The Taming


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Lauren gently positioned Megan under the beam in the middle of the room, facing towards the sofa.

"Don't move."

Lauren moved quickly, lowering first one rope, then the other, before fastening the cuffs around Megan's wrists. When she was satisfied that the cuffs were on securely, she pulled each rope tight and tied them down, leaving Megan's arms stretched at an upward angle towards the ceiling. Finished, she moved back to the center of the room, stopping several feet in front of her boss.

"You know," she started off softly, her hands moving to the knot in her sash. "I've wanted to do this since the day I met you." She pulled the sash free and slid the robe off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. "Funny, but the worse you treated me, the more I wanted you," she said as she started moving towards her ensnared boss.

Megan gasped in shock as her jaw fell open. She had already resigned herself to the inevitable -- allowing Roger to have his way with her -- but Lauren? Even after she'd arrived and found out Lauren was involved, she hadn't expected this. She shook, pulling at the cuffs that restrained her raised arms while she watched the naked young woman approach.

Lauren, a full three inches shorter than her boss's 5'8", came to a stop inches away from Megan, craning her neck to look into her eyes. She reached her hands up and slid them behind Megan's head, before rising to her tip-toes and planting a brief little kiss on her lower lip. She then released her head, sliding her hands onto Megan's shoulders and down to her breasts. She smiled to herself, noting the dazed and confused look in her charge's eyes.

She squeezed her breasts firmly, before sliding her hands down her sides and taking hold of the bottom of her tee-shirt. Then, with her eyes locked squarely on Megan's, she began pushing the shirt up her torso.

She slid the shirt over her breasts, revealing her beautiful, full bosom with large, already erect nipples sticking out. She then took one more look into Megan's eyes and pushed the shirt upward so it stretched from one arm to the other around her boss's head, effectively blindfolding her.

She removed her hands for a moment, allowing her prisoner to stand there helplessly, waiting, before she took hold of her nipples and gently twirled them in her fingers. She released the nipples, dragging her fingertips lightly across her chest, her breasts, her stomach and her sides, noting an increased squirming as the fingers continued their trek. And then the hands returned to the breasts, squeezing them firmly enough to elicit a definite moan from her sight-deprived captive.

Megan bit her lip, trying to maintain her composure. But with her world visually reduced to a white fog and her administrative assistant fondling her breasts while she stood there helplessly, it was hard. She tried to focus on the fact that it was a woman doing this to her, holding desperately to the thought that she was not a lesbian -- that she was better than this. But the longer the assault went on and the more the restraints and lack of sight worked on her mind, the less it mattered.

She let out a loud sigh as her eyes slid closed and her head began swaying from side to side under the tee-shirt. When Lauren's tongue brushed across her left nipple, shivers ran down her spine. "Oh my God," she moaned helplessly. Amid the confusion and sensory deprivation, she was not aware of Roger entering the room and taking a seat in the sofa.

Her moaning was growing louder as the hands continued to knead her breasts while the mouth attacked her nipples, first licking, then nibbling, even biting down on occasion. She could feel herself squirming against her restraints as a hand abandoned its breast to wander down to her jeans, first releasing the snap, then wiggling its way into her panties and slipping over her clit.

A moment later, however, the hand withdrew from her panties, just as the mouth and other hand were withdrawn from her chest.

"Nooo," she moaned automatically. But the moan went unanswered as, instead, she sensed Lauren kneeling down in front of her. A moment later two hands were on her pants, working the zipper down before sliding both pants and panties over her hips and down her legs. And a moment after that Megan felt her feet working their way out of the jeans on their own accord, even before Lauren's hands had a chance to do it for her.

She felt Lauren's hands slipping between her legs, pushing them apart before pulling something up to her right leg. The next thing she knew, her right ankle was bound securely in something similar to the wrist cuffs she was in, only attached to a length of wood instead of rope. A moment later Lauren was stretching her feet even further apart, leaving the bound right foot nearly three feet from the unbound left one. And before she could fully comprehend what was happening, her left ankle was bound to the other end of the same piece of wood that bound the right.

Lauren paused for a moment, sitting back on her ankles to examine her handiwork. But her master had other ideas.

"Finish the job," Roger said from his seat on the sofa, officially announcing his presence to Megan while Lauren scurried to the closet to get the last piece of the puzzle.

Megan gasped audibly as Roger's voice jerked her back to reality. She went instantly rigid, trying instinctively to twist her body to hide her nakedness. But her efforts were futile and she quickly abandoned them in favor of the only things she could do -- nothing.

For the moment, at least, her clarity of thought was back and she knew what she must do -- resist. She could not win, that much was obvious. But she would not go down like some two-bit tramp! She would stand tall! She would take whatever they threw at her, and she would not break!

She could hear Lauren scurrying about the room as she stood there. She heard what sounded like a closet door closing before sensing her administrative assistant once again on her knees in front of her. And then the fingers were back on her pussy, slipping easily into her.

She bit her lip, suppressing the urge to moan but unable to prevent her hips from gyrating slightly against the fingers as they slid in and out of her still wet pussy. And then the fingers were withdrawn, only to be replaced by something hard, something she instantly recognized as some sort of dildo or vibrator. She could feel Lauren sliding the phallic into her pussy a bit and withdrawing it teasingly, only to repeat the process, delving slightly deeper with each new intrusion. She was able to maintain her poise until the device finally slid all the way in, only gasping when she felt the clitoral stimulator pressing against her love button. She knew from experience exactly what a vibrator with a clit stimulator was capable of doing.

Megan could feel some jostling of the vibrator as Lauren worked to somehow brace it. Then the jostling stopped and she could sense Lauren backing away, leaving the vibrator stuffed up her pussy with the stimulator pressing against her clit.

Roger smiled his approval as Lauren rose to her feet and stepped aside. He liked what he saw -- his boss standing like a giant 'X', arms and legs stretched wide and restrained, naked but for the tee-shirt stretched between her arms and over her head. But it was the vibrator and clit stimulator that provided the crowning touch, perched atop an adjustable pole and fastened to the wooden rod that stretched her legs, destined to provide pleasure in spite of the pain he might otherwise inflict.

His smile grew bigger as he nodded to Lauren. It was time to begin.

Lauren turned back towards Megan, stepping forward and sliding her hands onto her sides. She could sense the tension in her body, a tension that wasn't there before her master had announced his presence.

"Relax," she whispered as her hands slid around her hips and onto her ass. She kissed her lightly on the shoulder as she slid her fingernails lightly up her back, eliciting an unintended shiver, before sliding the fingers slowly back down. She then lowered her head, kissing her lightly on the breast while moving her right hand to the vibrator and turning it on.

Megan jumped, gasping as the phallic sprang to life, sending shivers throughout her body. She felt Lauren slap her hard on her ass before moving both hands to her breasts and squeezing, even as her teeth were biting down on her nipple. She gasped again, writhing under the sudden barrage of sensations that were attacking her.

And then Lauren released her, backing away completely only an instant before . . .

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed as the flogger hit her ass, causing her to jump and bring the stimulator hard onto her clit, which caused her to scream out again.

"No!" she begged instantly, all sense of pride and perseverance forgotten. "Please don't!"

But the flogger struck again, this time across her back, again causing her to jump into the stimulator. She pleaded some more, but the flogger kept attacking, giving equal attention to her thighs, her ass and her back. Throughout the attack Megan kept squirming, but her efforts were more effective at keeping the pressure on her already excited love button then they were at avoiding what, in truth, was far more embarrassing than it was painful.

And then she came, screaming out as the orgasm struck suddenly, rendering her little more than a blubbering mass of flesh, all sense of pride and dignity totally gone. But before the pleasure could completely run its course, it struck again, even as the flogging switched to her front, attacking her breasts, her tummy and her already full pussy.

And then, as yet another orgasm was waxing through her body, the flogging stopped and the vibrator was switched off. She stood there, supported more by the ropes than her own feet, her head falling forward as she gasped for air.

She didn't know how long they let her stand there, but by the time she sensed someone stepping in front of her, she had nearly recovered. She lifted her head, saying nothing as two hands grabbed the neck of her tee-shirt and pulled, ripping the shirt cleanly, allowing her to look into the eyes of her tormentor as he quickly finished the job, ripping the tattered remnants of the shirt from her body before taking several steps backwards so he stood directly beside Lauren.

He wore a pair of black flannel pajama-like pants on his lower body but was naked from the waist up. There was a look of absolute dominion in his eyes as he slid his left hand behind Lauren's neck and pulled her naked body roughly against chest. As he held her pressed against him with his left hand, he swatted her ass hard with his right, eliciting an involuntary gasp from both women. But based on the way Lauren was rubbing herself against her master, there was very little doubt she was loving the rough treatment.

Roger grabbed Lauren's hair, pulling downward, causing her to drop to her knees in front of him. He released the hair quickly and waited, knowing that his slut needed no further prompting.

It was only then that Megan noticed the music playing softly in the background, music that hadn't been there before her flogging. It was a new age type sound, with a hypnotic melody that seemed to somehow magnify the intensity of the situation. For Megan, it was all too surreal. Her mailroom clerk and administrative assistant enacting a wild sexual dance before her while she stood spread-eagled and restrained, a vibrator stuck in her pussy while those strange, hypnotic melodies filled the air.

She wiggled her pussy subconsciously against the turned off vibrator, her arousal growing in spite of herself as she watched Lauren run her hands over Roger's six-pack abs, taking hold of his muscular pecs while she planted soft little kisses all over his stomach, all with him never diverting his strong gaze from Megan.

It was Megan's gasp that filled the room as Lauren's hands slid under the waist-band of Roger's pants, pulling them down quickly to reveal the most incredible eight inches of erect manhood she'd ever seen. Her eyes were glued to his newly displayed manhood while her own hips continued working the phallic in her pussy, almost -- but not quite -- against her wishes. She strained noticeably at her restraints when Lauren took him in her mouth.

She watched as Lauren worked him expertly, alternately working his shaft with her hand and mouth while she fondled his balls. Megan could tell that Lauren was getting to Roger, even as both of them were getting to her. And then she watched as Roger grabbed Lauren's head firmly and began shooting his load into her mouth.

Roger stood there with a shit-eating grin on his face, staring at Megan while Lauren slowly cleaned him off with her mouth. The cleaning process took barely more than a minute, yet when Lauren withdrew her mouth to inspect her work, Roger's still hard manhood sprung once again into view.

Megan watched, surprised by the young man's apparent stamina as he once again grabbed his slut by the hair, this time forcing her to her hands and knees on the floor below him so she was facing directly at her. She involuntarily bit her lower lip as she watched him kneel down behind her and slide his meat into her pussy.

It was the look of pure animal lust in Lauren's eyes when she raised her head and looked up at her boss that finally did Megan in, leaving her squirming desperately atop the vibrator as Roger began slamming his meat into her pussy. He worked her hard, pulling back on her hair and squeezing her tits, pumping her mercilessly until she screamed out in orgasm, even as his own face grimaced as he emptied his seed into her.

And through it all, Megan kept squirming atop her phallic, hopelessly desperate for the release that didn't come.

She was still squirming when Roger withdrew from Lauren's pussy and stood up. He stepped around the knelt over woman and moved immediately in front of Megan. He then reached down and switched on the vibrator just before moving his fingers to her nipples and pulling.

Megan gasped audibly, closing her eyes as the sensations of lust overpowered her. She squirmed wildly, rubbing her clit against the once again dancing stimulator while he pulled on her nipples and squeezed her tits. There was no sign of dignity or pride anywhere to be found when the orgasm finally struck, leaving her screaming out, her entire body tensing as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into her.

And then the hands were withdrawn and the vibrator switched off. Megan managed to open her eyes, seeing Roger still standing immediately in front of her. He was looking at her when he spoke, but his comments were directed at Lauren.

"I'll be in the shower," he said calmly, the voice of a man clearly in control. "See that she's out of my house by the time I get out." Without bothering to collect his pants he turned and left the room.

* * *

Lauren went through the process of freeing her boss wordlessly. When finally released from her restraints, Megan went to retrieve her clothes.

"What about my shirt?" she said, referring to the tee-shirt that'd been ripped from her body, now little more than a pile of tattered fabric. "Am I expected to drive home topless?"

Lauren turned to the closet, opened it and pulled a tee-shirt from one of the shelves. "Roger keeps a few of his down here," she smiled. "Just in case."

Another minute later Megan was dressed and following the still naked Lauren up the stairs. When they reached the front door, Lauren reached for the doorknob, pulled the door open and slid behind it, allowing the bright sunlight of the late afternoon sun to come pouring in. Funny, but it'd taken less than two hours for Roger and Lauren to completely pummel her; two hours that -- as she'd soon find out -- had completely changed her life.

"Enjoy the rest of your weekend," Lauren said nonchalantly, as if they'd just spent the morning sharing a cup of coffee.

* * * FOUR * * *

It took less than fifteen minutes for Megan to reach home. She entered the house through the garage door, kicked off her shoes and headed up the stairs to her bedroom. She wasted no time at all stripping off her pants, before throwing herself on the bed in her panties and Roger's tee-shirt, fully intending to cry her eyes out. But no tears came.

She rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling as images from earlier that day kept flashing through her mind. She must have been there for an hour, staring and thinking, before she finally rolled to her feet.

She headed for the kitchen, where she grabbed a frozen dinner from the freezer and threw it in the oven. She then made her way to the family room, settling into her favorite chair to stare at the lengthening shadows. It was an hour and a half later when she smelled the dinner burning in the oven.

After throwing out the burnt dinner, she made her way back to her bedroom, where she peeled back the covers and slid into bed.

She slept fitfully, dreaming that she was tied to a giant flying 'X' while a two headed dildo monster attacked her mercilessly.

* * *

Morning finally came, and the memory of the day before with it. Megan rose from the bed and headed for the bathroom. Another shower was definitely in order, followed by a little bit of grooming. Maybe that would help.

It didn't.

Finally finished in the bathroom, she once again donned Roger's tee-shirt -- which fit her more like a short dress than a shirt, easily covering her ass -- and headed for the kitchen. This time she didn't burn the food.

* * *

The rest of the morning was a blur. She never bothered to dress, choosing instead to remain in the tee-shirt as she wandered from one room to another, finding some way to occupy a few minutes here, a few minutes there. Yesterday, however, was never far from her mind.

The last thing she expected to hear was the doorbell, but at 1:10 PM, that's just what she heard.

"Who the hell could that be," she said out loud as she made her way to the door. Before she could get there, the bell rang again, followed by a loud knocking. She reached the door and looked through the peephole. Then she froze, staring at an impatiently waiting Roger Hancock.

When he banged on the door again, she jumped and began backing slowly from the door. "No," she whispered. "Oh God, please no." She backed all the way to the kitchen, not stopping until she bumped into the large island that occupied its center. She stood there, afraid to move, almost afraid to breathe.

Several minutes passed; the ringing and knocking had not repeated. Several more minutes passed and still nothing. She was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, he'd left, when she saw a sudden movement out of the corner of her eye.

She turned quickly, seeing him instantly, no more than two feet away from her unlocked screen door, staring directly at her.

He stood there for several seconds, staring at her, before finally reaching out and sliding the screen open. He entered the room, slid the screen door shut and set the small gym bag he was carrying on the floor. He then turned to face her.

"That's my tee-shirt, isn't it?" he said simply.

Megan hesitated. "Yes, sir," she answered weakly.

"I thought so," he said, nodding his head slightly. "I need it back."

"Yes, sir," she said.

There was a moment's hesitation before Roger spoke again. "I don't think you understand. I need it back now."

"Oh," Megan said, a bit flustered. "I'll just go change and . . ."

"I said NOW, Miss Bishop, right NOW!"

"Yes, sir," the clearly flustered woman managed to respond. Her hands moved quickly, grabbing the bottom of the shirt and pulling it over her head. She then stepped forward and held out the shirt, making no move whatsoever to cover her nakedness.

Roger walked over, grabbed the shirt from her hand and tossed it in the general direction of his gym bag. He then turned back towards the woman who signed his paychecks, lowering his eyes slowly as he looked her over.