
Authors Notes:

Lots going on right now. Wanted to give everyone a big heads up. The authors got together and challenged each other to write stories in exactly 750 words. Never one to back down from a fight, I wrote and submitted six. They span several categories; 2 Sci-Fi/Fantasy, 1 lesbian, 1 Gay Male, and of course, a Transgender/CD. The fifth covers, I believe, 17 of the categories, so watch out.

I wanted to warn my followers because these are not my normal fare. Remember, exactly 750 words, but I still wrote them, so I hope you will enjoy them. Consider them snacks until my next full length work drops some time next month.

PS. The updated avatar is still not me, but it is based on a picture of me that went through three AI tools. I will say it is who I see when I close my eyes and look in that mirror. I can dream, right? ;) ;)


I have lots of projects going on, so bear with me of your favorite isn't moving as fast as you like.
More coming from Granger and her crew(chapter three is about half done and moving nicely).
Amber just got an update. Don't worry she has more work to do and several of you have given me great suggestions, so please be patient.

One other thing, at the request of a few of my followers, I am investigating publishing some anthologies of some of my better stories for download and possible purchase in soft and hardback. More details as they become available.


Thanks to your support and wonderful feedback, I have discovered a new passion; I love to write romance and erotic fiction, now some science fiction and a little fantasy, too. Please keep the comments coming, they always make my day.

PS. I am a hopeful romantic, so only happy endings here. :)

One last thing...
There are a few standard caveats I'd like to get out of the way that apply to most of my stories:

- All parties engaging in any sexual activity are over 18.

- STDs are very real and practicing safe sex should always be encouraged, but my world is a fantasy world where they just don't come into to play, so I won't bother you with details of putting on condoms and thigs like that. Besides a good cum shot is sexy as hell.

- Anal sex can be very messy, but like condoms for STDs, dealing with the details of enemas and things like that, just ruin the flow of a good sex scene. So, unless it moves the story, we're going to pretend that everyone is just magically all clean and pretty back there all the time and get on with the fucking, ok? :)

Thanks for understanding.





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Um, Writing Romance And Erotica

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