
I'm trying to become a better writer by describing plausible back stories with realistic characters who just happen to have sexual experiences.
I want my characters to be realistic, the kind of people you come across every day. I find inspiration in many places, some obvious, others less conventional. I never know when a story will come to me.

It's odd, but the stories I write seem to write themselves. By this I mean I have an idea. A setting, an image, whatever. Then I sit down, put my fingers on the keyboard, and I never know what will appear on the page. Once i have my draft, I read, then re-read, then read it again, making tweaks but keeping the general storyline and plot.

Like a painter, I have my sketch then I fill in details. I strive for accuracy. Google Maps fills in details. A two-minute Google search can provide basic details that my characters may experience. My intent is not to educate but to help my readers achieve orgasm, or at least some form of pleasure. But I believe a story that's geographically and historically accurate, with characters who could be your coworker or neighbor just makes for a better story.

I appreciate everyone who've read my stories. I'm hoping someday I find the secret formula that gets one of my stories five- or six-digit readership numbers. To quote Cedric Burnside, "I be trying."

Thanks for reading this and enjoy my stories. Comments are always welcome. If you try to contact me, I may reply or I may not.

Author Stats

19 Years AgoMember Since
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11My Favorites
6My Comments
2Series Published

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Dog(s), Cat(s)


Solo Girl, Nudism, Masturbation

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