A Complete Education Ch. 02


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"Not right now," he answered, massaging my breasts through my clothes.

He kissed me and then pulled on a pair of sweat pants and topped it with a long-sleeved t-short and fleece vest.

I stripped and donned flannel pj's.

We went out to the great room to see Anna once again stoking the fire. Her long flannel nightgown became almost transparent as she stood backlit by the roaring fire. We both admired the clearly visible lines of her sensuous body.

"I've opened another wine," she announced. "Since no one is driving, I thought we could indulge all we want."

Anna had pulled a big ottoman in front of the couch and piled up several fleece blankets on it.

We filled our glasses and plopped down on the couch.

"Cheers," I offered.

"Cheers," joined in Jimmy.

"To a special weekend," added Anna.

We clinked and sipped.

In spite of the fire, the cabin was a little chilly due to drafts. We pulled the blankets over us and stretched our legs out on the ottoman. We drank in silence watching the flames of orange and blue dance all about the logs. Anna pulled a plastic baggie from the cushions of the couch. She fished out a joint, lit it, inhaled, sighed and passed it to me. I did a long toke and reached over to give it the Jimmy. The ritual of smoking a J with friends had begun.

"At camp, we used to tell ghost stories around the fire," I said.

"I love stories, especially involving penises and pussies," said Anna, "but I'm in the mood for something a little different."

"Such as..." I prompted.

Anna held up her glass and toasted, "Romance."

We joined the toast and repeated, "Romance."

Although we all wanted stories, Anna said she'd like to dance. She asked Jimmy to go over to the bookcase and try to find an iPod dock and extra batteries in a drawer. She got up to get her iPod. She had Jimmy set the dock on the mantle. She loaded her iPod and stood there programming music. Jimmy and I sat on the couch staring at her naked body showing clearly through her nightie.

I could stand it no longer.

"Anna, we can see right through your nightgown."

Anna turned sideways, allowing us to make out her breasts and even tufts of her pussy.

"And, the problem is..."

Jimmy and I answered in unison, "no problem." We were definitely mellow.

She started off with some Bruno Mars, Michael Buble and Adele. Anna had opened another bottle and we sat on the couch enjoying the fire, the music, the drink, the dope and the atmosphere heavy with eroticism.

Anna sat between Jimmy and me. She placed a hand on each of our thighs and let her head fall back as she softly brushed her hands up and down, coming teasingly close to our private places. It was intimate, but not sexual. Well, Ok, it was sexual as hell. But, not dirty sexual.

When a classic Tony Bennett song came on, Anna said, "I want to dance."

She pulled Jimmy up and they stood in front of the fire. He took her in his arms. She rested her head on his chest and they softly swayed to the music. She held him tighter and moved her body against his. I knew what that body felt like; I wondered what effect it would have on Jimmy.

Anna looked up at him and said, "It's Ok. I haven't felt one in a long time. Let me adjust you. Ahh, that feels much better."

She slid her hand inside his sweats and moved his erection up so that it now fit between them. I squeezed my legs together as Anna's hand softly caressed Jimmy's erection before she put her hands back around his shoulders and rested her head on his chest.

The song ended and Anna lifted her head. Jimmy bent and they kissed. The seconds dragged on. His hands slipped on her butt barely covered by the flannel. He pulled her close to him and she moved back and forth against what lie between them. Finally, they ended the kiss and walked hand in hand back to the couch.

"He's lovely," Anna said as she sat back down.

I nodded in agreement.

Another classic love song started and Anna pulled me up.

Her body felt hot as we slowly danced, our arms wrapped around each other. Without thinking, our lips met and we melted into each other. Soon our tongues visited familiar places and experienced remembered tastes.

I felt Anna's hand slide down and begin to unbutton my pj top. I thought she should not do this with Jimmy watching, but I was powerless to stop her. Opening the front she slid her hands to my breasts and massaged them in rhythm with the music. I pulled her butt close to me and rubbed my pussy against hers.

The song ended and another started. Anna's kisses moved from my lips to my neck to my collar bone and finally to my breast. I gasped as she took one hard yet tender nipple into her mouth. I pushed my groin harder into her leg. Her mouth moved to my other breast as she pushed my top to the floor.

I screwed up enough courage to glance in Jimmy's direction. He had slipped off his sweat pants and was completely nude from the waist down, laying back on the couch and slowly stroking his beautiful, hard cock.

Anna followed my gaze and smiled. She blew a kiss to him and he returned the gesture with his free hand.

Anna eased my pj bottoms over my butt and knelt to push them to the floor and then off my feet. She paused long enough on her way back up to caress my pussy, letting her tongue quickly tease my clit.

I sensed movement and Jimmy was standing next to us.

My blood chilled thinking he intended to join us. I did not think Anna would want that. I was not sure I did at this moment.

He kissed my cheek. I turned and our lips met. Anna kissed his cheek. He broke from me and kissed her lips.

"You two are exquisitely beautiful," he said. "Watching you is living poetry. But, I take my leave. Enjoy. Tomorrow will be a great day."

My eyes filled with tears and I hugged him tightly. Anna tapped my arm and I let her join in our embrace. Instinctively we both found our hands on his erection. He kissed each of us and turned and walked to his room.

My cheeks were wet and more tears flowed. I noticed Anna wiping away moisture from her eyes.

"My god, Mary," she said as she held my hand. "Do not let that man leave you. I never thought a guy could be so understanding."

I nodded, not being able to speak.

"But, now the only question remains is..."

I looked at her as the corners of her mouth turned up.

"Here or in the brass bed."

"Brass bed," I breathed. "And, make me cum like never before."

"That's my goal and my pleasure."

That night Anna and I reached plateaus we never thought possible. She spent what seemed like hours between my legs. Using all her skills and combinations of tongue and fingers, she gave me at least five orgasms unlike any I ever had before. I was wild, not knowing if I was screaming inside my head or out loud. I think I was equally inspired and had her finally beg me to stop after multiple mini-orgasms had her crying in joyful agony.

We slept entwined under the down comforter.

I awoke to a gentle tapping on our door. I sat up, letting the covers fall below my breasts. I nudged Anna to consciousness. She sat up, but kept herself covered. I called, "come in."

Jimmy appeared dressed in his sweats and carrying two large mugs of steaming coffee.

He kept looking around our room, as if searching.

As we sipped the delicious and restoring brew, I finally asked him what he was looking for.

"I could swear there was a coyote in here last night. I kept hearing such howling."

Anna and I laughed so hard we almost spilled the coffee.

She said, "I would agree there were wild beasts loosed last night."

She beckoned him and leaned forward, accidentally allowing one breast to escape, and kissed Jimmy.

"Thank you. You were such a dear. We both love you for allowing us this time."

Jimmy beamed and in a horrible John Wayne imitation, said, "Shucks, ma'am, 'twerent nothin'. 'Sides I get to see your pretty lil' titty."

Anna looked down at her exposed breast and discreetly moved the sheet back up.

She turned to me and said, "A guy is a guy."

"Yeah, but I'm going to keep him."

"Good idea," she said with a warm smile.

Jimmy told us he had breakfast in the works.

"Bacon, eggs, toast and more coffee," he offered. "Whenever you're ready, that is." He did an even worse imitation of a lecherous leer, twirling an imaginary mustache.

Anna answered for us. "I think we can eat now. I don't know about Mary, but I am totally fucked out."

She shooed Jimmy out of the room and he closed the door behind him.

"Seriously, Mary, he is about the nicest guy I've ever met."

I nodded and added, "I know you don't know Peter that well, but he is just as nice."

Anna kissed me and said, "Enjoy life, babe. Enjoy. It may not ever get better than this."

After an enjoyable breakfast, Anna assigned us simple tasks to prepare for our dinner, while she cleaned, stuffed and prepped the bird. We decided to eat around 3, so Anna planned accordingly. She made her pies and put them in the oven.

She told us we had enough time to get some other chores done. She asked Jimmy to shovel a path to the shed, while she and I carried firewood in from the porch. When Jimmy finished, Anna started the generator. She checked the propane tanks and found them both at capacity. In the shed she spied snowshoes. She and Jimmy carried the equipment back to the house.

"With the pies out of the oven, I'll put the bird in and then we can take a hike," she announced.

In forty minutes we were making our way across the covering of newly fallen snow. Anna led us on a path that went down to the water.

"We always debate if this is a large pond or small lake," she said. "Sorta' a family joke. Anyway, it's spring-fed and clear."

We made our way around the perimeter. We paused at a small cove.

"Here's where the kids would sneak off to skinny-dip," she said. "I think our parents knew what we were up to since they probably did the same. We started when we were little and no one had hair you know where. We continued all the way through our teens and gained a bit of sex education along the way. Now, that we're grown up, we come back and find that many of us don't have hair you know where. The circle of life."

"Hakuna matata," Jimmy and I chimed in.

There were only two other camps on the lake and neither of them looked occupied. We returned, took showers and finished preparing our meal. True to her promise, the Thanksgiving dinner was fab. We all ate way too much, including double servings of pie.

After cleaning up, it was already dark out. Anna said she would get a fire going and then put on something more comfortable and allow her bursting stomach some comfort.

In ten minutes, we were back on the couch dressed as we were last night.

"Care for some brandy," Anna asked. "Uncle Edgar keeps a bottle of the good stuff here."

She poured three snifters, snuggled back under the blankets and we sighed in unison.

We watched the fire for a long time. Each of us dozed off. Anna woke and nudged us.

"Hey, it's late," she said. "How about we do stories another time? Besides, I don't want to keep you two from your date with destiny."

We said our goodnights and Jimmy and I found ourselves alone in our room. He was hard and I was wet, what more needs to be said.

We stripped, pulled back the covers and had our mouths, tongues and hands all over each other.

"I really want to be inside you, Mary," Jimmy said.

"Me, too, but I really dig foreplay. Can we do it a little longer?"

"No problem," he said and began kissing his way down my body. The first time I felt his tongue between my legs I had a rush through my body. Jimmy licked and fingered me pretty good for a guy. He was a little rough and too hard on my clit, but I enjoyed his attentions. With a little subtle coaching from me, he found a rhythm after a while and softened his prodding on my clit. I had a mini-orgasm that felt good.

"God, that's sweet," I told him. "Get a condom on and get inside me now."

Jimmy froze.

"What?" I asked. "Isn't this what we both want? Don't you want to make love?"

"I don't have a condom," he said.

"No, no, don't say that," I pleaded. My mind raced to see if maybe I had one stashed in my purse. I jumped out of bed and dumped my purse on the floor. I ripped through everything and came up with a couple tampons. They were not going to do the trick.

"I'm so sorry, Mary," he said. I thought he was going to cry. "I am such a fucking asshole."

I balanced my desire to have him with my non-breakable rule about no condom, no fuckee.

My rule won.

"Jimmy," I said pulling him to me, "it's Ok. We can go get some tomorrow. So what if we wait one more day. It's going to be spectacular when it happens."

Jimmy looked at me with the saddest eyes. "Mary, we are in the middle of fuckin' no where. We've had a foot of new snow since we arrived. Unless I can kill a deer and make a condom from its intestine, we are shit outa' luck."

I realized the truth of his statement. Suddenly, my romantic getaway was turning into sex hell. To top it off, the extra foreplay I asked for had me crazy with desire.

"Well, we can just do oral with each other," I offered.

"Mary, you can put a positive spin on everything. But, I know I am not great at oral. I'm willing to learn, but I certainly can't compete with Anna. God, I heard your screams last night. I can never make you feel that way with my tongue. My cock, maybe—I hope."

"Jimmy, I don't care. We will be fine. We can cuddle and..."

"And, what?" he said.

"Well, cuddle and sleep next to each other," I assured him. "I want to, honestly."

"Mary, I want you to go to Anna. I want you to scream again and again. I fucked up, no reason for you to pay the price."

"No, Jimmy, I'm staying here."

"Mary, you would honor me if you went with Anna. She's probably as horny as you are. Go. When we get back to campus, we will make up for lost time. This is supposed to be a weekend of great sex. Go get some."

I started arguing again. Jimmy stood up and pulled me with him. He flung me over his shoulder and marched out of the room. He knocked and opened Anna's door. She was reading in bed, the sheets below her naked breasts.

She looked at us. Jimmy was naked and his dick swung back and forth as he approached the bed.

He gently lay me down next to her. He crawled over me and kissed Anna. "Take care of her. I'll be next door on coyote patrol."

She fondled his soft penis and kissed him back.

He kissed me and left, softly closing the door behind him.

Anna looked at me.

"No condom," I said.

"Ah," she replied.

"He wants me here—with you," I said.

"And, you?" she answered.

"It's complicated," I said.

"Let's fuck and then sort it out," she offered.

Sounded like a great idea to me.

Anna is a wonderful kisser and we exchanged caresses for a long time. I moved down her body to enjoy her small and perfect breasts, taking turns to have each one in my mouth, relishing the thick nipple with its rough flesh. I quickly ended up between her legs inhaling the intoxicating scent of her excitement. Anna shuns perfumes and I smell and taste all woman. Her dark blond hair is trimmed into a thick triangle with tight curls that slide through my fingers. Most of her sex is well hidden behind smooth outer lips. I licked and brought a small flow from inside. I can contain myself no longer and used my tongue as deeply as possible and then added my fingers. She encouraged me and moved with me. Her throaty grunts tell me I've achieved my goal.

As good as it is to eat her, it is a hundred times better to be eaten. She is a master. It seems so natural and one touch and kiss flows effortlessly into the next. I try to remember what she is doing so that I can replicate it on her, but my mind loses track of her individual actions as my building orgasm pushes all other thoughts aside. She is now probing inside with her long tongue and I push my pussy hard against her mouth. Now her tongue is replaced by one of the elegant fingers I love and it finds spots inside me that trigger mini-explosions.

She moves along my outer lips, nipping so slightly at the engorged flesh. Two more fingers enter me and her lips suck my clit. She is pulling and pushing me up the slope of my release. As I near the peak, somewhere in the deep recess of my mind I think I am making some sound, but I can not be certain. Her teeth close around my clit and her tongue flashes back and forth at the trapped bud. I am at the top. Strong strokes inside me and a long hard lick of her tongue on my captured clit send me careening over the edge. I am falling and screaming.

On my way down, Anna gives me long licks along my hot lips, which do not cool in spite of the strong flow pouring out of them. I scream some more. She one last time focuses on my clit and I cry out and reach the bottom.

I can't say I blacked out, but my next conscious moment is having Anna conforming her body to me as I lay curled in a fetal position. The tender kisses on my neck let me know I've survived the climb to ecstasy and the mind-blowing descent. My heart is still pounding and her hand on my breast reassures me it will not burst through my chest.

I feel the covers pulled up over us and close my eyes. I sleep.

I come to consciousness at a knock on our bedroom door. It's still dark outside.

Jimmy calls out, "Don't worry ladies. I've made the call and the forest ranger should be here soon to handle those wild animals."

We next hear the bathroom door close across the hall. In a minute, there are footsteps in the hall and the sound of Jimmy's door closing reaches us.

I turn to Anna, "That was the best sex we ever had."

She smiles, "I thank you too, Mary."

"I'm not in your league, woman. You are amazing."

"This isn't a contest, Mary. I am happy and satisfied."

We kiss.

"He is so cute," Anna says. "You're sure he is Ok with all this?"

"I think so," I say. "He seems it. But, it can't be easy after postponing our lovemaking and then me and you being together."

"Maybe he needs some company now," Anna says.

"Could be, but I don't want to leave you."

"I think his bed can hold three," she says and grins.

She leads me to the door and we walk hand in hand the short distance to Jimmy's room.

I tap and open the door. Jimmy turns in bed, sees us and smiles.

We walk to the foot of the bed and begin to separate to go on either side.

"Wait," he calls out. Anna and I stop at the foot of the bed.

Jimmy turns on the bed stand light. He looks at each of our naked bodies. There is wonder in his eyes.

"I have honestly never seen anything as beautiful as the two of you," he says softly.

We jump into bed and under the covers.

We kiss. He breaks away and looks at me in horror.

"Is that a womanly scent upon your lips, madam? Say it isn't so. A strange pussy has assaulted her lips," Jimmy cries out in another horrendous attempt at a British stage accent.

"If you want to taste her pussy, mister, come here," says Anna.

Jimmy faces her and they kiss. My heart leaps both in happiness and jealousy.

"I do believe the boy enjoys the taste of pussy on a woman's lips," says Anna.

I reach over to find a hard cock pushing against her stomach.

"Don't let that guy get any ideas," I warn. "That territory is off-limits to men."

Anna looks over his back to me and says, "I wouldn't say totally off-limits."

I let the import of that sink in and lean over and kiss her.

We lie back with Jimmy's arms around us and each of us with a hand on his erection.

"Anna, this is a great weekend. Your uncle must be a cool guy to let you use this place. I mean he just leaves all his stuff here and never worries about it," said Jimmy.

"Fuckin' A," Anna screams. "You're right, he does. What an idiot I am. Stay right here."