The Twelve Zenati Pt. 09


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"You are mine now, no backsies, not ever!" Gideon murmured in her ear as he pulled her against his body, holding her tightly, and let out a large breath.

"No backsies, not ever," Vivienne agreed with a giggle. After a few minutes of being wrapped in his arms she whispered. "We should probably go eat that dinner now."

"Only if you promise to eat really fast," he grumbled and released her, keeping an arm around her waist as they walked down the aisle and allowed people to hug and congratulate them.


Olivia sat beside Genesis at the long banquet table, watching as Gideon and Vivienne kissed between eating and drinking, while people went to congratulate them. She was quiet and contemplative as she examined her own feelings. There were no resentful feelings that someone else was in the limelight. She wasn't jealous that Vivienne had found love with a wonderful man who seemed to adore her. She just felt happy for them, both of them. She couldn't remember a time when she felt truly happy for someone else, without the jealousy and resentment of wanting what others had marring the pleasure she felt. She looked down at the hand splayed over her thigh and smiled. What did she have to be resentful or jealous of when she had someone who looked at her the way Genesis did, she acknowledged.

"Everything okay?" Genesis asked quietly as he looked down at her.

"More than okay," she answered, giving him a small smile and leaning into him. He was so different from any other man she had known. True, he was dominant and demanding, but it was tempered with genuine affection and that softer side was something new and interesting to her. He actually cared about how she was feeling, not because he needed something from her right then, but because he wanted to know if he could make her evening better.

"Good." He bent to brush his lips over hers. For all his dominance and the painful pleasure he gave Olivia in the privacy of their room, he enjoyed these tender moments in front of their friends and family equally. He had been unsure of how she would react to being here and if she would fatigue too quickly to enjoy it after weeks of being cooped up in the hospital and then the clinic, but she seemed to thrive on the change. Her cheeks glowed a healthy pink, and her eyes sparkled within the sea-green depths. She was so beautiful that, when she looked at him the way she was now, his heart contracted painfully again. He would need to take Gideon's lead and make this girl irrevocably his, sooner rather than later. Particularly given Marcella's outburst last night. He wanted to head off any more of those kinds of threats.

Beside him, Genesis saw Noah making small talk with Marcella. It was unfortunate, he thought, that the three of them had not found their curse breakers together. He had to admit, though, Marcella didn't seem the type of woman to believe in such things or be affected by them as Vivienne and Olivia so obviously had been. He had never been a believer either, until Olivia crashed into his life, and he knew he would fight to keep her in his life, even if that meant fighting her family. He knew he had to win Marcella over, despite Olivia's words last night, but he wasn't sure how he would do that. She seemed to judge them all after the scene with his mother, not that he blamed her. Still, if Vivienne, who had borne the brunt of that attack could overcome it, then surely Marcella could.

"You ready for the best man's speech?" Genesis nudged Noah, grateful that he didn't have to do it.

"I thought this was an elopement and we wouldn't have to do all that traditional stuff," Noah groaned. "You're the walking lexicon. Why can't you do it?" he asked plaintively.

"You're the best man, dumbass, and Papa would expect you to welcome her to the family, at the very least," Genesis pointed out. "There's no time like the present, brother. People have almost finished eating," Genesis pointed out.

"Great," Noah rolled his eyes and stood, walking to where Gideon sat and asking if this was what he wanted, particularly in light of the fact that there was no master of ceremonies to make all the traditional calls. "Sorry, man, but unless you are willing to take on Papa when you get back I have to do a speech. Are you up for this?"

"Shit! Yeah, if you must but keep it simple and short. I don't want to be stuck here any longer than we have to be." Gideon waggled his eyebrows and leaned over and kissed a blushing Vivienne again. Noah then went to stand beside Leighton, out of respect, knowing that he would need to say something in response, so that the speeches could be done with. Murmuring his intentions, he picked up his wine glass and tapped the edge delicately, until silence fell over the small group.

"This afternoon's events have been a surprise to all of us, not the least of whom was the groom, who I can assure you is beyond happy with the result," he chuckled as he began. "For those who don't know me personally, I am Noah Zenati, and the lucky bloke up there with his arm around the lovely Vivienne is my older brother, Gideon." He paused, taking a moment to look around the room and collect his thoughts. "I feel like I should thank you all for coming, or any number of the things that would normally be said during this speech, but it feels strange being that this is not my home nor my party, so I will leave that to our generous hosts." He nodded at Leighton and Lydia. "Instead, I will apologise that the dark knights of Zenati legend have ridden again to cross your borders and steal away the loveliest maiden of your land so we can welcome her to our family and our hearts. Don't misunderstand, it is only the invasion I apologise for, not stealing the lovely Vivienne, for without her our world would remain in darkness, or at least Gideon's would, and he would share that darkness with the rest of us, no doubt," he chuckled.

"Since the first time he saw you, Vivienne, he was sure you were the one for him. He lit up with happiness whenever you were around, like a teenager with his first crush and, like most men in our family when they meet the woman of their dreams, he pursued you like a caveman. Yet, despite that, you found a way to love him in return, and I am in awe of you," Noah grinned at his brother.

"I am, too," Gideon grinned and kissed her shoulder as he held her in front of him, unperturbed by his brother's soft dig.

"My whole family," he indicated the rest of the Zenati in the room and nodded to the cameras, "are honoured to have you so willing join our family, and grateful. Honestly, Genesis and I were starting to despair that any woman would be crazy enough to see through the bad jokes and bravado to the big heart inside the man. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for taking on the role of caring for him. Trust us when we tell you that it's a lot of work keeping him out of trouble, but I am sure you're up to the task," he nodded at her and grinned at his brother. "I remember this one time..."

"Less remembering and more wrapping this up," Gideon grumbled good-naturedly. "Trouble was your nickname when we were kids, not mine," he added.

"Vivienne, I am sure you will be missed when we dark knights carry you back to the home of the Zenati, where you will belong forever more. You are one of us now, not just because of the ring or the vows you exchanged with Gideon, but because you have made your mark on all of our hearts as well as his." He lifted his hand, "If you will all join me in toasting the bride and her very lucky groom." He drank and went to sit back down.

"You got off lightly this time, big brother. If you have another wedding at home that I can prepare for, you will be roasting," Noah chuckled in Gideon's ear as he passed.

"Who knew you could be such a romantic with the nerdy dark knight theme?" Gideon shot back with a chuckle. "Thanks, brother," he added sincerely.

"Your nickname was trouble?" Marcella couldn't help the smile that those words conjured when she looked at the seemingly laid back, in control man she knew.

"Not really, my Madrina used to call us all sorts of things. Gideon was mostly Cheeky, and I was sometimes Trouble, and Genesis was Mischief mostly. Not really nicknames, more accusations," he chuckled.

"That was a nice speech. I worried that you'd try to roast him and that would have made Vivienne uncomfortable," she said quietly.

"Don't get too comfortable about that yet. Her brother is about to speak," Noah looked at the now-standing Leighton, who seemed to be formulating what to say.

"I have no words for how I am feeling, and I am trying to remember that I am not losing my sister and my best friend but gaining another moronic brother, as if Teddy didn't already fill that quota in my life," he chuckled as Teddy let out an expletive as he choked on his wine. "I will miss you, as will we all, but know you will always have a place here with us, anytime you want or need it, to recharge under the full moon and waterfalls," he smiled softly. "I guess you can come too, Gideon, if you must," he grumbled, but there was affection in his voice.

"Gee, thanks," Gideon grumbled back.

"I couldn't give you away to anyone that loved you less than completely, and I believe that Gideon does. I wish only the best of everything for the both of you," Leighton said, sounding a little choked up. "You are one lucky bastard, Gideon, don't ever forget that." He raised his glass, "To the bride and groom."

"That was short and sweet," Noah commented.

"They're very close, Vivienne and Leighton. Probably closer than Leighton and Rick, even," Marcella commented, looking at the man whose eyes shone with unshed tears. She found herself wondering, for the first time in her life, what it might have been like to have such a close family bond as these families obviously did. Maybe if she had been closer than a distant cousin to her Table, she might have felt those bonds more keenly, but her oppressive father always made her reticent to forge any bonds with her cousins or Aunts and Uncles, aside of her mother's sister who had housed her while she put herself through university. Even then, it was not the type of bond she could see these people shared. She looked at Olivia, who sat closely with Genesis and wondered if, in time, they could be close, or at least not as estranged as they were now. She felt sad that she had such misgivings about this wedding. She was still sure that the Zenati were all crazy people, but perhaps the brothers weren't as bad as she thought. She hoped so, for Olivia and Vivienne's sake.


Genesis watched his brother with a smile. He knew that, even though Vivienne had engineered this surprise wedding herself, they still had a lot to overcome to make their relationship work. He also knew that Gideon would do whatever it took. It was their way. They fought hard for the one they loved. His mind fleetingly went to his father, and he felt for the man whose married life had been a constant battle against the woman he loved. Even now, because of her need to prove that her husband loved her, not because of a curse but because she owned his heart, they had to watch this wedding on a monitor rather than be here with them. Yet, if asked, Armando would wax lyrical about his beautiful wife being the love of his life.

He knew that he and Olivia had turned a substantial corner in the last few days, and he smiled gently as she looked up at him. He'd manipulated, lied and pushed her to accept him in her life and as her lover, but he had seen no other way at the time. He wondered if, in time, she would resent him for that or if, like now, she would try to see his reasons for doing everything he had done to bring her back from the caged, dark world that Remington Royce had trapped her in.

"Thank goodness it's not that horrible fruitcake most wedding cakes are made of," Olivia said happily when a piece of the newly-cut wedding cake was placed in front of her.

"I like traditions, but you're right about the cake," he agreed. He looked at the plate in front of him. The centre was a swirl of vanilla and chocolate mud cake, as if the baker couldn't make up her mind as to which would be best for a wedding that was as far from family tradition as it could get.

"You like traditions?" Olivia asked. "I guess I should have expected that," she sighed.

"Why the sigh?" Genesis frowned at her.

"My father was pretty strict about the traditions and laws of the Twelve Tables. I guess that's why Marcie is the way she is and part of the reason I left. Neither one of us wanted to be sold off like a cow at the market to a table man like Jessa," Olivia said, speaking of her older sister who she hadn't even asked about since admitting to Marcella that she knew who she was and refused to leave Genesis.

"Jessa is happy, did you know that? You have nieces and a nephew. You could call her if you liked and talk to her," he said gently, unsure that this was the place for this conversation.

"You know Jessa?" Olivia blinked at him in surprise.

"I have spoken to her and her husband, Rinaldo, but I don't know them personally," he admitted. "I contacted them, as I did Marcella, when you were found alive. She is about to have another baby and couldn't travel, or she would have come as well, I think," he explained.

"Did you speak to my parents?" she asked, nervously.

"Your father, yes." His voice became hard. "I won't make that mistake again." Seeing the brief look of pained emotion cloud her eyes, he reassured her. "I will take you to see them if that is what you want. You only have to ask, no matter how I feel about your father."

"No," she shook her head. "I knew when I left that I was breaking all his rules." She held off from adding that the spoilt, selfish princess that she had been had never believed her father would turn his back on her completely, until the generous allowance he had always provided failed to appear in her account a few weeks after she had left and then her credit cards had been cancelled. She knew that, to him, she was dead and buried and there would be no reconciliation with her father. She doubted that her mother would want to see her either, not that her father would let her even if she wanted to.

She looked past Genesis to Marcie. Her sister had always been so much stronger than her. She was strong and fought for the things she wanted in that oppressive household, unlike Olivia. She had lied and manipulated her parents and blamed her older sisters if she was ever discovered breaking the rules. She'd been so horrible, so mean, so uncaring, and yet the sister who had borne the brunt of their father's wrath to protect her little sister was the one person who had come to help her when Genesis had called. Guilt, a new emotion for Olivia, replaced the resentment she most often felt for her older sisters. She was still treating Marcella badly after all the time away, and Marcella was still letting her and trying to help protect her in her own way, the only way she knew how, by fighting for her as she had been doing with Genesis last night. She didn't regret choosing Genesis over Marcella. She felt somehow bonded to him now, as if a small part of him had seeped into her soul and wrapped her in the knowledge that he would always be there for her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up," Genesis said softly, tilting her face up to his. "Whatever you want to do where your family is concerned is fine with me, but I won't let you leave me, not without a fight. You are mine, little one, and I intend to keep you, care for you and make you happy, until death us do part," he smiled softly and kissed her then.

"Was that a proposal?" she asked, startled, breaking the kiss and leaning back to look at him.

"No, let's just call that fair warning. When I propose, you will have no doubt of my intentions, and it will involve as many traditions as I can manage to fill your world with. We still have a long way to go before that can happen, however, including getting you healthy and out of this chair," he chuckled.

"I can get out of this chair," she laughed. "You are the one who put me in it and insisted that I stay."

"Is the brace becoming uncomfortable?" he asked, reaching a hand around her waist.

"No, seriously, it's more comfortable than some of my regular underwear," she giggled, thinking of some of the underwire bras that she owned.

"Good." He leaned forward and kissed her again. "I don't like seeing you in pain, unless it is specifically for my pleasure and involves far fewer people in the vicinity and much less clothing," he plucked at the material of her dress, his voice husky and firing her need for everything he promised her with his words and the heated look in his eyes. The moment was broken by the clinking of metal on glass again.

"My wife and I... that sounds awesome doesn't it?" Gideon asked, pulling Vivienne up beside him. "My wife and I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate with us, especially my brothers and family, who made this day complete for me. We know many of you have a long way to travel home tonight, so we know that you won't mind if we leave you to party without us. Thank you so much, Lydia. You are a queen among women, and I am so glad to call you family now. I know this day was all you, and I love you for that. Leighton, you are one lucky man, just not as lucky as me," he chuckled.

"Can't argue that," Leighton said magnanimously, but winked at Lydia and placed an arm around her. "It's true that all of this was my beautiful and talented wife, but Rick and I have our own surprise for you both. He will show you where it is. Look after her, Gideon," he said with the hint of threat in his voice.

"Trust me, I intend to," he chortled in return and took his wife's hand to follow Rick from the room. They made slow progress, as everyone came forward to hug them and wish them well again.

Genesis and Olivia joined the line of people closest to the door and waited for Gideon and Vivienne to make their way to them. More than anything, he wanted Olivia to know she was part of this family, not some outsider here as his date or escort but, even without him beside her, the two newly married people valued her, as did Noah and Marcella.

"Little Pixie, you look sweet enough to give me a sugar high." Gideon picked her up into a big bear hug as Vivienne appeared at his shoulder laughing.

"Put her down, Gideon," Vivienne admonished. "Her ribs are injured, remember?"

"I wasn't squishing her," he complained. "Married only a few hours and henpecked already," he grumbled at Genesis.

"Would you have it any other way?" Genesis asked, patting him on the back consolingly.

"Hell, no!" He was adamant. "Oh, by the way, have you met my wife?" he asked casually, emphasising the word 'wife'.

"The new Mrs Zenati," Genesis said, taking her hand and pulling her closer to kiss her cheek. "The pleasure is all mine, especially as you are also my sister now," he chuckled.

"Sisters," Olivia whispered quietly, making the links Vivienne had hinted at when she had told her to be brave.

"Sisters," Vivienne agreed quietly and pulled Olivia into a hug. "I'll be back to see you as soon as possible, okay? I am not leaving you alone with these Zenati men," she teased.

"They're not so bad once you get to know them," Olivia teased with a tinkling laugh, knowing that Genesis was straining to hear their every word.

"Yeah, I guess. Not so bad at all." Vivienne released Olivia and stepped back to take Gideon's arm. They continued toward the main door, eventually disappearing through it with Rick. Once they had gone, Genesis guided Olivia to where Noah stood with Dominic, and waved Xavier over.

"I had better get Olivia back under the watchful eye of the Feds before they issue a warrant for us," he joked.