A Boy for a Toy

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A cougar seduces a young Marine.
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Michelle breathed a sigh of relief after getting off the plane. She hated flying. The only way she could handle it was by lubricating her fears with alcohol, usually two drinks in the first ten minutes to settle down, followed by several more during the flight. On this journey from New York to Seattle, she had knocked back seven shots of Jack Daniels on the rocks. She still had a buzz going as she walked through the long terminal. The tired traveler was looking forward to getting back to the house to put her feet up. This trip had been taxing. Indeed, right now it felt like her whole life was saturated in stress. The problems kept piling up: the ongoing divorce proceedings, two lawsuits against the business, a wayward daughter facing jail time for drugs, and a mountain of legal bills coming in from every direction. All this during the Christmas season, which for this hard-driving entrepreneur was always a depressing time of the year. But there would be no break coming.

After exiting the restricted zone, Michelle smiled when she saw the large well-decorated Toys for Tots Christmas Tree. This charity was one of the few she was fond of. As a child growing up with a single mother raising four kids, Christmases were often austere. There weren't too many toys passed out. The financial success she had had in life gave her great empathy for children who were going without. She decided to stop and perhaps make a donation to this worthy cause.

"Good evening, Ma'am and Merry Christmas! My name is Lance Corporal Willis Greene, United States Marine Corps. Would you like to hear more about the Toys for Tots Program?"

Michelle turned her head to look up at the 6'5" tall blonde Marine towering over her. He was dressed in a perfectly tailored, freshly pressed wool uniform with every button polished to a mirror-like finish. Bulging muscles added to the ultra-military appearance, making this corporal look like a model for a recruiting poster. For a few seconds, Michelle was struck speechless by this virile specimen of post-adolescent masculinity. She paused, regrouping for the right words to respond with as she connected with his pale blue eyes.

"Yes, Corporal, by all means, do tell me more. I am very interested."

As the Marine started talking, it was obvious to Michelle that he was reciting bits of a partially memorized script, giving his spiel a wooden feel, like that of a new salesman who is not quite sure of himself. Although he was trying very hard, she discerned that this diamond in the rough was inexperienced not only in a businesslike manner but in the ways of the world in general. As he continued, she deepened her gaze and smiled softly, subtle signals that her interest was shifting away from the program he was describing. But he didn't react. She then stuck her tongue out slightly, licking her top lip in a very slow and deliberate fashion. There was an almost imperceptible tremor in his voice as his eyes widened for a fraction of a second. The prowling cougar knew she was making headway.

"So, tell me, Corporal, do good looking Marine hunks like you drop down chimneys on Christmas Eve to deliver these toys to the deserving children?" While asking the question, Michelle reached out to run her fingertips along one of his massive biceps.

"Well, not quite Ma'am", he responded with a nervous laugh. "But we will be having a party at the Youth Center where we will hand out a bunch of presents a few days before Christmas."

"That sounds fantastic! The kids will be so happy! I tell you what, Corporal ... I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"

"Greene, Ma'am. Corporal Greene."

"No, your first name."

"Willis, Ma'am, but you can call me Will if you like."

"Ok, Willis, your detailed explanation has persuaded me to help out with a donation. Will you take a check?"

"Of course, Ma'am. As long as it doesn't bounce," he said jokingly.

Michelle smiled at him. "No, Willis, parts of me bounce quite nicely, but my checks never do." With that, she opened up her thick jacket to get her checkbook from the inner pocket. She was glad she was wearing a tight grey top underneath that emphasized her rather substantial assets.

"I'm going to write the check for $300. I want it divided up equally between girls and boys toys, even though I am partial to boy toys." The allusion went right over his head. Michelle handed him the check.

"Thank you, Ma'am, thank you very much! Your generosity is much appreciated."

Michelle reached back with both hands to scratch an imaginary itch that was somewhere in the middle of her back. As she did she caught the young Marine sneaking an eyeful. The temptress gave him a knowing wink that made him blush a light shade of pink.

"Are you here every night, Willis?"

"No, Ma'am, every other night until Christmas."

"Very good. Here's my business card with my home phone number on it. You are to call me tomorrow night at that number at exactly 8 o'clock. We'll talk more then."

Confident that her ploy would work, the cool seductress turned and walked away without waiting for an answer.


At 7 pm the following night, Michelle plopped her tired body down on the couch. She was exhausted. Jet lag played a part but mainly it was stress from the many phone calls made during the day that was bringing her down. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Her husband's lawyer was demanding ownership of several rental properties in return for Michelle being given sole rights in the construction business. She was livid about it. She had built the business from the ground up, using the profits to buy the rentals. Now she is supposed to lay down and let her lazy husband take them? To top that off, her daughter had stormed out of rehab which meant that the judge was probably going to reissue the warrant for her arrest. Shit! What else was going to happen? There was a seething volcano of rage trapped inside her, making her feel like she wanted to smash something to pieces.

She poured herself a triple shot of Jack over ice. It was down in a matter of minutes. Michelle felt a warm glow, lowering her levels of anger and frustration. She realized she was running away from her problems with booze but felt she needed to right now. When things settled down, the plug would go back in the jug.

As the whiskey took effect she diverted her thinking to another form of escape that had been swirling in the back of her mind all day, the corporal. She knew she should leave him alone, that it was wrong to pursue him, but her desires quashed her conscience. To her, he was a primal target. Everything about this magnificent Marine excited her: the blue eyes, the muscles, his height, his naivete, and his youthful stores of inexhaustible energy. She wanted all of it. She wanted to seduce and corrupt this inexperienced young stud, filling him with a yen for her, a Goddess incarnate in the woman he would be trained to adore.

In the past few years, she had hooked up with several much younger men, mainly through online dating sites where she had initiated the communications. She was very demanding with them, taking what she wanted when she found that their desires for older women made them willing to do anything. The sex could be exhilarating as she had ways of extracting the maximum energy possible. The sessions left her deliciously sore for days. And without any doubt, the intensity helped allay her fears of getting older and losing her beauty. These licentious forays were her baptism in a sensual Fountain of Youth, allowing her to feel wickedly young again.

But this Marine was a little different. There had been no ads, no feelers put out, just a random meeting. He seemed more innocent than the others, a characteristic which perhaps just increased her craving for him. She thought the odds of his calling were 50/50. As eight o' clock approached, she poured herself another double and waited.

A few seconds after the digits turned to 8:00, the phone rang. She knew she had him.


"Hello, Ma'am, this is Corporal Greene. We met at the Toys for Tots tree last night. You asked me to call you at 8 pm."

"No, that is incorrect, Corporal. I didn't ask you to call, I told you to call."

"Uhh .... yes, I guess you did, Ma'am."

"Yes, I did. So, clearly, you follow orders well. You are obedient. That's a quality I like in a younger man."

There was silence on the line. He was confused, not knowing how to answer as this was far outside his experience. But he didn't hang up either. The plan was to purposefully knock him off balance so he could be more easily led.

"Well, I wanted you to know, Willis, that I enjoyed meeting you. I was very impressed with you, so much so that I'd like to invite you out for a few drinks so we can talk in a more private setting."

"Uhh ... well ... Ma'am, ... I'm afraid I'm not old enough to drink."

"You're kidding! Really? How old are you, Will?", feigning surprise in her voice.

"Nineteen, Ma'am."

"Well, you do look older and you certainly have much more maturity than any other 19-year-old I've met lately, that's for sure. But what's in a number anyway? I'm 44 myself, in a couple of ways actually. And I tend to act younger than my age. So, let's meet somewhere in the middle. Can we agree to do that?"

"Yes, that would work, Ma'am."

"Good. And to get around the legalities, you can come to my house. We can have a drink or two and nobody need know, just me and you. Will you keep our secret?"

"I ... yes, I will."

"Fantastic! I look forward to it! My address is 1957 Fishtrap Drive. Come over Saturday night at exactly 6 pm. Ring the doorbell. And oh, Corporal, be sure to wear your dress uniform."

"I ... uhh ... will do that, Ma'am, if you want me to."

"Yes, I do. Goodnight, Corporal Greene"


Michelle was exuberant as Saturday afternoon melted away. The anticipation was building. She would soon be able to let loose and indulge in the raw pleasures of the flesh. Every muscle, nerve, and fiber in her body seemed to be on high alert with ever-increasing sensitivity as six o' clock approached. Her outfit was chosen for maximum effect; a tight red top, black skirt with a silver belt, black stockings, and bright red heels. Checking her look in a full-length mirror, Michelle smiled broadly. She still had it. The implants from three years ago had given her a lift, emphasizing the awesome curves of her large breasts. Years of working out at the gym combined with a strict dietary regimen had paid off with a firm well-defined body that any woman would be proud of. She looked hot and she knew it, reveling in the feeling of power it gave her. For this middle-aged libertine, wielding carnal power was an aphrodisiac that turned her intense cravings into acts of sexual frenzy.

At precisely 6 pm the doorbell rang. Michelle waited a couple of minutes before opening the door.

"Good evening, Ma'am."

"Well, good evening, Corporal. It's very good to see you again. I'm glad you could make time to come out, what with your busy schedule and all. How's the Toys for Tots coming along? I bet you're pulling in a lot of donations. Any more sugar mommas come by?"

The anxious Marine laughed. "We're doing well, Ma'am, but yours has been the largest donation so far. I want to thank you again for your generosity. It is very much appreciated. I assure you it will be put to good use."

"I have no doubt of that. C'mon, let's go in the living room where we can sit and talk for a bit. I want to know more about you."

They sat on the couch in the large parlor. Both were dressed to the max seeking to impress the other; one with total confidence, the other anxious and very unsure. The corporal knew something was happening but he just wasn't sure what it was. The young Marine definitely thought this very attractive woman was enticing but found it astounding that she was interested in him. Excited and scared at the same time, he couldn't back away but he couldn't take any steps forward either. The reality was, he didn't need to. The predator was completely in control, reeling in her prey.

"So, I promised you a drink, Will. I'm a Jack Daniels girl myself, but I imagine you might prefer a Heineken?"

"No, Ma'am, I'll take a shot of Jack with you."

"Really? I'm a bit surprised."

"Well, I'm from Tennessee, Ma'am. The distillery was just down the road from me growing up. It was a big deal. From a young age, my parents would give us kids a small shot when it was time to celebrate special occasions."

"Splendid! And we can certainly make this a special occasion today! Let me get some ice and I'll pour us each a glass."

As they sat on the couch sipping their drinks Michelle peppered him with questions about his life. She wanted him to be more relaxed before moving in for the kill. As the whiskey kicked in he did loosen up considerably, expounding about his dreams of being the best Marine he could be and how they seemed to be coming true. Michelle listened intently, knowing that this would make this young man feel more accepted and grown-up. She enjoyed luring him further into her den.

"Ma'am, I did notice on your card that your name is Michelle. Is it all right if I call you Michelle?" He wanted more of a sense of familiarity with this intriguing woman who seemed to be coming on to him.

It was time to pounce. She glared into his eyes. "No, Corporal, you may not. You are to call me Ma'am. Always."

"All right, ... I can do that," he said in a chastened voice, revealing the wind had been knocked out of his sails.

"Yes, you can. You see, Willis, you perform best when you are obeying strict authority. It's the main reason you like the Marine Corps and are doing so well. It gave you a chance to shine, to demonstrate your talents, and to gain the approval you need so badly. You crave the discipline, the structure. And you can correct me if I'm wrong, Corporal, but I think you want the same kind of discipline in your sex life. You need an authoritative older woman who will take control, show you the path to take. A woman you can respect and obey."

The Marine was stunned. He was powerless to respond. Although not as loud as a drill sergeant her strong tone was just as frightening. And two words stood out emphatically in her speech: "sex life". He had no sex life. What did she mean?

"Hmm ... Corporal, you are scared. Yes. But that's actually a good thing. Remember the first night you got off the bus on Parris Island? You were scared shitless. But you went through the hardest, most demanding twelve weeks of your life to achieve a goal. And look at you now! A few minutes ago you were telling me how much you love being in the Marines. It can be the same way here."

"I don't understand what you mean, Ma'am", he responded in a low shaky voice.

She moved in closer to him, looking right into his eyes. "Ok, Will, let me spell it out for you so it's very clear what I have in mind. I like younger men. I like to screw younger good looking tall muscular men with lots of endurance. Some may call me a cougar. Maybe you think of me as a MILF, a mother you'd like to fuck. But I'll tell you something; from the second I saw you, I've been wanting to fuck you. You have what I want, and I want you to give it to me. In return, I will give you a different kind of basic training. I'm gonna make you a man in another kind of way."

He was silent. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. But he knew she was right about one thing; this was as terrifying as boot camp. He was paralyzed, just like then; waiting for instructions on what to do next. She knew he needed them.

"Stand up, Corporal."

He immediately rose to his feet. She stood up directly in front of him.

"I must tell you, I've always had a thing for men in uniform. When I was about your age, I dated a cop who was much older than me. He used to plow my furrow with his uniform on. I loved it! But there's nothing like a Marine in dress uniform. So professional, so military, and so very sexy, polished and perfect. How long does it take for you to get dressed?"

"About an hour to get everything just right, Ma'am."

"An hour! My! Well, I doubt it will take that long to get it off," she started unbuttoning his jacket, running her hands over his muscular chest. "You have a beautiful body. But tell me right now, Corporal, I want to know before we go any further; will you follow my orders exactly as I give them to you?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Very good. We will continue."

She slid her hands down to his crotch to be shocked by what she found. Even through his clothes, it was obvious he was bigger than any man she had ever been with before. Her level of desire exploded into the stratosphere, for in all her fantasies throughout her life she envisioned a man with a superhuman cock taking her. The sexually intoxicated woman moved quickly, undoing the chrome buckle, unzipping, and pulling his pants and underwear down to reveal a penis so massive that it made all the rest she had ever seen pale in comparison. Her fingertips danced slowly up and down the full length of the shaft, which she guessed to be at least twelve inches with a substantial girth. She was awestruck, feeling almost compelled to kneel in adoration before this phallus worthy of a Greek god; while at the same time thrilled that she had absolute control over it. She decided to use this power by teasing the helpless Marine.

"This is quite the cock you have, Corporal. Strong and rock fucking hard. I bet I could cut a diamond with it. Rumor says Marines have the best guns. I guess it must be true. What's that song you boys sing?"


"Something about a rifle."

"The Rifleman's Creed, Ma'am?"

"Yeah, that's it. Say it aloud, Corporal."


"Say it out loud, Corporal. Now!"

"Ma'am ... This is my rifle."

"I can't hear you."

"This is my rifle ..."

"I still can't hear you! Sound off like you got a pair!"


"That's better. Hmm ... it seems more like artillery to me though," as she licked around the sensitive rim seeking the spots that would get reactions. They were not difficult to find. She soon had her prey twitching and breathing much heavier as she pressed her tongue harder against the skin, moving rapidly knowing that the first orgasm would be quicker, whereas later ones would be delayed so she could experience the stamina she craved so badly.

"Continue, Corporal"


"Oh, I don't think so. I doubt there's another like it anywhere. This is one magnificent cannon, Corporal. In my 44 years, I've never seen one this nice. And I'll tell you something, I do like cock. I like everything about them. And I am really going to enjoy this one. Because you're going to give it to me exactly the way I want it. Yes, I control it. And yes, it's yours, but tonight, young man, it's mine too." The middle-aged nymphomaniac slid her lips down as far as she could reach, feeling the head of his penis in her throat. She deliberately went down just slightly more to force herself to gag for the effect, before coming back up slowly for air.

"Continue, Corporal."


"Yes, well, I'll be glad to help you with that. You need a Mistress to help you master it, to teach you the control you need so that you may bring pleasure to the woman you serve."


"Very true!"


"Even truer!"


"Yes, you're damn right! Well, then, here you go! Permission to fire, Corporal! FIRE AT WILL!" With that she reached around to stick a finger up his ass, quickly finding and rubbing his prostate, while simultaneously fellating his cock with her lips moving like a jackhammer on high speed. In little more than a minute, the inexperienced boy toy was launched into the most intense and prolonged orgasm of his life. He screamed at the top of his lungs as his whole body convulsed in ecstasy. The semen burst from his cock in voluminous powerful spurts which filled Michelle's hungry mouth. The thick cum oozed out the sides of her lips dripping down her chin. She made efforts to swallow as much of the male nectar as possible but the large quantity of it made it difficult. She squeezed his shaft hard near the base pulling up forcefully with her hand to extract as much of the potent sperm as possible.