3 Bitches, 1 Crazy, & A Big Fat Cock

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Sex with 3 fast girls & one crazy one.
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(All persons in this story are over the age of 18. All sex acts are consented to. If you enjoy this story please favor story and author. Doing so you will be notified of future writings. Please give it a fair vote and any comment are welcome!

Best regards to all and be safe. These are dangerous times.)


I was born on Valentine's Day. It has always been special for me. People living in California don't talk about birthdays because they don't want to reveal their age which is stupid. I don't make a habit of telling people, but when February comes around I always try to spend the day with someone I like. I guess I should start at the beginning, wherever that is. I imagine every man's life starts with his Mom and then shifts to his penis and then to his lovers. Let's start.

My Mom was the office nurse and mistress of a Jewish Doctor. She stayed in the background of his marriage even after I was born. The Doc decided that I was to be circumcised. Not for religious reasons, Mom was Catholic, but for hygiene. It's easier to keep a penis clean and is better for women in terms of avoiding cervical cancer. At least that's what I was told.

Do I feel like I'm missing something, sure? My Grandad, Mom's Dad, had a foreskin that looked like the silencer on a submachine gun. What the Japanese, if you read Anima, call "Mitsu"-- very ugly. Grandad said, "Never show an ugly cock to a woman you are about to fuck until the broad is wide-legged and you can see her pussy. If they see an ugly cock, they will run off before you can get inside."

From what I've read, they say the foreskin increases the sensitivity. I don't think I'll get a chance to find out if that's true, it's just too late. My cock is not ugly. I don't have a problem showing it off. It's really the other way around. If I whip it out in front of a lady, they are usually ready to take all eight inches. No problem or questions asked.

My real Dad, the Doc says when I was born, the surgeon who sniped off my foreskin said that my dick looked like King David's cock. How he got that idea, I don't know? Maybe from Michelangelo's sculpture, and David's beaut wasn't even erect. I don't often read the Bible, but I never found a description of the King's cock.

My prick is a straight 90 degree when erect, points straight ahead and is smooth like satin, with no overpowering veins. My cock's big head looks like two lips pressed together. The ladies that have begun sucking my cock, say it is like kissing lips. They always say that.

My prostate and balls must be in good shape. I regenerate an overflow jigger of cum every 24 hours. How do I know? I measured it years back, and it hasn't failed me yet. My Dad is 75, and he's still fucking my Mom, at least once a week. He says it's best to slow down when you get old. I try to have sex at least three times a week. They say frequent ejaculations ward off prostate cancer. I really don't go for jerking off. It just isn't as satisfying as getting the big dipper balls deep in a cunt or ass. But that's me. Some guy I know tells me to milk the dragon every night. Maybe that's even healthier.

Like most guys, sex starts in highschool, on a limited basis. But when I got to college it really exploded for me. All of a sudden women were interested in having sex. Instead of fighting you off, they were unzipping your pants. I must have gone through several sororities fucking the best looking girls and a few ringers as well. I had no intention of getting married and when the girls figured that out, the relationships often ended prematurely. My Dad inculcated that idea saying,

"Marriage is the death of romance, Stay single my son. There is time enough to get married when you are older, if you want to make that mistake."

If I was horny in college, I'd paint my dick with tanning cream and turn it a golden hue, then walk over to the gay frat house, unzip, and several cock suckers would suck me dry before I got ten feet inside. No, I'm not gay, but gay men are usually better cock suckers than women, a least in my experience.

I was a premed student but my Dad was convinced that being a Doctor was not a good choice. He'd been divorced twice, due to the lack of time a Doctor has for family life. He says he'd have divorced his present wife if she hadn't had the twins. The girls, a few years older than me, are my half sisters but they don't know it. Someday they will. Dad credit's my Mom with his sanity and his sex life. He says he hasn't had sex with his wife, Ethel, since the twins were born about the time Mom went to work for him, 32 years ago. Dad says,

"Some woman dry up early and sex is no longer of interest, if it ever was. Other women enjoy fucking even into their sixties. Picking the high flyers ain't easy son, she's gotta have a real wet pussy."

At Dad's insistence I joined his medical firm after graduation. He's about ready to retire and he's made me the CEO. I can't complain. The salary is good, the perks like my Porsche are great, and Dad has given me a generous amount of shares in the firm. The twins also sit on the board but with a small amount of shares. We all get along well, at least for now. If they know we are related they have never let on. In any event, my future is well protected.

I want to record these last weeks happenings because I don't quite understand what the hell happened. It's as if I was sucked into a vortex of sexual perversions. Well, I better start somewhere.

I stopped at a Happy Winkler's Fast Food place over on 3rd St., a few weeks back, thinking I'd get one of those famous striped soft ice creams in a waffle cone. The line was short, and the girl behind the serving window taking my order was very attractive. Her uniform was unbuttoned just enough to get a quick look at her cleavage, where she had a sticker saying "Cindy." She turned to the soft ice cream dispenser and showed off her ripe buttocks in the skin-tight shorts that left nothing to the imagination. That was when she pulled up the tight shorts, and her pussy popped out on one side.

"What time do you get off," I asked.


"I wanna take you out to dinner."

"Ok, pick me up at 6:30."

"See you then, Cindy."

"And you are?"

"Joe, just three letters."

There I was, waiting for Cindy. A few minutes later, out she came, her boobs bobbing up and down the way only natural breasts move.

"Get in, Sweetie."

"So, where are we going?"

"What would you like? Steak, Pizza, Chinese, Thai?"

"Whatever, maybe something light?"

"Well, Thai is light or Chinese, or we could do the salad bar at the mall."

"Oh yeah, that Plantation place, that's good."

So off I headed, sneaking a glance every minute or so at her 38 double D's bursting out of her blouse.

"Joe, look, I want to ask you one thing."

"Sure, Cindy."

"Could you pull over for sec?"

"Ok." I slowed down and pulled to the side of the darkened street.

"I wanted to ask you, since I'm having my period, would you like a blow job before dinner or after?"

"Wow, you take my breath away."

"I could do you right now if you liked it?"

She moved closer, and her hands were on my lap.

"Ok, whatever you prefer."

"Well, after eating, I don't much like to swallow, and depending on what I eat, my breath might be bad."

Her hands had already moved to my zipper.

"Let me help,"

I unbuttoned my pants, and when she pulled my underwear down below my ball sack. My cock, sprang out like the bird in the cuckoo clock.

She was over me in a second, her head bobbing up and down like a pro. I reached out and got my hands under her t-shirt and was playing with her nipples.

It was really hot,

"Oh, oh, yes, oh Babe, you are so good."

And I let it rip, it must have been a half a cup of jizz, but she just swallowed down like it was lemonade."

"You sure filled me up," she said when she raised her head and gulped whatever hadn't gone down first.

"Well, I owe you one."

"Don't worry. I got an electric dildo that does the job when I'm horny."

"I think we better get going before some cop notices us."

"Yeah, otherwise I'll have to blow the cop."

I laughed, "Is that the way it goes?"

"It's happened a few times, the guy I'm with gets mad, but the cop always lets us go."

"You've had quite a few of these experiences?"

"Yep, if it's one cop, a blow job will do, but if it's two, they want a free fuck. And with all the shit the cops wear, they just pull out their cock and try to fuck ya while they are fully dressed."

"Jesus, you've done that."

"Sometimes ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. Otherwise, the coppers arrest you and say you were whoring."

We went from that dark street to the Soup Plantation and had a lovely meal. I don't know how they get by with that name in a BLM age but the salad place is run well.. The mini pizzas and cornbread were good, and they had caramelized bananas next to the soft ice cream machine. Then I drove Cindy home.

She shared a small apartment over a garage with two other girls, Lulu and Romula.The room was dark and even in the darkness, Romula, looked very attractive. She didn't say much. I sat around with them, shooting the breeze, drank a beer, and spent most of the time talking with Lulu, a waitress who worked days.

Lulu was older than Cindy. She seemed more mature and had a knockout body with a natural Italian nose that I thought attractive. I'm not too fond of those Beverly Hills plastic hack jobs that leave you with half a schnoz. She seemed very nice. We got on well. Then I called it a night.

When Cindy walked me out, she said,

"Lulu loves good Bourbon, you should come by with a bottle, and you can fuck her all night long."

"Give me her number."

"OK, said Cindy."

A few days later, I called Lulu.

"Sure, come on over," Lulu said, "We have a sort of living room down in the garage with a fridge, ice machine, TV, and a fold-out bed."

"Can I bring anything?"

"Sure, bring a decent bottle of American Bourbon."

"Any brand?"

"No, just something good, but just not 'Old Grandad,' it reminds me of something I try to forget."

"You got it, babe."

When I arrived, Cindy was leaving, and when she saw the Bourbon bottle, she gave me a big wink.

"Hope you brought condoms? Big ones for you. I remember the size of your dick."

"Good idea." I went back out to the car where I had a box of mags in the glove box. I put two foil wrapped into my pocket and went back inside. You never know a condom will break or get snared on shaved pussy hair.

Lulu waved hi and escorted me downstairs to the reconditioned living room they'd fashioned from the garage.

"This is our 'fuck room,' as the other girls call it, but I call it our living room."

I handed Lulu the bottle of "Maker's Mark."

"Oh, that's a good one brand. Let me get us some glasses. Ice or straight."

"A little ice is fine."

"I like it straight," and she grinned, so I knew what she was referring to."

"Well, my dick ain't curved."

"That's good, that's what Cindy said. I once had sex in the back of a bar with a sailor whose dick was so fucked up, he had to twist to get it inside, and when he saw the MPs arriving, he pulled it out fast. That hurt like hell."

Seeing this was a girl without inhibitions, I asked, "so what's the story about the 'Old Grand Dad.'"

"I was afraid you'd ask, but my counselor says the more I talk about it, the better I'll be able to get past it. Ok, my Mom was serving a year in County for a DUI, no one was killed. She ended up driving into the front of a 7-11 Store and came to rest in front of the self serve hot dog bar.

"Soon after Mom's arrest, my sister and I were soon evicted from our apartment as there was no one to pay the rent. I went out to Cleveland to stay with my Grandpa, and sis stayed with a cousin."

"Did you have a Dad?"

"Everyone has a Dad, but ours was killed robbing a service station. So, no Dad was in the picture."

"How did that come down?"

"Long story short, I was eight years old. Dad took me on a run to a liquor store. Dad saw the regular cashier guy, the owner, was out. His son was running the cash register. Dad was carrying a case of 24 bottles of Beer on his shoulder. He told me,

"Go behind the counter and punch the kid in the balls."

I did what he said. Then we both ran out the door. The kid yelled,

"They're stealing."

When we got outside, the owner was waiting. He grabbed me. Some dude in a cowboy hat with a .44 mag in his hand fired one slug into Dad's chest. The case of Beer bottles hit the sidewalk. Glass, and stink everywhere. Dad was dead before he fell. They went through his pockets, found his folding knife, unfolded it, and stuck it in his hand. When the squad car arrived minutes later, they said he was raving he was going to kill someone, and the dude shot in self-defense. I was rushed off to my Mom, never got a chance even to say how it all came down. That was it, no Dad."

"Wow, some story."

"Well, I ain't finished yet. You asked about the Grand Dad Whiskey."

"Sorry, hon, please," and I opened my hand as if to add 'go on.'"

Lulu continued,

"Well, I was a fresh faced punk kid just outta high school. Mom spent evenings in a trucker's bar and late at night, on her back or knees in the beds of pickup trucks or inside truck cabs out in the parking lot. Mom had gone on a "vacation" in Vegas, where she'd been arrested for whoring. Vegas hotels don't like whores inside the elevators, grabbin vacationers by the nuts. Someone called the desk. She was locked up for 60 days of a possible six months term. I was on my own."

"Like I was saying, I was just eighteen at the time, staying with my grandfather, Mom's Dad. I was at his house in Vegas where there was always a low stakes card game going on. Yeah, gambling."

"When Grandpa went out to get more Beer for his three friends, that he was playing cards with. I was sitting there just watching when the guys asked me to play strip poker with them while Gramps was gone. One of the guys handed me what he said was coke and a little booze. I wasn't a virgin and had been with more than a few boyfriends, so I knew my way around cocks and balls. No doubt the drink was pretty potent and that caused a lapse in my judgement,"

"In a half-hour, the four of us were mostly nude. Hector suggested,

"How about we play for blow jobs or if two consecutive wins, the choice of a fuck, call it winners choice."

"What do I get out of that?"

"If you win and don't want us to fuck you, we gotta pay you $50."

"Ok," I said.

"Next thing I knew, I was down under the table, sucking Jack's cock. That old guy took forever to shoot but finally obliged. I wasn't' going to swallow, so I let it dribble out of my mouth into a puddle on the broken linoleum tile squares on the floor."

"I won the next round, and Bill gave me a check for $50. About that time, Sam and I were playing. Sam won twice, so the old guys arranged me belly down over the table edge. Sam stood up and started fucking me."

"He was doing ok, but soon he lost his hard-on. About then, Gramps came in with two twelve packs of canned Bud. As I had my eyes closed, I didn't realize it when he took Sam's place, although his cock seemed bigger and harder. Gramps shot his load pretty quick. I opened my eyes as he blasted his cum juice into me."

"What the fuck is going on," I shouted.

"My house, my granddaughter's pussy. Lulu, you shut the fuck up and go wash your cunt out. and that sticky mess on the floor?"

Sam was laughing, "She's your blood bitch, now you two can have a two-headed baby."

"There was no chance of that. I was on the pill, so I didn't have to worry."

"Your cunts are a lot tighter than your Mom's," said Grandaddy. "But If you plan to stay on here without paying into the pot, I get a free fuck once a week."

"Sure, Gramps, if you can get it up."

"I did ok tonight."

Bill nodded, "Yep, Lulu, the old guy fucked you good. You gotta admit that."

"Jack piped in, "She gives a good cock suck, Buddy. Might you like that?

Gramp responded, "How would you know?'

"Well, while you were gone, she blew me, that's how."

"They all had a good laugh."

"That's the end of the story. You can imagine being fucked by my grandfather was very upsetting and traumatic, not to mention his buddies taking advantage of me."

"Yikes, that some fucken story you tell. Lulu. It's tragic but my dick is about ready to burst my pants."

"Well, let's have a few more drinks. Then we can fool around. Why don't you tell me about a sexy time you had?"

"Ah gee, I don't know?"

Lulu reached over and squeezed my dick,

"Sure, you can."

"Ok, ok," I pushed her hand away," You better stop, or I won't be any good later."

"OK, here's a story for you to wet your pussy on."

"I used to date a good looking light-skinned black girl, big titties, tight-cunt, nice curvy ass. Her Mom was a security guard at Walmart. A big dark-skinned woman, heavier that Janis but still a good looking woman with a bit of a belly."

"I was busy fucking her daughter on the living room couch one night when two strong hands tore us apart."

"Get in your room, you Ho," shouted her Mom.

"She grabbed me by my erect cock and marched me towards the door."

"But Mrs. Williams, I need my clothes," I whined.

That was when she took a sharp turn and dragged me into her bedroom.

She looked me right in the eye and said,

"You didn't cum yet, did ya?


"That's good because you ain't done yet."

"She pushes me onto her unmade bed and strips off her guard uniform. Takes her handcuffs out of the belt holder and slaps one cuff on me and the other on her."

"White boy, you ain't leaving her till you fill up this here black pussy with a bunch of your white boy jizz."

"Mom took a dab of some lube tube from the night table, slathered it into her cunt, and piled on top of me, grabbed my dick, and pumped it up. When it felt hard enough, she stuck it right into her hairy wet snatch."

"I have to admit the old gal was a better fuck than her daughter. She would wiggle her big butt like there was a vibrator inside."

"Afterwards, I learned this whole scenario was a trick. Mom and daughter had planned the whole thing. After that night, we just threesomed, but I had to be careful not to cum until I had satisfied both women."

"Sometimes, when I'd be eating out her Mom, Janice would get on her back and slide between my legs and start sucking me off. That's when I'd lose it."

"How did you manage to fuck the Mom after the daughter blew you."

"The Mom would slip me a viagra, and twenty minutes later, I had a hard-on.

"Sometimes I would fuck her and leave a cream pie inside. Sometimes, I'd just fuck her a long time till she was well stewed even without cuming. That viagra gets you hard but doesn't guarantee a sperm shot if you've already cum."

"The old lady was kinky as hell. When I'd finish fucking her, she'd want me to suck the cum out of her vagina. She'd tell me to swallow it or blow it into her daughter's cunt. To me, that shit was kind of gay, but you don't turn down a double pussy fuck, even if you gotta do stuff that ain't your preference."

"How long did that go on?"

"For the better part of fourteen months, then her Mom got into an agreement for Janis to marry the nerd son of the family who owned the mortuary. They were wealthy folks, and Mom called off our play hours. Mom said my dick was too wide, and they had to lay off sex till her daughter's cunt shrunk down. Then they could pass her off as a virgin."

"How were they going to do that?"

"By filling her vag up with them McDonald ketchup packs they give ya with take- out, just before the honeymoon night. Which went pretty good, the nerd wasn't into eating cunt."

"Well, it would have been a McDonald's wedding night if he was," said Lulu. "Most of the kids, I knew from them mortuary families, were used to fucking the corpses."