The Twelve Zenati Pt. 04


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"My God!" Marcella whispered and stared at Noah, stunned by the story he was telling her. "We should go. I need to see her. I need to know it's really her." Marcella got to her feet, looking around for her bag.

"Please sit, I've not finished her story yet," Noah said, his voice full of emotion. "You need to know it all before you see her. You will understand why when I finish, I promise."

"But..." Marcella sank back into her chair, not believing that this story, possibly her sister's story, could get any worse. "I just want to know for sure, see for myself, that it's her."

"She will be there whether we go now or in half an hour," Noah reassured her. "Try and eat a little more while I finish the story." He took a bite of his own salad before speaking again. "To give himself and those closest to him an airtight alibi, Remington planned his wedding to coincide with the attack on the Mothers of the Tables. What he hadn't counted on was that the rifts inside his own organisation had grown during the time that his obsession with making Olivia into his perfect woman kept him from his business dealings. The wedding was ambushed, and Remington was shot several times. They managed to get him to the hospital alive but his injuries were too severe, and he died last night. Olivia sustained injuries too and was rushed to the hospital and admitted under her assumed identity, Serena Seabrook." Noah glided over the details, giving her just what she needed to know.

"She was shot!" Marcella gasped.

"The bullet grazed her side quite deeply but didn't hit any organs. The shooters were aiming for Remington and those men closest to him," Noah explained quickly.

"Oh, thank god," Marcella breathed. "But she will be okay? The graze is deep but she will heal without any residual injuries, won't she?"

"This is where my brother, and ultimately the rest of my family, come into the picture," he continued. "One of the Suebi close to Remington, we believe a man called Kairos, approached a priest through the confessional and told him the tale of a girl called Olivia Gambaro who had been brainwashed and tortured and was lying in hospital at risk of being murdered. The priest was given a lot of detail about the woman and her time with Remington. The man told the priest to seek help from Genesis, because of his reputation as an investigative journalist for helping people in bad situations. Which he did, and having wanted to get information about Remington's organisation for a while, Genesis gave the story the benefit of the doubt." Noah paused to eat again as she digested the information.

"When Genesis got to the hospital with the priest, and forced his way past the bodyguard still protecting Olivia, or Serena as she is known now, she was in bad shape. She was confused and, it seemed, going through withdrawals of some type, maybe from the drugs Remington had her on. She wouldn't talk to anyone and fought the hospital staff, refusing to let anyone touch her. The doctors had to have her held down and knocked out to examine and repair her wound. She was refusing to eat or drink or even do the basics of self-care."

"This sounds like the plot to a thriller," Marcella shook her head. "It's all so unbelievable."

"Genesis found a way to get through to her. He's taken on the role of a Master like Remington had been to her. They brought the man Kairos, whom she trusted, from where he is being kept in custody, to tell her that Remington wanted her to belong to Genesis if anything happened to him. Gen's managed to get her to eat and look after herself better, as well as let the doctors treat her without fighting them. She still won't respond to many other people, even when he is there and no one when he is not, though she will acknowledge Gideon and me because he has told her that she must. One of the Papillo doctors has also been working with her and can probably give you a better idea of her mental state than I can."

"So, your brother has essentially become her Master, and commands her to eat and drink and let the doctors treat her because she wouldn't do it without those commands?" Marcella asked, to clarify the situation.

"Remington made her dependant on him for everything in her life, from the clothes she wore and the food she ate to who she was allowed to speak to, which was basically no one. He guarded her jealously and gave her no freedoms at all, not even freedom of thought. She can't seem to cope now without that guidance. Genesis plans to gently undo the conditioning that Remington put in place but, for now, he is the only person she will listen to about what she allowed to do." Noah tried his best to put Genesis's relationship with Serena in the best possible light.

"Can't he tell her that she is Olivia and that Serena is a fallacy?" Marcella asked as Noah paused in the story again.

"Each time he tries, she refuses to acknowledge that Olivia is even alive. She continues to claim Olivia was killed by bad men with guns down on the docks," Noah sighed. "She won't answer to Olivia. We hope that seeing you might shock her into admitting that she is Olivia or at least draw her out of the shell that Genesis has been trying to pry her out of for the last few days."

"Right," she let out a large breath. "It's a lot to take in. Your brother seems to have taken on a lot, where Olivia is concerned. Why would he do that and not just leave it to the Papillo doctor or professionals I could source once I got her home?"

"I don't suppose you believe in fate? That things happen for a reason?" he asked cautiously.

"I grew up believing in Oracles and mind reading, so fate is not such a stretch for any member of a Table Family, I guess," she admitted with a shrug.

"We tend to be a bit of a superstitious bunch up here. A priest brought the story to Genesis and asked him to help. When he first saw her, he said she looked so fragile that he wanted not just to help but also protect her. He's got a reputation for championing the weak and vulnerable. Trust me, he has only her best interests at heart, and if anyone will go the extra mile to make sure she eventually recovers, it's Gen. He's made more of a difference with Serena in less than a day than the doctors had in the several days before he found out about her." Noah continued to ensure that Marcella understood that Genesis was possibly the only one who could truly help her sister at this point. "He wants to make sure she gets better. That would mean not sending her home to Perth with you," he said, tentatively.

"I doubt that anyone would argue to have her sent home if he insisted," she said sadly. "If it's the cost involved in getting her the treatment..." she hedged. She had thought that if it were Olivia, she would be able to look after her herself. Her father certainly wouldn't forgive Olivia and welcome her back into the family. Staying here with people who wanted to help her would be much better for everyone, except maybe herself but she couldn't afford the cost of Olivia's treatment and living expenses on her own. She would have to go to Uncle Bernie or Oscar and plead her case.

"No," Noah said quickly. "Genesis will do what needs to be done for Olivia. You don't have to worry about the costs involved. We're family remember, one huge international family. Genesis wants her to stay here. We were concerned that you would insist on taking her home or sending her to a facility where specialists can poke and prod her and make no difference."

"Honestly, if I hadn't heard the whole story before going to the hospital, I would have wanted to take her home, but I can see from what you're telling me that she needs more help than I could possibly give her myself." Marcella closed her eyes and shook her head. "I've learned to fight the battles that I have a chance of winning and let others go. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't think I can give her what she needs right now, if what you say is true." Still, she needed to know if it was true, and she needed to decide what to tell her mother when she called tonight as promised.

"What about your parents? Won't they want her home?" Noah asked, not understanding why her sister's care would be solely up to her.

"Papa is... well... he's a rigid man. He feels that Olivia turned her back on the Family, and he washed his hands of her and refuses to even acknowledge her existence now. Mama is worried and would be here if she could but... well... he's a rigid man," she sighed. "He doesn't know I have come, but Mama called Zia and organised it, after Papa refused to acknowledge that Olivia could still be alive." She wasn't sure why she was so honest with this man, but she felt that she needed to be after he had taken the time to speak to her so honestly about what to expect at the hospital.

"I see," Noah said, even though he couldn't understand how a parent could just wash their hands of a child. "Well, you can stay with us as long as you need. I can organise a car for you if you would prefer that to having to call me or a cab to get you to and from the hospital. You could do a little exploring as well, though I wouldn't advise driving too far on your own."

"Maybe we could just go to the hospital first, before I make any decisions. I know you all believe it's Olivia but this is all so hard to believe. The Olivia that I knew and loved would never go willingly with a Suebi," she shook her head, "Let alone allow herself to be trained and treated as a submissive. It just doesn't seem likely that it's true. She was strong and vibrant and didn't let anything stand in her way."

"Sure, we can go now if you have eaten enough. Maybe we could put the leftovers in the fridge in case you are hungry when you get home?" Noah suggested.


Genesis was anxious. While Noah had said that he didn't believe there would be any issues, and that Marcella understood the delicate nature of her sister's condition, he still worried what seeing her would do to Serena. His hand rested on her leg, knowing that they were making their way up in the elevator. Gideon and Vivienne had returned to observe the meeting between the sisters and made idle chatter about their own siblings that Genesis barely heard.

The woman came into the room in front of Noah, who was close behind her. Genesis took in the familial similarities between the two women and felt Serena's leg stiffen under his hand, the only sign that she might recognise her sister. Serena's face remained calm and impassive as Marcella approached her.

"Hello, Serena," Marcella smiled and held out her hand. "Noah told me how much we look alike, and I couldn't wait to meet you. I hope that you don't mind me coming to the hospital."

"Talk to her, she came a long way to meet you," Genesis said, frowning at Serena as she looked to him to tell her if she could speak or not.

"Hello," Serena said and looked away from Marcella again.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" Marcella asked, aware of the role that she was playing, having worked out how best to approach this woman without scaring her or forcing her to admit who she was on the drive to the hospital. When the woman shook her head, she took the chair that Noah had pulled up for her. "Thank you. Would you like to know why I came so far to meet you?"

"I would like to know," Genesis said for Serena's benefit after she looked at him for guidance once again.

"Yes, please," Serena whispered, sounding unsure of herself.

"Well, I have a sister who disappeared, and each time I hear about a girl who looks like me, I have to go and meet them, just in case. You see, I miss her terribly and would give anything to see her and talk to her again. I loved her so much, and I encouraged her to go out and explore the world. But I was wrong, and I want to tell her I was wrong. Even if she never wanted to come home or see anyone else in our family ever again, I'd just want her to know that I love her and miss her so much," Marcella explained with tears sparkling in her eyes as she spoke. "Do you have any sisters, Serena?" she asked softly.

"No, I have no one, just Genesis," Serena answered quietly, refusing to look at Marcella.

"You are very lucky then. Genesis' brother Noah has been telling me that he is like a superhero," Marcella smiled. "Every girl dreams of finding her own hero, a knight in shining armour to come and rescue her. When we were little, my sister and I watched a movie with two sisters who were witches, and they wished for a hero to come and rescue them. It was called Practical Magic. Have you ever seen that movie?"

"I don't know," Serena shook her head slightly and frowned. "I don't think so."

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm sure that you could find it to watch on Netflix while you are recovering, if you're interested. Being stuck in the hospital can be so boring. I was in the hospital for a while last year, but I won't bore you with that," Marcella chatted idly, seeing if she could get any reaction from the woman in the bed. Olivia, or Serena as she preferred to be called, now said little and stared down at her fingers rather than engage with her on any level. At least she knew for sure that it was her sister, and she wished that she could talk to Genesis alone about everything he had done for her and would continue to do for her.

"I'm very tired now," Serena said quietly.

"Of course, you are. Thank you for letting me visit. I guess my search will continue. I was so hopeful." Marcella got to her feet and reached out to touch Serena's arm. She gasped as Serena flinched away from her touch. "I'm sorry," Marcella stammered, her voice breaking. "I just... I just wish I had my sister back," she said sadly and withdrew her hand. "You look so much like her that I just..." She shook her head and straightened her posture. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here," she turned and fled the room.

"If you are so tired, then sleep," Genesis commanded Serena, showing his displeasure. "Gideon, stay with Serena please. I need to apologise to that poor woman for her rudeness." He stood and left the room after Marcella and Noah, who had followed her and stopped her, taking her to the waiting room to calm down.

"Marcella," Genesis said gently, taking the seat beside her. "I promise that I will do my best to get your sister back for you. She just can't process that she is your sister right now. I was hoping your appearance might jolt her back to reality, but I'm afraid that the brainwashing has almost totally erased Olivia from her persona. She believes Olivia is dead."

"Noah explained that to me, which is why I didn't confront her with who she is, but it just got too hard. Who would do that to another person? It's wrong, just... so wrong." Marcella broke down into sobs again. "She wouldn't even let me touch her."

"She barely tolerates my touch or that of the doctors," Genesis lied. He knew that she craved his touch now, but only his touch.

"I just need some time to take it all in," she sighed. "Can I come back tonight to talk to you about her and what you intend to do for her?"

"Of course, whenever you feel up to it," Genesis agreed. "She will get better," he said encouragingly. "She's come a long way in the last twenty-four hours alone."

"I know. Thank you for all that you have done for her. I don't know how I can ever repay you," she shook her head and dashed her tears away. "This isn't me. I rarely let my emotions get the better of me. I've given you the totally wrong impression," she said and straightened her posture. "People who know me in Perth think that I am an intimidating mega-bitch and would laugh if they could see me now."

"I'm having trouble seeing you as any kind of bitch, let alone a mega one," Noah chuckled.

"Trust me, I earned that reputation, on purpose," she laughed lightly with him. "I just need a little time to take it all in. This... the way Olivia is now... it's not what I was expecting. Olivia was always so headstrong and stubborn. That woman looks like her, but that isn't her, not really. That is Serena Seacrest or whatever she calls herself now."

"Seabrook, Serena Seabrook," Genesis corrected her without thinking about it. "Marcella, I want to help your sister. I would like you to leave her with me and let me do what needs to be done. You don't have to repay me in any way. I want to do this for her. I want you to leave her here in Darwin with my family and me.

"Yes, Seabrook," Marcella nodded sadly. "As I told Noah, I don't think anyone will fight you over making sure that she gets the help she needs. Least of all me," she sagged. "I have limited resources; my father would rather ignore her existence and with everything that's happened, I don't want to burden Oscar or Bernardo with this, not while Nathaniel is still recovering, so," she spread her hands in front of her, "I gratefully accept your generosity to both my sister and myself. Thank you for the apartment, I appreciate it very much. I will find a way to pay you back, though. It may take a while but, eventually."

"That's not necessary," Genesis said gently. "But I am relieved you feel that way. Oscar is aware of what we are doing to help Olivia, and as long as you are happy with the measures I am taking, he will endorse our care of her, and you while you're here. I'd like to move her to a private clinic tomorrow, closer to the apartment that you're staying in and our home, now that you have agreed to leave her in my care. You can let me know if you have any concerns about that tonight when you return. I would ask that you didn't tell her of my family's relationship to your family just yet. She was brainwashed by the Suebi, and I'm unsure what her reaction might be to that information. Anything we can do for you while you are here, just ask and we will get you what you need. Noah will make sure that you have our direct numbers. Don't hesitate to use them."

"Thank you, Genesis. Once again, you've surprised me, and that's not easy to do," she laughed self-deprecatingly again then turned to Noah. "I know you have wasted a good part of your day on me already, but would you mind taking me back to the apartment? I don't remember where it is or how to get there," she admitted.

"I'm at your service today." Noah stood and offered his hand.

"Move her if you think it is for the best. Especially if it will be easier for me to see her and make sure she is okay. I'll be back later tonight and better able to deal with what's happening here. I want you to know how much I appreciate what you're doing, even though I'm not sure I understand why you're doing it," she said, dubiously.

"It's hard to explain, but trust me when I say that I only want to help your sister recover from the hell she's been through," Genesis said seriously, standing with them and drawing her into an awkward embrace. "Thank you, Marcella. I had dreaded losing her to someone who wouldn't understand what she needs right now." He released her suddenly and walked back towards the room in which Serena Seabrook lay. Marcella watched him go, stunned by the embrace as much as his words.

"You need to explain more about these superstitions your family have," Marcella said as she arched an eyebrow at Noah.


Vivienne stepped out of the hospital room as Genesis approached. She drew him to the side and looked around, seeing a few people in the corridor, and indicated that he should follow her to the next room which was empty.

"I saw it too," she said once they were inside and the door closed. "I believe you could be right. She knows and remembers her identity before Remington brainwashed her. The problem is working out why she is refusing to admit it or even acknowledge her sister, who was surprisingly calm and gentle in the face of Serena's denials."

"I have a couple of theories," Genesis said and scratched his cheek, looking at the wall that separated the rooms as if he could see Serena through it. "By all accounts, she was living a life of poverty with no friends and no support of any kind. It's not such an appealing life to want back," he grimaced as he explained. "There's always a chance, however, that she was trying to make extra money and got involved with some of Remy's men, which was how he found her. She might be genuinely scared for her life. She has said since day one that Remy saved her and kept her safe. It may have been more real than we thought."