A Fucking Investment Ch. 12


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"Oh fuck." Vidya groaned.

I moved over Kiko. She remained still, a ghostly sliver of flesh amidst the spray of black hair. I parted her legs. She stirred. I positioned my cock at her pussy. Her eyes opened. I thrust into her. Her head snapped back, her voice gurgling in her exposed throat. Her body arched.

I think the orgasm surprised her. My cock slid into her and her body responded, convulsing as I sank deeply into her lank body.

"Oh motherfucking god!" Kiko cried as her body bucked and shook under me. I held still while she quaked, consumed by the orgasm.

"Finish in her." Vidya urged. Her voice taut. "I want to taste you both, your broth together."

I was enthused, shot through with the conviction that it was a marvelous idea. I rammed Kiko with my cock and she convulsed again. For a moment, I wanted to hammer her, ravage her, tear her up. My body vibrated with sexual tension, winding me tighter and tighter, but I hesitated. Her knees pulled up beside me, her pussy pulsed around my cock. I stood on my hands over her, her arms flung out beside her head, her hair a cape upon which we both lay, a black swirl in stark contrast to her bright white body. Her eyes opened and she stared up at me. For a long minute we were both still, both quiet.

Besides us, Vidya panted but said nothing.

"You are in me." Kiko whispered.

"I am in you." I returned. My ass clinched, grinding against her pubic bone. Her pussy clinched in response.

"No contract." She said, louder.

I nodded. I knew what I had done and I did not fucking care.

"Aurora will taste you in me, if you come in me. She, she delights in eating cum out of us."

I shuddered. My whole body was quivering. Kiko's pussy seemed to writhe around my cock, sensations vibrated through me originating with my conjoining with her body. I bent down and kissed her. She kissed me back. Considering my cock was buried in her cunt, it was a curiously chaste, sisterly kiss. I kissed to the side of her mouth, up over the cheek, and then over her eyes. She closed them, smiling lightly. Her legs twisted and she hooked her heels onto my ass. She pulled at me. Her hands still extended past her ears, her little white arms straight and locked over her head, as though she were tied, strung out and helpless while I fucked her.

I fucked her. My hips rose and I slammed into her. Her body bucked.

"Oh!" She hissed.

I pulled back and slammed into her again, grinding deep inside of her, twisting my cock through the clasping folds of her pussy. Her body twisted under me. Her heels gripped my ass, pulling me against her crotch. Her torso arched under me.

I bent double, licking her little erect nipple. It twitched under my tongue.

"Oh god, fuck me!"

"Shag her." Vidya echoed.

I pulled back and hammered my ass down. Kiko was slick with excitement, her hips bumped up to meet my downward motion, enveloping me in tight, hot pleasure. Suddenly I was consumed with the need to pummel her. I rapped my ass down on her as fast as I could, piercing her with my cock over and over and over again, faster and faster.

She began to pant under me between grunting with my impact. I felt my climax rising, a storm of passion that fired every nerve where we touched and energized every muscle that served her passion. Her body rippled beneath me, her hips rising to meet me. She turned her head, eyes clinched, her face screwed up tight, straining, till finally on one particularly vicious thrust into her body, she cried out, her whole body seized and she bucked under me. Her head came up, pressing her forehead against my shoulder. Her legs clinched around me, her heels dug into my ass. Her arms slithered around my neck and she clung to me, her body bucking in distinct convulsions that wracked her over and over and over again.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" She cried, till her breath ran out and she was reduced to gasping for breath, trying to breathe in the slim moments while her body held tight at the climax of each pulsing orgasm. Her head whipped back, exposing her neck. Her body fought the orgasms thundering through her, her hips cracked up at me, little quick motions that lit a fire in my loins. I began to melt, the machine gun pistoning of my cock into her clinching depths got shallower and shallower!

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh my fucking god!" I grunted and then I exploded. For a moment I was still, my cock swelling and swelling till finally it released cum into her, filling her while I ground my hips between her spasming legs. I bent to her exposed, ivory neck and fastened my lips to it and sucked. She shrieked, bucking. The sensations interrupted the rippling flow of little quaking orgasms with a stupendous jerk that became a tense pose, her body went still. She stopped breathing, completely tensed, her back bent impossibly under me, her legs were vices, welding our bodies together. My mouth on her neck marked her, pulling at her tight, porcelain skin.

Then the wave broke and her body bucked a few times and went limp. Her legs dangled for a moment and sprawled to the side, one actually draping over Vidya, who was up on one elbow, staring at us. Kiko turned to liquid, molten and viscus. I pulled at her neck and she groaned, her hips ground around my still spurting cock. My body zinged with the orgasm rampaging through me, even as the woman's spirit receded, perhaps departing her in that little death such consuming pleasure demands. It was like she turned to mercury and I could no longer hold her. She seemed ethereal and I could no longer possess her.

My orgasm ground to halt. I released her neck and glanced down at the dark bruise I left on her skin. She lay under me as though dead, but her eyes were open. Her lips moved, but that was the limit of her movement. I panted over her, wheezing and snorting as my heart sought to catch up with the backlog my body created while it focused on erecting this present pleasure, while the pleasure rioted through me.

"My god, that looked fun." Vidya said softly.

My body lost all strength. I had the option to roll to the right away from Vidya but consciously chose to fall against her body, pinching myself between her and the lithe woman beneath me. Kiko did not move. I lay over one leg. Vidya arranged it so we didn't break her thigh, moving it to lay between us. It was so slight, I barely felt it under my side. I rolled to my side, facing Vidya. I closed my eyes before I blacked out and waited to see if I could get enough air before I fainted.

We lay like that for an eon.

"God I love fucking." Kiko said finally, her voice a lisping whisper rift with amazement. "I am amazing. When I fuck someone, it is always amazing!" Then she snickered.

I had to agree but had no energy left to give it expression.

Kiko moved, pulling her leg out from under me. "I have to go. Aurora deserves to know I have left her. She'll, she'll want to taste this." She separated from us. I felt her stand, I felt her eyes one us. "Jesus, you gave me a big fucking hickey!" She said, a finger stroking her neck where I had marked her.

I had no response. I had.

I felt her leave us, padding downstairs. When she was gone, the front door crunching closed, the weather stripping making it sound like shattering potato chips, my mind came on, like a compressor on a freezer. "Shit." I said. "No audience. The bitch left before I could fuck your ass."

"No orgasm for me, either, you ass hole." Vidya growled. Her accent made me laugh.

"Can you blame me?" I asked. My eyes opened. Vidya was watching me, laying with her elbow under her head.

"Where have you been?"

I was surprised. I figured everyone would know I had been down with a back spasm. "Down with a back spasm." I said, finding my mouth was working with my brain again.

"Ah. You seem fully recovered."

For a moment, a flash of fear ran through me. From the moment I saw Kiko when I came in, I had given my back no thought. My mind asked it if it hurt and discovered it was tired but without pain. The relief at finding I could ram-fuck without pain was almost as delicious as...well, that is really not true. The orgasm I just shared with Kiko, that was heroic and finding I was not crippled by it was good but nothing near as great.

I rolled onto my back. "No audience, no ass?" I mumbled the question.

Vidya shrugged. Her disposition did not allow demonstrations of disappointment.

I heard her front door open.

I looked at Vidya. Neither of us moved.

I heard it, the sound of a shadow scraping across sandpaper. Then she appeared the wash of black hair draped over her. Kiko stood before us. Dressed now but staring at us, the two nude bodies.

"I thought you had to go." I said carefully.

Kiko's eyes flicked and found mine. "You said, you said I had to watch you do her ass." She whispered.

"Have you done the ass?" Vidya asked.

Kiko shook her head. "Aurora, she thinks its, its perverted."

"Me neither." Vidya said. She sat up. "I'll get the lube. God, I have been dreaming of this. I mean at night, asleep. I wake up thinking I peed myself, I am so wet with it." She twisted to look down at me. "I mean having your cock rammed up my boot." She rasped, her British accent giving the comment a lascivious barb that caught my imagination and pulled it open.

She struggled to her feet and padded away.

Kiko looked around. "Here?" She said softly.

I looked around, lifting my head off the futon. "Where would you suggest?"

Kiko shrugged. Her gaze found me again. "If, you, if you succeed, I mean if you get Mrs. Hines under contract, you have to take her ass. I want to be there. I want, I want to taste her while she an ass full of cock." Kiko laughed down in her chest. It sounded like a cricket wading up a newspaper. "You write that into my contract, I get to watch Aurora Hines get fucked in the ass!"

I grinned, imaging the compact little woman bent before me, bound, helpless, her ass hole gleaming with lube. I changed the picture to have Kiko under her, between her legs, feeding at her luscious pussy—I took them at their word that she tasted good.

Vidya roused me out of that reverie. She returned with two pillows and a little tube of lube. She dropped them beside me before getting casually between my legs. She took hold of my cock and began to lick it. She was not trying to be sexy, just cleaning me. She got me clean and then sucked on my flippant bit of gristle. For a few minutes, I remained soft. But Vidya did not seem daunted.

Kido sat down beside me. She pushed her hair around to her back and unbuttoned her funny blouse.

"Is that a pajama top?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes. Why?"

"You got out in your pajamas?" I asked, amused.

She got the last button open and pulled the lapels apart. "Kiss my nipples while she sucks you." She whispered, leaning over me.

I dropped onto my back. Kiko thrust a nipple against my lips. I sucked on it.

She squeaked. She pulled away, got to her knees and bent over me again, presenting me with her other nipple. "Mark me. Mark them both." She whispered.

I felt Vidya come off my cock, now growing. She held it but I knew she was looking up my body at Kiko. I moved to the inside slope of Kiko's breast and sucked at her flesh. Kiko gasped. I felt her lean body quiver as I marked her. My cock grew in Vidya's hand. She skinned her lips down it till she was nuzzling my pubic bone with her nose. Kiko offered me her other breast. I licked the nipple and then sucked at the inner slope opposite the other hickey. I could see it, a darkness in her porcelain skin. Kiko hissed as I marked her the second, third time. When I released her, she sat back on her knees.

Vidya removed her mouth from my cock.

"Ready, Maestro?" She asked.

I sat up. The two women shifted to give me room to maneuver. I piled up the pillows and Vidya assumed the position. Before greasing her back door, I ran my hard cock into her pussy. She moaned and ground her ass back against me. I stirred her depths with my cock, cocking her creases. She shuddered and grunted, pressing her hips back against me. I shifted and pulled free. I felt Kiko's hand on my shoulder. She turned me and bent low, licking at my cock slathered with Vidya's gravy.

When she was done and sat back up. I found the lube bottle and got some onto my finger. I dabbed against Vidya's ass hole. She jerked.

"Cold." She giggled.

I filled her dimple with lube and then shoved my finger into it.

"Oh!" Vidya grunted as my finger pressed against her sphincter.

I pushed harder. Her ass resisted but I persisted till I had a couple inches of fascinated finger in her ass. I pulled back, and added lube. I pushed into her again. She grunted but this time my finger went deeper. She grunted again but this time her ass seemed to soften around my finger.

"Oh god, you're really going to fuck her ass?" Kiko spoke, breaking the panting silence around us.

I thought about Kiko's ass, lean and angular where Vidya provide a plush arrangement, all ass and cushion for the pushin'. I got to my knees and pulled Vidya's ass cheeks apart. She balanced on her chest over the pillows, reaching back to pull her ass apart. I moved up, putting my cock against the little cone of her ass.

"Oh god, Joshua." She hissed. "Do it. Bugger me. Shag my ass!" Vidya's voice was taut with anticipation.

I shoved. She shoved. Nothing happened. I pushed harder. For a moment I thought my cock was going to go soft and fold but then her ass released a bit and the head of my cock peeked into her body. She was tight, tight as Nun's pussy. The progress, though, served to enliven my cock. It hardened, heartened by the feel of Vidya's tentative surrender. I pushed harder.

"Oh Christ and his crackers!" Vidya growled. "Harder. You, uh, you, uh, you have to push harder."

I did not need instructions but did as she suggested none the less. Her ass parted, releasing its resistance till I was half planted in it. I pulled back an inch or two and then shoved, leaning over Vidya's bent, bare back. I could see her tits, bunched out beside her body. She hugged the pillows.

"Fuck her." Kiko said.

I pulled back and bumped forward, testing the woman's resistance. I did this several times. Each time, making progress deeper into Vidya's bent body.

She grunted. I pushed harder. She grunted louder. I withdrew and pistoned into her, hammering against the plush curve of her ass till it bunched up between us. Rooted in her ass, I stilled all motion. Her ass seemed alive. God, she was so tight, so arid and hot. It was nearly too tight to be believed. I lifted my weight off her back, being sure to keep my cock firmly in place in her ass. I looked over at Kiko.

"If," I groaned, "if you get to watch me take Mrs. Hines' ass, then uh then, I, then she should get to watch me do yours." I think I mumbled but Kiko's face meant I was speaking her language. I felt, rather than saw Vidya rise up below me and try to twist around to look at me. She did and I felt the added tension in her body. I could tell my orgasm was going to fall on me like the IRS on a famous tax cheat.

"You want to fuck me in the ass?" Kiko asked, wonder in her voice.

"Jesus, of course."

"No one ever even suggested that. Well, one guy did but Aurora was having none of that." Then she nodded, making her hair float about her like smoke over a fire. "You want my ass? Okay. Sure."

I came. It hit me like a foul ball hitting my nachos. Suddenly I was adding goo to Vidya's brown dirt highway. I leaned over her, my ass grinding and jerking as I came. God, it was so intense.

Vidya panted but did not move, her ass forming a perfect platform over which I could lean and fuck and come. I did all that.

When my climax threw me away, rid of me for the moment, I oozed over Vidya's back. My cock retreated and a moment later I pulled it out of her ass with a pop. I fell onto the futon.

Minutes later when I opened my eyes, Kiko was buttoning up her top.

"I am really leaving this time." She finished, bent over her knees and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll let you know when I tell Aurora and how it goes. I..." she smiled a little. "I don't know what to expect. I doubt it will be good. I, uh, I may want to hide at your house. She, Aurora Hines tends to fly into towering rages but she gets over it. She has a key to my house and I don't have the cash to change the locks."

"I could do that for you."

Kiko looked down at me. "Are you kidding? I like it when she comes over to my house and wakes me up and sits on my face. God, coming out of a deep sleep..." She bowed her head, draping her face with her black hair. "I meant, I wanted to sleep at your house. I'd, I'd be safe, I think. I could relax for a while till it became clear what I was facing."

"She doesn't have any paper on you, does she?" I asked.

"Nothing formal. She, she likes to get what she wants with her puss and mine, and Yvette's. So, no."

I nodded.

Kiko kissed my cheek again. "Thank you." She whispered. "I love cock."

"I bet you say that to all the boys."

Kiko smacked me. "Ass hole." She rose like smoke and left us. Vidya moved the pillows out of the way and lay down beside me.

"Not really my cup of tea." She mumbled. "But I think I'd like to watch it."

"That bad?" I looked at her. "I thought you were great."

She shrugged, making her tits waver on her chest. "Not bad. I, I felt full but not full enough. I think I needed a cock in the pussy too. That might be interesting."

I was silent. I had no way to manage that. Finally, after all these years, I finally confronted the need for a real wingman. I said nothing. I had nothing to say. I needed to think about this a little. But I was a loner and tended to lead people into things by myself. The two cock problem befuddled me, like the cosmic three body problem.

"Did you like being watched?"

"Not as much as I thought but, I'd come already. Maybe that took the edge off."

I waited, she seemed like there was more.

Vidya sighed. "I have the feeling there will be plenty of opportunity for audiences before my contract runs out. This, this was interesting."

I wanted to query, interesting good or interesting bad but decided to avoid the discussion. I sat up. I needed a shower but decided to go home first.

I told Vidya we'd settle accounts later and she sat up, pulled my head down and kissed me. That was all. I dressed and left, feeling vaguely guilty being unfulfilling like that but then chalked it up to long term foreplay. I realized I was walking right past Bethlynn Brazil's house.

On a whim, I walked up to the door and rang her bell, just to see if she was home. If Vidya did not know why I was out of circulation, maybe Bethlynn didn't either.

The door opened.

"Mr. Gale." Her wispy voice managed to speak without showing her lisp.

"Hi, Bethlynn, may I come in for a moment?"

She sniffed. Sniffed again and her nose crinkled. "You smell like sex." She said, although it came out "Youth thmell like seckth."

I could see why she didn't talk much.

"Come in." She said softly and stepped back. "Mr. Gale, I must tell you that am having second thoughts. Mrs. Lewis, she told me I should not be seduced by your offer. I..." she hesitated. "I want to think about it some more."

Time to call Crowley, I thought. I said, "as you like, Ms. Brazil. As you like. I have been down with a back spasm and thought I should stop by and let you know I haven't forgotten you."

"I haven't forgotten you, either, Mr. Gale." She lisped at me. She bowed her head. "I hate my voice." She whispered.

I lifted her chin and kissed her. "You have a sexy voice." I said.

She smiled. I left her then and walked home. I went right in and showered, then to the office. I found a curious email.