Tina Carson Ch. 08

Story Info
Sid Jenkins revisited - young wife reluctantly returns.
23.2k words

Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/17/2014
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Author's notes.

As usual, this latest instalment of Tina Carson is an individual tale of a young wife being led astray and used although there is a continuation link from the last story with Sid Jenkins once more rearing his ugly head.

Again, I make no apologies for the fact that the women in my stories have big tits and my men have big cocks. If you don't like it, then tough, don't read on.

I recently received a comment about a previous instalment that it wasn't realistic because successful women in business couldn't possibly be that clueless when it comes to their love lives and men? To him I say you need to get out more and actually meet women because clearly you have had NO experience with them.

My answer is; of course they can. I could introduce you to a lady I know who is a partner in a firm of lawyers and is a known rottweiler in business (she specialises in divorce and she's very, very good). But you should see her chequered past when it comes to her selection of men. To say she's a bit wild socially would be an understatement and I'm pretty sure she's on husband number three now!

The problem as I see it is that some women seem to be totally devoid of common sense at times, especially after drinking alcohol (sorry ladies but you know it's true). And I firmly believe that everything I write about has happened or could happen in real life although probably not to the same person. It is just that the situations are enhanced to hopefully make them more erotic. After all, this is predominantly a site about erotic fantasies, isn't it?

In closing please don't bother to post comments about sluts and them needing to die. There is no doubt that Tina is beginning to realise she has loose morals although she still craves normality in her life and marriage.


ps. I look forward to receiving the customary 1* fag, cuck, shit comment from my favourite Anon! I've realised that he actually likes my work but just has a poor command of the English language and struggles to truly express himself using words of more than four letters. So for those of you who have yet to work out what his abbreviations stand for =

1* - To me you're my Number one and a star!

Fag - Fantastic and great!

Cuck - Cock utterly completely knackered!

Shit - So hot it's terrific!


Chapter 1

A nude Tina Carson opened the shower door, her large breasts jiggling as she leaned forward to turn on the water. She adjusted the shower head to pulsate mode and as the water grew warmer she cranked up the heat control a notch or two. Exhausted after yet another extremely busy day at Bromptons Department Store she was looking forward to letting her stress and worries wash away. Already short staffed due to holidays they'd lost even more staff due to a bout of sickness that now seemed to be running amok through the store, so she'd volunteered to stay on after her shift had finished to complete the work that needed doing. She didn't expect to get paid for the overtime. As a newly promoted department manager she felt it was part of her remit to go that extra mile on behalf of the company.

Finally satisfied with the water temperature she stepped inside the cubicle closing the door behind her. Pouring a generous amount of shower gel into her hand she rubbed it over her body, soaping over her perfectly shaped 38D breasts.

Now she had time to relax she had chance to ruminate on her conversation with Jim this morning. He'd been telling her about a work colleague who'd just announced that he and his wife were expecting their first child. So it had come as a bit of a shock when he casually dropped the bomb.

"So when are we going to start a family?" he'd asked.

"Sorry?" she replied. She hadn't really been listening.

"Kids. When do you want them?"

Slightly stunned and taken aback by his comments, it took her a while to reply.

"I ... I hadn't thought ... when do you want to?" she had replied.

"Well, we're not getting any younger," he had smiled, "maybe it's time?"

She let the hot water cascade over her full body. She rubbed her tummy as she thought about pregnancy and children. It was a big step but this was what she wanted; what they wanted; wasn't it? Her mother certainly did. She was forever nagging her about wanting grandchildren to fuss over. She had even offered to look after the baby full-time so Tina could go back to work as soon as she was ready to.

She started to massage her breasts. Already big, how much bigger would they become when they were filled with milk? Would they get floppy and sag after she'd had a baby? She continued to fondle them, feeling her nipples becoming erect at her touch. Dirty thoughts of indiscretions invaded her mind, pushing aside her dreams of children as images of men that had fucked her since her marriage came sharply into view.

The first was Rob, the slightly pudgy account manager from Staymo, one of her department's suppliers, who had fucked her twice one Christmas. God his cock was so fat. She grimaced at the memory. He had nearly split her in two, it was so thick.

This had been the first time she had cheated on her husband Jim, a fact she was not proud of. She had fallen in love with Jim having had some bad experiences with men prior to meeting him. In the past, before Jim, she had stupidly mistaken sex for love. Unfortunately for Tina, the men had told her they loved her just so that they could get inside her panties.

In the early, heady days of wedlock she had taken her marriage vows very seriously until she'd fallen for Rob's persuasive charms, albeit she was quite drunk at the time.

Then there had been Mark. Again she'd had a lot to drink that night but she couldn't deny that the sex with him had been erotic and deeply fulfilling. He'd taken her twice in the same evening. As her hands soaped around her breasts, her fingers brushed across her nipples and she realised they were harder than just a few moments ago.

Sex with Mick was a drink fuelled romp at a party that Jim had been unable to attend due to illness. Mick was an animal, taking her forcibly, almost raping her, thrusting his 10" cock into her even after she had told him no. The fact she'd willingly fucked him again later in the early hours of the morning did not seem to register in her mind.

Her hand slipped down between her legs feeling for her pussy. She slid her fingers against her pussy lips feeling that they were swollen already.

She moved her hand over them in a circular motion her legs beginning to twitch as her passion grew.

Then came Justin. Another drunken misadventure following a night on the town after she had fallen out with Jim. After leaving the nightclub he'd dragged her into the yard of a derelict house to have his way with her. It hadn't been particularly good and it reminded her of the sex life she'd had before she got married. She just felt used and wasn't proud of the fact.

And then there had been the trade show she had attended with Bromptons. Klaus Winklemann. She shuddered at the memory. There had been something inherently evil about him. The way he had held her mesmerised with his strangely hypnotic eyes was truly frightening yet somehow violently erotic and exciting as well. If truth be told he had scared her to death. Yet she had been unable to resist his advances, try as she may. He'd even been fucking her on the morning they were due to leave the hotel, with Jim apparently passing by the storage room they were in as he searched for her.

Her legs were twitching more rapidly as she thrust her finger against her slit, pushing through into her pussy. She could feel the oily slickness inside. A gasp escaped her mouth as she slid in a second finger as images of Sid Jenkins flashed before her.

What the fuck! He was the last person she wanted to be thinking about. She tried to block him out, trying desperately to think of a pleasanter image. Sid had been the obnoxious hotel owner who recently had overheard a conversation between Tina and Rob regarding their brief dalliance and had blackmailed her into having sex with him. It had been short and energetic but he had brought her to an orgasm, which was something her husband rarely managed.

As Tina thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy harder and faster she rubbed her clit with her other hand. She tried valiantly to think of Guy Penrose, the young, good looking IT trainer from Staymo who had fucked her twice on the same computer training course but try as she may the only image in her mind when she came to her shattering orgasm was Sid.

She leaned against the shower wall panting to catch her breath, the water cascading over her, running in rivulets over her luscious curves as her orgasm subsided. Although satisfied she was instantly disgusted and horrified that when she had cum, her only thoughts were of Sid.

She shuddered. Could she really allow herself to get pregnant whilst still seemingly unable to stop random men taking advantage of her and fucking her every opportunity they got?

Feeling incredibly guilty, she finished her shower, dried her hair and dressed. Jim would be home soon and she wondered if she could perhaps persuade him to take her out for dinner to a nice restaurant. Maybe they could discuss parenthood again?

Chapter 2

As it turned out Jim didn't need much persuasion at all, in fact he seemed very enthusiastic about taking her out for a meal, maybe too enthusiastic she mused as they were just finishing their main course.

"I was thinking, maybe we could go away this weekend, just the two of us," Jim said. "I know you're not working this weekend and I've told work I'm not available for any call outs."

"Oh that sounds nice," Tina replied, although she was somewhat surprised that Jim wanted to take time off work. It wasn't something he'd done much of lately. Perhaps a romantic weekend away was just what they needed. Perhaps this was Jim's way of preparing her for motherhood.

She continued. "We've both been so busy with work and I have to say, that computer training course really drained the energy out of me. I could do with some rest and relaxation. Did you have something in mind or are we going to have a look on the internet to see if there are any last minute deals?"

"Well, I've sort of booked it already," Jim hesitantly replied.

Tina looked at him intrigued. With her elbows on the table she brought her chin down to rest on top of her clasped hands. "Oh really," she said smiling. She fixed her clear blue eyes firmly on his.

Jim ploughed on ignoring her look, "You remember when you were on that computer course with Staymo?"

Tina's stomach suddenly lurched. This wasn't about parenthood at all. This was something altogether more worrying.

"Yeess ..." she replied slowly, already not liking the way this conversation was heading.

"Well, you remember Derek and I went and played golf ..." He paused.

"Just get to it Jim!" Tina snapped at him. He did have a habit of going around the houses too much before he got to the point. It was one thing that really irritated her about him.

"Okay, okay. Well, I've been invited back to play in the President's Putter as a guest of the golf club," he said sheepishly.

"What ... what ARE you talking about ... and what's the President's Putter?" Tina interrupted, a deep frown furrowing her brow.

"Ah ... yes ... well ..." Jim coughed to clear his throat. So far this was not going as well as he'd hoped for. "Erm ... the President's Putter is a competition the golf club have once a year. Normally all competitions at the club are for members only but a guest can hand in a score card after their round and the top three scores get invited back to play in the President's Putter. It ... it's an honour to be invited back apparently; this is a very prestigious club." Jim paused again to let this information filter through to Tina. He could tell she wasn't pleased.

"Oh ..." Tina said. Maybe this wasn't so bad. For a moment she'd thought he was going to tell her he'd booked them back into Sid's rural retreat. She inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That sounds nice," she added. "So, has the golf club got some accommodation?"

"Erm ... no," Jim replied. He paused, a smile creeping across his face.

"I've booked us back into the rural retreat where you did your computer training. You seemed to like it there," he said triumphantly.

"You're kidding, right?" Tina was voice was almost hostile as she snapped at him.

"No ... what ... I thought you'd be pleased." Jim was slightly perplexed. He had been so sure that this was the one factor he needed to sway his wife into letting him play golf.

"Pleased!" Tina was incensed. She looked around and realised that people were beginning to look over to their table. She lowered her voice and leant forward towards Jim.

"Pleased! So you want to drag me back to THAT place so you can go and play golf," she hissed. "Just what am I supposed to do while your ... play ... ing ..."

She hesitated, her words trailing off as the realisation of what was truly waiting for her back at the retreat suddenly dawned on her.

"No, absolutely not, no way am I going back there again!" she said with a look of fierce determination.

"But ... but it's you who encouraged me to take up the damn game and now you don't want me to play? I thought you would be pleased to get away again ..."

"It's not that," she stormed, "it's ... it's ..." She stopped abruptly.

"It's what then?" a baffled Jim said completely misreading the situation. "If it's not about the golf, what IS your objection to going back to the retreat again? It's a lovely place; you said so yourself; and you raved about the scenery. Plus we had a great time there and you did say you would have liked the chance to go walking in the hills. So what is the problem with going back there?"

If only you knew Tina mused as she bit down on her lower lip and tried hard to come up with a plausible reason not to go back.

"Come on Tina, you encouraged me to take up the bloody game and I really would like to play ..." He left his words hanging.

Tina felt incredibly guilty. It was true. She'd been nagging him for months to take up a pastime such as golf. Anything to relieve the stress and tension that seemed to be part and parcel of his all consuming and energy sapping job. How could she deny him this wonderful opportunity ... but still ... the retreat? Oh god, the very thought of going back there filled her with dread!

She looked into his hopeful face. "Okay ... okay," she sighed, finally relenting, "we can go and you can play your stupid game of golf."

"Oh great, that's just fantastic darling, thank you so much," Jim enthused leaning over the table to kiss her. "You're the best. I think we're going to have a lot of fun."

If only you knew, thought Tina, already resigned to the fate she knew awaited her there.

Chapter 3

It was just another normal day for Sid Jenkins, the scruffy, scrawny owner of the rural retreat. Standing behind the reception desk he was busy looking at the reservations on the computer, idly scanning the bookings, a task he performed several times a day. But for Sid it was never a chore; it was a pleasure that he looked forward to.

But he wasn't, as one might suspect, looking at the level of bookings from a monetary gain point of view. Oh no, that was far too mundane for Sid.

He was much more interested in searching out the husband and wife bookings and checking their dates of birth. This was now vital information for him. It never ceased to amaze him that people gave up so much information about themselves when booking a room. On the odd occasion he was challenged about his need for a date of birth he would casually tell them it was for customer research or fire safety reasons or something similar. It was all bullshit of course but for Sid it was essential.

For he was looking for wives of a certain age to fulfil his MILF fantasy although due to recent events he had decided to broaden his range to include younger married women as well.

Armed with this rudimentary information Sid would then search social media sites for further information and of course, photographs. It was amazing what people would reveal about themselves on their own pages. And although sometimes it was difficult to find the right person, especially if they had a common surname, his success rate was still pretty good.

It was a starting point but there was no substitute for seeing people in the flesh. It was only then he could gauge accurately if the women would be susceptible to his charms. He always made sure he was stood behind the reception desk to welcome them when the couples booked in so he could assess the potential of the wives. Were they good looking enough? Not that he was too bothered about that. He was far more interested in their physical attributes than their beauty. His particular fetish was for large tits but they had to be firm. He didn't like them if they sagged too much. And that's where the cameras came in handy.

Hidden cameras in all of the suites and some of the rooms gave him hours of perverted pleasure. Seeing the women parading around their rooms dressed in little or no clothing was such a turn on and watching the couples enjoying sex was often much better than many of his porn videos, although it never ceased to amaze him how badly most husbands performed. In his opinion there were a lot of unsatisfied wives out there.

But it was the desire to copulate with these women himself, which was the primary reason for the cameras. And much to his surprise he had been quite successful. His initial thoughts were vindicated. There seemed to be no end of women out there who were sexually frustrated.

Since his first and possibly best ever experience with a certain Mrs Debbie Gibson; a feat he'd managed to repeat recently; he'd had further success with a few more MILF's. But following his triumphant conquest of the delightful and delectable big breasted Mrs Tina Carson he had expanded his horizons and ramped up his activities. So far though it had only borne fruit with one other hot young wife. She'd been good but not nearly as good as Tina. What he wouldn't give to have another crack at her body he thought.

He stopped suddenly, feeling a jolt in his stomach. He flicked back through the listings, his fingers fumbling with the computer mouse until he found the entry that had caught his eye.

He turned to his receptionist, a young man called Lucas. Sid didn't bother to employ woman anymore. They never stayed long after starting. He didn't know why.

"Is this booking correct Lucas?" he asked stabbing a finger at the screen entry.

"Yes Mr Jenkins," Lucas replied looking at the entry, "they arrive Friday night and leave Monday morning."

Excellent, thought Sid as he looked down at the names in front of him.

Jim and Tina Carson.

His cock began to pulse.

Chapter 4

Friday came around far too soon for Tina and before she knew it their car tyres were crunching over the stone chip driveway as they pulled into the car park at the retreat. She already felt sick to her stomach.

Jim on the other hand, whilst bouncing with excitement about the weekend, wasn't immune to his wife's mood and apparent unhappiness. Thinking she was still annoyed because he was going to play golf and blissfully unaware of the real reason behind Tina's reluctance, Jim had tried to ingratiate himself with his wife and told her it would be like a second honeymoon and had then insisted that she take some sexy clothes with them.

She'd resisted at first but eventually relented as he grew inquisitive about her reluctance. So under his gaze she had packed a variety of tight fitting tee shirts and jeans, tight fitting blouses and short skirts and a couple of revealing cocktail dresses for the evening along with some sexy lingerie and a number of 4" and 5" heel shoes. These items were the last things she wanted to take with her.