The New Neighbor


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"Oh, so you think I'm fantastic do you Brooke?" he said, interrupting her. A broad grin split his lips as he moved towards her.

"No ... of course I don't," she said nervously. She saw the predatory gleam in his dark blue almost black eyes and swallowed nervously as he invaded her space. She instinctively backed away until she was brought to a halt by the dryer behind her. He closed the gap and towered intimidatingly over her. She squirmed as his hands took a firm hold of her hips.

"No, stop it," she gasped as he pulled her to his body, the bulging cock that was tenting his shorts sliding too comfortably for her liking into the gap at the top of her curvaceous thighs. His hands dropped from her hips and slid around to cup her shapely ass cheeks. He squeezed them, pulling her tighter to him.

"Leave me alone and get your hands off me you fucking self-centred prick," she snapped as she tried to free herself from his vise like grip. "I hate you."

"Why do you speak to me that way Brooke? It's not nice for a lady to speak that way. And hate is such a strong word. You don't hate me, you're just mad at yourself because you have strong feelings for me, feelings that both arouse and disgust you in equal measure. Feelings that you're trying hard to suppress. And I'm only telling you what you already know but won't admit to yourself. After all, it's a thin line between love and hate."

He groped and then squeezed her ass cheeks again. "You want me as much as I want you. Only your marriage vows are stopping you but even that's not enough, is it? There's no conviction in your words of denial. They carry no weight and I know you're curious as to why my girlfriends scream. So much so that you now dream about it being you in my bed on a Saturday night and not them. You want my big, hard cock inside your delectable, tight little pussy. You want to experience that exquisite moment when you feel my cock pushing against your resistance before I enter you, stretching you wide, filling your hot tunnel of love completely as I then fuck you for hours and hours. You want what Scott can't give you. You want hot and heavy multiple orgasms. You want fulfillment!"

"No I don't," she whimpered as she continued to struggle to free herself, her hands now on his chest trying to push him away. But all she could feel was his raw strength and hard muscles. He continued to grope her ass cheeks, pulling her against his hard cock as he bodily moved her to and fro relishing the feeling of dry humping her as his now erect and very large cock slid through the gap between her legs.

"I love Scott, you'll never have me," she whimpered as she fought against the intense feeling of unwanted arousal that had started between her thighs as his shaft rubbed against her pussy lips through her yoga pants.

He laughed. "Just think about it Brooke. Me fondling your breasts, tugging and biting your nipples, driving you wild before I go down on you with my tongue, to part and then lick your luscious folds, to drive you insane with desire as I tease your clit, making you wetter than you've ever been, before you release your sweet nectar for me to taste. And then you moaning and groaning and whimpering and crying as I slide my large cock inside your tight little snatch, giving you orgasm after orgasm as you scream with the joy of it all until you beg me to stop - although you actually won't want me to. These are all things that WILL happen if you ever set foot inside my apartment."

"Get OFF me," Brooke said forcefully, as with one final push she freed herself from Chase's embrace. She stood back, breathing heavily as she glared at him, hating the condescending sneer plastered all over his face. "Don't you ever touch me again, you bastard," she said vehemently as she turned on her heels and dashed out of the laundry room.

With tears stinging her eyes, she stumbled up the stairs from the basement and along the hallway to her apartment before she burst in through the door.

"What's the matter honey?" Scott asked, looking up in surprise.

"That fucking ... that fucking asshole ... he ... he just came onto me ... in the ... in the laundry room ... he ... he ... the ... fucking asshole," she angrily sobbed, forcing the words out between her deep gulps for air. Her chest was heaving, her breath ragged due to the feelings of rage that were flooding through her body.

She could still feel his sweat on her hands as he'd pressed his strong, hard body against her. She could still feel the way his rock hard cock had nudged and rubbed up against her mound. An involuntarily shudder ripped through her body as she relived the feeling she'd felt as he'd dry humped her.

"Calm down babe. What happened?" Scott said calmly.

"I don't want to talk about it but you're going to have to speak to him Scott," she said tearfully as she turned and hurried off to change her panties. For some reason the ones she was wearing were uncomfortably soaking wet.

Her body was still shuddering from the aftershocks of her encounter with Chase as she changed her clothes. She breathed deeply trying to control her emotions. And then she heard the knock on their door.

She heard Scott open the door and speak to someone. Instantly she knew it was Chase. She crept to the bedroom doorway so she could hear what was being said and risked a peek around the door frame. From her position she could just see Chase handing Scott their laundry basket. She grimaced with frustration and chastised herself. Stupid; in her haste to get away she'd forgotten to pick it up.

She strained to hear what was being said but she was too far away plus Scott seemed to step out into the hallway. But she made out certain words such as 'wrong idea' and 'misunderstanding' and the 'women hey' jibe that was made in that conspiratorial male understanding of the expression. No doubt it was accompanied by knowing smiles and rolling of eyes. Brooke was seething. Goddamn Scott for making light of her horrible experience. He was clearly taking Chases' side of the event. Typical man!

"So you spoke to him right?" she said as he stepped back into the apartment, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah," he smiled in return, "he said it was all a misunderstanding and he apologizes if you think he said anything inappropriate."

"Inappropriate! Misunderstanding!" Brooke flared, "he ... he ..."

She paused when she saw Scott looking at her. She knew if she went any further she'd have to reveal exactly what Chase had said to her and exactly what he'd done to her. She decided she didn't want to do that, instantly rationalizing that she didn't want to see Scott confront Chase and it turn violent. She'd seen enough fights in the bar to last her a lifetime.

"Oh just forget it ..." she said vehemently.

She calmed herself down but was irritated when she saw that Scott looked relieved. Later Brooke wondered why she didn't want to talk to her husband about the incident. Was she embarrassed? Was it because maybe she thought IT WAS her fault? And why was she calling it an incident. Chase had actually physically man-handled her. He'd sexually assaulted her, hadn't he?

She shook her head as she cast her mind back trying to recall if she had ever done anything that might have led Chase to believe he could act that way towards her? Or was it the realization that deep down she had experienced a cheap thrill and was now ashamed of herself? Or was she simply overreacting? Or was it she was trying to protect her man from ... what?

With nothing in her mind resolved and more confused than ever Brooke decided that the only way to deal with the situation was to try and ignore Chase as much as she could. That and get Scott to do the laundry from now on.

The New Work Uniform

Brooke had been working part time in Garry Kubiak's Bar and Grill for five years. She hadn't intended to be there for that long. It was a stop gap temporary job until she got her degree. But now, even though she had her degree she was still there, seemingly happy stuck in her comfort zone.

Business was always brisk and she enjoyed her work, especially the camaraderie with the rest of the staff and she'd never thought about changing her job. That was until the day Garry held a staff meeting to announce a major change to his business.

Garry was a greedy man, married to a woman with grandiose ideas of living the high life. She wanted the wealth and prestige, the mansion in the hills along with the de-rigour Country Club membership. In her opinion, although Garry was making a decent living she felt it should be so much better. So to achieve his goal she'd coerced him into signing a franchise agreement with a well known pub chain.

As soon as he uttered the name Brooke was horrified. She knew there was a standard uniform that all the waitress and bar staff were required to wear. And it was skimpy to say the least. She also knew that most of the waitresses would have to leave. They were simply too old to fit the new criteria.

"I can't wear this," Brooke said to Scott as she stood before him in their apartment modeling the new uniform that had been issued to her that day. She tugged at the hem of her short plaid skirt trying to pull it down but it made no difference. It still displayed more of her shapely thighs than she was comfortable with.

Scott was transfixed. He could barely take his eyes off her breasts. A white crop top was tied beneath the cleavage revealing plaid bra that matched her skirt. The bra was so low cut she was now displaying a vast amount of her large boobs to the world.

Scott couldn't get over the way her breasts undulated up and down as she breathed. God only knows what they would look like when she walked around. He felt his cock swelling inside his pants just at the thought of them jiggling up and down and the effect that would have on male customers.

"It's ... it's not so bad," he croaked out hoarsely. He couldn't believe how sexy she looked. Sure she was his wife and he'd seen her wearing a bikini on holiday that was just as revealing but for some reason this was so different. Seeing her so scantily clad for work and knowing that other men would see so much of her too gave him a feeling in the pit of his stomach that both excited and disturbed him. And that conflict of emotions worried him.

"I don't think I can wear it. What will our regulars say when they see me dressed like this?" she asked as she nervously chewed on her bottom lip. "I'm going to have to quit," she eventually added.

Scott knew Brooke was concerned. Despite her athletic body, gorgeous curves and good looks, surprisingly she sometimes lacked self confidence and could be quite conservative. It had taken a lot of nerve for her to take the job with Garry in the first place but as she matured she'd become more self confidant about how she looked but now this change was threatening to set her right back again.

"We can't afford for you to quit," Scott replied. "Look, why don't you try it for a week or so. It might not be as bad as you think and you can always look for another job in the meantime."

"Okay ... if you're sure," she answered hesitantly. "So you really think it looks okay?"

"I'm sure," Scott replied, sounding more confidant than he felt. "Except for those white knee length stockings and black pumps. Fuck me they're hideous! Be much better with white nylon stockings, a garter belt and black stilettos," he added with a cheeky grin.

"Pervert," Brooke snapped back although she too was smiling. That was Scott, always able to lighten up her darkest of moods with a stupid joke. But at least she felt a little bit better about herself and how she looked in the uniform.

The first day the revamped Garry's Bar and Grill opened was the busiest day they'd had in months. The place swarmed with people although as Brooke looked around the packed out bar she noticed that not many of them were the bar's regular clientele. They were all new customers and predominantly men of a certain age and appearance.

Garry had been busy and had recruited more staff as all of his previous employees had quit. Only Brooke had decided to remain and even she wasn't sure for how long. It hadn't bothered Garry unduly as they were generally older and not that attractive. And under pressure from his wife, he'd also stepped back from the front line and appointed a new manager to run the bar.

At first incredibly self conscious about her appearance Brooke soon forgot all about her skimpy uniform as the work piled up. So many inpatient people all wanting food and beer at the same time and not enough staff to cope with the rush.

At the end of the first day she had to stay behind to help wash the dishes and generally clean up. She was exhausted when she finally clambered into bed at two in the morning.

And so it had continued. They always seemed to be understaffed and the waitresses were required to help out the kitchen staff all the time, which added to their already busy workload. Her part time job was becoming almost full time. As her weariness grew so her home life took a tumble.

Loving time with Scott became virtually non existent and their sex life had disappeared completely. When he pestered her for sex the defence mechanism honed by her workplace experiences would kick in.

She got hit on relentlessly. The regular clientele that had graced Garry's Bar and Grill had all now disappeared to be replaced with men that seemed to think they were gods gift to the scantily clad staff.

And then to Brooke's horror and discomfort Chase began to come in from time to time. He knew she worked there so had taken to stalking her. She'd spotted him immediately the first time and as she didn't want to deal with him had asked a colleague to swap tables. The next time he came in and she did the same, he changed his table as well.

Resigned to the fact he would always sit in whichever area she was covering she decided to put up with him as best she could. So when he came in she would barely converse with him except to take his order and she always made sure she stood as far away from him as possible. He just smiled or grinned or leered at her when she behaved like that, which just infuriated her more. It was all a big game to him and that irked her.

During their brief training course the girls had been encouraged to flirt with their male customers, to touch them lightly on the shoulder or the arm as they leaned over to put their drinks or food down on the table, making sure that their boobs were on display. They said it was a way to make more in tips. The problem was that some of the male customers thought this gave them carte blanche to act inappropriately. It was difficult to maintain your dignity and stay calm when some drink emboldened men would think it was perfectly all right to run their hands up your legs or sometimes even touch your ass.

Brooke had put up with this for a while but had started to look for another job. Complaining to Garry's new manager had been a waste of time. In fact he just leered at her boobs as if indicating it was her fault that men hit on her. Despite her strong desire to get away she knew they needed her wage so was compelled to continue working.

Buck Rogers was his name. He was a big, burly man with a really bad attitude. He had become a regular nuisance, frequenting the bar on an almost daily basis. He was an acquaintance of the manager and because of this his boorish behavior was seemingly tolerated, even when he went around the pub chatting to people as if he had some say in the way things were run. He also seemed to think that being a regular gave him free license to play with the female staff. He seemed particularly keen on Brooke.

Over the months she'd fended him off as best she could and had become quite adept at avoiding him. But on this particular day and being tired, her defenses were a little off.

Brooke was panicking. He'd got her trapped in a quieter, less frequented part of the bar and was trying to grope her tits. She was seconds away from screaming when Buck was dragged forcibly backwards away from her to land at her feet curled up into a ball. She looked up to see Chase standing over him.

"You okay?" Chase asked.

"Yeah ... yeah I'm fine," she stammered as she tried to control her breathing.

"Hey buddy, you're going to have to leave ... right now!" The manager had come storming over.

Brooke jumped in front of him. "No Jimmy, you've got it all wrong. He was defending me from Buck. He ... that is Buck ... he was molesting me and Chase here pulled him off."

"I don't give a flying fuck who did what," Jimmy stormed, ignoring Brooke and staring at Chase, "you can't go around hitting people for no reason. By rights I should call the cops. But I won't this time. So I suggest you go right now and don't ever come back."

"But Jimmy, you can't do that. Didn't you hear what I said? If you're going to ban anyone it should be Buck not Chase. All he did was defend me," Brooke pleaded.

"It's okay sweet cheeks," Chase said with a smile as he shrugged his shoulders, "I'll go. I only came in here to see you anyway. It certainly wasn't for the beer or the food." He paused as he glared at the manager, "and by the way BUDDY - your food sucks!"

Brooke watched as Chase walked away. She turned to Jimmy. "I'm going home. I don't feel well. I'll be back in for my shift tomorrow." She turned and hurried out after Chase, catching him as he was about to get into his car.

"Chase, wait up I need to talk to you," she called out.

He turned and leaned against his car and watched her running towards him, her blonde tresses flowing and her breasts flopping up and down and marveling at how they could stay contained within her cleavage revealing bra.

"What can I do for you sugar?" he said as she came to halt in front of him.

"I'd just like to say thank you. No I mean it," she said when she saw the smile appear on Chases' lips. "If you hadn't pulled him off me I've no idea what I would have done."

"No problem Brooke. You were in need and I was glad I was there. No thanks are necessary." He climbed into his car.

"Oh, one more thing ..." he said.

"Yes?" said Brooke as she instinctively leaned down into the car. Chase grabbed her and pulled her to him. His lips found hers. She struggled at first but soon found herself almost kissing him back. His lips were so soft yet the kiss was so hard. As he pushed her away she was left gasping for air. Her heart was pounding wildly inside her chest.

"You bastard, why did you do that?" she said angrily, quickly regaining her senses although she was struggling and failing to quell the feeling that was now coursing hotly through her body. The kiss had set all her nerve ends tingling.

"Call it my reward," Chase smirked as he threw the car into gear and sped off, pulling the car door closed as he did.

Brooke watched him go, standing there longer than she perhaps should have, licking her lips from time to time as if savoring the kiss. Finally snapping out of her thoughts she went to her car and drove home.

* * * * *

Over the next few weeks Brooke successfully managed to avoid running into Chase as Scott was still doing the laundry. But despite her best efforts she did bump into him every now and again.

And now she was confused. The obnoxious, arrogant demeanor that had been his modus operandi had gone to be replaced by a gentler more caring facade. He was polite to a fault, asking her how she was doing, how was her search for a new job going, was she having any more problems at work?

Instead of coming onto her like he had done so many times in the past, now he seemed genuinely interested in her as a person not just a female with a fit body that he lusted after. Sure he still looked at her body with an undisguised longing but so did most men including Scott's friends, so that on it's own didn't bother her anymore. Her cold feelings about him began to thaw a little. She was still wary but maybe she might have been wrong about him?