A Game for Learning about Yourself Ch. 07

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Ashley, Catherine and Stephanie play the game in Europe.
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Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/16/2021
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The Game in Europe -Travel and gambling for money and fun

Stephanie had been to London and Paris during a trip to Europe when she was in college. She had not been to any part of Europe since. Too much school and work.

Amsterdam was beautiful and fascinating with all the canals and old buildings. The art museums with painting of Rembrandt, Vermeer and the other old masters set her to comparing the people in the paintings to people that she might meet on the street in Reno. Many of the people in the paintings looked like people she could see today except that they were dressed in black and white, big dresses or short pants with stockings, had big hats, and wore things around their necks that looked like air filters. Stephanie thought the people in the pictures would have been horrified by what people wore in Reno now. Would they have any more right to judge us than we have to judge them?

Spielmann told them of the history of some of the people in the pictures. Many of the noble woman had been married off to men they had never met in order to secure alliances. Merchant or middle-class women had been married to secure business deals. "And the women were expected to be perfectly faithful while the men could have mistresses," Catherine interjected.

"Yes, that is pretty much true," Spielmann allowed.

"Sounds like an awful form of slavery to me," Catherine said. "I think I'd have preferred to be a nun in a monastery, at least if the Abbess didn't concern herself too much about girl on girl action."

"There were periods in the Middle Ages and Renaissance in which married noble women were unofficially allowed to have lovers, at least people looked away," Spielmann said. "In fact, many of the great romantic love stories involved noblewomen and their lovers. The idea that people were expected to be in love with their spouse is pretty much a 19th century concept. Through the ages, sex, love, children and marriage might or might not go together. Regarding marriage, prior to the 19th Century most people could have sang with Tina Turner 'What's love got to do with it'."

The casino they visited was near the red-light district in Amsterdam. Spielmann talked business with the manager of the casino while Charlotte showed Ashley, Catherine and Stephanie around. Stephanie felt she was in a Zoo. The women in the windows in the brothels did not upset her. It looked like they spent most of their time waiting. Was that Stephanie future? She did not think so.

Men glanced at Stephanie, Ashley and Catherine with lust in their eyes, but the three had dressed with just barely enough modesty to make clear that they were not prostitutes. The men were focused on something that they could buy easily without having to woo or explain.

Going south, they rode on roads parallel to the river up the Rhine in two vans that Spielmann rented in Amsterdam. At Bad Neuenahr, they were met by two men in their early 30s, Jan Zocker and Marc Spielmann. Marc, unsurprisingly, proved to be related to Rolf Spielman, a son of an older half-brother. Both Spielmann and Zocker were tall blond, educated in the best business schools, and in the casino business. Stephanie thought Zocker looked like a young Bruno Ganz and Marc looked more like Peter Graves from Mission Impossible. Marc wore the privileges of his wealth and sex without modesty. Zocker was confident but did not reek of old money.

Without overtly starring at Ashley, Catherine, and Stephanie, Jan and Marc did not make any effort to hide that they were carefully observing all the women carefully both above and below the neck.

Bad Neuenahr was still recovering from the 2021 flooding ("Unser Stadt wird wieder bunt"), but the beautiful old spas and casinos were worth seeing. The Spielmanns were able to give an outside and inside tour to the three American women. They even saw the ruins of a Roman Villa in Ahrweiler. Catherine jokingly asked Charlotte if she had been attracted to ancient history because of her affinity for Messalina the wife of Emperor Claudius.

Charlotte answered that it was Agrippina the Younger, sister of Caligula and mother of Nero, who is associated with the Rhineland Roman settlements and that she is sometimes credited with founding the City of Cologne. "Also, the picture of Messalina as an insatiable nymphomaniac is more based on ancient male fantasy and modern porn movies than solid history. Anyway, I would not have wanted to be Messalina who was murdered in her 20s. On the other hand, you should read Procopius Secret History on the Empress Theodora. She seems to have known how to party, at least with geese."

Charlotte left Catherine and others to learn for themselves what Theodora did with geese.

Rolf Spielmann, Marc Spielmann and Jan Zocker also had business in Bad Ems. The group walked around much of the town seeing remnants of the Roman empire and many 19th Century buildings built in connection with the spa. "Bad Ems," Spielmann explained, "is most famous for an incident that led to the Franco-Prussian War. Kaiser Wilhelm the First sent a telegram to Chancellor Otto von Bismarck from Bad Ems where Wilhelm was on vacation, reporting on demands from the French ambassador. Bismarck edited the telegram to sound a bit more belligerent and released it publicly. The French went crazy and declared a war that they lost horribly in a matter of months. Bismarck was a better gambler than most of the visitors to Bad Ems. He did not leave much to chance. He carefully provoked his opponents' action when he knew he could win.

"Didn't Kaiser Wilhelm start WWI?" Catherine asked.

"No, you are thinking of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Kaiser Wilhelm I's pompous ass grandson, who reminds me of a recent American president, but we won't discuss that on a vacation featuring business, games and sex," Spielmann responded.

"Is it true the Soviet Army raped about every woman in Germany they could get their hands on?" Catherine asked.

"My we are skipping through history a lot," Spielmann said, "but yes, there were many rapes in the east and Berlin in the months after the end of WWII, a different war. Other allied troops are also said to have been less than perfectly behaved in Germany."

"I saw Sargent York with Gary Cooper on WWI and All's Quiet on the Western Front, very different views," Stephanie said, "and also the Tin Drum, in which Red Army soldiers rape a German woman."

"Some would point out that the German Army committed many rapes in Russia," Jan Zocker said.

"That doesn't justify what happened in Germany," Catherine said, "It's not revenge for a Russian man to rape a German woman because a German man raped a Russian woman. German women didn't ask for Russian women to be raped and they did not get any benefit from that. What the Red Army did in Germany is just a different group of men carrying on the general male war against women."

"To change the subject slightly, we of the Sportsman's Club are religious about obtaining consent for everything done. If we sometimes seem demanding, we only make demands that we believe accord with the wishes of the woman involved, even if she does not know it, and that will not drive a woman out of the Club that we like," Rolf Spielmann said.

Continuing on, Spielmann said, "If you look to your right, you can see the Russian Orthodox church, built across the river in the 1870s because so many Russians came to use the spa and gamble. But I have to do business at the Spielbank built in the 1830s. It is worth seeing even if you don't want to play any of the machines or tables right now."

After they changed at the hotel, the women plus Marc and Jan went to the casino. Ashley had to gamble and lost money on a roulette table until she was almost physically pulled away. Stephanie and Catherine stuck to sightseeing.

By the end of the evening, it was clear that Ashley would be sleeping with Zocker and Catherine would be hosting Marc. This left Stephanie alone.

Bad Dürkheim had another old spa, another beautiful casino, wine and Roman and monastery ruins. Stephanie enjoyed the sight-seeing, the history and the wine but was acutely aware that she was the only woman in the party sleeping alone.

Stephanie resolved to do something about her loneliness. After a lovely dinner, she dressed to the nines in the sexiest dress she had brought to Europe, dropped a whole pack of ten condoms into her purse, and went into the casino. Stephanie was gambling but not for money. She bought a glass of champagne and tipped the bartender and host enough so that no one took her for a call girl; or would not really care if she was.

After losing a trivial amount of money at a roulette wheel, Stephanie was pleased to find three tall handsome men in their 30s. They were together gambling at the wheel but looked like they might be interested in another type of action. She approached the one of them she liked best and asked if he might know of a game with better odds. His gaze down her decolletage made clear that he liked women.

They said they were three officers in the German army. There was some awkward jockeying for her attention when Stephanie said, "I think all four of us might have some fun together if you could suggest a place to go."

"What sort of place would you suggest?" the first man she'd approached asked.

"Well, maybe someplace we could bring a bottle of champagne and get comfortable."

It developed that two of them had an apartment in the area. The apartment was very nice but without any sign that the occupants were in the army. Each of the guys had a bedroom. Stephanie thought of taking it slow but decided that was a waste of time and kissed one man almost as soon as she entered the apartment. He began to undress her. She did not resist and soon she had one man between her thighs driving her insane with his tongue while another worked on her breasts.

Stephanie had very sensitive breasts and found that massaging them seemed to both flatter her ego and activate her sexually.

It began to dawn on Stephanie that running off with three men that she didn't know in a strange country was not very bright. "Well, at least I will be careful to require condoms, but this must be the most unsafe safe sex I have ever had."

By dawn, she had had each of the men in her vagina twice and about four hours of sleep. They had worshipped and stimulated her enough that she felt fully satisfied and only a bit tired.

I'm nuts, Stephanie thought when she woke at 9:00 and tried to remember when Spielmann had said they were taking off for the next pretty town with a casino.

The men, after putting on their Bundeswehr uniforms, walked her back to her hotel like she was their sister. Stephanie had gotten away with this rash act. She thought she had been envious of Catherine and Ashley for no good reason and felt rejected although she wasn't. In truth, they had tried to bag Jan and Marc and she hadn't although the men were closer to her age than Ashley's.

I just don't feel like asserting myself sexually until I'm desperate, Stephanie thought. Then I get reckless. Maybe I need a person to keep me from hurting myself.

Leaving at 11:00, the group, now Ashley, Catherine, Stephanie, Charlotte, Rolf Spielman, Jan Zocker and Marc Spielmann, drove further upriver to Baden Baden, the home of one of the oldest casinos in the world, the world-famous Casino Baden Baden. They arrived November 2 knowing that the Level Three game at the Sportsman' Club (or "Verein") would be two nights later at a large private residence outside the city that used to belong to a major German industrialist in the 19th Century.

While they toured the beautiful city, Charlotte Stein urged the younger women to be careful at the casinos. "Some very famous men have lost their shirts here and probably many women have lost more than that. The man that many believe was the greatest novelist of all time, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, blew all of his money in Baden Baden and probably would have landed in the gutter had not his wife, Anna Grigoryevna, pawned her earrings so they could get a ticket out of town. The world got a decent novel out of this, but The Gambler is not considered one of Dostoyevsky's best novels.

Despite this warning Ashley and Catherine both gambled. Catherine played blackjack and won enough money to buy a lovely dirndl that, unlike the one Stephanie had worn in Nevada, could be worn in public.

Stephanie put down 2 Euro coin on red once at the roulette table and lost. "Now I can say I've bet in a casino in Baden Baden," Stephanie told her friends. Thereafter, she stuck to impressing all the men with her beauty the rest of the night, that is all the men who were not obsessed with poker, blackjack, roulette or the one-armed-bandits.

Ashley, on the other hand, lost 600 Euro mainly playing roulette. To be sure, this is not a huge among of money by many people's standards, but it was most of what Ashley had left for the trip. A number of men offered to relieve her of financial worries if she spent the night with them, but Ashley was not yet ready to take quite that route.

The ever-helpful Spielmann heard of Ashley's problem the following day and offered Stephanie, Ashley and Catherine 20,000 Euro to agree that they would spend three weeks with him and a number of his friends at the Schwabensteinburg if they came in second at the Sportsman's Club game on November 4. They would be given about the same submissive sex workout as whoever came in first at the regular game. Ashley accepted immediately because she needed the money. Catherine accepted also because she could use the money to go to London later.

Stephanie said she could not accept because she had to be back at her job at the bank before three weeks were up.

Spielmann replied, "That makes sense, so I will make you a different offer.

"First, though, I will remind you that if you come in first, you are here for three weeks. Those are the rules and you just have to get the bank to give you more time. I can help. Officially, we can say you got sick on the trip or something else. You should have thought of this potential problem before you committed to this trip."

Talk about blaming the victim, Stephanie thought but realized he was right that she should have thought harder about the possibility of losing before she agreed to let Spielmann take her on the trip or made arrangements to be able to return later.

Spielmann continued, "However, I'm offering that if you come in second, Stephanie, you will spend one night, subject to what me and my friends desire of you, in the Schwabensteinburg, but only one night. But in addition to taking the risk that goes with coming in second on Friday, you will go on another trip, to Mexico to play at Level Four at one of the three games being held there January 13, 14 and 15. I suggest Friday the 13th.

"One of the 10 women competing at Level Four loses just like the other levels but there are no levels beyond Four. Losing at Level Four is losing for keeps. We only hold Level Four games twice a year, during M.L.K Weekend and Labor Day weekend. The Club only budgets for four new slaves a year although there is talk of more next year."

There was only a brief pause to let that sink in before Spielmann said, "The Schwabensteinburg in case you are interested used to be a castle ruin. It is now an event center that was built into the castle ruins many years ago. Weddings and certain other private events are held there. Most of the Schwabensteinburg has a medieval feel although most of it was built in the 19th Century. The most medieval portions, though, are not seen by most visitors."

"Oh shit, perhaps I should have inquired more before accepting the second-place risk," Catherine said in a light-hearted tone that indicated the prospect of three weeks of medieval torture did not bother her much.

"Actually, the first-place finisher will also spend most of her three weeks at the Schwabensteinburg. Also, I should note that in Europe the Club insists that deals between Club members and game participants all be announced at the beginning of the game. The European Club doesn't like secret treaties. Europe has had some bad experiences with that," Spielmann mentioned.

Stephanie knew she should turn down Spielmann's offer. 20,000 Euros, about $25,000 was a lot of money, but not worth dying for in a Mexican bordello or being sold at auction to a sheikh if she participated at Level Four in Mexico. On the other hand, such awful things would not happen, she hoped. Also, a night with Spielmann and his friends in Schwabensteinburg might be very interesting, if it wasn't awful.

Torn between prudence and lust, Stephanie asked for a few minutes to decide. She walked out into the hall of the hotel and decided to flip a coin. Yes, she decided literally to flip a coin. Heads -- yes, Tails -- No.

She flipped the coin and it rolled a while before it fell between the rug and the wall showing more of the '2 Euro' and a map of Europe than the face of the woman with big hair. Stephanie knew she should decide that it was tails but decided instead to flip the coin again to get a result in which the coin lay flat. This time it was clearly the woman.

Stephanie told Spielmann that she accepted his offer but would probably give the money to the women's shelter or some other charity. He smiled and said her desire to help worthy charities was entirely commendable.

Ashley, Catherine and Stephanie all had the sense to stay out of the casino Thursday night and Friday, although Ashley almost had to be tied up to keep her away.

Friday night the party drove to the palace outside town where the game was to be played. The first task was to go to an antechamber for medical tests for everyone who might have sex with anyone in the Club, which included the whole party that had come south from Bad Ems.

No changes of clothing were needed. It was understood that everyone would be down to bras and knickers at 14 strikes but how they got there was not important.

The game

Stephanie thought the event was being held in a room suitable for holding the dance of Prince Andrei and Natasha in War and Peace. The audience was less concealed from the players than in Nevada. Stephanie could see that there were perhaps 100 men, including Zocker and both Spielmanns, and about 50 women. About half of the women were completely nude except for collars and either standing in back or kneeling near men. Stephanie thought she saw Charlotte nude kneeling next to a man who was not Spielmann and who was playing with her breasts. That did not make sense. Charlotte is a woman of authority if there ever was one, Stephanie thought.

The ten women contestants were seated in the middle of the hall on stools without backs. Stephanie thought these stools were quite uncomfortable. She had to squirm around, stretch and squirm a lot. It occurred to her that forcing women to do this was perhaps the idea.

The MC for this game introduced herself as "Slave Theresia." She was completely nude except for a collar. She showed perhaps 2 piercings in one ear and 4 in the other, three piercings in her nose, both nipples were pierced as was her clitoral hood. On her left buttock she had what seemed to be a brand with the letters "SVS." There was a tattoo that read "Fick mich hart" on her lower belly just above her vulva.

Slave Theresia said in German, French and English that they were very pleased to have three visitors from the Nevada club with them that night and proceeded to give the full name of Ashley, Catherine and Stephanie before saying, "you have all naturally seen these beautiful women's charms on the Supersluts internet page." She quickly ran over the names of the other seven women as though everyone there already knew them and would be eager to get started with the game.

Theresia said that everyone by now knew the rules for Level Three. In accordance with Club policy, she must announce that the following special bets had been made with contestants for this particular game. She announced the deals that Spielmann had made with Ashley, Catherine and Stephanie as well as many other side deals including one that a Herr Kraft had made with a woman named Sabrina that she would spend three weeks at the Schwabensteinburg being fucked hard if she came in second place.