A Controlled Descent Ch. 03

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Jack takes Mackenzie home with him.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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Jack lives in a Victorian brownstone in Dupont Circle. Property in this city is cruelly expensive, and it's one of those homes that I'll pass on the street and glance in the windows, wondering what kind of magical people can afford to live there. We drive up an alleyway behind his house and park in a detached, single-car garage. We haven't spoken since I first climbed into his SUV, and although it's only ten minutes from the Hay-Adams Hotel, it feels like I've boarded an international flight to a foreign land. One where I neither speak the language nor know the local customs.

A small, immaculately landscaped garden separates the garage from the house, and I follow Jack along a flagstone path to the brick staircase that goes up to the backdoor. My anticipation is dialed up to eleven. He lets us into a bright, cheerful kitchen and asks me to wait here. It's phrased as a question but doesn't sound exactly optional.

I watch him pass through the dining room and into a living room where a suitcase stands at the bottom of a flight of stairs. He takes the suitcase and disappears from sight. If he lied about being out of the country, he is really going all out to sell his story. Through the ceiling, I hear him moving around above me. I'm alone. On the kitchen island, a week's worth of mail is neatly stacked in two piles. I've been dying to know if Jack is really his name, but the top letter in both piles is face down. I want to peek but don't dare disturb them. It feels like a test of some kind, and he'll know if I do. Of that, I'm sure.

Instead, I look around his kitchen and try to get a sense of the man. The fixtures and appliances are expensive and stylish, but not obnoxiously so. This is a cozy, comfortable home not a pristine showroom that you'd be afraid to touch anything. There's a part of me that's always assumed Jack is married - especially since he's never made an overture to meet - but this isn't the kitchen of a family man. There's no kid's artwork on the refrigerator or any indication of anyone living here but him. Then again, he could be separated or divorced. For all I know, he keeps his family in a padded cell in the basement. What do I actually know about his life? Jack is a mystery to me, so maybe that's why subconsciously I imagined something more austere, more Swedish minimalist like the man himself.

Until ten days ago, he's only been words on my phone and our conversations have been almost entirely about me. Whenever I do ask a direct question, he always answers but rarely volunteers anything about himself. Most people are dying to talk about themselves, but Jack is very adept at steering the conversation back to the topic at hand: me. Maybe I like it that way - his attention on me; his gentle, insightful questions and knack for understanding me better than I do myself. He has this gift for coaxing the truth out of me where before I've always lied and deflected. Without ever meeting, he knows more about me, the real me, than people I've known all my life.

I can't help myself. His interest is incredibly flattering, especially after meeting him in the flesh ten days ago. After months of texting, it had felt momentous in a way that usually you don't recognize until years later with the benefit of hindsight. But I sensed the significance even as it was happening - one chapter of my life ending and another beginning. That's how profound meeting Jack was for me. And then he was just gone. Disappeared to Europe on his business trip or so he claims, before I got to find out what the new chapter would be.

Fair to say, I haven't taken it well. My fear of abandonment is well documented and notoriously toxic. I always respond angrily and self-destructively. Who else deserves to be punished but the foolish girl who let someone hurt her again? How else am I ever going to learn? To make sure the lesson sticks, I've spent the past ten days fucking my way through the city. And what do I have to show for it other than an aching body and a battered spirit? Nothing. Because the moment Jack reappeared, I jumped into his car like a dog. I'm pathetic. Why can't I be like every other sad girl in America and just binge watch British period dramas and order Grubhub?

When Jack comes back downstairs, I realize I haven't moved. Not an inch. I'm exactly where he left me as if my feet took him literally. He strides through the house towards me, and I stand stricken, a deer in headlights, my anger forgotten. This is it, my brain screams. It's finally going to happen. He's going to bend me over his kitchen counter and fuck me senseless. I don't care if he never talks to me again as long as he touches me now. It's all I want.

Instead, Jack politely skirts me and goes around the kitchen island to open the refrigerator. "Sorry about that. Had to take a quick shower and wash the plane off me."

I don't know where my anger went, but it is back now, and it's brought friends. He's just fucking with me. Why don't I have the self-respect to just leave?

Without looking up from the refrigerator, he asks, "Have you eaten? Are you hungry?"

"Why? Are you going to cook for me again? Is that your thing?" I say it as a joke, but with just enough acid in my voice to let him know I'm pissed.

He stops what he is doing and fixes me with a look, steady and unblinking. I swallow involuntarily and then to my own surprise, apologize. Not something I am known for.

"No, I'm not hungry." It's not true, and my stomach rumbles at me irritably. I didn't eat this morning before meeting the Frenchman at his hotel. When I get out of control like this, I don't always do so well with food. It's the first lie I've told him, and I feel guilty. That freaks me out. Lying has always been my armor, and I don't know how I'll survive Jack without it.

"Well have a seat. I'll be quick," he says.

I sit on a barstool at the island and watch him. He's not a master chef but knows his way around a kitchen. All I have to do is ask, and he'll make me something. I know he will, but I'm too stubborn to do it. Every so often while he's cooking, he glances up at me as if he knows something. I smile and say nothing. My dad always said that in a negotiation, it never pays to speak first and that's what this feels like - a negotiation. But over what?

He pulls a barstool up beside me and sits down with a plate of eggs, sausage, and toast. It smells really, really good. And I know I'm being ridiculous, but the way he eats is ridiculously manly. It actually makes me wet to watch him with a fork in his hand. Or maybe it's his scent. The way certain men smell has always fucked with my wiring, and his is just unfair. Plus, he's showered, and his hair has only been toweled dry. I just want to run my fingers through it. That or pull it all out.

When he's almost finished eating, he asks me if I'm sure I don't want a bite. I shake my head like the stubborn, mulish girl my mother always accuses me of being. He cleans his plate. Pushing it away, he studies me.

"So tell me what's going on," he says.

"What do you mean?" Playing dumb, very on brand.

"You don't look much like you want to be here."

"I'm fine." Now I just sound petulant.

"Do you want to go home?" he asks and when I don't answer, says. "So, you don't want to stay, but you don't want to go. Do I have that about right?"


"Then I think you should probably go. I'm happy to drop-"

I cut him off sharply. "Were you really in Europe?" I know how ridiculous it sounds, but if I don't ask, I'm going to explode.

"Was I really in Europe?" His brow creases as he repeats my question. "I just got home this morning."

Right...the suitcase, the unopened mail, it's all very convincing. "And they don't have cell reception there?"

His expression relaxes as if he's just worked out the solution to a complex equation. "Oh, is that what this is about?"

"You left me!" It comes out like a gunshot, angry and hurt. The second the words leave my mouth, I'm wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Jack didn't leave me. We aren't together. We've met once. I'm being ridiculous not that that changes the way it feels. I shrink away from him and brace myself. This is the part where Jack realizes just how crazy Mackenzie is and throws her out on her ass. I won't blame him either. I'd do the same thing if someone said anything this unhinged to me.

Instead, he says, "I was in Moscow."

"Moscow?" I say confusedly like he'd named a galaxy far, far away.

"And yes, before you ask, obviously Russia does have cell service, but my team was advised not to take personal devices on the trip. Apparently, the amount of spyware that gets loaded onto foreign nationals' devices is terrifying. We only used the firm's laptops and phones, which will all get shredded now."

"You can shred a laptop?" I did not have a lesson in cybersecurity on my bingo card today.

"The point is, I couldn't text while I was there, but I should have explained before I left."

It might be the most embarrassed I've ever felt in my entire life (and trust me there is some stiff competition for that honor). Of course there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for Jack's disappearance. He's a real live grownup who flies to Moscow on business and lives in a multi-million-dollar home in Dupont Circle. Meanwhile, I'm a twitchy, neurotic infant drowning in student debt and take things personally that have nothing to do with me at all. No wonder Jack never asked to meet - I'm just some fucked-up curiosity he found on the internet. He probably clicked on my profile thinking it would be hot to sleep with a twenty-three-year-old but realized I was more trouble than I'm worth.

"I should go," I say and stand up from the chair.

"Mackenzie, what is it you want?"

I retreat another step. "Nothing."

"Then why get in my car?"

My temper, fueled by embarrassment, begins to unfurl. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do," he says patiently.

"No, I don't," I snap, my voice rising.

"Just tell me what you want."

"For you to fuck me, alright? Are you happy now?"

His face betrays no reaction. "Why?"

It's a dangerously existential question, and I don't ever stray down that rabbit hole. Why do I fuck any of the men, I do? "What do you mean why?"

"You just got fucked an hour ago. Why do you need me to fuck you now?"

"Because I'm a slut. Is that what you want to hear?"

"I want to hear the truth. Why do you need me to fuck you?"

"So I can stop thinking about it."

He nods sagely. "You think fucking me will inoculate you somehow? Get me out of your system. That the idea?"

I nod and take a hopeful step back towards him.

"No," he says.

My feet falter. This is unfamiliar ground for me. Whatever else might be true about me, getting a man in bed has never been an issue. I'm told I have very fuckable genes. "Why not?"

"Because you've told me how you treat men you've fucked. You ghost them."

"I won't. I promise." Another lie.

"Bullshit. That's the whole point for you, isn't it. Fuck me and move on. I'm not interested in being just another notch."

I'm blindingly angry and frustrated. If I had any pride, I would say something cruel and storm out. But he's not wrong. I need him out of my head and if I leave now, after being rejected, it will be ten times worse.

"Please?" I whisper.

He perks up ever so slightly. "Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

"What will you do for me?"

"Whatever you want."

"I seriously doubt that," he says with a condescending smirk. "Are you wet?"

I've been so busy being furious that I forgot about my body. I am though. "Yes, very."

"Show me."


"Lift your dress and show me how wet you are."

From his tone and his expression, I know he's serious. I was exaggerating when I said, "very," but now it's true. I'm instantly soaked. Suddenly shy, I lift my dress and show him my panties. He leans forward slightly to inspect me.

"Doesn't look all that wet."

"It is. I swear."

"Put a finger in and show me."

Without hesitating, I slip my hand into my panties and push one finger into me. It goes in all too easily. I hold my glistening finger out to him as proof. He regards it with mild interest.

"Fuck yourself," he says. "Let me hear how wet you are."

I'd like to be able to say I finally stood up to him and said no, but that's not what happened. Maybe I'm passed the point of embarrassment. What's one more humiliation more or less? I stand there before him and do as he tells me. The sound of my wetness fills the kitchen. He stares me in the eye and never once glances down at my hand. I try to hold his gaze, but it's too intense and my gaze keeps dropping to the floor. I'm still angry, but another feeling elbows its way in now - arousal. Without thinking, a second fingers slips inside me.

"You really want me to fuck you? Jack asks.

"Please," I whimper.

"Prove it. Cum for me. Then maybe I will."

It's so mean. He knows I rarely cum even under ideal circumstances. And like this? Standing up? There's no chance. "I can't."

"Then get out of my house."

"I can't," I repeat, but my fingers work harder - in and out, the palm of my hand thudding against my clit like a hammer.

"Good girl," he says. "You can do it."

"Can I rub my clit?"

"Whatever you need."

"Thank you," I say and rest the pad of one finger against my clit and keep fingerfucking myself. I must look like a freak, legs set wide, shoulders hunched so I can reach myself. My thighs begin to shake. Keeping my balance is going to be a challenge. I've cum twice in the last ten days. Once with the Frenchmen this morning, but it had been Jack in my head. And once when we first met. Jack had talked me through it then, too.

Maybe that's what he's doing now?

The thought reassures me. If I came with Jack before, why can't I do it again now? Suddenly, I can feel a pressure start to build. A tension in my tummy that means an orgasm is building. This is usually the point that the voice in my head shuts everything down and leaves me frustrated. I glance up at Jack, knowing the voice won't dare speak up as long as he is staring at me that way.

He smiles at me and mouths, "good girl."

That pushes me over the edge, and my legs give out. Hips bucking around my hand, I stumble forward still fingering myself like I'm possessed. As I fall, Jack catches me and lowers me to the floor while my orgasm wrings me out. I lay there, gasping on the kitchen floor. When I open my eyes and look up, Jack is still sitting on the barstool except now his jeans are unzipped. He is putting on a condom.

"Get up," he tells me.

Wobblily, I climb to my feet. He lifts me onto his lap like I'm a feather. I didn't get a good look at his cock, but it feels intimidatingly large as he pushes my panties aside and lowers me onto him. A breath hisses out from between my teeth. He's a lot to take. My eyes flutter open and sneak a glance at him. Whatever I'm hoping to see, it isn't there. He's watching me impassively, the faintest of smiles playing across his face.

His hands slide under my dress and rest lightly on my hips. "Go on then."


"Fuck me out of your system."

It sounds like a dare, but I don't need to be asked twice. Shifting my hips forward, I grip his shoulders and grind down on him. Electricity lances up my spine as his cock grazes my cervix. A low moan escapes me. Call me twisted, but I've always loved that pain. Maybe because it doesn't happen often and answers the question of how big a man really is. I kick off my shoes and find the crossbars on his barstool with my bare feet. Rising up, I find the head of his cock with the front of my pussy, pause in anticipation, and then slowly lower myself back down onto him. I was shy before, but now I'm in my element. Fucking men is what I do. I've put in my 10,000 hours. At the end of the day, they're all variations on a theme. I just need to find Jack's.

I bite my bottom lip. Partly for me, partly because I know men love when they think their cock is blowing your mind. In this case, it's true though. He feels unbelievable and fills me completely as if he'd been made just for me, or me for him. I have to remind myself that this isn't about me. It's about making Jack feel good, getting him off. That's my way out of this. Once he climaxes, I'll know he's ju can get the hell out of here. No more head games, no more obsessing. No more Jack. I can put him behind me and rejoin the program already in progress. My program. The Mackenzie Show. All he has to do is cum for me.

We're fucking hard now, or rather I'm fucking him hard. He's a sphinx - motionless, expressionless, unmoved. I might as well be reading the ingredients on a box of cereal for all the reaction I'm getting out of him. Sweat breaks out on my back. My breathing is raspy and fast. I sit down on him and grind my hips against him in frustration.

"Is that really the best you can do?" he asks.

"Fuck you!" I snarl.

"Promises, promises," he says with a disappointed shake of his head.

I take a deep breath and go back to work, riding him like my life depends on it. My pussy is so wet around him. On and on, I go. I don't know for how long, but I can feel myself tiring. Resting my head on his chest, I go as long as I can before sinking down onto his lap. I lay there, panting.

"Give up?" he asks.

I nod without lifting my head, beaten.

"Then let me tell you what's going to happen now."

"What?" I whisper.

"You're going to cum for me."

"No. Please, no."

That's not how this is supposed to go at all. I start to lift myself off him, but his hands pull me back down on him. Suddenly, I'm drowning, and he's pulling me under. My traitorous hips start grinding on him again.

"Yes," he tells me, in his calm, collected voice, "you are."

I know he's right but fight it all the same. A lost cause, but I've never known any other way. He senses my recalcitrance, hands tightening their grip on my hips, moving me back and forth like a toy. Fuck, he's so strong.

"Look at me," he says.

I shake my head, which is still on his chest.

"Look at me."

His voice is still tranquil, but below the surface something frightening stirs. I straighten up and meet his eyes.

"Please don't," I say.

"I'm sorry."


"Now," he replies.

Don't know where my brain goes, but my body reacts like a sprinter coming out of the blocks. I wrap my arms around his neck and hang on for dear life as my pussy pistons around him. I'm not a screamer, but I am screaming now. It's as powerful as anything I've felt in my life. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get enough of him inside me. I want it to go on and on and on. When it finally does release me, I collapse onto him. His hands relax, and I feel them gently caress the sides of my ass. Slowly, I return to my senses. He's still hard inside me. What am I supposed to do? I feel so confused, embarrassed. Lost.

"What is this?" I plead. "I don't understand. Why do I feel like this?"

"You're alright."

"No, I'm not," I say trying to fight back the unfamiliar pressure building behind my eyes.

"Well, you will be," he says and wraps his arms around me.

I begin to sob like a summer storm sweeping in fast and low. If he wasn't holding me, I think I would fall off him. In my experience, men are uncomfortable with crying. Maybe because it's the one emotion they're incapable of expressing easily. Jack doesn't say a word and waits patiently for me to cry myself out.

"Now what?" I ask, wiping my tears away with the back of a hand.

"Now you leave." There's no cruelty in his voice, but it is solemn and final.

"What? Why?"

He lifts me off him and sets me down easily on the floor. "To find out if it worked."

"If what worked?"

"If I am out of your system, the way you wanted," he said.

"You're not," I say miserably.