
Poetry by DavidChirko

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Undelivered love poem to one of my sociology professors.

239 1 1

Unrequited love for a fickle woman.


Humming bird, rejected by flower so forgets it.

5 171 1 1

Like her namesake, the woman with her kisses; I never met.

544 1 1

Fantasy, wherein the defeated in love look up at the winner.

2 571 1 1

Definitive asseveration on woman's most celebrated attribute

5 470 1 1 1

After the hoary, heartless winter comes the warmth of spring

5 389 2 2

Body worship pays homage to the ultrafeminine.

5 384 1

Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream inspired her presence.

5 458 1

Mental interplay between ecdysiast and her acolytes.

337 2

Intriguing, what's seen in a tv commercial's highball glass


(Or a terse Japanese rune on Cleo Laine's voice)

3.67 272

Love munificently, while there is still time.

4 362 3

Brian Wilson, Beach Boy back on beach with bikini clad gals

3.5 549

Why does aggression often supersede love?

521 1

Conceit is ephemeral and axed when it taints a romantic mood

4 384 3

I experience the fantasy, sung by Nancy and Lee.

4 674 1

Celebrating the ultrafeminine through seasonal body worship.

5 651 1 2 1

Luscious summer warmth felt when traipsing through downtown.