. There are a lot of us romantics on this website that want the love story, the eternal romance and love of the main characters to each other is more powerful than any explicitly written sex scene can be. Thank you BB1958 for recognizing that fact.

beachbum1958beachbum1958almost 10 years agoAuthor
I wanted to see where this would go

so I wrote this chapter; boy was that a mistake! I really wanted to know if I could write a chapter like this, and it was, in hindsight, a mistake; who knew there were so many romantics out there! You all might be pleased to note I've not gone down this road anywhere else, and while I'm not apologising for the direction this chapter took, I can see now it was too much, too soon, so for that, I apologise.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Didn't care for the direction of the story

Loved the beginning but this section felt all kinds of wrong. I hope it turns around and the sharing stops. This just doesn't feel consistent with the brother's comments about his feeling for his sister.

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