
I live the the North West of England, where we get more than our share of rain, hence my pen-name.

Before I retired, more years ago than I care to think about, I had a job which exercised my mind to the full. I never had time to write anything but text books and manuals. Since being liberated from the daily treadmill, I have found I need to write or I become edgy, which my dear wife does not like at all. I need the creativity.

I write to keep my brain functioning, and I submit my writing to the public forum to force me to hone it as near to perfection as I can. I love my British language passionately and refine my tales again and again, editing for typos, repetitions, and to improve the rhythm of the sentences. It takes many revisions before I feel able to post them, and even then I'm usually not completely happy with them. It is the editing as much as creating the stories that keeps me on my mental toes; it is why I don't use an editor.

Since I have been writing for a good many years, but only posting for a few, there are a quite number of tales fully completed (in that they have an ending), but are unrefined and awaiting my figurative red pencil. They are usually long stories!

I try to make my characters as normal as possible; they are not supermen and women and they react as normally as possible. They have weaknesses.


North of England



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12 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
18My Favorites
45My Comments
11Series Published

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