The Interview Project Pt. 03


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B-I remember Dru set you up with Jerry and she described you two as "doing the dirty monkey dance." I always remember that.

M-(laughs) All righty then! If that's what she wants to call it. That is kind of like what it was. There was a lot there chemistry-wise, but as far as a relationship, not really, I guess. That's all it was-just a one night stand. We talked afterwards and everything but...Okay, well, then there was Jeff. We had sex twice. He was like a one-night stand that happened twice. We talked about the first time. The second time, he invited me, we started to watch ARMAGEDDON. This is another one of those movies that I've never seen all of the movie. GONE IN 60 SECONDS, SLEEPY HOLLOW, BLESS THE CHILD and MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING-those are all movies I never made it through 'cause I watched them with guys. We started watching that but I started kissing him and he started doing these little...just like rubbing my arm or my back and that was nice. He said, "You started it so you finish it." So I did! (laughs) We had sex that night. We started out on the couch but ended up on the floor. It was good. We were going at it for awhile but then, in the aftermath of it, when we were still kind of entangled and both still naked, his roommate walks into the house and we were right there in the living room! (laughter) Totally embarrassed! That was one of those embarrassing sex moments. His roommate walks in; it was, like, "Oh. Ha, ha. ...Uh, hi! Could you hand me a blanket?" Oh, yeah. That reminds me. I also had a booty call! See, I met Jeff in college. We had the same class together but he wasn't paying much attention to me so I would dress to attract his attention.

B-Actually, as I recall, you ripped the side of your skirt so high it nearly fell off.

M- (laughs) I didn't do that on purpose! Not the first couple of times.

B- But eventually.

M-Well...yeah, because it helped a little. The problem is, it didn't stop ripping. See! It wanted to be ripped! But it wasn't working anyway. I wanted to have sex again so Drusilla gave me some advice and I took her advice. I went up to him between classes and I said to him very plainly, "I wanna fuck!" He was kind of taken aback and said, "All right, then, I'll see what I can do about that." (laughter) Then a couple of days went by and I was feeling better. You know, like you feel when you know you're gonna get laid and you're really looking forward to it. I bought lingerie and everything but then, that night, I met Gene. Gene and I went out and had coffee and it was neat. Oh my gosh, it was great. But then, I got home and turned on my cell phone and Jeff had called. He was drunk and he said, "Hey. Guess what? I wanna fuck! You've got tonight to be here." I'm like, "Give me a break. I don't think so, honey. You can do better than this. I know you can." Yeah, that was my booty call that I did not answer.

B- Not counting that guy that walked in on you, have you ever been with two or more guys at once?


B-Would you like to try that?

M- That's...interesting. I don't know. I would have to consider that if and when the opportunity arose.

B- How about women? Have you ever been with a woman or would you like to be?

M- No and I don't think so.

B-Have you ever been filmed or photographed having sex...that you know of?

M- (laughs) No, but it's...not a bad idea.

B- How are you on bondage? Have you ever been tied up or would you like to be?

M- Have not been yet but would like to be.

B- Under what circumstances would you see that happening?

M-With a guy that I really trusted and felt comfortable with. Not just with him but with he and I in that particular type of situation.

B- Have you tried anal sex?

M- Now are you talking about actual anal sex or doggie style?

B- Actual anal sex.

M- No and I don't think I'd like it.

B- Do you like having your ass played with at all?

M- Have not really before but I don't know about that one.

B- Do you like it when a guy goes down on you?

M-Yes, very much! I like the feelings, the sensations. It also depends on the guy, too. With Jerry, that was really, really good. Oh, Jeff did that, too. Jeff wasn't bad. Jeff was pretty good. You know, this is nice talking about guys. Not like rating them but it's like giving your opinions. Guys can do this about women but they're offended when we do it. It's that whole double standard thing again and that bothers me, too. But this is really nice.

B-Thank you. Do you like to go down on guys?

M- I have before. I did with Graham, did not with Vic, did, that one was an "almost" and "almosts" don't count. Let's, not with him. Oh, yeah, I did with Jeff and Jeff was the last guy I did and that was good.

B -But overall, it sounds like it's not something you go out of your way to do, would you say that?

M-There have been times when I've wanted to and I did with Jeff. Kind of depends on the guy.

B- Was it all the way to completion?

M- Yes!

B- Did you swallow?

M-...Is that a bad thing?

B-Are you kidding. Most guys will tell you it's the most erotic thing they can think of but an awful lot of women find it disgusting and dirty and just won't even consider doing it, no matter how much it turns on the man


M- Then, yes.

B-Did you like the taste?

M-I think I might have wanted a glass of water afterwards. I want a glass of water after ice cream, though.

B-Have you had a "69?"

M- No. Probably would've but I was on my period. I think it would be cool, though.

B- Do you enjoy sexy lingerie?

M-I absolutely love it! That's one of my favorite things! I can't wait to wear it again. Oh my gosh, yes! I love it.

B-I'll take that as a "yes." Do you talk dirty to guys?

M-I haven't but I think I would.

B-Do you like to have them talk dirty to you?


B-Would you ever consider taking money for sex?

M- Depends. You see, this is such a complicated issue with me. Oh my gosh. I think that business should be respected.

B-I meant if you were not technically in that business.

M-Honey, no one's technically in that business.

B-If you were desperate for rent money, for example.

M-I might. It would...depend on several different factors. It would probably become a profession if I did, though, and I wouldn't be cheap. I'm worth a hell of a lot more than that.

B-Of all the different positions you've tried, what's your favorite?

M-Well, I've only done this once but it felt really, really good when we did it that way-what people refer to as "doggie-style." It was soooo different. It was...Mmmm!

B- You know that's actually the most natural position?

M- No! Bloody Hell! When did this happen? What the fuck?

B-Why do you think they call face-to-face the "missionary position?" It was when the Christian missionaries brought their beliefs to the natives in the islands and jungles. The natives were doing it doggie-style because it was the most natural way and it felt the best. The missionaries felt that only animals who were not "with God" should have sex without facing each other. Humans should be more "civilized" than that. So they taught the natives this new position and as Christianity became the most acceptable religion, that became the only allowable position among "good", God-fearing humans. Before that, men and women generally did NOT...

M_...have face-to-face. Oh my gosh! That is just bizarre!

B-Like I said, doggie-style is THE most natural position.

M- Well, no wonder we all like doing it that way. (laughs)

B- Tell me about something you've never tried but would like to try.

M- I feel like the being tied up or my hands being held. That's one thing but then I've always wondered about Ben-Wa Balls. I know I have some but I've never used them. I think I will, though. Maybe tonight when I get home from this. I first found out about them from a romance book and then I found some and I'm, like, "these things DO exist! Oh my gosh!"

B- What's something you'd never try, keeping in mind that most of what I referred to as kinky in the preceding questions is now considered more-or-less normal in most places? There's a hell of a lot of REALLY kinky stuff out there.

M-Yeah, I know. I don't think I would have any interest in being whipped. That just comes to mind from books I've read. No. I'll say that.

B-Name some of the more unusual places you've had sex.

M- In the bathtub, in the shower-the shower's really good! Wetter. In the car-in the front seat, in the backseat...

B-In the trunk.

M-Stop that! Yeah, that was with the first two guys I had sex with. After that, it kind of died off and got normal again. Go figure. Back seat was the first guy. Front seat was the first time I had sex with the second guy. That was the first time I'd had sex in a long time and that did hurt a little but other than that it felt better than the other one-a lot better than the other one.

B-Does size really matter?

M-It makes a difference but...Are you sure you really want to know this as a guy? It does. It makes a difference. Also, the guy makes a difference.

B-Have you ever had sex on a first date?

M-YES! (laughter)

B-How can you rationalize doing that these days?

M- (laughs) That's a really good question. My passions control me. I don't really control my passions.

B-Don't you worry about diseases?

M- Condoms. They are your friends.

B- Do you carry them with you?

M- Condoms or diseases? Yes, condoms. No, diseases. (laughs)

B-How many pregnancy tests have you taken?


B-Do you practice any birth control other than condoms?

M- Well, I'm off and on the Pill.

B- Off and on? That really doesn't help in the long run, does it?

M- No. It doesn't. (laughter) Which is why I always...TRY to use condoms!

B- How many times have you had unprotected sex?

M- It was with Vic. He's the only guy that I had unprotected sex with but he'd been tested. Haven't since and I don't intend to. The whole birth control thing? I feel as if I got pregnant and we had used...oh, shit! There was one other time that was unprotected. I just forgot it was unprotected. I didn't actually forget that I'd been with this guy 'cause he's up there at number one! Oh, shit! On the list of guys I had sex with, I can't believe I left him out! Dammit! I'm sorry. I feel like I should call and apologize to him now. He really was the best one. His name was Anthony. He was number five. Anthony was the one that was "doggie-style" as they refer to it.

B-You really don't have to keep qualifying that. It really is what it's called.

M- But it seems so bizarre! (laughs) As far as I'm concerned, he was number one. Well, he was number five but he was number one, y'know?

B- How do you relate sex to love?

M- Two totally different things that should interchange. Sex is sex and you can have sex with numerous people and not be in love. That's lust, which is a part of sex. But when you have sex with someone you love, it becomes part of love. That's when I would call it "making love." I view them as two different things that are interconnected.

B-Knowing what you know now, what might you have done differently in your sex life?


B-Are you perfectly comfortable with who you are and how you got here?

M-Yeah, I am. I wouldn't change anything. I don't apologize for anything I've done and there's nothing I would change.

B-How will you tell your children about sex?

M- I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. It's a good question but it's at least ten years away. Maybe less than that. If they start asking when they're five...I'm twenty now and I'm not even pregnant yet. I feel like I could get pregnant at any point in time. I'm not planning on it but I feel like, if you get pregnant and you've used condoms and you're kind of on birth control...

B- Yeah, kind of.

M- (laughs)'s meant to happen and that could happen at any given point in time.

B- Do you really like sex or do you just like the intimate aspects of it-the closeness with another person?

M- I like both. I like sex more all the time but I really do like...I think it's beginning to get more of an even balance whereas before I do think I preferred the intimacy with people. I have always loved sex. Even when I was first reading about sex, I loved sex! I like sex and I want to become one of those little old ladies who likes sex.

B-Why did you want to do this interview? As you know, I was against including you at first but you lobbied for it and, eventually, I gave in.

M-Because I wanted my thoughts and feelings regarding sex at this time in my life to be heard. As you know, with my family, it is not an okay thing. With me, it is an okay thing that should be okay for other young girls out there. They shouldn't feel like their sexuality is something to be suppressed. It should be welcomed and encouraged. At the same time say, "Hey, you gotta be safe about this and really think about this before you get into it." Hopefully, someone will read my experiences and go "Hey, I've had that kind of thing happen to me, too." Or , "Oh my gosh, someone else has!" and they'll know they are not alone and that how they are really is normal. Hey, I really have to go to the bathroom. Let's get going.

B- Thank you, Meg.

M- You're welcome.


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BelegonBelegonabout 19 years ago
It's Got Me Thinking...

...where I find myself both wondering how women I know would answer these questions and how I might be referred to if some of my ex's went through an interview of this sort.

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