The Phillips Family Curse Ch. 01


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"Hi!" Two voices said in unison, causing me to instinctually jump backwards in shock. An area that was once empty was now occupied. Sitting on the edge of the pool were the twins, Bethany and Chastity, clad in bikinis, legs dangling in the pool.

"Uh, hi." I replied, glancing behind me, noting the mom and her two kids getting ready to leave. I was about to be alone with the creepy twins.

Just lovely.

"How are you?" They asked at the same time.

"I'm good. Just... relaxing." I replied simply. I was able to take a look at them. And, I had to admit, even though the twins were weird, they looked pretty good in bikinis.

Both girls were slim and petite. They had swimmers' bodies, very thin and taut. Unlike most of the Phillips' women, they weren't exceedingly busty, but they had firm, smooth B-cups filling their bikini tops, certainly nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, they had my girlfriend beat... uh, yeah, moving on. Both had cute, petite butts, a smooth, firm handful. Both girls were more petite than Sandy, but for their frames, their butts were rounder and fuller than my girlfriend's. But despite not possessing the copious curves of their relatives, they still looked good.

Their bikinis were matching in style, but in different colors, one in purple, and the other in sky blue. The bikini tops were small triangles, covering their little boobs. The tops were small, the triangles held up by tiny strings. Below, their crotches were covered with small, thin triangles, as skimpy as possible while maintaining decency. The bikini bottoms were also supported around their thin hips by tiny strings. A lot of skin was exposed, their flat, firm taut bellies, their long firm legs and thin arms. Both of them were looking down at me, the cute brunettes both smiling wide as they looked at me treading water, lazily dangling their legs in the pool, wearing these mischievous smiles.

"So... what's up?" I asked.

"We wanted to test you," The one in the purple asked.

"Uh, okay... about what?" I said, not knowing what they were getting at.

"Can you tell us apart?" Sky Blue asked, beaming.


"There is one thing that is different on us." Purple said. "If you can find it, and tell us which one of us is which, then you win. If you don't, then you lose, and you become our SLAVE! Haha!"

"Uh, I don't think I want to be your slave." I said with a confused grin. Both of their lips molded into a pout.

"Okay." Sky Blue said with a giggle. "Fine. If you lose, then you can just rub our feet."

"What if I win?" I asked, not really wanting to participate, but not able to help my curiosity.

"We'll rub your shoulders." Purple said, before both of them broke out in laughter.

"I don't know." I began. "My shoulders feel fine."

"C'mon, it'll be SO fun. Trust us." Sky Blue said. Not really seeing any excuse to use to get out of this scenario, I had no choice.

"Uhhh, fine, okay." I relented with an uncomfortable smile.

Minutes later, I was standing in the pool, forced to basically ogle my twin cousins. They posed and preened like models, those amused smirks never leaving their faces. They did a few spins, letting me see their nearly bare backs and small butts, peeking out from their skimpy bikinis. I looked them up and down, noting their light tans, smooth skin, and firm figures. But I was not seeing any differences.

"C'mon, Jesse. It's, like, so obvious!" Purple said. Feeling massively uncomfortable, I wanted to end this as quickly as possible.

"I don't know, I don't see any differences." I admitted.

"Hahahaha." Sky Blue said. "You lose!"

"Yes!" Purple said.

"Well, at least try guessing which one of us is which." Sky Blue asked.

"Uh..." I said, shrugging my shoulders and looking at Sky Blue. "Are you... Bethany?"

"Uh!" she said, stamping her feet. "I'm Chastity!"

"I'm Bethany!" Purple said.

"The difference is right here." Chastity said, pointing at a small mole near her hip.

"We are so disappointed." Bethany said.

"But the fun part is..." Chastity started as both of them sat back down on the edge of the pool.

"You lose." Bethany said as both of them wiggled their toes at me.

I was hating life a few minutes later as I stood in the pool, rubbing Bethany's feet. I was going back and forth, trading off between the two, massaging their feet with my hands. I didn't know how I got to this point, and I didn't know how to get out of it. I had no excuse to leave without being completely rude, so I was kinda trapped here.

"Oh my God! You are so good at this." Bethany said, before resuming her conversation with her sister. Both of them kind of ignored me as I massaged their feet, only pausing to give me the occasional compliment.

"You know Jesse, we totally lied before." Chastity admitted.

"Yeah, we did." Bethany added.

"There is, actually, one other way to tell us apart," Chastity said.

"But to find out what that other thing is, we need to be wearing... less." Bethany said.

"A lot less." Chastity said.

"Like, nothing at all." Bethany finished, wiggling her toes between my fingers. I was blushing again and very nervous, not wanting to be caught doing this. I jumped when I heard the glass door slide open.

"Hey, Jesse!" Mom called to me, leaning out from inside. "Can you help me out a second?"

"Yes." I replied immediately, dropping Bethany's foot in the water as I moved towards the edge, leaping out of the water quickly.

"Uh!" Bethany said. "We weren't done!" she called to me with a giggle.

"Yeah, you did her feet way more than mine." Chastity said.

"I'll, uh... I'll owe it to you." I said, vowing to not let myself be alone with these two again. I dried off quickly and threw a shirt on before stepping inside, eager to be away from those two.

"See you later!" they called out in unison, creeping me out once again as I closed the door behind myself. I looked over and found Mom in the kitchen putting some food away. She looked up at me with a smirk.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought you wanted to be away from those two." Mom said. I sighed.

"Oh, thanks." I said, grateful.

"So..." she began. "You rub feet now?" she asked with a laugh. I laughed and shook my head.

"Oh my God, I don't know how they did it. I didn't want to rub their feet, I didn't want to be around them, but... they got me to do it." I said.

"I know. Dana was saying that she got cornered by them, and like, a minute later, they had her agreeing to let them stay at her place for a week. It's, like, they brute force their way into getting what they want." Mom said. She chopped up some pieces of food, causing her boobs to jump under her top.

"That's what they did to me!" I replied with a laugh. A silence fell between us as she kept on prepping some food. She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile and, as if coming to a choice, she spoke up.

"I... I have to apologize," she began.

"For what?" I asked.

"You know... how, uh, things have been pretty weird since this morning. I don't know, there's been a weird vibe, I guess? Between me and you," she stammered.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, a little nervous, not sure if I liked where this might be going.

"Yeah, it's just..." she began. "I don't know, seeing you again... I haven't seen you in person in five months, but it feels like five years. You've grown so much," she said, giving me a motherly smile. "You're not the boy who left home, so nervous for college. You're... you're a young man now, hon, and it's hard to get used to."

"Well, I'm still your son." I replied, thankful that this conversation felt more genuine than the others I had been having all day.

"I know, Jesse. But, you being so... well, grown up, and knowing you're not coming back home, it's just... everything's happening so fast! It feels like just yesterday I was getting you ready for your first day of kindergarten and now... you're a full-grown man." She smiled proudly and approached me. My son sense was tingling, so I knew it was time to give her a firm hug. She reciprocated, grabbing me tight and pulling me in. Unfortunately, I couldn't help but notice her big boobs squishing up against my chest, but I didn't want to let that kind of thought ruin this genuine moment. I also didn't want to notice her silky hair brushing against my neck, nor notice her nose inhale as she pulled me in close, as if taking in my natural scent. She pulled back and gave me another warm smile.

"I'm sorry I'm acting this way, you know, being such a mom," she said, shaking her head. "I think it's this house."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This place makes me feel so old," she began, "I mean it feels like yesterday that me and my sisters and brother were all running around here. Pretty much all my childhood memories took place here. All my momentous occasions were here or at least around here. I went to school here, I have friends here, my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first, uh... I met your father here. It was all so much fun. And now... it all feels like it was so long ago," she said wistfully. I just listened as she exposed her inner thoughts to me. "I mean, there are sometimes I wish I could just have that kind of fun all the time. It's ridiculous. I'm a mom, and a wife... I'm just some old lady chopping carrots," she said, shaking her head, her thin knife dicing through some carrots with skill. "The old me... the old me would be going nuts if she saw me now, saw that I had settled down. I never thought I would end up like this." She suddenly caught what she was saying, and who she was saying it to. "Oh, uh... sorry. I shouldn't be talking like this. It's not what I meant to say..."

"It's alright." I said, letting her speak her mind as I leaned on the counter. She kept at her work for a few moments before she looked up at me again. "I'm gonna miss you around the house, Jesse. I'm torn... part of me wants to put my foot down and say 'no', you have to stick around at home, but I know that'd be crazy to ask of you. It's just... it's really nice to have a young man's presence around the house. You're father... he can be such a stick in the mud sometimes. You kids... you're a lot more fun. Not so much your sister, though, she's a... well, you know."

"A bitch?" I suggested.

"Yeah." she agreed with a laugh. "But you... you're fun. Enjoy it, hon. You're young. You're vibrant. So have fun, do it all! Don't ever settle. The world can be yours if you just take it."

"Okay..." I said, a little surprised to be suddenly receiving this motivational speech.

"And one more thing," she began, her voice getting quieter as she checked to make sure we were alone. She moved in closer. "You might not like hearing it from me, but trust me when I tell you this, from a married woman in her 40's to a teenage young man... get as much action as you can, while you can."

"Excuse me?" I said, looking at her quizzically, unsure of her meaning.

"You heard me," she whispered with a coy smile. "You're on the scene. You're out there. Don't be shy. Have fun. Sample everything you can, as often as you can. Do it every time as if it's the last time, because it will go away like THAT!" she said, snapping her fingers. "Trust me! I know. So that's my advice. Get out there. Have fun. Don't be afraid to, you know, do it. Be careful of course, but also, don't be afraid to take some chances now and again. Take some risks, cause you know, there will come a time where having that kind of fun becomes a thing of the past."

"Ohhh... K," I said, not sure if I was hearing right. Was she saying what I think she was saying?

To put it bluntly, if I understood her correctly, my mom was telling me to have as much sex as I could. She was giving me the OK to get it on often, telling me to do it as often as I could, in as many ways as I could, with as many girls as I could. She told me to be safe, but to, you know, not be bound by that safety. Or, in other words, always use a condom, but don't be afraid to slip that rubber off and slip it in bareback now and again.

I looked at her and she smiled warmly again, what would seem like an innocent, motherly gesture, but after what she had just said, now seemed anything but.

She had also said one other thing, or at least implied it. In her warnings about the dangers of abstinence, she had also made one other point abundantly clear:

My mother was horny and in need of some action. After all the things she had witnessed me go through, the one thing on her brain was sex. Dad wasn't getting the job done anymore, if ever, and Mom was reminiscing about the old days, when she was free to get it on as much as she wanted. To have as much as sex as she could ever need.

This innocent loving conversation had quickly soured, especially after the events of earlier today. This had just gotten as awkward as my other encounters and I was eager to end this one quickly.

"I should, uh, I should get going." I said. She smiled, amused at my discomfort. She stashed some food away, and gave me a curious glance. As I began to walk away she called out to me.

"You know you owe me now," she said with a smile.

"Uhh... what?" I asked, confused.

"For freeing you from the girls. The twins. Freeing you from their evil clutches!" she said with a laugh, swishing all the food into a big bowl.

"Ok... what do you have in mind?" I asked, knowing I did owe her something for getting me away from the creepy twins, despite the subsequent awkwardness. She looked at me with a smirk, as if a million ideas were racing through her mind. That smirk... it made me nervous. Finally, she arrived at an answer.

"You know... my feet are pretty sore," she said quietly as if she was nervous to ask me this. She raised an eyebrow as her words hit me. My shoulders slumped as I hit the realization of what she wanted. I looked up at her, annoyance on my face, but she only smiled.


"Ahhhh! You know, those girls had the right idea." Mom moaned out, teasing me, her toes wiggling in my palms. I looked up at her, annoyed, but she simply smiled. She was not usually this manipulative. Sure, on the scale of schemes, this was small, but it was something. "Well, I know what you'll be doing every time you come back home." she teased, seeing my annoyance.

We were in the living room. She was leaning back in the loveseat as I sat on an ottoman, her bare foot between my hands. She had pulled apart her pullover, and her chest was pushing out, the silky white material exposed completely, a button or two undone. The room was empty except for us. I didn't know how long she wanted this to go on.

"This feels sooo good!" she cooed, her head falling back, seeming completely relaxed. "You're girlfriend's a lucky girl, to be getting these hands on her every day." I gulped slightly, knowing this was a strange thing to hear from your mom, her envious of her son's girlfriend about the fact that she's the one he puts his hands on. She pulled her head up, and studied me, watching me exert myself to pleasure her foot.

At that moment, it was as if she came to a decision about something, something she had been nervous about before. From my periphery vision, I could have sworn I saw her lick her lips. I definitely noticed her extended, throbbing nipples, pushing through her thin top. She looked around, making sure the coast was clear. I was suddenly filled with a sudden dread, as if I knew what she was gonna say next.

"You know, I have an idea." she began with a crooked, relaxed smile, drawing out her words teasingly. "You know what I was saying before?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. I gulped. "I was thinking... why don't me and you go up to my room and..."

She was interrupted by the door sliding open. Both of our heads jerked around in time to see Grandma enter the kitchen. Mom stealthily pulled her foot from my lap.

"It's a hot one out there." Grandma said, grabbing her top to fan herself as she wiped the sweat off her brow with the back of her arm.

"In here too." Mom said softly. I stood up and smiled awkwardly at Grandma, making my exit. I needed to get some fresh air.

What the hell was going on? Why was I getting this weird tension from every woman here? Why were they pushing me into such intimate acts? Was there something in the water? Was this some practical joke that everyone but me was in on? It was madness.

Maybe it was affecting me too, because for a minute there, I swear my mom was about to offer to fuck me.


The day went on like this, one uncomfortable situation after another. I did my best to avoid any more awkward scenarios, but some of it was unavoidable, finally reaching the point where I was eager to just go to bed and escape this mental torture.

Both my family and Kendra's were staying in the house. The upstairs had a whole line of rooms for people to stay in. Me and Dana were sharing a room, Mom and Dad were in another, Aunt Karen and Uncle Rich were together in a room, and Kendra had one to herself. Grandma's room was at the end of the hall.

I settled into my room, changing into some loose shorts before getting ready to slip into my small bed. (Thank God me and Dana weren't sharing a bed). Dad had mentioned to me that a bunch of the guys were getting up early to do some fishing, followed by heading out to do some golfing at a nice course a couple hours away. He told me not to sleep in or I'd miss out. I didn't particularly enjoy either activity, but I would take any excuse to not be around all these women for the day.

I set the alarm clock on the bedside table for an early wake-up time. I pulled the sheets on the bed down just in time for Dana to walk in.

"I am beat." Dana said, striding in. Her sleepwear tonight was far more revealing than the night before at the hotel. She wore tight, stretchy little bike shorts and a blue tank top. And clinging to her hips, pulled above her tight little shorts, were the thin straps of her thong underwear.

Just lovely.

"Man, it's fucking hot in here." she complained, pulling open the window. "If it stays like this, clothes are coming off. I hope you don't mind," she said, giving me a teasing grin. Again, it was weird to see her smiling like this.

"I do mind." I said humorlessly, sliding into my bed.

"Well, that doesn't matter." she replied.

"I know."

She settled into her bed, sitting against the headboard as she booted up her laptop. Luckily for her, Grandma did have Wifi.

"This is gonna be a long fucking week," she muttered, eyes not leaving the screen.

"Yeah..." I agreed, looking up at the ceiling, my mind on Sandy, and how far away she was.

"I have to spend a week around a bunch of women I can't stand, and play nice," she began. I held my tongue, questioning her self-appraisal of 'nice', but I knew just to keep my mouth shut. "I mean, seriously, that Kendra bitch, she's a nightmare! Ugh!"

"She's not so bad." I replied, glancing at her.

"Well, of course you would say that. We all knew what you and her...uh, never mind," she began, smirking, before changing the subject. I wanted to inquire about what she was about to say, but I would be just as happy to just end this whole conversation, so I stayed silent. A gust of air blew through the open window. "Ugh, all this clear air, the quiet, and the bugs...I hate the country. Why do we have to be here a whole fucking week?"

"Muh," I grunted noncommittally, used to her complaining.

"I swear, I don't know if I can go an entire week without some fucking sex." Dana muttered. "I'm climbing the walls already."

"Ugh, Dana...I don't want to hear any of this." I said, grossed out. Dana didn't say anything, but I could practically feel her teasing smile as she clearly enjoyed making me squirm. I tried settling into place, hoping that sleep would rescue me from this awkwardness.
