A Classic Line

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Adultery and skydiving, what's the difference?
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 09/19/2005
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Warning!!! The central male figure in this story gets cuckolded! Those of you, for whom this is a problem, should go on to something different. If you do decide to read on, please know that I have intended to portray him as an exceptionally strong character and anything but a wimp! However successful I have been doing that is, of course, in the eyes of the reader.


Be careful what you wish for!

Now there's a classic line.

I seem to have remembered a lot of them lately. What I would really like to know is how I allowed things to go so wrong.

What was I thinking?

Was I thinking?

I love Tim, more than anything I can name, and what I have done has cost me having him close, as a part of my life. . . unless I can somehow change things.

My name is Emily Braggen but almost everyone calls me Em. I'm 51 years old, but the story I'm about to tell you began almost two years ago just, before my 49th birthday.

I suppose that it began long before that.

When I was in high school I had the greatest crush on Tim Braggen. Tim was our high school sports hero. He was also one of the school's best academics and, surprisingly, he was one of the shyest people in the entire school. In spite of the most outrageous flirting and hinting a teenage girl could do, (along with the help of several teenage girlfriends), I could not get him to ask me out, so I finally asked him.

Rather bold behavior in those days, but it was worth it.

Tim was everything I would ever hope for in a boyfriend. Once he got, at least a little, past his extreme shyness, he was funny and fun to be with, kind and considerate and, unlike the few other guys I dated before him, he never pushed me to have sex. Over the months we dated, some of our petting sessions got pretty hot and heavy but, whenever I chickened out, he would back off, kiss me and smile.

What a smile!

What a body!

What a man!

After almost two years, this was no longer a simple teenage crush. I was in love!

By the time he was 19, he was 6' 2" and 205 pounds of muscle and co-ordination. There was not one sport at which he did not excel, and a major league sports career was a realistic possibility. Almost all universities of note along with several lesser know institutions were offering a "full ride". Tim, however, never gave that a second thought. He was determined to go to work with his father who had resigned from his office job, and was trying to build his own trucking business.

Only weeks after high school graduation, just when Tim began to have some significant success working with his dad, the unthinkable happened and Tim was called up. War zone deployment loomed heavily in his future.

We brainstormed all the possibilities available to avoid that kind of active service but Tim would have no part of it. He was determined to do his duty.

I remember those days as somewhat desperate. I was petrified to think of life without Tim. Even being without him for his service time seemed an eternity. As the time for boot camp approached, our time together took on a sort of desperation and I became determined to consummate our relationship before he left, in the hopes that he would come back to me when his time was served.

I managed to convince my folks I was spending a weekend with my girlfriends while Tim went fishing with the guys. Tim's parents were told the same thing. Looking back, I suspect we didn't fool anyone, but my parents adored Tim and, I think I was kind of special to Tim's folks too.

Tim got a room at a very nice hotel about 2 hours out of town. After we checked in, he took me on a tour of the area. As there was a rival school nearby and Tim had been here on numerous team trips in the past, he knew his way around. While on our tour, he bought me some flowers at a roadside stand and when we got back to our room there was a vase and some florist's powder to put into the water to preserve the flowers.

This guy plans ahead!

We showered, separately, and dressed for dinner. The hotel was rather elegant and, in spite of my nervousness, I enjoyed it immensely. Tim even asked me to dance a few times before I finally said, "Tim, you're going to be away for an eternity. I would really like us to have some "alone" time."

In moments we were back in our room.

Tim was patient, tender and kind. We were both virgins and we kind of fumbled through the first time. Tim admitted that he had never put a condom on before and he tore through two of them before finally getting one on. He kissed me softly and, I suppose, was trying to do all the right things.

I just wanted him to make love with me right away!

The first time didn't really hurt but it didn't ring any bells or blow me away with an unbelievable orgasm either. Tim, in spite of a terrific effort, was unable to last and not long after he entered me, he came. I do remember his face as he did and considering how much I love him, it made it all worthwhile for me right there and then.

Things only got better!

Being 20, Tim recovered fast and, before the night was over, I finally achieved an orgasm by something other than my own fingers.

Tim had sucked on my nipples for the longest time, something we had done before, but lying in bed, both of us naked, made it a hell of a lot more effective and after stroking my pussy gently at the same time and occasionally finding my clit, (he has become a great deal better at that over the years) I almost came before he entered me, and when he did push in to me, I was rewarded with an exquisite orgasm.

We fucked and sucked for the rest of the weekend and by Sunday afternoon as we met up with the rest of our friends to maintain the illusion of the weekend's excuses, I was so sore it hurt to walk and, although I'm sure no one else noticed, I think Tim was moving a little gingerly too.

The first time, Tim was gone for 10 weeks. It was supposed to be 6 but he was picked for some kind of special training after which he was home for 3 weeks.

We spent almost every moment together through the day and evening, often with parents and friends. A couple of times we slipped in a quickie in Tim's father's car when he drove me home. We were desperate for more time together but didn't think our parents would go for another "fishing trip" so Tim offered a solution, but left it up to me to decide, with his promised support no matter which way I went.

The truth!

As I had considered doing just that, I was quick to agree. We felt that the most opposition we would get would come from my dad so we decided to start with my parents. Tim stood by me as I anxiously explained what we were planning, a weekend getaway at a hotel out of town complete with all necessary birth control.

I can still see Dad's face as tears welled in his eyes but he fought them down, smiled and said, "We love you Baby and we trust you. We trust you both." It was a pretty dramatic display of how much my folks thought of Tim. Later Mom told me that Dad appreciated that a lot more than a "fishing trip" story.

Tim's folks did a little more. They arranged for us to have his uncle's cabin for as much of the week as we wanted. It was a beautiful 3 room log cabin, newly built and furnished, complete with hot and cold running water.

We were in heaven for 5 days and 4 nights before Tim had to leave again. Having my folks be so supportive enabled me to concentrate more on Tim and less on any guilt I may have carried.

Not wanting to waste any of our precious time together, when Tim picked me up, my bag was packed ready to be thrown into the trunk. I was wearing a summer dress down to just below my knees, my shoes and nothing else. Mom did give me a quizzical look as I hugged her goodbye but no one else noticed anything except Tim, whom I discovered, notices just about everything. After assurances that he could keep the car on the road, he stroked my pussy to orgasm as I sat right against him and he caressed my tits later, as I lay on the seat with my head in his lap. I stroked his cock as he drove, keeping him hard but not to climax.

We had agreed that a blowjob, while driving, may be pushing things too far.

Tim was so worked up when we reached the cabin that I decided that a blowjob was in order before we unpacked. With him seated in a large armchair, his pants down to his ankles, I stroked him with my hand for a bit, then licked all around the head of his steel hard cock. He came in moments and although I tried, I could not swallow it all and I choked a little. It seemed to be so funny I began to giggle and we both ended up laughing uproariously.

We had become much more comfortable exploring new things with one another.

It was, of course, a wonderful week. We went for walks in the forest, we swam in the lake and ate each meal in a different place, sometimes on the deck, down by the lake or even in our bedroom. The best part was our intimate time together, which we enhanced by the way we dressed (or didn't dress) and by out and out teasing each other while out enjoying the sights.

Just the knowledge that I was wearing no panties while we were out for a walk, seemed to excite Tim no end. I bought a two piece bathing suit that by today's standards, would be rather chaste but back then it was terribly daring. When we swam in the lake it thrilled me to have Tim slip his hands into my suit to caress my tits and a few times even my pussy.

We were so wicked!

It was fun and thrilling but it served as a vivid demonstration to me how much I had come to love Tim. He meant everything to me then, and even more now, as I write this.

We had already talked about getting married but Tim would not agree to it until he had finished his service. He saw the real possibility that I might be a widow all too soon. He vowed he would continue to come home to me every time he could, as long as I still wanted him, but that, if that was too much for me, he would understand.

For the next 3 years Tim was gone for up to 6 months at a time, then home for a few weeks, then, gone again. Although often tempted, I was true to him and never even really dated. I went along when there was a group of friends going, either to a movie or a concert, but never paired off with anyone.

Aided and abetted by our parents, we spent every possible moment together while he was home.

One time, during his last year in the service, when at home, he was visibly troubled. Although he had been that way before and had explained that he had seen some terrible things and had had to kill people, and that upset him, this time he was different. After a great deal of soul searching he finally admitted that he had had sex with some women who had been brought into their encampment while on a mission. He had reported to the medical facilities as soon as he returned to the base and, after an appropriate waiting period, had been declared free of any STD's.

I was hurt and angry and he, as I requested, took me home. He apologized for his behavior and offered to leave me to work out what ever I needed to do, assuring me that he loved me but that he would understand if I wanted to call off the relationship.

It took less than a day for me to realize that however hurt and disappointed I was, I loved Tim and didn't want to be without him. He promised, never again, and I have had no reason to doubt him since.

3 years almost to the day he first left, Tim came home and announced he was here to stay.

One week after his discharge he took me to dinner at an exclusive resort and after a moonlit dinner on the resort balcony, he got down on his knees and asked me to marry him as he presented me with a beautiful engagement ring.

Tim had changed in some ways. He was still an amazingly handsome man who would have been almost any woman's dream. Through exercise while on duty, he built his body even more than he had as a student athlete and I discovered he was even stronger and more agile than ever before. A state he maintained throughout our lives together.

He was still funny, kind and considerate, not only in the bedroom, but also in our day to day lives. He is an open and honest person but he adamantly refused to talk about what he did over there, except to say that war is hell and that all he wanted was to put it all in the past.

I did get a small glimpse of something one night when we came across some punks giving an old drunk a bad time in an alley. Tim, being the kind and gentle person he is, asked the guys to "please" let the old guy alone. One of them made a smart ass remark about me and I saw Tim become someone else!

In a quiet, but very cold voice, he asked them again to leave the old man alone. When one of the punks turned on Tim, everything moved so fast I'm not sure what I saw, but I did see the punk go down and when two of his buddies came to his rescue, I saw them go down too, both howling in pain. Before I could react in any way, Tim was helping the old man to his feet and getting him away from his tormentors.

As I said, things happened too fast for me to follow what actually happened but I do remember Tim's face as he easily took on the three of them and, it was not a look I would care to see again!

Aside from that incident, I never saw that side of Tim again for many years.

Over the next 26 years we had two wonderful kids who grew up, worked hard and had started on their own paths through life.

We missed them of course but Tim and I rediscovered each other and our lives took on a new kind of fun and excitement. Tim had ultimately taken over the business his dad had started and with hard work and dedication, more than quadrupled its size. At 50, he sold it making us quite wealthy and giving himself a part-time consultancy to "keep his hand in". It usually involved him traveling to meet with a group of shipping personnel for the first weekend of each month but a total of only ten weekends per year. He left Friday afternoons and was home by Sunday noon and often he was home Saturday night, if the meeting wasn't too far away.

Tim said we had worked hard and now were entitled to follow our own pursuits without worrying about finances.

He improved his golf game to a 4 handicap. I took up golf too and we spent many enjoyable times with family, friends and other club members. Tim volunteered at a local youth centre and spent many days playing basketball, flag football and a whole lot of other games with those kids and he helped out at a martial arts club he had joined not long after we were married. He seemed to find a great deal of satisfaction in that.

The one thing he did, that I objected to, was skydiving!

He had always wanted to try it. He had, on two prior occasions while in the military, parachuted out of an airplane while on some sort of assignment and wanted to try a free fall. We argued for weeks about it and finally I could see that he really needed to try this, so I finally relented.

I remember I spent the week leading up to it and all of that day in agony, fearing the worst. I cried with relief when he called afterwards. Tim was his normal loving, comforting self but he was also flush with the thrill of having done it. As much as I love him, it was upsetting to have him excitedly retell the story of his dive and, as much as I love him, I was hurt and annoyed at him for putting me through that.

When the kids first left, I took on a part-time job working Monday to Wednesday for 4 hours a day at a retail sales firm, coordinating incoming calls for field sales people. I worked in a small office with three other women, all almost young enough to be my daughters. It helped to ease the transition to being an "empty nester" and I enjoyed working with them. After a few months, when we became better acquainted, they would include me in their daily gossip and when telling stories about their singles lives and their sexual adventures.

Periodically, salesmen from all over the country would come to our office for new product information and sales training. As one of these events was approaching there was visible excitement among them as someone named Brian was coming to town. Two of the three had spent a night with him and told amazing stories about his sexual prowess and stamina. The stories seemed to me to be gross exaggerations as they claimed this guy could get off 4 or even 5 times in a single night and further, that during the evening his cock would occasionally "swell" abnormally so that he was much bigger than his normal size.

I was sure the stories were lies but they were fun and Tim and I initiated a lot of fun times for ourselves as I repeated them to him while we were making love or just out and out fucking.

We even did a little role-playing where he would pretend he was Brian and this unbelievably talented man would "fuck my brains out".

Aside from me, Ellen, a divorcee, was the only co-worker who had not yet slept with Brian. She was very cute with long brunette hair, good legs and a lovely set of 34 B boobs and it was obvious she was hoping to be next on Brian's list. I certainly didn't want to piss in her cherrios, but I did let her know that it was unlikely that much, if any, of the stories were true, but she was still hoping!

Brian turned out to be a rather good looking, apparently very nice, man in his mid 30's, about Tim's height but where Tim appeared slender, Brian was quite bulky and gave the impression of being a much bigger man. I have to admit that, looking at him, I couldn't help but wonder what he might be like in the sack. In fact it made me horny enough that Tim had a very enjoyable week.

On three days that I remember, I seduced him. Once while he was showering after returning from a pick-up basketball game, another time while he was half-heartedly watching a golf tournament on TV and once while we were enjoying a soak in our hot tub late one evening.

While in the shower I had him wash me from head to foot leaving no part of me undone. Then I did him and when I finished, I knelt in the shower and gave him the best blowjob I could, while holding the detachable showerhead at full blast between my legs. Occasionally, as I let my body sway a little, I could focus the spray on my pussy and now and then on my clit, but after a while, I stopped trying to get myself off and focused on Tim.

He told me later that looking down at me sucking him and blasting at my pussy with the showerhead was a turn on for him and when he came, his knees buckled and I thought he would fall on me. He managed to hang on until the orgasm passed, then he carried me to our bed where he ate me to at least 2 climaxes. I say at least 2 because I think there might have been more. It was so intense, I lost count.

During the football game, I put on the shortest skirt I had, without panties, and a loose "peasant blouse" without a bra. I moved around the room doing some light housekeeping and trying not to look too obvious. As I said before, Tim notices everything and after "enjoying the view" for a while, he pulled me on to the sofa and ate me to a delicious orgasm before dropping his pants and fucking me to another one.

I saw an interview on television where two movie stars were being asked if they had actually had intercourse during a scene that took place in a hot tub. They denied it and claimed that, with the heat of the water it couldn't be done.

Tim and I proved that wrong!

As we sat in the tub enjoying the night sky and a bottle of our favorite red wine, I reached over and stroked Tim to erection. We sat there for quite a while as I kept him hard and enjoyed the look on his face. After quite some time, I had him sit forward and I straddled him, then rode him, cowgirl, until we both came, me first then Tim.

At the end of that week, Tim called from his car on his way home from the golf club and asked me out to dinner. He suggested something fancy so I dressed accordingly and when I came downstairs after getting ready, I was met with two dozen, beautiful roses and a card telling me how very much he loved me!