Happy Fucking Halloween

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Sister's trick becomes a virgin's treat.
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"Happy Halloween," bubbled Cordelia Morgan.

"Fuck Halloween," replied her sister Johanna.

"Happy Fucking Halloween, then. Just what is wrong with your attitude?"

"Harley has this stupid Halloween party. He really insists that I go but I have study group early tomorrow. I guess I have to go, but I just won't stay long."

"But sis, Harley is your new boyfriend. I mean, the paint isn't even dry on the relationship. You know he gets all excited every year about his stupid frat's stupid party. It's the biggest early campus social event. Remember how upset you were Mom wouldn't let you go last year because you were underage? And you weren't even dating Harley then."

"Well, that was then, this is now. I've never been the sort of girl to play dress up and I think twenty is a bit old to learn how."

"Never too late to learn. Or too early to learn about sex. You are fucking Harley, aren't you?"

Johanna blushed, revealing the truth before she spoke. "We aren't even officially going steady yet. It's not like I'm the campus slut or anything."

"And I suppose that you mean that I am?"

"I never said that. I just find it awkward waking up and finding a strange man in our bathroom. And one morning, I walked out to get coffee and saw you blowing some naked guy in the kitchen. I know we agreed when I moved here from home that visitors were allowed, but we need to find some way to warn me."

"These things just happen without warning sis. They could happen to you too if you just loosened up a bit. College is supposed to be fun. Speaking of which, maybe I ought to dress up as a nun. Unless you have that role reserved."

"Nope. No costume for this girl. Harley likes me how I am."

"Suit yourself," replied Cordelia, at 21 the older of the two Morgan sisters. "I plan to stay late, so I think I'll have a little nap first."

"I might as well head over; see if Harley needs set up help."

It was just a short walk from the apartment which Johanna now shared with her sister across to the fraternity house where Harley and his frat brothers would host the biggest Halloween party in this campus town. The fact that the girls' father, Dean Morgan was the college president made even attending the rule breaking bash awkward for Johanna. Cordelia had always been the wild child. Johanna ended up typecast as the good little girl. If Johanna followed Cordelia's advice, she would be breaking free from all her upbringing. One little voice told her to go for it, virginity was no longer a prize and waiting for love was silly. The sensible voice, oddly, never denied this. Instead, it reminded Johanna of the need to make the 8 a.m. study group the next morning. Though school came easy to her, Johanna had an unreasonable fear of failure driven into her by years of her stern parents telling her she would end up being a no good tramp like her sister if she wasted her time on boys and parties.

The fact that Cordelia maintained straight A's just made Johanna's mother all the more furious, and Johanna all the more curious.

Cordelia had moved out of the Morgan home in Johanna's freshman year, after her parents had arrived home early to discover Cordelia smoking pot with a naked English professor. Johanna was cowering in her room, shocked when she had come downstairs early to see Cordelia's head buried between the professor's wife's thighs as the older woman licked her husband's fat cock and the star quarterback fucked Cordelia doggy style.

Despite this, Johanna had been thrilled when Cordelia, stuck for a roommate, had invited Johanna to spare her two bedroom apartment. Two years of maturation had altered Johanna's perception of her sister's activities. Johanna blushed as she walked towards the frat party, admitting to herself that the last time, when she walked into the kitchen and saw Cordelia giving head, she had not run in terror, but had hidden away to deal with her urge to drop to the tile beside her sister and demand a share of a cock that looked tastier than any ice cream cone Johanna had ever licked.

Johanna paused. She was still processing the other feelings that had coursed through her breasts and groin in the few weeks since that incident. Had she really, watching Cordelia's tongue working, flashed back to the earlier incident, and wished that Cordelia was licking her in the same way she had licked the English Professor's woman?

"No, that just can't be," Johanna insisted to herself, denying the fury which observing Cordelia's oral artistry brought to Johanna's fevered masturbation. Thee or more nights a week, Cordelia brought men home, not counting the afternoon trysts. Johanna had quietly begun to time her activities not to avoid the encounters, but rather to wait quietly in her bedroom, starting to enjoy the thrill of her nipples hardening as Cordelia's bed bounced against the common wall. Johanna would caress her breasts, at first stopping there. Each day seemed to make her bolder, first toying with her nipples as she felt her thighs dampen. Then moving the caresses tentatively over here belly. Johanna knew about masturbation of course, but had never thought she could do it boldly while another couple copulated inches away. 'Fucked, not copulated,' Johanna thought, 'Cordelia is right. I do need to be bolder. Just not tonight.'

She sighed, wishing she could just relax and enjoy Harley's party the same way she had learned to enjoy timing the fingering of her labia and the thrusting of thumb against clit to come simultaneously with her sister.

When Johanna arrived at the frat house, however, rather than a pre party set up crew, she encountered frat boys who obviously had begun partying early. Despite her lack of costume, the arrival of what a guy dressed as Bill Clinton labeled 'fresh meat' did not go unnoticed.

"Where is Harley?" Johanna asked, swatting a paw off her breast. And it was a paw rather than a hand, since it belonged to a senior dressed as the Cowardly Lion. Though there was nothing shy about the ten inch erection poking out of his suit. "My name isn't Dorothy. Why don't you go fuck a munchkin?"

"Grrrrreat idea," mumbled the drunken giant cat, who stumbled away.

Though no lights were on in the open concept common room which took up almost the whole first floor of the frat house, some light still filtered in the windows. Darkness was fast approaching. Johanna observed that the frat boys had set up several clever traps, no doubt to shock unsuspecting coeds, creating opportunities for rescue play. Through the open door to the kitchen Johanna saw a tub full of water with a bag of apples next to it. She was a bit puzzled why a pair of giant bottles perched beside the tub.

"If you don't get an apple, you have to drink a shot," explained a passing guy dressed like Johnny Depp's pirate. "It's 100 proof apple schnapps."

"What if you do get the apple?" asked Johanna.

The young man smiled, gold teeth glinting. "Then we gets a free show darling. The apples are all submerged- we drilled em, didn't we? So it becomes like our own wee wet T-shirt contest. Care to try love?"


"Well, tis a mite early. Have a wee dram or two." He offered a flask to Johanna. Though she planned not to drink, needing a clear ahead for the morning, the prate persisted and she allowed warm rum to coat her lips. Even that taste sent warmth flooding through her body. The pirate's free hand crept around her waist and pulled her close. She felt his insistent erection pressing through their clothes.

"Ever tasted a wee seaman, love?" he asked.

Johanna struggled free and scooted across to a couch where she thought she recognized the nerdy frat treasurer, a studious classmate of Johanna's tolerated by the frat brothers for his financial smarts. 'He should know where Harley is,' though Johanna, ignoring the fact he was dressed as a two headed alien. As she sat beside him however she couldn't help noticing that his 'space suit' was equipped with a cartoonish fly out of which protruded two giant rubber dildos.

"I'm a true two headed alien," he said, noticing Johanna staring. 'The guys figure lots of little women will want to sit on my lap tonight." He giggled drunkenly.

Johanna looked to the door way, were a couple of nubile women dressed in elaborately slutty space costumes of their own were just arriving. "I think I see your mates," she told the nerd. "I better go look for Harley."

Johanna went next to the kitchen, getting groped only two or three times along the way. It was a spacious room, designed when the house was a mansion for a railway baron, big enough to cook for banquets. Tonight, at first glance, it seemed empty, except for the unused apple tub. Then Johanna heard giggling. She walked in, curious. She rationalized that she was still looking for Harley as she eased open a swinging service door. A hidden serving pantry still remained between the kitchen and the common room, originally a space for maids to remain out of sight but handy during dinner parties.

'How fitting,' Johanna observed as she watched through the peephole. A coed in an abbreviated French Maid outfit was on her knees licking a large cock poking out of a pair of tuxedo pants belonging to the frat's president. Johanna felt her knees wobble. Her search for Harley was momentarily forgotten as she lingered, unable to pull herself away from watching the maid roll her tongue around the guy's fat pink veiny shaft, and then start massaging his testes while teasing his peeslit with her tongue.

This was so much like what Johanna had seen two years earlier when she walked in on Cordelia that it brought all the same mix of emotions to the surface. Disgust, fear of being seen watching, and curiosity all wrestled until simple lust won the battle.

Johanna's hand slid instinctively down her belly into her loose pants. Her middle finger slid effortlessly in between her damp labia, as the two beside it pulled the lips wide apart. Johanna started exploring her pussy as the maid bobbed her head up and down, effortlessly swallowing the entire length.

Johanna's other hand travelled to her breast and was busily employed caressing her own nipple. With her head tossed back, orgasm near, she almost missed seeing a pair of hands snaking around the chest of the "gentleman" to pop his shirt buttons and then, long fake vampire nails twisting his nipples. He moaned deeply, evidencing sensitive nipples. Johanna automatically copied the actions of the scantily clad vampire girl she now saw stuffed in the tiny space behind the man, who was leaning back against her overstuffed bosom. Squinting to use all available light, Johanna saw that the cramped pantry contained not just three partygoers. A head was buried between the vamp's thighs, though Johanna could hardly see the body, which was hidden by legs. Then the vamp leaned back and kissed a guy trapped between her and the back wall. As Johanna watched, she deduced form the movements that his cock was buried in the vamp from behind. Since the 'thigh head' was sucking the vampire's pussy, which was cock free, Johanna guessed that the cock was up the vampire's ass. At first, this revolted her, but as she watched, she felt her sphincter tightening then opening, in rhythm with the writhing gangbang in the tiny room. Johanna slowly tried tentatively toying with her anus. In all her years of masturbating, she had never done this. She found that it was not the painful thing she feared. Instead, the sensation of fingers touching through the thin wall that separated her bottom parts was extra thrilling. She rotated them in a tango beat, humming to herself quietly. Soon, the hum became a moan.

Just then, the pantry was flooded with light as the matching door on the other side swung open. A stream of gism was spotlighted as it was flying out of the stranger's cock. The maid was startled and jerked her head back. Cum coated her nose and chin, dribbling onto her exposed cleavage and staining her costume.

"What the fuck," the girl exclaimed, jumping up off her knees. She immediately turned beat red. Johanna now recognized her, and saw that the guy holding the door was the maid's boyfriend, a football player. Johanna wisely stepped away from the door, her orgasm postponed, as the maid came flying through, tears streaming down her face, mixing with the milky white evidence of oral excitement. She did not notice Johanna standing there, instead rushing off into the arms of a valkrie, who Johanna guessed was her room mate. Rumour had it was that the valkrie girl was butch and that the 'maid' was bi. The way they hugged seemed to confirm this.

Johanna turned back towards the pantry. The frat president had ducked a drunken right jab thrown by the boyfriend, Johanna could not help giggling at the shrinking but still damp cock bobbing up and down as the two guys seemed to dance briefly. The football player soon shrugged, seemingly satisfied that his cuckolding was avenged.

"A shame to let that go to waste," said the head on the floor. Johanna could now she that this belonged to Nigel Bloom, the head of the English Department. The chubby red faced balding professor was dressed to type as a cherub. Without pausing, he crawled the few feet necessary to press the president against the other wall and began running his tongue all around the semi hard spunky shaft, laving it. Johanna expected the man attached to the cock to reject the gay advances, so was shocked to see him grab the professor's hairy ears and pull the older man's face right against his crotch, initiating a fresh round of deep throating.

Like most women, Johanna had always considered gay male sex unappealing, a total turn off. In the context of this bizarre evening though, it had a magical quality, like watching gods at play. Johanna resumed her self stimulation as she saw the vampire fall to her knees behind the cherub and lifting his diaper like clothing, bean fingering his asshole while squeezing his balls. This attention made the prof squeal like a newborn baby and he bobbed up and down on the younger guy's cock with fierce enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Johanna now was able to see that the other man was not a man at all, but was the head cheerleader, a dainty southern girl usually dressed in pink twin sets and pleated skirts,. This Halloween however, the prissy missy was costumed as a lumberjack, complete with a hard wooden cock jutting out of her green work pants. This pole was slick with the sheen from fucking the vamp's ass.

The vampire girl wasted no time grabbing the strap on and guiding it straight to the Prof's chubby pink ass. Johanna watched and stroked her pussy, unable to breathe as the vampire massaged the cherub's cock and balls, and then started stroking his asshole with a long false fingernail. She seemed to want to cause him pain as the edge of the nail raked the sensitive borders of his anus. Teasing the hole with the end of the lumberjack's fake cock, the vampire giggled, and then pulled the cock away just long enough to slap her professor's ass, spanking him hard.

"Keep sucking, slut," the vampire instructed the man. She then grabbed the base of the lumberjack's fake cock and rammed it into the gaping pink asshole. The lumberjack had no need for encouragement. She instantly began rocking her hips, pounding the hard rod in and out of that hole, as her victim hungrily attacked the "gentleman", devouring his cock.

As she watched, Johanna began panting loudly. She was unable to resist massaging her own clit vigourously, pulling on her nipples with her free hand.

Johanna slumped against the wall, only able to see a sliver of the action. She no longer thought of the possibility that someone might be watching her, or about finding Harley. All that matter was increasing the tempo of the two fingers twirling her clit as she felt her orgasms building. Despite being a virgin, Johanna had become expert at self pleasure, ever since that night she interrupted Cordelia. This Halloween party was the first time since that she had seen anything more exciting than listening to her sister having sex. The pressure building in her belly was more intense than ever.

The vampire slid to her knees and began milking the prof's throbbing cock. It looked like he was as close to exploding as Johanna was. Then the vamp shifted around, clenching her fist at the bottom of the cherub's shaft. She began licking at the lumberjack girl's fake cock right where it entered the older man's ass.

'Eww, gross, she's gotta be getting a mouthful of ass juices,' Johanna realized. Still, her nipples thrust harder against her top, and her own juices gushed down her legs. She wondered if she was leaving a puddle on the floor, but could not tear her eyes away from the bisexual foursome long enough to check.

'Now she's getting her nose right into that other girl's pussy juices. It's all shiny,' Johanna noticed. She took her fingers out of her own wet cunt just long enough to experiment with tasting herself. This was something she never had tried before. Discovering that she tasted a lot like honey, Johanna wondered, 'Do all girls taste this good? Does that prissy cheer babe lumberchick taste half this good? '

She shook her head furiously in denial of the next thought, trying to knock it right out of her brain, but just cementing it there. 'Does Cordelia taste this good?'

Johanna returned her fingers to her clit as the frat boy flooded his professor's mouth with cum. Unlike the maid's sloppy show, the prof captured every drop in his mouth and throat. Johanna deduced that he was a veteran cocksucker. She only knew that the boy orgasmed by the timing of his groans in conjunction with the throbbing of the cherub's throat muscles. What happened next released the dam on Johanna's orgasms. The vampire crawled up and kissed the professor, swapping her mix of pussy and ass fluids for some of the sperm which coated his tongue. The professor rolled his offering out theatrically, letting the onlookers, both those he knew were present and Johanna, get a good view of the thick ooze he was transferring to the vamp girl. The frat boy and the lumberjack leaned together and joined the vampire girl in a three way kiss as the mistress of the night floated to her feet. Johanna was fascinated, watching the taste of sex being shared all around.

Johanna slumped against the wall, her knees weak, the electricity surging through her as she kept fingerfucking herself right through the first orgasm, her pussy walls spasming around her wrist as she buried her whole hand inside her cunt. The second wave came immediately afterwards, with more intensity. Johanna felt her ass bumping against the wall as her hips heaved around her screaming clit. As she rode through a series of aftershocks she bit down on her tongue to avoid screaming. The bit of pain merely added to the intensity and the episode added with the most intense burst of pleasure she had ever experienced.

At some point, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them, first she worried that someone might have heard her and come into the kitchen to see about the noise. But it seemed her years of quiet masturbation, first at her parent's home and now in the thin-walled apartment, paid off in making her instinctively remain silent. After that fear passed, Johanna wanted to check on the crew in the pantry. She saw that although she had only been distracted a few minutes, they had left. 'Hopefully out the other door,' she told herself, but then she shook her head. 'Who am I trying to kid? I would have loved it if they came out this way, saw me hiding her, and made me their new toy.'

She felt her cheeks blush crimson, and her nipples began tingling again. She touched her throbbing clit but then decided on a bolder plan. 'I better go find Harley and see if he will fuck me right now. That way, I can get this urge properly satisfied, and still get home to sleep early. That would show Cordelia."