The Wrong Movie Ch. 03

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Danny and Rachael see a therapist.
8.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/16/2004
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Author's Note: Yeah, I can't resist making my stories serials, so here are the continuing adventures of Rachael and Danny. There will be more, obviously, though I'm not sure when. Please try to leave a comment at the end, and, at the very least, cast a vote. I'm extremely grateful to everyone who does. So I hope you enjoy this third instalment and I'll submit the next as soon as it's done.


It was morning and Danny and Rachael were sitting on the sofa like two kids who had been caught with their hands in a rather large cookie jar. They were both watching their mother apprehensively as she paced up and down in front of them, yelling one minute, wiping away tears the next and trying all the time to be supportive, even though it was clear she didn't support what they'd done in any way. In the end, she threw her hands up and walked out of the room, leaving – perhaps unwisely – Danny and Rachael alone. Rachael, sitting with her hands in her lap and her knees held modestly together, turned to her brother with a half-frightened, half-troubled look. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I don't know."

Rachael looked down at her hands. "Well," she said, "at least she didn't go into meltdown."

"Not yet," said Danny.

Rachael sighed irritably. "It wouldn't have been so bad if you hadn't cum."

Danny's cheeks turned bright red. "I'm sorry," he said, for what felt like the millionth time. "I couldn't help it."

Rachael was, in fact, more annoyed with her mother, for walking in on them at such a pivotal moment. She hadn't been able to enjoy the sensation or even register what Danny's cum tasted like; she'd simply clamped her lips shut and tried to pretend it wasn't happening. But he came a lot, and it leaked out, and their mother couldn't fail to notice it.

It was the most humiliating and surreal moment of Rachael's life, trying to tell her mother that "It's not what it looks like" through a mouthful of her brother's cum. She couldn't blame him, but she was still annoyed.

"You shouldn't have been making so much noise either," she said.

"You made noise, too," Danny protested. "And you didn't have to tell her that youiked it."

"Well, I wasn't going tolie," said Rachael.

"You could have told her that we were just experimenting – that it was just a once-off thing."

"But then she'd tell us we can never do it again."

"Well, wecan't do it again."

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. She can't stop us."

Danny just shook his head, but Rachael got the impression it wasn't the end of this discussion. They lapsed into silence, punctuated only by the dulltick, tick of the clock on the wall. After some minutes, Rachael spoke again. "Where do you think she's gone?" she asked her brother.

"Dunno," Danny replied, looking towards the stairs.

"Do you think dad will talk to us as well?"

Danny shrugged. Rachael turned back to her hands, and they sat in silence once more, before she broke it again. "So was it nice?"

"Was what nice?"

"The blow job?"


"What? I'm just asking."

"Yes. It was nice."

"Did I do it okay?"

"Well, I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I'd say yes."

Rachel smiled gratefully. "I swallowed it, you know."

Danny shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable. "I know."

"I can't remember what it tasted like though. It was probably salty – that's how everyone says it tastes. Although, there was this one girl at school who—"

"Rach – can we please not talk about this now."

Rachael closed her mouth and glanced at the stairs, then back at her hands. "Fine."


Three days later, Rachael was sitting in the waiting room of a psychiatrist's office, looking anxiously at the other patients. "Mom," she said, her eyes on a middle-aged man who was talking to himself, "do I have to do this?"

"Yes," her mother said sternly. "It'll be good for you."

"Why doesn't Danny have to do it?"

"He will," said her mother. "I'll bring him tomorrow."

Rachael uttered a little frightened whimper and tried to ignore the middle-aged man's monologue. The wait seemed both long and short at the same time, and Rachael was entirely unaware of how long it actually was. Soon though, a thirty-something-year-old woman with glasses was standing in a doorway and calling her name. Rachael looked back at her mother with pleading eyes but received only a warning look. She turned around, hung her head low, and followed the psychiatrist into her office like a prisoner heading to the gallows.

The chair she sat on was a black, leather couch, like the one's Rachael had seen on TV and in movies. She felt stupid half-sitting, half-lying there with her hands clenched together in her lap while the psychiatrist-lady grabbed a clipboard and sat down opposite her. "So," she said, in what Rachael supposed was supposed to be a non-judgmental voice. "You're Rachael?"

"Yes," Rachael squeaked.

"Hi, Rachael. I'm Dr. Austin." She smiled warmly. "Now," she continued, lifting the top sheet of her clipboard. "You're here because... Oh, my." Rachael felt her entire face burn. Dr. Austin dropped the top sheet of paper and fixed Rachael with a piercing look. " there anything you want to tell me that your mother may have left out? Your side of the story maybe?"

Rachael looked back despairingly. "Um...n- not really."

"So what your mother says is true then? She caught you with...with your brother's..." The doctor cleared her throat.

"Yes," said Rachael, saving her the trouble. Dr. Austin smiled gratefully. She was quite pretty, Rachael decided. She had a striking face and a very curvy body. Her black hair was arranged in an artistic tumble on top of her head, small wisps of it falling around her face and neck. Although it looked random and natural, it didn't look messy, and Rachael was sure she had spent at least a half an hour on it. Her eyes were a very brilliant green and her mouth curved easily into a smile, as though she smiled a lot. Her clothes were simple and elegant; a black blouse and a beige skirt that showed off quite a bit of leg. And her breasts, made Rachael nervous to think about them, but they looked nice, and they were much bigger than her own. She tried not to look at them for too long.

"So, do you understand why your mother has asked you to see me, Rachael?" Dr. Austin asked. Rachael nodded. "Why do you think she has?"

"Because she thinks it's wrong," said Rachael.

"And do you think it's wrong?"


"Why is that?" Dr. Austin asked, crossing her legs and settling back on her chair. And here the shrewd analysis seemed to begin.

"Because it doesn'tfeel wrong," said Rachael.

"Well, things like this rarely do."

"I don't just mean physically," Rachael clarified. "It feels right in lots of ways."

"What kinds of ways?"

Rachael shrugged. "Emotionally."

"So, you have an emotional connection with your brother then?"

"I do now," said Rachael.

"And you hadn't before?"

"No. He never liked me before."

"And you weren't happy like that?"

Rachael looked down at her hands as she fiddled with her fingers. "No," she said. "I wanted him to like me."

"And is that why you were doing what you were with him? To get him to like you?"

Rachael looked up, realising the trap she'd walked into. "No," she said hastily. "That wasn't why."

"Whydid you do it then?" asked Dr. Austin.

"Because it felt good," said Rachael.

"So itwas a physical thing then..."

"No. It..." Rachael broke off and sighed. "It's hard to explain."

"Well, we have to try and explain it," said Dr. Austin.

"I'm not stopping," Rachael said defiantly. "I don't want to stop and neither does Danny."

"Maybe not," said Dr. Austin. "But you do realise that what you're doing is illegal. And it could end up hurting more than just yourselves."

"We don't want to hurt anybody," Rachael said earnestly. "We're just doing what we enjoy."

"And are you sure Danny enjoys it?"

"Of course he does. He told me so."

Dr. Austin uncrossed and crossed her legs, and leaned forward slightly in her chair. "You have to realise Rachael," she said, "that boys are sometimes easy to satisfy. They don't always care how they get what they want orwho they get it from, just that they do get it. What I'm trying to say is, maybe Danny is ignoring his reservations so that he can satisfy some of his urges."

"He's not!" Rachael protested fiercely. "He loves me. He told me he did."

"He told you he loved you?"

Rachael nodded. "And I told him I loved him. And not just like a brother either."

"And you're sure he feels the same way about you? You're sure he loves you as more than a sister?"

"Yes. He said so."

Dr. Austin nodded and wrote something on her clipboard. Rachael craned her neck a little to see what it was, but she couldn't read it from here. Dr. Austin finished writing and looked up again. "Now, how long has this been happening?" she asked. "Have you had sex more than once?"

"Twice," Rachael replied.

Another note on the clipboard. "But you've done...other stuff as well?"

"Just that once," said Rachael, blushing. "And that was right after the second time."

"Right after?" Dr. Austin asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Well, not right after," said Rachael. "He had to get hard again." She looked quickly at Dr. Austin and felt her face burn.

The doctor smiled. "It's okay. You don't have to be embarrassed." Rachael smiled weakly and stared at her hands again. "Now," said Dr. Austin, "you should know that I can't stop you from doing what you're doing, and that isn't my intention. What I'm trying to do – what your mother wants me to do – is to determine if there's any sort of psychological reason for your actions, which, I'm beginning to think, there isn't. But what you've said about your relationship with your brotheris interesting. Can we talk about that some more?"

"I guess," said Rachael.

"All right, then. Why don't you tell me what your relationship was like before all of this started."

Rachael sighed and pushed herself up on the couch. "Well," she said, "it wasn't bad, really. But it wasn't good either. He almost never spoke to me. And he was always embarrassed to be seen with me in public. If I ever spoke to him while he was with his friends he'd just ignore me and tell me off at home." Rachael looked at Dr. Austin and, finding her smiling, continued. "He never paid any attention to me, even when it was only the two of us at home together. He'd just lock himself in his room and ignore me completely."

"And that bugged you?"

"I guess. Sometimes he would talk to me for a few minutes and I always liked it when he did. I think I had a crush on him when I was younger, because he's the only boy I've really known. But then, I know lots of sisters have crushes on their brothers when they're young."

"That's true," said Dr. Austin. "Go on."

"Sometimes," said Rachael, pushing herself further up the couch, "he would look at me in a funny way and I knew he was perving on me. And I liked it, because it meant he was paying attention to me. So I started to wear short skirts and small tops so that he would look at me, which he did.

"I remember we were at the beach one day and I was wearing a bikini for the first time – he couldn't take his eyes off me. And I could see the bulge in his shorts. It made me feel good to know that I was doing that to him."

"Did he start to pay you more attention after that?"

"No. He still said barely anything to me and when he did it was to make fun of me or tell me to go away. He said I had small tits once and I hated him for that." Rachael glanced instinctively at Dr. Austin's large breasts as she said that.

"They take time to develop," Dr. Austin said. "I wouldn't worry about that."

Rachael blushed a little and looked back at her hands. "I always knew they weren'tthat small though," she said, "because Danny always looked at them." She smiled to herself. "Sometimes I brushed them against his arm or his back and he went red all over. And then he'd disappear in his room for a while and hold his door shut if I tried to open it. I thought I could catch him at it."

"So you were curious then?" Dr. Austin asked. "About boys in general?"

Rachael shrugged. "Every girl is. But I wanted to know what I was making Danny do. I saw the girls he looked at on the Internet, and I didn't think I was as pretty as they were, but I was making him do the same thing. So I thought maybe he really does like me, deep down. Maybe he just resented me because I was his sister and making him feel those weird feelings. I always thought that...if I wasn't his sister...would he ask me out and want to spend time with me?"

Dr. Austin smiled and wrote something else on her clipboard. "Tell me how you started," she said. "Being intimate with Danny."

Rachael swallowed nervously. "Well...we were home alone one night – our parents were out – and Danny had hired some DVDs to watch. He hired Sleepless in Seattle, which is one of my favourite movies, but someone had put a porno in it by mistake and that's what we started watching."

"You wanted to watch it?"

"Not at first," said Rachael. "At first I hit him and told him he was a sick freak; but then I got curious and I told him I wanted to watch it."

"And that's how it started?"

"Yeah," said Rachael. "I never learnt much about sex. Mom and dad never taught me and they didn't have any sex-ed in school, and I was too embarrassed to watch any porn. So I was kind of curious I guess, and when I saw the stuff on the movie, I wanted to try it. So I asked Danny."

"You asked him?"

"Yeah. He didn't force me, if that's what you're thinking. He didn't even want to do it. Although, I knew he really did, because I know...feel it."

"His erection?"

Rachael blushed. "Yeah."

"And it was just sex the first time?"

"Yeah. I said I wanted to do more but he said he was tired and then mom and dad came home, so we had to go to bed. And then he didn't talk to me for a week!" she continued angrily. "He told me that we shouldn't have done it and we had to stop."

"But you didn't want to stop?"

"No. And he didn't either. I knew he didn't. But I had to kiss him to make him admit it."

"You kissed him?"


"And what was that like?"

"It was nice. It was different to sex. Danny said it felt kind of gross – and it did – but it was nice."

"And then what happened?"

Rachael turned to Dr. Austin with a quizzical look. "How come you're so curious?" she asked. "You don't need to know all the details do you?"

Now it was Dr. Austin's turn to blush and shift her position uncomfortably. "Well...I'm just...a little intrigued, I guess. I've never counselled anyone on incest before, so this is all new to me."

"So you want to know what happened the second time?"

"If you don't mind telling me," said Dr. Austin.

"I guess not," said Rachael. It was nice, really, to have another female to talk to about it. Dr. Austin looked like a fairly outgoing woman – not straight-laced or prudish like most of the other thirty-year-old women Rachael knew. She wondered if she had a boyfriend – because she couldn't see a wedding ring – and wondered – to her shame – what kind of things they did together. But the thought passed, and she was eager to tell her story.

"The second time was at night," she began. "Danny came to my room and said that stuff about stopping. And then I kissed him and that's how it started. The first time I tried to kiss him he wouldn't lower his head and the second time he tried to pull away, so I pushed him against the wall and forced him to kiss me." She smiled to herself, remembering the way Danny had squirmed within her grasp and slid clumsily down the wall. "We ended up on the floor," she continued, "and I kissed him again, and then I told him I wanted to have sex." Rachael glanced across at Dr. Austin and noticed a fine sheen of sweat on her forehead. She couldn't ignore the effect her story was having on the pretty doctor, or the relief she felt at telling it. The words started to flow easily. "We took some of our clothes off," she went on, "and then he sucked on my breasts, which was nice because I remembered how he'd called them small and how he wasn't complaining about their size then. But I felt his cock against me and I told him I wanted it inside me, so he put it in and we started to do it, right there on the floor. I think we made more noise than we meant to, though, because mom must have heard us."

"Did you use a condom?" Dr. Austin inquired.

"No," said Rachael. "I let him cum inside me."

Dr. Austin blinked and swallowed. "That's...that's very risky," she said.

"I'd had my period a few days before though," said Rachael, "so I knew it was okay."

Dr. Austin licked her lips and shifted in her chair again. "And what...ah...what happened after that?"

Rachael grinned. "After that I tried to blow him. I've never seen anyone look as happy as he did then. I loved that I was doing that to him. I tried to take it all inside my mouth, like the women in the porno we watched, but I could only get half of it. It was nice though – it didn't taste bad at all."

Dr. Austin was now holding the clipboard over her crotch, and although both of her hands were still visible, Rachael was sure she wanted to touch herself. She didn't mind it if she did, but she couldn't say anything, so she just continued her story.

"I was just getting into it," she said, "when mom walked in and turned on the lights."

"Andthat's how she caught you?" said Dr. Austin, wide-eyed. "With it in your mouth?"

"Yeah," said Rachael, repentantly. "And my hands were around it. I looked up and just froze, thinking I was about to be killed. But then..." she looked modestly at her hands, "then Danny came."

"Hecame?" asked Dr. Austin, incredulously. "Right then?"

Rachael nodded. "Inside my mouth. That's what snapped me awake. I had to quickly grab his cock and pull it out a bit before I choked. I was going to swallow it all so mom wouldn't see, but he just came so much and I couldn't take it all. It started oozing out and mom saw and...well...she didn't look very happy."

"I can imagine," said Dr. Austin. She seemed to visibly compose herself, shaking off the shallow breathing and mild sweating and rapt expression. "Well, uh, I think that's all we have time for today. Your mother hasn't scheduled you for any other sessions yet but we'll see how it goes."

Rachael nodded and got to her feet. "You won't tell Danny what I said, will you?" she asked. "When you see him..."

"No," Dr. Austin replied, standing. "Everything you say to me in this office is confidential. If you want to tell Danny any of it, that's fine; but I won't."

"Thanks," said Rachael, with a smile. Dr. Austin smiled back and led her back to the waiting room, where her mother was waiting with a stern expression.


Two days later, Danny found himself inside the very same office his sister had been in, and sitting down on the very same couch. It was quite a comfortable couch, though that did little to offset the humiliation he felt at sitting on it. Humiliation, though, wasn't the only reason he was fidgeting. He had no idea how his mother expected to cleanse his mind of impure thoughts when she was sending him to see a psychiatrist that could have passed for a supermodel. With shocking frequency, Danny's gaze was drawn to Dr. Austin's ample chest like a sex-starved moth to a silicone-enhanced flame. Whether they were real or not, Danny could only guess. And there were also her long, graceful legs, and her raven-coloured hair and bright green eyes. All in all, she made Danny rather nervous.

Dr. Austin seemed, at least to Danny, to be aware of this fact. She smiled at him rather often, always in a comforting manner as if to say: "It's all right, lots of boys stare at my breasts". Danny tried not to be one of those boys, but it was a futile effort.