Index : membres : Mike Franklin : Biographie

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Mike Franklin
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La Biographie de Mike Franklin:
Sexe: Homme
Poids: Moyen
Hauteur: Grand(e)
Orientation: Hétérosexuel
Intéressé Par: Rien
Statut: Pas de réponse
Fume : Occasionnellement
Bois : Occasionnellement
Fétiches: Good cigars, 12 year old Scotch and wild sex.
Animaux de compagnie: Aucun(e)
User Number: 566821
Member Since: September 9, 2005
Dernière Modification: January 15, 2007
Mike Franklin
Quelques mots de Mike Franklin:

Yo, Mike here. Hope you enjoy the stories - some of them are based in my experiences and some are purely imagination, but most of them are a combination of both. If you find yourself inspired by my writings, feel free to drop me some feedback and let me know what moved you.

Check me out here:

I'll try and post some interesting stuff on there for anyone who is a semi-fan of my work.

Story "The Case for Doing Debbie" rose to #1 on the 'Anal' top stories list, 2/11/06. Check it out!

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