The Twelve Tables Ch. 09


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"Good Luck," Rosanna hugged her. "Now let's go and meld into the crowd."

"There she is," a child's voice rang out as soon as the two women had walked a few steps from the tent. Peri watched as a herd of children began to run towards her.

"Stop!" Rosanna roared and held up her hand. The children came to a halt a few feet away. "What's this about? We don't treat our new friends like this." She surveyed the faces.

"Papa said whoever found Zio Josh's Christmas angel would get a prize, and I saw her first," a young boy of about ten stepped forward.

"Who called out that they saw her? I know it wasn't you, Christo," Rosanna frowned at her son. "It doesn't matter anyway because I found her first anyway."

"Fine, it was Vinnie," Christo said grudgingly pushing his younger brother forward.

"Good choice," she smiled. "Where is your Papa?"

"Checking fireworks with Zio because Nana was worried someone touched them," Christo said as the other children began to melt back into the crowd of people eating small plates of food from various booths.

"The food smells so good, do you think you can show me where the best food is?" Peri had crouched down to ask the smaller child, Vinnie.

"I guess," he agreed.

"We can see if we can find your Papa before Mama so you can get your prize," she whispered with a smile. He smiled back and took her hand leading her into the makeshift food court. Peri wandered about holding the little boys hand and sampling some of the finger foods available. They ran into Dante, who frowned at Vinnie.

"Got yourself a date I see," Dante said seriously. "Your gonna have to give back your boys only club key if you've got a girlfriend." He pulled a face at the little boy and looked up at Peri.

"She's not my girlfriend," he quickly dropped Peri's hand.

"Angelo sent him to find me," Peri said coming to the boy's defence. "You haven't seen him, or Josh have you?"

"They'll be over at the tree, we're about to light it up," Dante informed them. "Do you want me to look after Peri now?"

"Papa said I could have a prize if I found her," Vinnie seemed torn between wanting to go and see the lights and taking Peri to his father.

"Well we better go and find him then," Dante picked up Vinnie and took Peri's hand walking toward the tree.

"Ah hail the champion," Angelo roared as they got close enough for Vinnie to call out to him that he had found the Christmas angel. He strode towards them and bent his head kissing Peri soundly. "Now for the prize, you, my son get to turn on the lights!"

Stunned, Peri watched as the big man took his child without saying a word to her and walked back to his position beside the tree. She barely noticed that she hadn't let go of Dante's hand.

"Sorry about Ang," Josh said as he approached her. "You can let go of her hand now. I can take it from here," He said dryly to Dante.

"You sure about that?" Dante grinned teasing his brother. He had taken the time to seek out Josh and find out what Peri had meant by her mysterious comment the day before about Josh still wanting her to be here after his talk with their father. He could understand the concerns Josh raised but not why he would ever consider letting it make a difference to how he felt about Peri.

"She's got two hands just hold the other one," he chuckled tightening his grip on Peri's hand which had loosened as if to let go of his. Josh bent and swept Peri into his arm making Dante stretch before finally letting go of her hand.

"He never shared his toys when he was younger either," Dante shook his head sadly.

Josh and Peri watched the tree light up and the fireworks that went off across the road near the landing strip. They then found some space on one of the many picnic blankets that covered the lawn and settled in to watch the children's concert cheering loudly and whistling after each act.

Peri was enjoying the whole evening immensely and counted down with all of the children as the screen showed Santa sitting in his sleigh ready for take-off.

"Food time," Josh said pulling her to her feet and walking back towards the forecourt where tables had been set up amongst stalls offering a variety of food and wine. It was tradition she found, that dishes served on Christmas Eve were all seafood, and she found an exquisite pasta dish with scallops and prawns in a spicy sauce. Josh's brothers all seemed to have the same idea and gathered there as well eating and joking with each other.

"Where are the girls?" Peri whispered unsure if she should be doing something other than sitting there with Josh.

"Settling the children or helping Mama with the baskets," Josh shrugged.

"Oh, Josh you should have told me," Peri took a gulp of her wine and stood up. "I'll help with the baskets." She went to hurry off, but he caught her hand and pulled her back into his lap.

"You don't have to do that," he kissed her.

"I want to, I mean if the other women are helping I should too," Peri tried to wriggle free of his arms.

"Let her go," Ang said in his low rumble. "She's practically family she should be joining in family traditions." He chuckled. Josh kissed her again and let her go watching her walk across to the small kiosk where his parents stood to help them hand out the baskets.

The crowd thinned out considerably as all the families with children made their way home leaving middle-aged neighbours and friends who stayed to enjoy the food and wine provided by the family. Joseph and Antonia were the perfect gracious hosts and as the leaving families dwindled they left the small kiosk to mingle once again with the crowd.

Peri took the opportunity to look at the song lyrics again. She dreaded standing in front of these people and singing badly but as Rosanna had said there was nothing for it except to go with it and try not to embarrass herself or Josh. Lost in thought, she wandered back toward the food court the lines of the song running through her head again. She wasn't sure if she just didn't see Rosanna or if she purposely came out of nowhere to spill a plate of pasta over her dress, crying in dismay and apologising as she tried to help to clean it up.

"Hey Josh, Rosanna is trying you use your pickup line," Ben shouted with a loud laugh, pointing at the horrified Peri and apologetic Rosanna.

"I'm fine it wasn't hot," Peri held up her hand as both Pete and Josh rose to their feet. "I'll just go change and be right back. It's okay no harm done. It didn't have any sauce on it."

"I'll come and rinse that out straight away, it would be a shame to ruin such a beautiful dress," Rosanna said in a matronly way. "Just agree with me," she whispered, and Peri nodded dumbly.

The women walked inside together and up to Peri's room. "It was just pasta and water, it won't harm your dress," Rosanna said as they entered the room. "I thought you might like to change into something sexy and practice that song."

"You have no idea how much we all would like to see one of Ang's mean jokes backfire on him," Bianca said walking into Peri's room after them.

"You did this on purpose?" Peri asked wide eyed.

"I promise the dress is only wet it will be fine," Rosanna tried to placate her.

"I am not like Nik, I don't have a whole wardrobe full of beautiful dresses," Peri despaired and slipped her dress off wrapping a robe around her as she went to her closet pulling out the other two formal dress she had brought with her and holding them up.

"That one," they both pointed to a toga style red dress though it was Bianca who spoke. "I have just the right accessories," she held up a finger to her and picked up her phone. "Go and change, chop chop."

"Carmen, don't worry about the cloak, bring my CZ necklace and earrings," She paused and listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone. "Yeah those are the ones, hurry over." She closed her phone. "Carmen will be here in a minute or two."

Peri pulled on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. This family was too crazy, how on earth was she in this situation. She should just refuse and tell them all to go to hell including Joseph. She could go back to the city and forget it ever happened. The idea of what that would mean for her and Josh stopped her thoughts, and she tried to keep him pictured in her mind as she drew a deep breath and walked back into the bedroom.

"I am starting to understand why girls run away from here crying," she said quietly as they inspected her. "Are you always this crazy?"

"Mostly," Carmen said entering the room. "It's nice being home and doing day to day things, but here it's like a big game all the time. Ang loves having everyone home for the holidays and torments them all non-stop. We're used to it, whereas this is your first holiday here and we don't want you to run away crying."

"It's all in good fun," Rosanna explained. "It's how they are. He who has the last laugh laughs hardest. This year with Josh taking the family name and wanting to get married, Ang has targeted him and, in turn, you. This would have been his opening shot and the rest of the holidays would have been one prank after another as they tried to one-up each other."

"He took my son one year," Carmen said with a hint of anger colouring her voice. "Held him for ransom," she shook her head.

"If he is so clever how did you find out about tonight? Maybe it was like a red herring, and he didn't plan to do anything like this," Peri said.

"I trust my source, but just for arguments sake, if it's a red herring, there's no harm done, and you look spectacular. If it's true though isn't it better to get one up on him?" Rosanna said slyly. "I heard what happened when you met Carlo. He's not used to quick-wit like that. I think he is still stinging from the jibe," she laughed with genuine humour.

"The point is you aren't typical of the girls who come here, you're smart and sassy and infinitely braver than most, and you hide it behind this quiet, demure exterior. They won't be expecting you to take up the challenge, and they think Josh will get mad and declare war and the pranks can begin. He has a bad temper you know," Carmen looked at her seriously.

"He calms down quickly if you reason with him," Peri defended Josh immediately.

"The point is that if he can't start it, then there will be no war," Bianca said.

"It will also be the first time anyone has managed to foil one of his big plans," Rosanna said happily. "He's impossible to live with when he's gloating. Now do you know your song?"

"I think so, but I am not a good singer," She said quietly. "I don't think this is going to go as well as you think."

Voices sounded in the corridor and looking alarmed, Rosanna took Peri's hand and pulled her out into the corridor as if they were returning to the festival.

"Told you they were fine, she looks even better than before if you ask me," Dante said as he and Josh saw the two women approaching.

"You're not hurt?" Josh asked seeking reassurance.

"Oh I'm fine it wasn't hot at all just messy, it took me longer than I thought to get it all out of my bra," she laughed easily.

"See I told you I should have come sooner, you ruined all my fun helping her with that," Josh accused his brother.

"If I had known that was a problem I would have come and helped her earlier myself," Dante laughed and grunted as Josh elbowed him and stepped forward to pull her into a hug.

"Ang wants to start," he said to Rosanna "can you find Bianca and Carmen?"

"Sure, D. can help it will be faster," she replied. "Carmen is probably just fussing with the kids, she still hasn't forgiven Ang for the kidnapping of her oldest when he was a baby," she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah he's a bastard around the holidays, any idea what he is planning this year?" Josh asked.

"As if he tells me," she laughed louder and began to walk down the corridor to the other wing of the house. "Tell him we will be there in ten minutes max."

"You do look spectacular," Josh murmured in Peri's ear as they descended the stairs to the first floor.

"You don't think it's too much, I didn't bring many formal dresses with me, and I thought it might be a bit much for the festival," she said seriously.

"You look perfect," he stopped her on the porch before descending the stairs down into the festival again and kissed her deeply. "I love you, and you could wear a paper bag, and I would be happy, but you look spectacular tonight."

"I love you too," she whispered realising he had drunk quite a bit of wine and while not drunk was more relaxed than his usual in control self.

They walked back down through the food court which had been emptied of the tables and chairs which now sat in small clusters in front of the stage. A special table was set up for Joseph and Antonia, and as the other women followed them from the house with Dante and Angelo stepped onto the stage everyone took a seat, including the neighbours who had stayed for the family entertainment.

"Good evening," Angelo began his patter as the last few people took their seats. "Mama and Papa, I know no gift could ever compare to that of your first born child," he placed a hand on his chest and bent his head in mock humility as his brothers jeered. "However as has become our special tradition, our gift to you is a concert like no other, with all your favourite stars."

Peri had constantly been surprised by the night as the brothers, and their wives sang a range of both traditional and modern carols. Josh, as it turned out, had a wonderful voice that was full and rich as he sang The Prayer for his parents as well as two other songs with his brothers. She had sipped at her wine struggling to keep the lyrics of the song Rosanna had told her she would have to sing in her head as the rest of the carols played.

"Isn't she beautiful," Angelo announced as Rosanna left the stage. "It is a wonderful thing that in the absence of our sisters we have such wonderful women who have joined not only our family but our traditions as well," he grinned and turned toward Josh and Peri. "I'm sure you will join with me in encouraging Peri to take up the challenge and sing one of my favorites..."

Peri's eyes widened, and she shook her head mouthing the word no and moving closer to Josh as if to hide under his arm.

"You don't have to do this," Josh reassured her, scowling at his brother. "Unless you want to," he added not wanting to get into a battle of wills with Angelo but knowing how she hated the spotlight.

"Come on city chick," Carlo said as he approached her. "You're about to become part of this family you might as well get used to our traditions." He went to pick her up out of her seat, but Josh stood blocking his access to her.

"It's okay Josh," Peri said in a shaky voice she didn't have to fake. She placed a hand on his arm feeling his muscles bunched beneath his shirt. "I will probably embarrass you terribly," she said quietly "but it's nice to be included in your family." She forced a smile to her face, "I'm okay. I'll just sing jingle bells or something silly like that."

"You don't have to do this," he repeated.

"I know, it's okay," she kissed his cheek and allowed Carlo to lead her to the stage. Climbing the stairs Angelo spoke to her in a quiet murmur asking her if she knew the song that was cued up or if she would like the words to help her. Gratefully she took the word sheet from him and approached the microphone looking out at the people gathered before the stage. She knew some better than others. Dante and Emilio whistled and cheered and the word sheet fluttered in her hands as she trembled with nerves. She smiled at Josh, who hadn't taken his eyes from her and the music began.

She took a deep breath and began to sing in a cute childish way trying to imitate the version of Santa Baby her mother played on repeat almost every Christmas.

"Santa baby, just slip a Sable under the tree for me;

Been an awful good girl, Santa baby,

So hurry down the chimney tonight."

She looked at Josh and sang just to him channelling all her mother's slinky dance moves knowing she must look ridiculous but carrying on despite the heat that flooded her face.

"Think of all the fun I've missed;

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good... if you check off my Christmas list."

Her knuckles had begun to turn white as she gripped the microphone stand tightly and shimmied against it, doing her best just to get through the song before fainting from the sheer terror of what she was doing, not daring to look at anyone else in the small crowd she kept her eyes on Josh alone.

"Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing... A ring...

I don't mean on the phone; Santa baby,

So hurry down the chimney tonight."

She finished the song and quickly turned from the microphone covering her face with both hands and hurrying towards the side of the stage and the speechless Angelo. She went to navigate the stairs alone in her rush to get off the stage, but Angelo called her back.

"Wait we need an encore after that," his voice boomed loudly behind her. And his hand wrapped around her arm pulling her back toward the centre of the stage.

"Thank you for letting me be part of your traditions when I am not a family member yet, but I think one song is enough for my first time here," she gave a nervous laugh into the microphone.

'Hah, yet! If he doesn't cough up a ring, I'll marry ya city chick," Carlo called out in a loud guffaw.

"Wow, umm thank you for that but umm, we already had a moment yesterday remember, and it didn't work out that well," she wrinkled her nose in distaste at Carlo who continued to laugh.

"Give my girl back," Josh approached the stage and lifted his arms to help her down. "That was amazing," he murmured and kissed her. "I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't," she laughed.

"Could have fooled me," he laughed with her. "The show's almost over, sit down and relax." He steered her over to where Romey sat with Carmen. "Time to swap, are you ready?" Josh held out his hand to Carmen.

"Oh yes, it's getting so late now, and the kids will be up so early," Carmen took his hand and stood. "You were lovely up there Peri, thank you," She said softly before walking to the stage with Josh.

"Wine?" Romey offered.

"Yes please I think I am still shaking," she said quietly watching Carmen and Josh climb onto the stage.

"You didn't look that nervous," he smiled. "I think you did that song better than Nik herself. Wait until you hear this one, though, they make us all look like amateurs," he passed her the glass of wine, "We are amateurs, of course, but that's beside the point."

Peri laughed accepting the wine and settled back into her chair. A hand touched her shoulder lightly, and Peri turned to find Dante leaning forward in his chair.

"You can sing, who knew?" he chuckled. "You looked good up there."

"Thanks," she whispered and turned back towards the stage as the music started again. She sat mesmerised by a version of Peace on Earth that made her fall even more in love with Josh. She loved that Carol.

What an amazing way to spend Christmas Eve, she thought as Josh left the stage to hug his mother. It was most fun she could remember having including the few occasions she had gone out with her friends.

With a small farewell the neighbours who had stayed until the last and whispered goodnights for each of their children, Joseph and Antonia retired for the night.

"I'm going to turn in too," Carmen leaned down to kiss her husband. "Don't let them keep you up all night like last year," she said smiling indulgently. "Thank you, Peri, you did very well tonight, you should have seen the look on Ang's face when you started to sing," she laughed softly and headed toward the house.