A Gnomish Dilemma Ch. 03

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The continuing saga of Shannon Knocksprocket.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/10/2018
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All characters are assumed to be of legal age for their respective races.


The two gnomes were smiling happily as they dressed and chatted with Shannon who was still reclining in her bed.

"A most excellent session, I must say."

"Oh yes indeed! I haven't had this much fun in a year!"

"Couldn't have, wouldn't have, if not for you dear Shannon."

"Oh no! No one else could be as enjoyable!"

"And so very pretty!"

"Quite right, absolutely adorable you are."

"We'll be back on Wilbur's birthday, count on it."

"Yes, I'll reserve the date at the front desk as we leave."

"Did you leave a tip Wilbur?"

"I was just about to Abner."

Coins clattered into the bowl on the table.

"There. How's that?"

"Oh no, won't do, won't do at all. Double it! You fucked her in the ass Wilbur. Shannon was your first piece of ass! Double it!"

"True, very true, brother mine. Right there you go." Wilbur said as more coins were deposited in the bowl.

"Thank you so much boys! It was so much fun! I look forward to seeing you again!" Shannon said smiling. The brothers waved and left the room. Shannon sighed and climbed out of bed. She paused and stood in front of the mirror gazing at her image. They had called her pretty, and adorable. They certainly had enjoyed themselves. Cum was drying in her hair and her face and chest were adorned with rivulets of dried cum. But what was the wildest thing for her was the feeling of a butt load of cum leaking from her ass and running down her legs, joining the cum seeping from her pussy.

Shannon had been whoring for six months now and still found pleasure in the feeling of lots of warm cum filling her, and dribbling out slowly. She wasn't as cum hungry as Birdee. Oh sure, she would swallow for the customer, but not if she didn't have to. And many customers loved seeing their cum on her, or in some cases, flowing from her. She didn't know why, but the feeling of the warm goo oozing out was a strange thrill. Hells, once she had a dream of walking through Ironforge as cum leaked out and left a white trail.

Shannon wrapped a robe about her and headed for the latrine. After that she bathed in the house's hot stone bath and grabbed something to eat from the kitchen. She redressed and put her pink hair up in two tails before venturing back into the main room. She visited and flirted with customers who were waiting for their appointment. At the moment her schedule was free, but if someone liked what they saw, well, she could use the extra coin.

Shannon was wearing black slippers with a floor length black nightgown that was slit up both sides to the waist. It had a neckline that plunged to her belly button and was sheer enough to reveal that she wore nothing under it. Over this gown was a matching sheer black robe. She looked amazing this way, and knew it. The outfit had cost her dearly, but Birdee and Gertie had explained that she needed to package herself properly. She had a second one in a nice dark green.

Tonight she had no takers, although a number of customers kissed and caressed her as she made sure their drinks were filled and socialized. She did notice that one fellow watched her closely, although he had an appointment with someone else, his eyes were often on Shannon. The fellow was obviously a monied man. He was human, of below average height for them, and appeared soft. He dressed nicely and his hair and neat beard were blonde. Shannon had to guess that he was of middle age and his eyes were a piercing light blue. All in all, a handsome fellow, she had to admit. She was surprised to find that his date was with Claire.

The next morning after breakfast she caught up with Claire.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure! What is it?"

Last night I saw you had a human customer..."

"Yeah, so?"

"Did... did you actually fuck him?"

"Well, not this time, why?"

"But you DO fuck humans, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Doesn't... doesn't it hurt?"

"OH! Oh, no. I make 'em use lube and take it slow. It's really tight, but can be really nice. Of course, I can't take all humans, but most guys are not too large or too long. You haven't fucked anyone but gnomes so far, right?"


"Well, You could do elves easily enough, just remember that you can't get their entire length inside you. Humans, well, some probably. But only do oral or hand jobs on dwarves."

"Uh.. yeah. Okay. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

That evening the fellow was back. This time he selected Shannon. Her heart was pounding as she escorted him to her room. Once inside he sat on the bed and finally spoke. His voice was soft and soothing.

"You seem quite nervous. Why?"

"Well... I've never been with, a human before..."

"Yes, I understand that. But you may relax. I do not plan on having sex with you tonight. No, I have other things in mind. First off, I would like for you to strip, if you would, and let me gaze upon your beauty."

Shannon dropped her robe and gown and stood there nervously. The man pulled a small box from his pouch and when he opened the lid, music filled the room.

"Dance for me. Please?"

Shannon danced. The music was pleasant and he seemed a kind enough fellow. Indeed, that's all she did. She danced for him for half an hour. He thanked her, rose and dropped a tip in her bowl before leaving. Shannon stood there puzzled for a moment, then dressed, collected her tip and went downstairs. She met Claire in the great room and cornered her.

"Hey, that human from last night? He was here for me tonight! But he didn't want to fuck! He just watched me dance!"

"That's weird. He had me dance last night too. A little magic box of some kind. But then he refused to fuck. He did finally let me do some oral on him. He was nice and polite too."

The next few days were pretty normal and Shannon almost forgot about the man. Then one day he came by just after lunch and visited with Gertie. After a while they summoned Shannon.

"So," Gertie said, "You want Shannon to go off to Stormwind with you for an undisclosed amount of time, for which you are paying her a rather large sum, and you promise she'll be returned safe and sound. That about cover it?"

"Yes. That sums it up nicely."

Gertie turned to Shannon and showed her the purse.

"One hundred seventy-five gp. All yours. The same every week. So, do you want to see Stormwind?

Shannon's heart was pounding. Damn, that was a lot of money!

"Okay, sure!"

"Very good. Please be at the Tram station at eleven thirty tonight. I will meet you there."

Shannon used some of the money to buy a new outfit. She arrived at the station on time wearing a new chemise, a nice green skirt, and a blue bodice. The man met her and they boarded the tram together. They were alone in their car and he waited until they pulled out before speaking.

"My name, by the way, is Humphrey. I am very glad you chose to come with me. As I promised Gertie, I will keep you safe. This contract, if you will, is important to many people. Sadly, you probably won't get to meet any of them. You will get to see the city some, but I'm afraid we will be quite busy. This is a job, Shannon, not a holiday."

"Will you... will we be fucking?"

Humphrey looked uncomfortable.

"Th-that was not what you were hired for. I-I'll have to explain it later."

Shannon was excited by the tram ride and when they arrived in the city, she gazed in wonder at the sights. The Cathedral, the Keep, the canals... it was all so majestic, even in the middle of the night. A horse and buggy met them and drove them through the city and out to the Valley of Heroes. She stared in wonder at the statues.

"What's missing?" Humphrey asked.

Shannon looked again. A dwarf, an elf, and three humans.

"There's no gnome..."

"Exactly. The gnomes do have a heroine, her name was Indus. A powerful mage in her day and a member of the Council of Tirisfal. She helped to create the role and empower the first Guardian, Alodi. To inspire gnomes as well as to pay tribute to her memory, I have been commissioned to carve a statue of her and complete a number of paintings. You, Shannon, are to pose for me. You are my Indus."


She sat in the buggy as the driver took them out of the city and into the woods. They followed a track up to a dwelling on a hill, overlooking the city. Humphrey showed her to her room and she tried to sleep.

The next morning Shannon and Humphrey ate breakfast and then headed for his salon. The room was well lit by sunlight through large windows and Shannon wanted desperately to bask in the warm rays.

"Please get undressed Shannon," Humphrey said. "And stand on that dais. I need to do some sketches to start."

Shannon dropped her clothes and posed as he directed. She realized this was why he searched the brothel for his model. He needed a gnome who wouldn't hesitate to get naked. He made many fast sketches, posing her this way and that, with staff in hand or arms raised. He explained that to make a realistic image, she had to be nude so that he could see and understand the bones, muscles, and skin that would be the core of the piece. Shannon didn't mind posing for him although she did get sore and stiff if the pose was held too long. They paused for a lunch of fresh fruit, cold meats, and cheeses, then resumed. As the light finally faded he called a stop and they had dinner. A single solitary old woman was the only staff she ever saw. She never spoke and was seldom seen except at mealtime.

Days passed in this fashion and Shannon had the opportunity to see the sketches and began to understand the process. There was no doubt that Humphrey was good. Really good. She saw not only herself in the drawings but someone else, Indus, she guessed. Finally, Humphrey chose the final pose the work would feature and Shannon spent long hours in what she called her heroic stance. She stood on the dais with her right front to the artist. Her left foot was a half step forward and on a small step. Her left hand was outstretched in a halting sign and her right hand holding a staff. Soon Shannon's left arm was aching. Humphrey provided her with a stick to rest it on. He sketched her in this pose from all angles for several days and Shannon soon forgot that she was naked. When they took breaks, Humphrey often had to remind her to put on a robe. Shannon realized that, although Humphrey was a professional artist and her posing was not viewed as sexual by him, if she was lounging about, eating or otherwise "off the clock", Humphrey watched her with something other than an artist's eye. She also noticed that he tried hard to hide it.

Humphrey had taken her into Stormwind, to a tailor's shop to be measured for robes. Days later they arrived. Shannon was in her pose, naked as usual when the delivery arrived. The young man stood and stared at her as Humphrey checked the robes over before paying the lad and, just as he reached the door, the young man turned for one last glance. Shannon had been motionless, ignoring the fellow completely. But now she smiled and winked at him. He blushed and ducked out the door. Humphrey noticed.

"I'm so sorry Shannon. I should not have let him in, or covered you or something..."

"Why?" She responded. "It was harmless. I didn't mind. I like being appreciated. Besides, it'll give him something to think about when he strokes his cock tonight." She giggled. "If he can last that long. You know, I'll bet he's behind a tree doing it right now."

Humphrey looked decidedly uncomfortable. Shannon pressed the issue.

"Oh come on, it's a completely natural thing, there's nothing wrong with it. A fellow's got to have some relief, and if he can't fuck, well he masturbates. Hells, females do it too."

Humphrey tried to ignore her.

"You know it just occurred to me... You probably do it every night. I mean, it makes sense. After looking at me naked all day. Golly, I'll bet your poor cock is tired of the abuse. Guys never think of using a lube or lotion."

"Shannon! Please!"

"What? Oh, I'm sorry... No, wait. I'm not sorry!" She said turning to face him with her left hand on her hip and pointing the staff at him. "Claire said you wouldn't fuck her, but you did let her please you with some oral sex. But not me! Why not me? Don't you think I'm sexy?"

Humphrey turned his back to her.

"Do you dream about me? Do you masturbate? "

Humphrey spun around. "OF COURSE I DO!" He shouted. "Damn it, Shannon, I didn't ask Claire to do that, she just did. And yes, you are very sexy, I dream about you every damn night..."

"Why haven't you said or done anything about it?" she asked. "Don't you want me?"

"Yes, yes I want you! But... I'm a human and-"

"I'm a gnome." Shannon finished for him as she stepped down from the dais. "So what? I've never been with a human before, but Claire and Birdee have. They say it's possible. Besides, there are other ways to pleasure each other without fucking."

Humphrey stared at her as Shannon reached out a hand and pressed it against his robes. She felt his manhood twitch at her touch. She unbuckled his belt and tugged his robes open.


"Shhh." She took his waking organ in her hands and toyed with it. She smiled as it swelled in her grip and kissed it several times before putting it in her mouth. Humphrey wasn't enormous by human standards, but plenty big by gnomish ones. Still, Shannon was able to get a lot of him into her mouth and used her hands to stroke his shaft as she sucked. After a while she felt his hands, ever so gently, touch her head. But, instead of encouragement, he pulled away from her. "Shannon, no."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't think of you that way right now. You can't be Shannon. You have to be Indus. You have to be the heroine, not the..."

"The whore? Fuck, Humphrey! Wasn't Indus a real flesh and blood gnome? She had to have a body with desires and needs and she probably fucked a lot. Heroes are real people with real lives who just happen to be in the right place at the right time. Stop thinking of Indus as a heroine and start thinking of her as a woman! And dammit, stop thinking of me as a gnome and start thinking of me as a lover who wants to fuck the everloving daylights out of you!"

Shannon stalked from the studio and went up to her room. She left the door open and quickly grabbed a jar from her bag and sat it on the nightstand. Then she hopped onto the bed and waited. When she heard him coming up the stairs, she started masturbating furiously, using a little of the lotion from the jar. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip as her hand pumped her fingers in and out of her pussy. She knew he had stopped at the door and was watching her. She kept it up for a minute or two then extended her free hand towards him.

"Help me... Please help me... I need you!"

Humphrey dropped his robe as he crossed the room and sat on the bed next to her. Shannon saw his eyes were on her pussy and she let him watch as she played with her pussy. She took his hand and placed it between her legs. She guided his fingers into her and moaned as he penetrated her. She held onto his wrist and rocked her hips. Shannon writhed and whimpered as he slid a second finger into her. She took his free hand and placed it on her breast. Reflexively he began to knead it. By now Shannon was wet from her own juices and pulled his hand from her pussy. She brought it to her mouth and sucked his fingers clean as Humphrey stared at her in amazement.

Shannon urged him over onto his back and sat on his face. As Humphrey licked her pussy, she found that she could just barely reach his cock and started sucking him again. His knob was in her mouth as she stroked his shaft. His tongue probed her pussy and teased her clit. He lacked skill but made up for it in enthusiasm. Shannon guessed that he wouldn't be able to last long and felt the cum surging up his cock a split second before it spewed forth. She swallowed his cock, deep into her throat, her lips pressed against his pelvis as he came. She was able to hold it just long enough, and after his last spurt, pulled free. She continued to stroke his organ and was quite surprised that it didn't just go flaccid. In fact, it quickly surged back to a nice stiffness under her attention.

As she turned around she dipped her fingers into the jar and smeared lotion on his cock and then straddled him. She placed the tip of his cock against her pussy and began to ease down onto it. There was a resistance of course. He was a little bigger around than her gnomish lovers, but it was mainly the knob that was larger. She pushed a little harder and he was in, or rather she was on. There really was no pain as she had expected, only some little discomfort. But as she slid down further onto his cock, she smiled. It actually felt really good to be this full. She could feel his knob going deeper than any lover had ever gone. When she could take no more she glanced down and was amazed to see that she had all of him inside of her. She slowly began to rise until only his knob was still inside of her. With slow, careful movements she fucked him and moaned in pleasure. Shannon rode his cock this way for who knows how long, reveling in the feeling of fullness. His hands roamed over her body, caressing her everywhere. Shannon was cooing sweet words to him. His cock was so stiff and rigid that it astounded her. It felt wonderful and she realized that she could probably cum.

Shannon usually came with her girlfriends or with a skilled oral sex partner. She seldom came from fucking alone. It usually took a good, intense fucking along with touching herself to truly cum, although she of course always "came" for the customer. But now she increased her pace and slid rapidly up and down his shaft. She looked in his eyes and pleaded.

"Fuck me... oh gods, fuck me, Humphrey! Please!"

Humphrey grabbed her ass and began to thrust in and out of her.

"Yes! Faster! Faster! Yes! Yes! That's it! Uh huh, oh yeah... mmmmmmnnn."

The orgasm was unlike any she had experienced yet. It was an explosion in her pussy that shot through her tiny body. She went stiff and cried out.

Humphrey had been so close that the feeling of her orgasm squeezing his cock deep inside her warm wet pussy, sent him over the edge and he slammed into her a couple more strokes then came. His cum filled her and as he pulled out, the last spurts splattered on her ass. Shannon collapsed on his chest and listened to his pounding heart as he held her ass with one hand and rubbed her back with the other.

"I can't believe you just did that..." he panted.

"Me either." Shannon replied. "It was a little difficult at first but ye gods, it was great at the end!"

They lay like that for a time, flesh to flesh and she felt his fingers toying with the fluid seeping from her pussy. He didn't grope or try to penetrate her. He was gentle and kind. Finally, Shannon sat up and kissed his chest, throat and finally his mouth. The kisses were tender, sweet. She smiled at him, her eyes bright and cheery.

"I loved it, but I think I'm going to need time to recuperate. Come on, let's get back to work."

Days passed that way. Shannon moved into Humphrey's room and after dinner each night, they would fuck until they were exhausted. Shannon was surprised that she was able to adapt to Humphrey's cock and accept him comfortably. Of course, it all depended on the lube and Humphrey was kind and tried to avoid hurting her by fucking too vigorously. She preferred, for that reason, to be on top, although they did try many other positions.

One day workers arrived to deliver the block of stone he was to sculpt. There were many dwarves, men, and draft animals. The huge wagon was backed up into the barn and many winches lifted it up and the wagon was driven away. After the workers left, Shannon went out to see it. It was easily ten human feet per side and twelve tall. It sat near another block only slightly shorter that had already been prepared as the base. She read the inscription: