
Update 4/6/2024:

I've paused editing After the End - Part 3 due to other demands on my time, but I'm still committed to having the remaining four chapters (19-22) to you at some point. You can encourage the process by letting me know you'd like to read more. :)

About my work:

After the End is an original dystopian erotic romance trilogy. If you enjoy intensely provocative sex with a power play twist, handsome male heroes in emotionally satisfying relationships, and unconventional happy endings -- you are in the right place! These books are full-length, publication-quality, and currently being offered free of charge. :)

After the End - Part 1 (chapters 1 through 7):

In the ruins of civilization one hundred years from now, Avery's community on the Gulf Coast struggles to fend off hunger, storms, and vengeful bands of criminals. In his twenty-three years, survival has been a daily battle, loss a constant companion, and luxuries like grocery stores and motor vehicles only a distant legend. He's always assumed that casual hookups with beautiful girls was all he needed, until a man unlike any he's ever met shows up and changes everything.

Julian was born to rule, the heir to generations of power and privilege in the Pacific Northwest, where the government withdrew during the collapse. When the promise of a brilliant military career ends with disillusionment and a failed insurrection, he cuts all ties and flees to the remote wilderness with his two closest supporters. The last thing he wants is another messy entanglement, so he ignores Avery's stunning looks and the complexities hinted at beneath his self-assured exterior, until a magical twilit confession stirs new life into his heart.

Their explosive chemistry and intuitive connection leaves both of them captivated. Yet their fledgling relationship is challenged by deeply-rooted insecurities, troubling personal histories, and vastly different backgrounds, plus the ever-present dangers of the lawless woods. Their journey leads through tentative trust-building, painful mistakes, and addictively erotic games, ultimately taking them exactly where they were meant to be.

After the End - Part 2 (chapters 8 through 12):

The first time Julian is approached by Vik, Fort Laurel's young but talented doctor, about a three-way sexual relationship, he knows Avery isn't ready. But a year into their marriage, Julian decides the time is right to offer his husband the opportunity to experiment with another man, within the safe confines of strict rules the three negotiate together. Vik's strong submissive preferences and gentle personality make him the perfect casual partner, and Avery is thrilled to discover a new world of erotic possibilities in playing the dominant role.

Vik hasn't had much luck finding a partner who can capably handle both the always-on-call demands of his profession and his need to give up control in the bedroom. He finds some relief from loneliness with his married friends, but he still yearns to experience the kind of love they share.

When Julian hatches a plan to set him up with a mysterious suitor, Vik is more hopeful and more nervous than he's been in years. All four men must face some uncomfortable realities in order to move forward, yet with each other's support, they find much-needed healing and wholeness.

After the End - Part 3 (chapters 13 through 22):

Four years after Julian's arrival, Fort Laurel is facing its deadliest enemy yet: a powerful militia advancing ruthlessly on their homes and farmlands. Help arrives from an astonishing source -- the U.S. military deployed to the South after decades of anarchy. Leading the soldiers is dashing, charismatic Captain Graham Lansing, an old acquaintance from Julian's childhood on the West Coast, who brings surprising news about the former commander's status and quickly strikes up an easy friendship.

Avery doesn't understand how he can be so magnetically attracted to Graham's bold swagger and cocky grin, when he's already deeply devoted to Julian. He tries to hide his interest, but after his husband brings steamy fantasies into their sex play, Avery agrees to invite the captain over for a threesome, with unforgettable results.

As their hookups become a regular occurrence and their affectionate relationships build, both partners recognize that Graham's presence in their lives is something special. But with social norms, heartbreak, and tragedy standing in their way, it will take a lot of trust, courage, and love to make happily-ever-after even happier.

About me:

I enjoy exploring identity, sexuality, relationships, and social factors through creative writing. I am biologically female and I identify as genderqueer. For me, this means I can view gender through a variety of lenses.

Thank you to each person who has shared reactions and feedback on my work! It truly does help me create the best stories that I can for readers to enjoy.


Nebraska, USA



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