Those Autofellatio Blues Ch. 16


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"You only came in me once so far," Gina whined and Mr. Landau gave her a playful slap on the ass. "Don't be greedy," he said, and went back to plowing Marissa.

My head was swiveling to-and-fro in unison with Teddy's thrusts and I shook my head to break the rhythm. "So, why did you need to see me?" I asked, all business, wanting to make this surreal interview as brief as possible.

"It's Julia," he said, and the three ladies all made evil faces at the mention of her dread name. Without missing a stroke he said, "She's livid that you got me to agree to pleasure all the women who were in attendance last night. She's already somewhat...passionate where you're concerned. She's a possessive woman, she doesn't like to share. And the fact that she has to share you with Bridget, and that now she has to share me with these other women has driven her a bit over the edge."

"With all due respect," I said, "Julia's already way, way over the edge."

Marissa moaned, "You got that right," and Teddy delivered a stinging slap to her ass. "That's not nice," he said. A druggy smile came over her face and she said, "If I call her a bitch will you spank me again?"

He pulled his penis out of her and held it against his stomach. "Apologize," he barked.

Marissa twisted around and that fast she was close to tears. "Teddy, please."

"I know Julia was cruel to you at times but that's no excuse," he said. "Apologize or you'll never have my cock inside you again."

Now she really WAS in tears. "Teddy, please, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that, it was wrong, I..."

He reached out and tenderly caressed her face. "Shh," he said, and aimed his angry-red helmet at her pussy. "I know, Julia did some terrible things to you," he cooed. "But that's no reason to say nasty things right now." He slowly entered her and Marissa sucked in a sobbing breath as he buried himself inside her pussy. "Ahh, isn't that better?" he said, and she nodded yes like a contented mare.

He put his fingertips on her hips and started fucking her faster, and faster, and in a few seconds time he had a firm grip on her ass and was screwing her like God's own sex machine. Alexandra and Gina were looking at Marissa with their mouths hanging open and Marissa...well, she was staring at the far wall, but I don't think she was actually seeing anything.

Mr. Landau took time out from fucking Marissa into a coma to say, "I just wanted to warn you, Julia is on the warpath, and you're her target. Be careful."

"Be careful?" I sputtered. "What's she going to do? And why don't you tell her to get off the warpath? Tell her to be reasonable, for once?"

He shook his head. "Like I said, she's a passionate woman. It's one of the qualities I love best about her. But it also means she can be...volatile."

"VOLATILE?" I said, a bit loud. "She stuck a ball-gag in my mouth last night and practically raped me. When she took my virginity she squatted over me and held my arms down. She's fucked me in the ass against my will. She's threatened me with mayhem on a half-dozen other occasions. And you describe her as 'volatile"?"

"Shh!!" Marissa hissed, because my tirade had slowed Teddy's stroke. "I'm sorry, Danny. I could tell you that I've convinced her to be a good girl, and that's when she'd do something really extraordinary. I know her-she doesn't want you going to the prom with Bridget. She doesn't want to share your cock with anyone else. And she hates the idea of me fucking other women."

"Then don't!" I said, and as one Gina, Marissa and Alexandra said things along the lines of, "Who do you think you are/shut the fuck up/mind your own fucking business!!"

He withdrew from Marissa and tenderly mounted Gina from behind. He eased her long hair over her right shoulder and let his fingertips caress the small of her back as he started thrusting. "Julia and I have been swinging for a long time, but for the last several years I was quite content to just watch," he said. "I liked the idea that Julia was getting fucked by dozens of men, yet she always came back to me. I also liked that she was insanely jealous at the idea of me fucking another woman."

He started fucking Gina faster and he said, "But to be honest, I think it caused a disharmony in our relationship. We should be open, or monogamous, one or the other," he said. "I was monogamous in deed, but not in mind. I love my wife and I am utterly devoted to her," he said, breathing heavy now as he speared the girl who was whimpering and screaming his name, "but I can't deny that I ADORE this."

He blasted away at Gina, whose face was a mask of terrible determination. Teeth bared, eyes squeezed shut, she backed her ass against Teddy's every stroke, so that his thighs slapped against her skin with a loud THWACK! "Oh, my darling, my beautiful baby girl," he moaned, and Marissa and Alexandra scrambled to their feet and crowded around him. Alexandra's fingers played with Teddy's ass and Marissa dipped her tongue into his ear as he moaned and strained and, finally, erupted inside Gina's quivering pussy.

"AHHHH!!!" he groaned with exultation. I was in awe looking at the throes of orgasm, he looked at once both like a demi-god and, well, like a regular guy getting his rocks off. Poor Gina was hyperventilating as his penis pulsed and poured his semen inside her. "Oh yes, oh yes, oh God, oh God, oh God," she cried in a tiny voice.

The room grew quiet. Teddy unsheathed himself and a copious amount of his come dribbled from Gina's pussy. Alexandra and Marissa dipped their fingers in Teddy's semen as if it was some magic elixir and brought it to their lips. Then they helped their younger associate to her feet, which weren't too steady.

"Well," I said, looking at the three exhausted women and a satisfied and subdued Edward Landau. "Thanks for the warning about Julia, I'll see about getting a restraining order against her before the prom."

"Oh," Teddy said. "That's something else. Julia signed us up to be chaperones at the prom."

"WHAT?" I fairly screamed. "Are you fucking kidding me? You're fucking kidding me? Tell me you're fucking kidding me??"

He wearily shook his head. "I was as surprised as you."

"I doubt that. Because I am really fucking surprised right now."

"I'm sorry."

"Sir, I need your help, not your sympathy. She's going to ruin the night for us."

"There's no way to know that for sure."

"Want to put money on it?"

He sighed deeply. "Julia wouldn't do anything to embarrass Bridget."

I thought about that, and felt reassured for about five seconds. Then I remembered that Julia let Bridget get up on stage during the talent show and make a flying fool of herself...there's no way even a mother's love could blind Julia to Bridget's utter lack of talent.

I stuck my hands in my pockets and said, "I guess we'll see how the chips fall." I looked Mr. Landau in the eye and said, "I'm in love with your daughter. I am. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep Julia from ruining that."

He was the one who looked away first. "I'm very happy to hear that. That you love my daughter. And I'll do what I can to restrain Julia."

I thanked him, and on that note I made my exit. "It was nice to see you again," I said to Gina, Marissa, and Alexandra, who were sitting, naked, on the couch, their arms wrapped around each other.

"If you ever want to fuck me..." Marissa said,

"Or me..." Gina continued.

" just ask, and I'll be there," Alexandra said. And then all three said, "Thank you, thank you so much."

"Um, yeah. You''re welcome." And with that I backed out of the room and fairly ran down the hallway and out to the elevator.

I needed air. I needed space. I needed a few minutes to think. Or not think. The elevator opened and I marched across the foyer to the front door, noticing that Frank the security guard was gone. I walked out into the dusk and my infernal brain ordered my head to pan left and look for Crystal's car. It was gone. So either Frank had taken her up on her offer...or he hadn't. It wasn't my problem, it wasn't my concern. I pushed them out of my mind and felt tons better.

For about fifteen seconds. I drove around the corner and headed for the exit to the lot...and in the far back corner sat Crystal's car. I braked and took a long look. From the way her car was rocking back and forth, rocking back and forth, rocking back and forth, it seemed that Crystal was badly in need of new shock absorbers.

"Jesus," I muttered, and put the car in gear. I drove on autopilot for ten minutes before realizing that I'd missed my turnoff. I doubled back, meandered through the backroads to my neighborhood, and turned onto my street.

And there, sitting in the driveway, was Julia's car.

"Aw, shit," I said. "No, fuck this. I'm not dealing with his now." I stepped on the gas and raced by my house...and then I slammed on the brakes. I sat there, my head on the steering wheel, looking at my home. Where was I gonna go? Why delay the inevitable? Could my interview with Bridget's mother be any stranger than the one I'd just had with her father? I backed up, parked next to Julia, took a moment to screw up my courage, and headed for the front door.

I went inside and heard both my parents' voices. "Don't you DARE threaten him!" my Mom said, and then Dad said, "OK, everyone calm down..."

The door slammed behind me, and all fell silent just up the stairs. And believe me, it was an ominous silence. I walked up the stairs and found my folks sitting on the couch and Julia sitting in a chair. Well, she was sitting in a chair. About two microseconds after she saw me she leapt from her seat and crossed the room in three strides, quite an accomplishment considering the miniskirt and spike heels she was wearing. She reached out for my face with those nails...but by now I was ready for Julia's hysterics. I grabbed her right wrist and yanked her off balance, and this time her heels were a hindrance as she toppled to the floor. I kept a tight hold on her wrist and eased her to the ground, quickly pinning her with my pelvis pressed tight against her own. I seized her left wrist and put my weight on her, and from the look in her eyes I knew I had to hold on for dear life.

"I'm calling the police," Dad said, and almost instantly Mom belayed that order. "No! How on Earth would we explain THIS?" It was a good point, especially with me holding this gorgeous, frothing woman down on the floor.

Julia's rage subsided enough for her to speak. "You bastard, I'll get you!"

"For what? What did I do?"

Which, when I thought about it for a second, was a stupid question. "He's been fucking those bitches all day," Julia seethed. "All DAY!! I tortured those pathetic cows for years because they couldn't have my husband, and now he's plowing them morning, noon and night. Because of YOU!!!"

She struggled and writhed and I held her fast. She kicked her heels into my back and my mother and father each grabbed one of her magnificent gams and kept her from bruising my kidneys. "Turnabout is fair play," I said. "After the hell you've put me through, the hell you've put everyone through, you deserve a taste of your own medicine."

Julia looked at me with black eyes. Her voice lowered and she said, "You think I put you through hell? You have no idea what hell is." She smiled, which chilled me to the bones, and said in a quite calm voice, "Get off of me. I want to leave."

Such was the tone of her voice that we all believed her. Mom and Dad let go of her ankles and I quickly leaned back and released her wrists. With surprising grace Julia got to her feet and ran a hand through her hair. She walked over, picked up her purse, and pulled out a silver tube. "Here's my last offer," Julia said, looking in a side mirror and touching up her lipstick. "I'm going home now. I want you to call my daughter and tell her you aren't going to the prom with her." She twisted the lipstick and put it in her purse. "The idea of you, and my's disgusting."

My Mom started to say something but Julia's icy voice cut through. "Then I want you to come to my house and fuck me. I want that giant cock and I want it all for myself. I want my husband to come home to you fucking me. I want my daughter to hear you moaning as I make you come." She wheeled and started for the door. She stopped before me and said, "I want everything to be as it was. My husband and you under my thumb, and my daughter free to date real men."

"Let me say this very slowly," I said, looking her dead in the eye. "That's not going to happen in a million years." She didn't smile-she bared her teeth. "I thought you might say that. We'll see if you change your mind in the next day or so." And with that, she left.

"Jesus," my Dad said. "I still think we should've called the cops."

"No," Mom said, collapsing on the couch. "But that woman is truly deranged."

"For her to think that I'd give in to her threats..." I said, the quaver in my voice showing that I wasn't as calm as I was pretending to be.

"You're going to do one thing Julia demanded," Mom said. "You're going to call that girl and tell her you're not taking her to that dance."

"No way," I said, and before Mom could speak I cut her off and said, "That's not open for debate. I'm taking Bridget to the prom."

"I have to go with your mother on this," Dad said. "There's no telling what Julia will do. I don't think she'd do anything violent..."

"Like claw my eyes out?" I said with a touch of sarcasm. "Stick a dildo up my ass?"

"I think that's about as far as she'd go," Dad said. "She's not the sort to pull a gun or something."

"But still," Mom said. "She's an arrogant, narcissistic lunatic. You need to stay out of her way. "

"I'm going to the prom with Bridget," I said with finality.

Dad said, "Danny, you..." but again Mom interrupted him. "No, no. If that's what he wants to do, we can't stop him. We should trust his judgment." That sounded so reasonable that I was immediately suspicious. But she said nothing further, and then Dad said, "How about we celebrate this nightmarish ordeal by ordering pizza?"

As we tore through a pepperoni pie we talked about a taking a trip in a few weeks to the college I'd decided on. "Where's Bridget going to college?" Mom asked, the only time during the meal when the insanity that had ruled my world for the last few months intruded on our cozy scene. I told her that Bridget wanted to move to California to try her hand at show business, an answer that made my dad cough so hard I thought he'd pass Diet Coke through his nose.

"Show business?" Mom said. "I remember hearing about her performance at your talent show, she..."

"Was awful. I know. She has no talent whatsoever," I said. "I'm hoping she'll change her mind, maybe go to school somewhere nearby."

Mom let the subject drop and Dad never picked it up. We ate pizza in domestic tranquility, and it was nice. It was so nice that I actually thought about what my parents said. Maybe I SHOULD back out of taking Bridget to the prom. Maybe I should talk to her about skipping the dance and just spending the day together somewhere far, far away from her mother. And maybe I should stop involving myself in all these sexual hijinks with Elaine's group of swingers.

All these reasonable thoughts drifted away as I thought back to Mr. Landau fucking his three gorgeous secretaries. And Crystal fondling that petrified security guard. And Bridget kissing me that afternoon. And how I wanted to feed my awakening erection into each of their hot, moist pussies. I couldn't help it, and I excused my lust by reminding myself that I was, after all, a typically horny teenage boy. I was lucky enough to have access to a large number of sexy women and lucky enough to have a big dick that those sexy women lusted for. I didn't have the strength to resist both my sexual urges and the access to luscious women who wanted to indulge those urges.

And that night I was having some urges. My cock thickened in my pants and refused to behave, so I thought I should find a peaceful and pleasant way of relieving the tension. I told my folks I was going to go for a little drive, and that little drive took me to Elaine's house. I wanted to spend a relaxing hour in Elaine's bed, slowly sliding my penis in and out of the familiar folds of her magical pussy.

I turned the corner to Elaine's street...and there was already a car in the driveway. Bridget's.

"Oh, jeez," I said. Inside, Bridget and Elaine were...what? Talking? About me? Or we're they in Elaine's bed loving each other with their lips, tongues, and whatever toys they chose from Elaine's arsenal of sexual gizmos?

I pulled out my phone and dialed Elaine's number. The phone rang, and rang, and rang until her machine picked up. I hung up, my question answered. Elaine and Bridget were in the middle of some naked embrace and the urge to join them was overwhelming. Until I considered that if they wanted me there, they would've called me. And they hadn't.

I drove home. I did some distracted homework, opened a book and flipped through the pages without reading, and in time went to bed. Once inside my room I locked the door, took off every stitch of clothing, and lay down on the bed. I stroked my cock until I was hugely erect, my shaft sticking straight out and seeming to defy gravity as it bobbed heavily before me. I reached out, gave it a few feathery tugs, and let out a low moan. I needed release. And despite all those women I'd seen today, women who would gladly join me in the sack, I now had to jerk off just like any other teenager.

Well, not like most teenagers.

I got myself situated, jackknifed my legs over my shoulders, and wedged my feet into my headboard. It was a strain, a real strain, but I was able to get my mouth and cockhead in the same vicinity and went to work. I knew from the day before that I wouldn't be able to stay in this position for long and it became a race to see whether my stomach muscles or my endurance would give out first. I used my tongue, a lot, long sweeping circles around the head and then I'd suck that wet, throbbing helmet into my mouth and tug at it until it felt so good I moaned around my mouthful of meat.

I sucked my cock and used my free hand to awkwardly stroke my shaft as I grew closer to coming. I closed my eyes and really went to work on my glans, trilling my tongue around the tender tip and sucking so hard my cheeks hollowed. It was becoming a terrible strain, I couldn't breathe, my abdominal muscles started to cramp, and I either needed to come or give up and just jack off manually.

It's odd that the mental image that made me blow my load was of Julia. I pictured her lying in my bed with my, her legs resting on my shoulders, while I furiously pounded her pussy. Crazy as she was, she was a gorgeous, sexy woman, and the idea of having sex with her-normal, fun, mutually satisfying sex-cracked my resolve and had me groaning in ecstasy.

"MMM...MMM...OHHHHHH," I gurgled around my cock as I started to climax. It was at this precise moment that my abs cramped something fierce-the pain was such that I yanked my feet from the headboard, which caused my spasming penis to spring from my mouth. I was showered from crown to navel with gouts of warm semen, and as my cock pulsed and spat the ecstasy washed over me, only to be drowned out by the discomfort in my midsection. The intensity of both pleasure and pain was disorienting-I'd started to come just as I wasn't able to suck or stroke my cock, and without that continuing stimulation my dick had just seemed to go off by itself, which was a bit weird. And then my stomach hurt like hell, along with my hamstrings and calves. "Jesus," I panted, wiping jizz off my face. "How much longer am I gonna be able to do this?"

My head fell back on the pillow. I was utterly exhausted. I consoled myself with the thought that even if there came a day when I couldn't blow myself, there would be plenty of women anxious do to it for me. Then I thought how arrogant that sounded and mentally took the statement back, lest I jinx myself. And these days I felt a bit jinxed. There was too much weird stuff going on. And I had the sinking feeling that the prom was going to be the pinnacle of weirdness. It was with those uneasy thoughts coursing through my mind that I finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago
This Story Needs A Ending.

Im Not A Writer, But Ill Give A Very Loose, Very Brief Ending As I Saw It In My Head.

There Is Some Kind Of Fight, Then Make-Up Sex Moment At The Prom, Then There Is One Huge Orgy Starring All Chartchers From The Entire Story.

The End.

ei62ei62over 1 year ago

what a total waste of a few valuable hrs of my time,this bloke lives in an alternative planet

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

its too bad that no one has ever tried to give a finale for this story.

were i a writer, i'd end it at the prom in a 2 parter (19 - 20) and leave a door open for a possble followup.

alas, i am not a writer..

wont anyone be our hero?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of the whackiest and weirdest sex stories I've ever read. OMG what a bunch of middle aged nymphomaniacs and lesbians practicing every conceivable perversion. Danny's autofellatio bit was overdone. It was interesting to read about the technique once and may be twice but after that it started to get boring and disgusting. It need not have been described in details every time he performed it.

I enjoyed reading all parts of the series thanks to good writing peppered with humour, except the last part. It was full of exaggerations even for an erotic piece of fiction. Danny exacting a promise from Ted to fuck an entire gathering of women followed by a stampede in front of Ted's office with a crowd of women gate crashing to get laid by him was more than I could handle. May be it was put in just to make the whole thing hilarious.

Considering that the last chapter was written 13 years ago, I don't suppose there is any chance of this story concluding.

Also the author has stopped writing anything at all in Literotica after this. I wish he would restart as he is easily one of the top writers in Literotica in my view and I enjoyed reading all his submissions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just a fucking joke. Mostly the same shit. This'll never be resolved. Danny should have just said fuck it and left after a good portion of all this bullshit.

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