The Twelve Zenati Pt. 00


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"Maybe we should slow down?" she asked breathlessly. "Talk about this? We have barely known each other twenty-four hours, and, despite appearances, I don't usually jump into bed with every man who saves me," she teased, enjoying his look of barely controlled desire for her.

"I'm sure you need saving more often than not, but talking can wait until the morning, it has been superseded by a more urgent priority," he groaned and kissed her again, moving her closer to the bed. Dragging down the zipper at the back of her dress, he began to undress her, needing to see her properly in all her glory. He had fantasised about taking this body for days, even weeks, and now she would give it to him willingly, or he would take it by force. It was going to happen one way or the other now, because he had to have her. "This is happening," he murmured, and she felt him begin to tug at his clothes, and within minutes his suit joined her dress on the floor. "I want to see you and feel you," he whispered hotly as he ran his hands over her breasts and removing the pretty satin and lace bra.

Olivia let herself enjoy the moment; the feeling of need from him amplified her own desire and once again squashed her misgivings. She wanted him just as much as he said he wanted her at that moment. Her hands ran over his naked chest and down to the waistband of his boxer briefs where her nails toyed along the edge teasingly. He lay her down on the bed, climbing over her, his fingers toying with one nipple as his mouth caught the other, sucking and licking greedily. She whimpered as he sucked and tugged harder and was rewarded with a groan from him as he continued to explore her breasts with rough hands and mouth that eventually bared teeth that bit her, making her cry out at the shock of it.

Like a goddess, the woman he had dreamed about having like this, writhed and whimpered below him. His free hand drifted down her body, lightly teasing her skin to her panties and deftly moved beneath him toward his goal. 'Fuck,' he thought, as he discovered just how wet and hot she was for him, and he ground his pelvis into her hip as his fingers sought their goal and rubbed over her clit, eliciting further high-pitched whimpers and a thrust of her hips up towards his invading hand. She was slick and ready, and he pushed her panties down her thighs before moving to remove his own underwear.

Naked, he pulled his mouth from her breast and rolled to his back, scooting up the bed to open a drawer and grab a condom. He tore it with his teeth and reached for her, dragging her further up the bed with him. He handed her the condom and pulled her down for a kiss as her hands fumbled blindly to sheath him in the latex protection.

"You, on top!" he commanded with a ragged breath, and feeling the condom in place pulled her up to sit astride him and ease down onto him. His eyes glued to her gorgeous body as she moved slowly until she took him all and ground down onto his pelvis, her hips rolling as she moaned out a quiet breath.

"You feel so good..." he exhaled in a long, loud groan. He intertwined their fingers, giving her support, and watched with hooded eyes as she began to ride him, moving up and down slowly, almost tentatively at first. "Fuck, yes!" he hissed, not taking his eyes from her bouncing breasts. He let go of her hands and grasped her hips, digging his fingers into her soft flesh, wanting to take control of her movements, control of this fuck, needing at least a little control over her after the last twenty-four hours but trying to hold back his need to dominate her.

"Oh God!" Olivia threw her head back as she felt him begin to thrust up into her in counterpoint to her movements, his hands on her hips guiding her as she rose and fell on him. She shifted slightly, making the friction almost too intense to bear as he hastened the rhythm between them, and she felt the tingling and shaking in her body reach fever pitch. Her mouth widened in heavy gasps and she opened her eyes, staring down at him, unbelieving of how incredibly gorgeous he was right then, and she came long and hard, her cry of ecstasy drowning out his feral growl as he came with her.

She collapsed down onto his chest and his arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly. They stayed that way with his cock barely softening within her. That was amazing, but she had expected as much from a man like Remington Royce. It rattled her that he was able to make her feel so much after knowing him for barely a day. She was hardly a naïve girl, but she had been shaken by the strength of her orgasm. She said nothing as her breathing returned to normal, content to lay on his chest until he was ready to talk, but as the minutes ticked by, and his hands continued to caress her arms and back, she broke the silence first.

"I should go," Olivia said quickly, and began to sit up. She felt unsure of herself, and her right to be here with this man, as if they had shared anything but the need for stress release, and she couldn't work out why. It was just sex. Sure, she wasn't as experienced as some girls, but she was hardly lacking. Sure, she had rarely done more than flirting and kissing since breaking up with Kevin, but, seriously, she was tougher and stronger than this. She shouldn't want to stay with his arms wrapped around her all night or find the idea of waking up beside him more than a little appealing. She had to be realistic, and she knew she wasn't the type of girl men like Remy had proper relationships with.

"Stay," he commanded in a soft voice, not allowing her to sit up properly, but rather pulling her back down and holding her tightly to his chest. "Sleep with me," he encouraged, trying to take the edge off his commanding tone. Sleep was the last thing on his mind, however, and he brought his mouth to hers in another deep kiss. He had her now, he could be patient to have her the way he wanted as long as he had this part of her now and she remained amenable to suggestion and obedient when he commanded her. Not that she realised what she was doing most probably, or just what a thrill it was for him to find her so compliant and willing where he was concerned. The thought made him harden again, and he rolled her to her back, pinning her to the bed.

"Oh god!" Olivia moaned as she felt him start to move into her again. His mouth descended on hers, and she melted under him, meeting him thrust for thrust as he took her hard and fast, making her head spin with his desire for her. He was more aggressive this time, biting at her neck and shoulders as he fucked her and pinning her hands above her head with one of his larger hands.

"So fucking good!" he growled. "Such a hot, tight little cunt!" he said the words, shocking Olivia as he slammed into her. His free hand ran down her body and pressed between them, his fingers seeking out her clit, and she spasmed at the contact on her sensitive nub. "Cum, baby. Cum for me!" he demanded after a few minutes, and as if by his command her body arched up and she cried out. His fingernails dug into the slippery oyster that was her clit, and the pain ran through her, intensifying her orgasm as she cried out for him, her body shaking almost violently as he slammed into her rapidly, seeking his own release within her milking muscles. "Fuck!" he roared and stared down into her gasping, wide-eyed face as he came hard, shooting jets of sperm into the condom barrier between them.

"Come," he said once they had regained some control of their bodies. "You can help me clean this mess up," he grinned and pulled Olivia from the bed, walking to the master bathroom and disposing of the condom into a bin, his shiny cock still at half-mast and leading the way into the shower. Grateful that tomorrow was Sunday, Remy pulled Olivia into the shower with him and began tenderly washing her, noting the bite marks he had left on her breasts and neck with a pleased smile as his fingers traced over them.

Olivia washed him in return, exploring his muscled body, imagining that he worked out hard and often. She took her time exploring his cock and the large sack hanging below it. It was her first real look at him, all of him, and, although she had known he had a great body, she was a little in awe of how well he looked after himself. She wasn't surprised that with all the fondling she had done in cleaning him completely he became hard again, and she stroked him with increasing pressure until he gritted his teeth and groaned. She looked up into the intensity of his dark eyes and saw the menace there that she had seen on the first night in the mad speeding rush to get away from the killers.

"Suck me," he commanded in the same soft tone he had been using with her all day. He moved slightly to hinder the direct spray of the shower and placed a hand on her shoulder, encouraging her to kneel before him and do as he commanded.

Olivia faltered momentarily from the look in his eyes, but sank to her knees and moved forward, her lips brushing down the underside of his shaft and back to the tip, making him groan again. She followed the same path with her tongue before placing her lips on the head of his cock and taking it into her mouth. His hands threaded through the wet strands of her hair, encouraging her to take more as she rolled and fluttered her tongue around the head.

Remy gritted his teeth against the need he had to move and fuck her warm and inviting mouth. Her talented tongue was driving him insane, and he groaned deeply, bucking his hips slightly as she began to suck him in earnest. The wet mass of her hair tangled around his fingers and he encouraged her to move faster, deeper, to take more and more until she was gagging on him. "Fuck yes!" he hissed, throwing back his head and bucking his hips in earnest to move past that gag reflex just once before regaining the tight hold he had on his need. She could take it, of that he had no doubt, she had been a dream so far tonight, taking everything he had given her and reacting beautifully to the touches of pain he added to her pleasure. Still, he knew he would have to guide her to where he wanted her to go with care.

He stepped back and pulled her up into his arms and kissed her, shutting off the water and stepping from the shower with her in his arms. Grabbing a towel, he dried her off first and then picked her up, sitting her on the vanity bench before him. He grabbed a hairdryer from a drawer and plugged it in, handing it to her.

"Dry your hair before we go to bed," he commanded, and, although she looked confused, she did what he asked, turning on the hairdryer and combing her fingers through her hair. Remy towelled himself dry, watching her as she sat naked and beautiful before him. He moved toward her, his hands caressing gently over her shoulders to her breasts. She looked up at him as he studied her breasts, cupping one in each hand and thumbing the pale pink nipples until they stood out hard and begging for more attention. He smiled into her shy uncertainty and bent to kiss and lick each one in turn as she continued to dry the thick tresses of her now beautiful hair. His hands skimmed down over her ribs to her thighs. Placing his hands over the top of them, he pushed her thighs further apart, opening her up fully to his gaze.

"Keep drying your hair," he instructed quietly into her ear and placed a soft kiss on her blushing cheek. Then he knelt before her and looked at the source of his earlier pleasure and leaned forward to kiss her, running his tongue over her slit, making her thighs tense under his hands. It wasn't often he craved the taste of a woman the way he did her. She smelt sweet and tantalising, and his tongue wended its way further between her folds seeking the source of the sweetness. He felt the heat of the dryer fall on him and looked up, scowling at her and bit at her inner thigh in warning. "Dry your hair, I don't want you catching a cold by going to bed with wet hair."

Olivia was overwhelmed. Delicious sensations travelled from her core throughout her body, and he expected her to keep drying her hair? She closed her eyes, trying to block out the sight of him as she once again began running her fingers through her hair and blasting it with the hot stream of air, willing it to dry quickly. She felt his tongue again and tried not to give into the sensations so quickly, but it was no use, she barely acknowledged her hands as she went into automatic pilot and her body boiled from the inside out with a mass of tingling electrical pulses that radiated from her pussy into the rest of her body. She was going to come, and any thoughts of her hair passed from her mind as first one then two fingers entered her and began to thrust in time with his teasing tongue before his lips wrapped around her sensitive clit and sucked on it in the same pulsing way.

"Oh God!" she cried out. "I... I... oh God... I need to..." The hair dryer cord pulled from the socket and fell to the bench as she came, bucking up toward his mouth and riding the fucking of his fingers, then her hands went to his head trying to hold him in place. Removing his fingers from her, he grabbed her hands and stood in one swift motion, pinning her back against the mirror and stepping between her legs, the intensely dark and menacing look in his eyes.

"I told you to dry your hair. Did you get distracted again?" he teased in a crooning voice, teasing her by rubbing his cock between her folds. "I am used to people doing what I ask," he informed her, and releasing one of her hands reached up to run his fingers through her still damp but almost dry hair. "It will do," he conceded, bending his head to kiss her and nibble at her lip. The next time she failed to follow his command he would punish her, but, for now, the unspoken threat was enough, he reasoned. "Come, let's go to bed," he took her hand, his cock still primed from her sucking in the shower.

He moved behind her as they neared the bed, and he whispered huskily in her ear. "I can't get enough of you tonight, and I want you like this." He gently bent her forward until she reached out and braced her hands on the bed.

Olivia heard the bedside drawer open and close, knowing he was reaching for yet another condom, and heard the packet rip, sending a shiver through her. The man was insatiable. She had never known anyone with his stamina, not that she had known many men, three, to be exact, and none of them anything like the man whose hands glided up her body, caressing her as he moved into position behind her. He was strong and commanding with an edge of something dangerous that made her melt under his touch and commanding voice. When he thrust into her, she cried out and leant back into the thrust, wanting this and the sensations he gave her just as much as he did.

Remy bent forward slightly, cupping her breasts and squeezing them tightly as he began to fuck her, again revelling in the tight feel of her hot, wet cunt around his cock. If he had been harbouring any reservations about his forced decision to take her home last night after the shooting, they were gone now. She was perfect for him, and he knew without a doubt that she would be easy to train to his desired requirements for a lover. He fucked her hard, battering into her, enjoying her sweet whimpering gasps and moans. She might not know it yet, but this woman belonged to him now, and he had already put enough in place to ensure that she would not question the hold he had on her as he continued to remake her into his vision of perfection.

Olivia felt her body respond as he took her once again to new heights, his hands left her breasts and dug into her hips as he rammed into her, making her whole body rock. As their need grew, one of his hands curled around her thigh to once again seek out the sensitive nub of her clit and without much stimulation she started cuming again, her eyes rolling in her head as sweet sensation poured over her. She had lost count of the number of times he had brought her to climax, but this time she floated on a cloud of endorphins so thick she barely registered his own grunt and expletive as his orgasm rocked him. She was exhausted and would have collapsed there beside the bed if not for his support.

Remy caught the flagging woman he had just fucked into near unconsciousness and smiled. He picked her up, placing her into bed and pulling the covers up as he threw away the used condom and cleaned himself up. A very good start, he nodded to himself and climbed into bed beside her, spooning against her back and holding her close. She was his chosen one, and she would learn exactly what that meant starting tomorrow.


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Babsy830Babsy8307 months ago

Love, love, love this.

SO HOT!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You need an editor but otherwise decent story. I do wish the lead up to the sex was a bit more drawn out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The guy is a stalker who just kidnaps her and lie about her home and her belongs. In ever opportunity he has he tells that her clothes and her hair are not beautiful enough and when she wants to talk about their kiss he just fucks her. I'm not sure if I want to read any more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Where did you go? Will you ever come back?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Loved this first instalment in the series - I do prefer a slow build-up rather than diving into the sex/bdsm within two paragraphs. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series :o)

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