A Clear View


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"Hey,' he heard a voice call. "Hey, runner guy, wait up."

He turned to see the girl with the wild hair and a tall blond hurrying to catch up with him. He thought the tall blond had stood on the other side of him when they were chanting. He recalled she had large breasts that bounced a lot when she jumped up and down.

Both women were wearing bikini bottoms and tee shirts, but obviously nothing under the shirts.

"How was the pool?" he asked.

"Never got in," said the dark-haired girl.


"Cops were there," added the blond. "Said if we didn't cover up, they would arrest us and haul us in. I've got a job that I need so I can pay next year's tuition. I can't afford to spend the night in jail."

"Yeah," added the dark-haired one, "the other girls weren't up for real civil disobedience. Probably just as well. I think we made our point. I was thinking, though, we should go to the next council meeting and flash those old goats."

"You're on your own with that one, Judy," said the blond.

"Judy?" Bryan said.

She nodded.

"Judy, would you like to go out for a coffee or something sometime?"

"Not much of a coffee drinker," she said.

Bryan looked disappointed.

"But I would like to try a 'something sometime'," she added with a mischievous look.

"Great. I'll call you. What's your number?"

"Got something to write with?"

"Shit, no."

"What do you have?"

"My key in my sock."

Judy laughed.

"Bonnie, do you have a notepad or something?"

The tall blond nodded and pulled a small book out of her shoulder bag.

"Give her your number."

Bryan said his number and the blond wrote it down.

"I'll call you when I'm up for 'something sometime'."

"How do I know you'll call?" Bryan asked.

"'Cause I like your chest," she said and ran a finger down his bare, sweaty chest.

"Great, 'cause I like yours, too," he said.

Judy laughed. "Sure, but not as much as Bonnie's, I bet."

He looked at the large shapes under the tee shirt of the blond, who then lifted the shirt for a reminder look.

"Well, they are awesome. But, no offense, Bonnie," he said, "actually, I like yours better, Judy."

Bryan was surprised to see Judy blush.

"Get your camera ready, Bonnie," she said.

Judy stood next to Bryan and pulled her shirt over her head.

Bonnie took the picture.

"If we meet again, I'll give you this. Sorta an incentive to show up. I'll let you know where to meet me for that 'something sometime'."

Bryan looked at her naked chest. Her nipples stood out. He resisted the urge to touch them.

"I like your incentives a lot. Soon?"

Judy laughed as she pulled her tee shirt back on.

"Yeah, pretty soon."

They had reached an intersection. Bryan headed west and Judy and Bonnie went east. He was a half block away when he heard a voice. He turned and saw Judy standing across the street at the intersection and cupping her hands to her mouth.

"What's your name?"

He shouted it out just as a bus rumbled by. Judy held her hand to her ear. He repeated it, but there was a round of blaring horns as a pick-up cut off a car. By this time, the light had changed and he lost sight of her as cars, trucks and vans passed through the intersection. When the traffic finally cleared, she was not in sight.


Linda breathed in deeply. Her breasts pushed harder against Bryan as they stood on the top of the Highland Lighthouse.

In the six months before her death, Judy began acting strangely—even more strangely than normal.

Should he have paid more attention to these changes? He didn't know. Maybe he was afraid to pry open another part of her life. There were so many surprises he had stumbled upon. Did he really want another?

He spoke into Linda's ear.

"I knew something was different. I couldn't bring myself to confront her. Linda, I was tired. Judy tired me out. She demanded so much. So much attention, so much support, and, so much sex. I was worn out. I didn't think I could add another layer to what I was carrying. Maybe if I did, things would have turned out differently."

Linda hugged him tighter. "I don't think so. Judy was on a course. There was nothing anyone could have done to alter it."

Bryan enjoyed the physical closeness of Linda's embrace.

"You know, when Judy and I started dating there was some crazy shit going on. This was after you and I stopped dating, of course."

"I know that, Bryan. I was already seeing Jeff when you met Judy. I always thought you two were a bit of an odd couple."

Bryan pulled back to look into Linda's eyes. "In what way?"

"You were, well, you still are, a fairly straight guy. Like other writers I've met, you're introverted, bordering on shy. You see things in people that others miss. I guess you are hyper-sensitive. Bryan, these are all good things. But, Judy was like the opposite."

Everyone said Judy was crazy or wild, rebelling against any formality or constraint. Her only rule was her rule. If she thought it was good, then she'd do it. To her boundaries only served to let her know when she crossed them. To Judy, the world was a completely open place.


The second time Bryan saw Judy she was completely naked.

Their dorm room had a phone. His older brother told him how good he had it since when he was at the school only a pay phone in the hall was available.

Bryan kept willing the phone to ring, but willpower alone was insufficient. After more than a week of frustration had gone by, his roommate came in from class one afternoon. After catching up on the news of the day, his roomie asked, "Did you get any of those weird calls?"

"No. What weird calls?"

"Some crazy chick keeps calling and asking if Running Guy is here. I tell her there is no one named Guy here and hang up. She calls back and asks the same thing. I give her the same answer and she starts swearing at me. Man, she sounds completely whacko."

Bryan's heart sinks.

"Did she leave a number?"

"What? No. She's a nut job, I tell you."

"Look, if she calls again tell her I'm not here, but ask if she will leave her number."

"You're Running Guy?"

"Look, just do it. Ok?"

"If you want, but I'd be careful. She sounds like a nut."

The next day Bryan returned from his cafeteria job and found a note from his roomie.

"Nut job called," the note read. It also contained a phone number.

Bryan dialed immediately. A woman answered. "Judy?"

"No, she's not here. Can I take a message?"

"Uh, yeah, can you tell her Bryan returned her call?"



"She's never mentioned a Bryan. Are you sure you've got the right number?" Bryan read the number his roomie left him.

"That's our number, but I don't know a Bryan."

"Shit. Sorry. But, Judy's been calling and my roommate thought she was crazy, so he never passed the message on. I told him if she called again, to get her number."

"Is this Running Guy?"

"Yeah, that's me, Running Guy."

"Oh, god, Judy's been going crazy trying to reach you."

"Sorry. It was a screw up on our end. So, will you give her a message?"

"I can do better. She told me if by any chance you called, to ask you if you can meet her tonight for something. That's all she said, 'something'."

Bryan chuckled. "I can meet her. Where and when?"

"She's downtown at the Art Institute, you know on Walnut Street. She said she'll be in Room 14 on the basement level. If you can be there by 7:30, she'll meet up with you and you guys can go out."

"Great. Thanks. Uh, where should I wait for her?"

"Oh, just go into the room, she won't mind."

"Won't I be disturbing the class?"

The girl laughed. "Not really. It's kinda casual."

"Oh, ok. Thanks. Hey, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Carol. Thanks for all your help."

"Don't mention it."

Bryan showered and pulled on relatively clean clothes. He took the campus shuttle downtown and walked over to the Institute. It was located in a section called Heritage Square. A park was surrounded by the library, Historical Association, Art Museum and the Institute. All the buildings were over 100 years old and the combination of granite, sandstone and brick added a sense of history to this section of town. The park was full of young people hanging out or playing Frisbee, older folks sitting and chatting on park benches and a smattering of homeless men leaning against a tree trunk and smoking.

Bryan entered the Institute and asked the guard how to get to Room 14. The guard checked his watch and told him, "That class is almost over."

"I'm just meeting a friend, not attending the class."

"Well, go down those stairs and turn right. It's the last door on your left."

Bryan ran down the stairs. He checked his watch. It was twenty past seven. Carol told him he could go into the class. He figured he'd slip in the back and sit in the last row. In that way, he could see Judy as she made her way out.

He opened the door and was struck by the subdued lighting. He then noticed there were no rows of chairs. His attention turned to the one source of bright light. In the center of the room was a circle of brightness. In the center of the brightness, Judy stood. She was completely naked and facing him.

Bryan then noticed the circle of easels and students gathered around Judy. Judy looked even whiter under the strong lights. She had her hands extended over her head. Her small breasts flattened against her chest, but her prominent nipples stood up. She had a narrow waist that broadened slightly at her hips. Her short legs were spread about six inches apart at the ankles. She arched her back and that pushed out her stomach and made her crotch a focal point. Bryan stared at the wild mass of black curls between her legs. She looked like a captured feral creature.

A voice cried out time. Judy relaxed and then turned her back to him. She bent from the waist, resting her elbows on a stool in front of her, stretching her back, affecting a new pose He could see more pubic hair and her sex lips peeking between her cheeks. She spread her legs a little farther and he could detect her sex opening up a bit. His jeans were now straining with his erection.

A voice then called out, "That's it for tonight. Thanks, Judy."

She stood straight and stretched and shook out the kinks. There was polite applause as the lights came up and the students began packing away their materials.

Judy walked directly toward him.

"Hi! Glad you got my message."

Bryan had some difficulty maintaining eye contact, but did his best.

"Yeah, uh, Carol said it was ok to come in. I didn't know that you'd be...well, that you, uh, you know..."

"That I'd be a nude model?"


"Girl's gotta earn her tuition somehow," she said. "Hey, I'd love to stand here and chat, but they sorta like us models to get dressed after the class."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll wait."

"Cool. My changing room is behind you."

Bryan realized he was blocking the door to the room. He jumped out of the way and let her pass.

Waiting in the hallway, he thought what a complete ass he was. Five minutes later Judy came out, dressed in a tight tee shirt and severely cut off jeans shorts. She wore sandals and carried a large straw bag.

"So, are you up for 'something'?"

Bryan grinned and nodded.

"How about we go to the Pub and Grub?"

He grimaced.

"What?" she said. "I know it's not great, but it won't kill us."

"I only have five bucks," Bryan admitted.

Judy laughed. "What the hell were you expecting for a 'something'? Are we just supposed to walk around and marvel at the pavement? Or, was your idea just to take me somewhere so we could fuck?"

Bryan blushed. "No, I wasn't thinking that."

"Oh, well," Judy said, "what did you have in mind?"

He shrugged. "Guess I was so excited about seeing you again, I didn't give it much thought."

Judy looked for some sign he was putting her on. Seeing none, she said, "That's nice."

She reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Ok, you buy two beers and I spring for the burgers."

She grabbed his hand and started walking in the direction of the bar.

"So, what'd you think?"

Bryan enjoyed the feel of her hand in his. He looked down into her dark eyes.

"I thought you stood naked very well."

Judy laughed. "You're funny."


"Well, now that you've seen every bit of me I think it's only fair if you answer two questions."

"I think I still may be getting the better part of the deal."

She bumped into him and squeezed his hand.

"First, what's your name?"

"Bryan. Bryan Wallace."

"Ok, Bryan, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Judy...?"

"Judy Pawlowski."

"What's your second question?"

"Do you have a nice dick?"

Bryan actually coughed. He turned red and then recovered. "'Nice' like how?"

Judy laughed again. "Hell, nice in any way."

"Well, it often stands up when it meets a pretty naked woman. So, I guess you can say it's at least polite."

Judy jumped in his arms. "God, I love you already. You're as cocked as I am."

Bryan doubted her assertion, but he did enjoy the feel of her in his arms.


"I always thought you liked Judy," Bryan said as they stood together at the top of the lighthouse.

"God, I did. I'm not saying anything against her. It's just that the two of you were so different. Judy thought so, too."

"Did you guys talk a lot?"

"Yeah, we did. She told me all about your early days. Made my hair curl," Linda said with a trace of humor.

"She told you everything?"

Linda kissed his cheek softly.

"If you mean did she tell me about you, her and Carol, the answer is yes."

"Does Carol know that you know?"

"Don't think so."

"And, what does Bob know?"

"I think he must have some idea of how wild things were. But I'm pretty sure Carol never told him about the times you, Judy and her were together. Carol is now such a perfect wife, mother and community leader. I think she likes to keep that part of her past buried. So, I doubt if she told Bob."

Bryan let that sink in. He often wondered if Bob knew he had screwed his wife, even if was before they ever dated.

"You know they had a threesome," said Linda.

Bryan nodded. "Judy told me it was just one time. After I introduced Carol and Bob, Judy was curious. She said it happened one night when I was visiting my sister at her school."

"Judy told me the same story. She said it was a one-time thing."

"It's so strange," Bryan said. "I don't think I could write a plot this convoluted. For a group of friends who seem to have perfect marriages, there really was a lot of funky stuff going on."

Linda pushed hard against him. "Yeah, there was. Of course, it was before we were married." Linda paused and added, "Mostly."

Bryan's mind slipped back to the beginnings of his relationship with Judy. He wondered if Bob were the one Judy might have been sleeping with.


Judy had a huge sexual appetite. Bryan knew this from the first night they were together. She was wild, multi-orgasmic and insatiable. There was nothing Judy didn't try or do. He didn't mind because it was mind-blowing sex. They were young and sex defined a relationship.

After they married it was still hot and frequent. He listened to other married guys complain how the fire died after they settled into married life. With Judy the flames seemed to blaze hotter. Judy had told him when they first started dating that she'd occasionally liked to be with women as well as men. Her roommate, Carol, and she were "friendly lovers", as she described them. Early in their dating, the simple equation of one plus one became complex.

Although colleges had greatly relaxed rules about visitation privileges, it still was not easy to spend the night with a girl. His roommate tried to be accommodating and would find another place to sleep if Bryan asked him. But, Judy wanted sex a lot and he couldn't ask his roomie to permanently make himself scarce.

Judy said that Carol was cool and wouldn't mind giving them space.

So, they moved their love-making to Judy's room. After a week of nightly fuck fests, Judy said Carol wanted to get back to her own bed.

Bryan said that they would have to cool it.

"No fucking way," was Judy's response. "Carol's seen me screw other people. So, we'll just go on as we have."

"You can't mean we'll do it while she's in the room?" gasped Bryan.

"Exactly what I mean," she replied.

Bryan thought it was weird beyond all measure. He also thought he did not want to stop the hot sex with Judy. The first night together was strange. The three of them shared a pizza in the room. Carol excused herself to take a shower.

"Get undressed and into bed," demanded Judy.

Bryan stripped and jumped under the covers. When Carol returned, Judy said she had to pee and told Bryan and Carol to talk.

"Carol, I'm sorry we're putting you in this spot," said Bryan.

"Don't mention it," she said and pulled off the towel exposing her body to him. She stood naked in front of him and worked lotion into her skin.

"As you can see, I'm also uninhibited." She laughed and added, "Not as uninhibited as Judy, but I don't mind being nude or seeing other people nude."

"We are going beyond just being nude," Bryan said as he watched her rub lotion onto her large breasts. Carol was average height with dark hair. Her body was attractive in a plain vanilla way. Big breasts, decent legs, heavy and thick, dark pubic patch. Her ass was a little broad, but pleasant.

"I get that, Bryan. I've been here before when Judy had sex. I know she can be quite vocal and, shall we say, acrobatic."

Bryan had to laugh at her polite description of the banshee that Judy became during sex.

"So, you guys do what you want. I may watch, I may not. Most likely, I will and get myself off."

She rubbed lotion on the tops of her thighs and let her fingers run through her thick triangle.

"So, why don't you flip that sheet off?" she said. "Let's get the 'seeing other person naked' part out of the way."

Bryan moved the sheet down to his feet, exposing his erection.

"Sweet," she said staring. "That's very nice, Bryan, very nice. I can see why Judy's been happy. I'd say that's the nicest one she's brought home. I like it a lot."

Judy returned to see her lover and her roommate naked.

"Everyone's getting to know each other," she said. "How cute."

Judy stripped quickly and stepped up to Carol.

"Enjoy, honey," she said and kissed her.

Carol snaked her hands around Judy, pulled her tight buns to her and said, "I will."

They kissed some more before Carol turned and lay on her bed. She did not bother to cover herself and began running her hands over her breasts and through her pubic hair. Judy knelt before Bryan and took him in her mouth. She began sucking and taking him down her throat. Bryan kept eye contact with Carol as she played with her clit and Judy fellated him. When he thought he could take no more, Judy broke free and pushed him back on the narrow bed.

She looked at Carol and said, "This is an awesome cock." She unrolled a condom on his cock.

"No argument here," Carol agreed and slipped two fingers inside herself.

Judy climbed on top and lowered her body onto his shaft.

"God, I love that feeling," she said. She then began rocking and pounding. Bryan lost any inhibitions caused by her roommate watching and lifted his hips to thrust deeper. He pulled her small breasts and pinched her nipples. Judy was letting out guttural sounds that mixed with the squishy noises caused by their screwing. Her climax was accompanied by a chorus of swears interspersed with loud grunts.

The morning after their first night screwing in front of Carol was a Saturday. Judy had to leave early for some demonstration. She whispered to stay and sleep in. Bryan woke later in the morning to find the covers had been pulled down. Carol sat at the bottom of his bed looking at him.